Darlington Farmers Auction Mart held their weekly sale of Prime Stock on Thursday 8th July 2021. Forward were 214 Cattle, 3048 Sheep and 11 Pigs.
90 Prime Bulls sold to 264ppk or £2086
37 Prime Steers sold to 268ppk or £2041
82 Prime Heifers sold to 287ppk or £1692
5 Cast Cows sold to 218ppk or £1944
1753 New Season Lambs sold to 300ppk or £144
159 Prime Hoggs sold to 229ppk or £140
1136 Cast Ewes & Rams sold to £148
11 Prime Pigs sold to 120ppk or £111
Prime Bulls (90) – On the whole less quality forward however a sale average of 213ppk once again places us at the top end of the available outlets this week. Leading the way was a wonderful 731kg British Blue bull from regular sellers A S & S M Kemp, Whitwell Farm, Sherburn which sold for a most impressive 264 pence per kilo and £1929. Amazingly another dozen bulls sold beyond 250 pence and credit to J B Thompson of Stainby House, Grantham who tonight views 8 of these 250ppk plus bulls on his statement. Despite the aforementioned Kemp consignment claiming 5 of the top 6 gross values in the bull ring it was a raider from North of the border who led the way; a marvellous 35 month old 873kg Limousin from W A Fettes, Braes of Enzie, Aberdeenshire reached a terrific £2086. Little doubting that both the Native breeds and the Holstein Friesians were well represented and between them enjoyed some terrific returns, Aberdeen Angus as high as £1668 from Nutholm Farm, Lockerbie and 217ppk from S N Bird & Sons, Elwick; the top black and white this week was a superstar as D & C A Henry of Deighton perfectly presented a Friesian to sell for 220ppk and £1546.
W Barron, Burnhope sold 2 Bulls to average 251ppk and £1778
R P & D L Hutchinson, Newark sold 3 Bulls to average 244ppk and £1510
J B Thompson, Grantham sold 15 Bulls to average 244ppk and £1411
D H Lawson, Leyburn sold 2 Bulls to average 232ppk and £1637
A S & S M Kemp, Sherburn sold 11 Bulls to average 231ppk and £1774
F W Hodgson & Son, Staindrop sold 2 Bulls to average 231ppk and £1735
L R Welsh, Spennymoor sold 3 Bulls to average 228ppk and £1709
W A Fettes, Aberdeenshire sold 3 Bulls to average 223ppk £1728
Continental Bulls – Top prices ppk 264 250 247 244 239 235×2 225 218 AS&SM Kemp. 260 253×2 252 251 250×3 246 245 242 240 232×2 JB Thompson. 252 250 W Barron. 250 242 RP&DL Hutchinson. 246 221 220 LR Welsh & Co. 239 231 220 Messrs WA Fettes. 237 228 DH Lawson. 236 MI Wainwright. 234 228 FW Hodgson & Son. 229 216 GH Farms. 226 W Swinbank & Sons.
Lead Grossing Continental Bulls £2086 £1637 £1628 Messrs WA Fettes. £1929 £1863 £1861 £1849 £1837 £1785 £1782 £1780 £1669 £1369 AS&SM Kemp. £1837 £1720 W Barron. £1822 £1648 FW Hodgson & Son. £1782 £1766 LR Welsh & Co. £1671 DH Lawson. £1668 £1624 W Swinbank & Sons. £1613 GH Farms. £1607 £1548 £1532 £1510 £1487 £1485 £1476 £1450 JB Thompson. £1604 DH Lawson.
Friesian Bulls – Top prices ppk 198 186 R Hall & Son. 193 190 189 178 JA&A Herbert. 185 184×2 182J&JH Musgrave. 182 180 D&CA Henry. 181 180 169 D Walker. 179 JE&B Morgan & Sons. 178 174 JM&S Walton. 174 158 R Carter. 170 168 G Bolton.
Lead Grossing Friesian Bulls £1279 £1170 D&CA Henry. £1223 £1003 JM&S Walton. £1183 £1110 £1083 £1024 J&JH Musgrave. £1180 £1017 R Hall & Son. £1139 £1057 R Carter & Son. £1101 £1035 £951 D Walker. £1075 £1030 £1022 JA&A Herbert. £878 £848 G Bolton.
Native Breed Bulls – Top prices ppk 217 210 200 199 SN Bird & Sons. 202 193 188 JT Layfield & Sons. 202 196 189 C&M Atkinson & Sons. 195 JE&B Morgan & Sons. 182 AS&SK Kemp. 160 D Holmes.
Lead Grossing Native Breed Bulls £1668 D Holmes. £1523 AS&SM Kemp. £1446 £1279 £1218 JT Layfield & Sons. £1270 £1153 £1122 C&M Atkinson & Sons. £1249 £1201 £1195 £1150 SN Bird & Sons. £1199 JE&B Morgan & Sons.
Clean Cattle (119) – God bless Gareth Southgate and his band of ‘Merry Men’ who continue to win and by doing so rapidly assist the re-stocking of barbeques across this great nation. The clean beef trade then proved to be very good again with another heifer average close to 255 pence per kilo. From Wembley to Wimbledon as serving another ace this week were Imogen and Robin Hirst of Neasham Grange when they topped the sale at 287 pence per kilo with a delicious 533kg Limousin heifer, 16 great sorts in the Neasham pen also deservedly led the days averages. Top gross valued heifer was again a Limousin, this on over from Egremont Cumbria and the good yard of J J Crichton when she weighed 611kg and sold for 277ppk £1692. The steer race was both keen and close again, coming out on top was a shapely 594kg Limousin from W Swinbank & Sons, Caldwell selling for 268ppk. The top gross value once again went to Scorton and Barker Farming Partnership, in the £2000 plus club is where they like to be and this weeks 823kg Limousin again humiliated the despicable deadweight highway robbers out there once again. Below are some of the top averages today.
R Hirst, Neasham sold 16 Heifers to average 271ppk and £1475
J J Crichton, Egremont 3 Heifers, 1 Steer to average 270ppk and £1570
A Crowder, Butsfield sold 1 Heifer, 1 Steer to average 268ppk and £1672
J&A&DA Horn, Billingham sold 3 Heifers to average 268ppk and £1453
J L Marks, Bishopton sold 3 Heifers, 1 Steer to average 265ppk and £1379
Askwiths, Crook sold 4 Heifers, 1 Steer to average 261ppk and £1549
W Swinbank & Sons, Caldwell 3 Heifers, 4 Steers to average 260ppk and £1489
Barker Farming Partnership, Scorton sold 4 Steers to average 246ppk and £1927
Steers – Top prices ppk 268 265×2 264 W Swinbank & Sons. 264 JL Marks. 260 A Crowder. 258 JJ Crichton. 258 Messrs WA Fettes. 256 248 RD Musgrave. 255 LR Welsh & Co. 248×2 244×2 Barker Farming Partnership. 248 243 241 234 232 MI Wainwright. 247 Askwiths. 236 214 207 Jack Henshaw. 231 LW Martin. 229 218 GW&L Marsay. 220 216 214 208G Bird & Sons. 215 212×2 204 TN Hodgson & Sons. 204 T Watson.
Lead Grossing Steers £2041 £1976 £1864 £1830 Barker Farming Partnership. £2007 Messrs WA Fettes. £1711 LR Welsh & Co. £1700 A Crowder. £1675 £1441 £1433 £1411 MI Wainwright. £1672 Askwiths. £1651 JJ Crichton. £1594 £1591 £1499 £1486 W Swinbank & Sons. £1505 £1308 RD Musgrave. £1487 DI Metcalf. £1471 £1434 Jack Henshaw. £1423 £1409 £1333 £1322 TN Hodgson & Sons. £1422 JL Marks. £1397 LW Martin. £1353 £1322 £1319 G Bird & Sons.
Heifers – Top prices ppk 287 280×2 279 278 276×2 275×2 273 271×2 270 269 R Hirst. 284 275 JL Marks. 279 277 273 272×2 262 JV&JA Hodgson. 278 265 263 J&A&DA Horn. 277 271 MI Wainwright. 277 A Crowder. 277 275×2 JJ Crichton. 273 267 K&A Harker. 271 269 266 Askwiths. 268 258 JJ Kemp & Son. 265 RD Musgrave. 264 261 JM Ramsay & Son. 262 W Barron. 262 W Swinbank & Sons. 261 258 EW Grieves.
Lead Grossing Heifers £1692 £1534 JJ Crichton. £1667 £1638 £1631 £1501 MI Wainwright. £1649 £1474 TC Walton. £1645 A Crowder. £1628 £1602 £1585 £1569 £1551 JV&JA Hodgson. £1598 £1563 £1544 Askwiths. £1565 £1534 £1529 £1518 £1515 £1507 £1506 £1495 R Hirst. £1493 £1412 K&A Harker. £1489 RD Musgrave. £1479 JL Marks. £1472 £1455 EW Grieves. £1462 £1454 £1442 J&A&DA Horn. £1455 £1425 W Swinbank & Sons. £1415 JM Ramsay & Son. £1410 J Richmond.
Cast Cows (5) – Just a handful of cows presented however such was the quality they are most worthy of their own report, top of the day a staggering 218 pence per kilo with one and £1944 the other from R P & D L Hutchinson Ltd, Newark. The five old girls forward from 2 good homes averaged a bewildering £1417 and 185ppk.
Cast Cows – Top prices ppk 218 210 RP&DL Hutchinson. 178 163 146 P Tindale.
Lead Grossing Cast Cows £1944 £1687 RP&DL Hutchinson. £1304 £1202 £947 P Tindale.
New Season Lambs (1753) – More on offer and the trade staying very firm, as always in Darlington we play straight and weigh straight therefore the 253 pence per kilo and £106 average is absolutely marvellous for mid-July. The top slots today belonged to Dromonby Bridge Farm who showcased their pure Texel breeding to its maximum, both the top of 300 pence per kilo (40kg £120) and top gross of £144 went home with the Kirby in Cleveland based firm. Some 30 pens of lambs sold for £120 and beyond with bidding passing 270 pence per kilo on 38 occasions. The usual comparison to this week last year has us 27 pence per kilo ahead.
Lambs – Top prices ppk 300 297 291 269 Dromonby Bridge. 297 285 DL&D Lovegreen. 295 G Thompson & Sons. 292 283 282 280 PJ&MP Gilhespy. 290 W.K M.M Lamb. 286 W Kirk & Sons. 285 C Moralee & Sons. 282 RG Richardson. 280 S&D Ferrie. 278 F Ward. 277 HT Davies & Partners. 277×2 JE Suddes & Son. 275 M Navazi. 275 273 M&A Gaskin. 274 HT Davies & Partners. 273 P&CM Graham. 273 F&JS Gargett. 272 270 AWSM Farms.
Lead Grossing Lambs £144 £124 £120 £118.50 £117 Dromonby Bridge. £138.50 £133 JE Suddes & Son. £137.50 £120.50 M&A Gaskin. £137 DL&D Lovegreen. £134 F&JS Gargett. £134 £124×2 AWSM Farms. £134 £125 D&PH Brown. £130 G Thompson & Sons. £130 FP&IM Jefferson. £129 DWT Davies. £128 £125 W.K M.M Lamb. £127 RG Richardson. £125 WR Thompson. £124 Ivan Walker. £123 C Moralee & Sons. £121.50 £120×2 PJ&MP Gilhespy. £121 M Navazi.
Prime Hoggs (159) – The hoggs continue along the yellow brick road, they seem to have appeared from nowhere this summer. More success for the Texel’s of Dromanby Bridge Farm as they led the sale at £140 whilst the top price per kilo went to Bowes Brothersof Stillington at 229ppk. Still the remarkable hoggs which include all shapes and sizes averaged 196ppk and £89.
Hoggs – Top prices ppk 229 Bowes Bros. 215 205 J Shadforth. 213 H Emerson. 205 TH Richardson & Son. 205 200 PJ Tindale. 202 Dromonby Bridge. 200 DWT Davies. 195 MW Cook & Son. 194 193 JM&M&C Wise. 189 C Dawson. 187 IR Appleton.
Lead Grossing Hoggs £140 Dromonby Bridge. £120 £107 JM&M&C Wise. £120 FP&IM Jefferson. £118 DWT Davies. £118 IR Appleton. £116 B&SM Rutherford. £115 TH Richardson & Son. £115 £109 H Emerson. £115 Thoresby Livestock. £114 F&JS Gargett. £112.50 Bowes Bros.
Cast Ewes & Rams (1136) – Over boils the ewe trade somewhat, still healthy and we have certainly seen it worse however with numbers nationally rising massively to cater for Qurbani the peak may well have been earlier this week, a mountain of hill ewes included today reduced the average to £77. Top price a powerful ram from F & J S Gargett, Westwick selling for £148 with ewes topping at £140 from Ian Kirk, Nottinghamshire. Mule ewes peaked at £108 for some gigantic girls hailed from Crook Foot Farm, Elwick whilst the plethora of Swaledale’s peaked at £88. The continental ewes on display averaged three figures and whilst some might feel disappointment the ewe trade remains good just not electric as we witnessed on Monday evening this week.
Lead Grossing Cast Sheep £148 £120 F&JS Gargett. £140 £128 £124 Ian Kirk. £134 £128 JV Hodgson & Son. £130 £118 J Hird. £127 RA Patterson & Son. £127 PJ&MP Gilhespy. £125 B&L Robson. £124×2 JC Johnson. £124 £120 JM&M&C Wise. £124 I Peadon. £123 G Te-Lintelo. £122 W Denham. £120 M Navazi. £120 TH Richardson & Son. £119 G I’Anson. £118 TW&PT Moss Ltd. £117 JE Suddes & Son.
Prime Pigs (11) – More sausages prepare to hit the barbeques as football prepares to come home resulting in another tidy trade for the swine.
Pigs – Top prices ppk 120 100 C Weightman. 110 100×2 J Mitchell & Son.
Lead Grossing Pigs £111 £74 C Weightman. £85 £80×2 J Mitchell & Son.