Big Bank Holiday Store Cattle and Super Single Store Lambs

26th August 2024

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Darlington Farmers Auction Mart held the junior handlers super single store lamb show and sale and also their big Bank Holiday show and sale of store cattle in conjunction with their weekly sale of cast cattle, store and breeding stock on Monday 26th August 2024. Forward were 211 cattle, 1516 sheep and 71 calves.

47 Cast Cattle/OTM sold to 262ppk or £1820
1 Stock Bull sold for 202ppk and £2096
1 Cow & Calf sold for £1800
61 Store Steers sold to £1700
91 Store Heifers sold to £1775
9 Young Bulls sold to £1905
1446 Store Lambs sold to £178
70 Feeding Ewes sold to £137
71 Rearing Calves sold to £675

Big Bank Holiday Show of Store Cattle – A super show in front of our experienced judge and regular DfAM customer Mr Ricky Alder of Woodhill Farm, Ponteland whom we thank for his time and opinion. Tapped out as champion was a wonderful 14-month-old Limousin steer from J & M J Walton, West Shotton Farm, Staindrop which went on to sell later for £1700 to J V & J A Hodgson, The Grange, Summerhouse. Reserve champion went to the winning heifer from first time vendors T W West, Picket Howe Farm, Egremont; a fabulous 18-month-old Limousin cross which went on to sell for £1775 to Gerard Quinn of J E Suddes & Son, Rowley Farm, Cornsay Colliery. The bull class was all about the marvellous 15-17-month-old Limousin’s of J C Thwaite & Son, Cragg Hill Farn, Lartington as they scooped all three rosettes, the top two incredibly sold just a fiver either side of £1900.

Show results as follows:

Champion – J&MJ Walton, West Shotton sold for £1700 to JV&JA Hodgson, The Grange.

Reserve Champion – TW West, Picket Howe Farm sold to £1775 to JE Suddes & Son, Rowley Farm.

Class 1 – Heifer:

1st TW West, Picket Howe Farm sold for £1775.

2nd HS Hutchinson, White House Farm sold for £1525.

3rd TW West, Picket Howe Farm sold for £1725.

Class 2 Steer:

1st J&MJ Walton, West Shotton sold for £1700.

2nd TW West, Picket Howe Farm sold for £1615.

3rd G Beadle, Primrose Hill Farm sold for £1345.

Class 3 Bull:

1st JC Thwaite & Son, Cragg Hill Farm sold for £1895.

2nd JC Thwaite & Son, Cragg Hill Farm sold for £1905.

3rd TC Thwaite & Son, Cragg Hill Farm sold for £1605.

Store Cattle Sale – A well-travelled ringside of buyers came out fighting for the Bank Holiday and a stunning trade ensued, the averages are insane with steers £1398 some £232 up on the year, heifers average £1309 up £189 on the year and a light show of young bulls today averaged a ridiculous £1486. The leading lights were mentioned above; the Thwaite’s dominated the young bulls selling to a top of £1905 with others to £1895 and £1605. In the steers our worthy champion hit the top spot at £1700 from West Shotton Farm, just one bid behind were a classy pair of Limousin’s from T W West, Picket Howe, the same good home also produced no less than the top eight heifer prices on the day to end their first trip across to Darlington with sixteen sensational stores averaging £1683.

Cows & Calves £1800 C Everitt.

Store Bulls £1905 £1895 £1605 JC Thwaite & Son. £1660 £1595 AP Taylor. £1425 £965 JV Hodgson & Son. £1205 £1125 OJ Kendall.

Store Steers £1700 £1585 £1575 £1565 J&MJ Walton. £1695×2 £1675×2 £1655 £1635 £1615 £1585 TW West. £1675 DR Smith. £1655×2 GE Raw. £1605 £1445×3 £1255×5 A Wilson. £1435×2 £1385 £1355×2 £1335×3 £1305×2 HS Hutchinson. £1425 £1345 £1255×2 G Beadle. £1405 £1375×5 £1365 £1315×2 £1255 £1235 Messrs Shepherd. £1395 W Wearmouth & Son. £1335 £1305 F Ward. £1275 I Newton & Son. £1195 TT Hall & Son.

Store Heifers £1775 £1735 £1725×3 £1715 £1705 £1605 TW West. £1575 £1535 £1525 £1455 £1435 DR Smith. £1565 £1485 £1445 £1425 £1355 A Wilson. £1525 £1485 £1425 £1405 £1395 £1385 HS Hutchinson. £1515 £1375×2 JE Holiday & Son. £1485 £1425 JC Thwaite & Son. £1485 WO Grix & Partners. £1455 £1405 F Ward. £1445 £1385×2 W Wearmouth & Son. £1425×2 £1365 HM Dent. £1355 GS Bainbridge. £1345 GW&L Marsay. £1345×2 £1295 Messrs Shepherd.

Super Single Store Lambs – Another great showing from the next generation, numbers of store lambs still behind the prime show to be held later this week but all concerned seemed to enjoy the show, had a flying trade and were well looked after by the generous Dot’s Café who always ensure at these events that the youngsters are well fed and watered. Thanks must go to our judge Peter Tindale of Preston Tilery Farm who kindly offered his time and expertise.
The day belonged to 14-year-old Harry Pattinson who is the number one lambing assistant at Low Hail Farm, Hurworth and was today rewarded for his hard work and dedication with no less than three of the four red rosettes plus the prize for best turned out and to cap it all the overall champion’s trophy. Reserve champion went to a tremendous Blue Texel tup lamb from 15-year-old Katie Lindley, Willowdene, Stockton whilst the showmanship award went to 9-year-old Patrick Dodsworth, Woodbrae, Nenthead for sticking in and winning the fight with a feisty Blackface lamb.
All the youngsters deserve huge credit for a marvellous display of sheep and impressive handling skills. The full show results are listed below.

Best Lamb sired by a Beltex
1st Harry Pattinson, Low Hail
2nd Josh Burton, West Common Top
3rd Jack Sewell, Knavesmire

Best Lamb Sired by a Texel
1st Harry Pattinson, Low Hail
2nd Jack Sewell, Knavesmire
3rd Fred Forster, Killerby

Best Lamb sired by a Native Breed
1st Harry Pattinson, Low Hail
2nd Jack Sewell, Knavesmire
3rd Freddie Dodsworth, Woodbrae
4th Josh Burton, West Common Top

Best Lamb sired by Any Other Continental
1st Katie Lindley, Willowdene
2nd Harry Pattinson, Low Hail

Champion Lamb – Beltex from Harry Pattinson, Low Hail

Reserve Champion Lamb – Blue Texel from Katie Lindley, Willowdene

Best Turned-Out Lamb – Harry Pattinson, Low Hail

Best Showmanship – Patrick Dodsworth, Woodbrae

Store Sheep Sale – The store lamb trade continues in stunning form, forward come the hill gotten lambs in numbers and with those included still a three-figure average was achieved. The magnificent reserve champion Blue Texel tup lamb from Katie Lindley, Willowdene topped the trade at £178 with Harry Pattinson and his champion Beltex next at £148. Behind these, pen after pen sold £120 to £140 as the fancy ones must surely be over 400 pence per kilo and the stronger sorts out of Mule’s are 320-350ppk all day long. Away from the lowland breeds and some stunning returns were apparent; Mule’s sold to £125 from Hudgill Rigg Farm Ltd, Alston whilst Cheviot’s and Blackface sold to £96 and £88 respectively and Herdwick’s a wonderful 94.50 from H Wise, Todds House Farm. Beltex sold as mentioned to £148 with others to £139, Suffolk lambs topped at £139 with Zwartbles to £97, Swaledale to £63 and Shetland’s to £33.

Store Lambs:

Texel – £131 £127 F Watson. £129 £124 £115 WM Bainbridge. £128 H Pattinson. £121 Jack Sewell. £121 C Longstaff. £121 £120 T&C Smith. £120 £115 £114 £113 JR&J Crowe. £119 £112 T Walton. £119 T Grix. £115.50 RA Patterson & Son. £115.50 WB Rutter & Sons. £114 D Alderson.

Beltex – £148 H Pattinson. £139 Josh Burton. £129 £124 £116 Adam Lowson. £128 £126 T&C Smith. £121 C Longstaff. £120 Jack Sewell.

Suffolk – £139 H Pattinson. £122 RA Patterson & Son. £120 W Burton. £118 Josh Burton. £117 TE Dobson. £112 HM&JS Hutchinson.

Continental – £178 K Lindley. £130 H Pattinson. £130 C&I Watson & Sons. £130 Jack Sewell. £130 £121 T&C Smith. £123 £117 D Wearmouth. £120 TE Dobson. £119 RA Patterson & Son. £117 £115 JL Alderson. £115 C&M Burnett.

Mule – £125 Hudgill Rigg Farm Ltd.

Zwartbles – £97 £90 W K Wilkinson & Sons.

Cheviot – £96 F J Dodsworth. £72 J E & A J Mitchell.

Herdwick – £94.50 £70 H Wise. £72 W Burton. £50 H G Spensley & Son.

Blackface – £88 P N Dodsworth. £78 £75 £68 F R & A L Lyth.

Swaledale – £63 J P Richardson.

Feeding Ewes:

Continental – £137 £100 £91 £86 C Harle & Sons. £104 £76 D&JA Teasdale. £90 £88 £80 Cross Farm Wolviston Ltd. £88 C&I Watson & Sons. £88 HG Spensley & Son. £88 JF Henry.

Suffolk – £134 C&I Watson & Sons.

Mule – £110 C&I Watson & Sons.

Texel – £92 A Toward.

Mule – £76 D Alderson. £73×2 A Toward.

Herdwick – £74 H Wise. £68 Hudgill Rigg Farm Ltd.

Cast Cattle – With news already of the flying feeding cattle and the ferocious lamb trade the cows did their bit earlier in the day with trade buoyant for all shapes and sizes to average 179ppk and £1135 per head. A wonderful Aberdeen Angus OTM heifer from J Fletcher, East Muirton Farm topped proceedings at 262 pence and £1820 followed by a fantastic 8-year-old Limousin cow from W Ramsay & Sons, Blakeley Hill Farm at 246ppk and £1805. Pick of the milk cows at 174ppk and £1228 was a Holstein Friesian from Little Newsham Farms whilst the king of the ring was our solitary stock bull a tremendous Stabiliser from Skelton Farming Ltd, Stanghow at 202ppk and £2096.

Cast Cows – Top prices ppk 262 J Fletcher. 246 232 200 W Ramsay & Sons. 240 202 HS Hutchinson. 238 200 186 JJ Dowson. 230 R Hutchinson. 226 Rebecca Appleton. 210 JV Hodgson & Son. 208 190 186 G Scott. 208 196 W Wearmouth & Son. 206 196 W Young. 202 R&RE Everitt. 198 L&BM Kidd & Son. 194 C&N Waters. 194 164 AG Teasdale. 194 178 JLC Welford. 176 FP&IM Jefferson. 174 Little Newsham Farms. 158 G Beadle.

Lead Grossing Cast Cows £1820 J Fletcher. £1805 £1737 £1534 W Ramsay & Sons. £1511 R Hutchinson. £1480 £1175 G Scott. £1473 £1169 HS Hutchinson. £1463 JV Hodgson & Son. £1435 £1341 £1256 JJ Dowson & Son. £1394 Rebecca Appleton. £1354 C&N Waters. £1328 £1121 AG Teasdale. £1262 R&RE Everitt. £1262 W Wearmouth & Son. £1233 £1175 G Scott. £1228 Little Newsham Farms. £1180 L&BM Kidd & Son. £1117 £1100 JLC Welford. £1087 FP&IM Jefferson.

Cast Bulls – Top prices ppk 202 Skelton Farming Ltd.
Lead Grossing Cast Bulls £2096 Skelton Farming Ltd.

Rearing Calves – The day concluded with the rearing calves and they rounded off a full house of fabulous returns as the busy Bank Holiday certainly proved to be one to remember. The calf trade has taken a noticeable lift to see them all in average £431.97 today with the best end now all easily breaching the £600 benchmark. Top of the day at £675 was a smart British Blue bull from Deerness Valley Dairy, Tow Law, the same good home followed at £660 ahead of Wilkinson & Son, Carrsides Farm at £630. More delight for Deerness in the heifer standings as their brilliant British Blue’s stole a march on the filed selling thrice over £600 to a top of £645. Some outstanding returns are listed below.

Parthenais Bulls 2 av – £500
British Blue Bulls 18 av – £473
Limousin Bulls 3 av – £358
Aberdeen Angus Bulls 4 av – £313
Holstein Friesian Bulls 4 av – £302

British Blue Heifers 15 av – £459
Limousin Heifers 3 av – £430
Aberdeen Angus Heifers 11 av – £359
Holstein Friesian Heifer 1 av £155

Steer Calves 10 av £532

Bull Calves

British Blue £675 £660 £630 £550 Deerness Valley Dairy. £630 £620 £600 £595 £590 £540 Wilkinson & Son. £390 £360 RW Raper & Sons. £340 £330 £310 £270 H Gibb & Son. £270 GC&JC Pullan.

Parthenaise £500×2 HM Dent.

Limousin £440 £390 £245 RW Raper & Sons.

Friesian £440 Deerness Valley dairy. £350 £320 RW Raper & Sons.

Angus £415 £300 £290 JT Forster & Son. £250 H Gibb & Son.

Heifer Calves

British Blue £645 £630 £615 £550 Deerness Valley Dairy. £590 £460 £430 Wilkinson & Son. £560 Baysleap Dairy Farm Ltd. £500 £390 GC&JC Pullan. £390 HM Dent. £295 £280 £270 H Gibb & Son. £285 RW Raper & Sons.

Angus £595 £480 £380 £370 £360 £235 Armstrong. £460 £450 Baysleap Dairy Farm Ltd. £230 £220 H Gibb & Son.

Limousin £460 Sanderson & Bell. £460 GC&JC Pullan. £370 RW Raper & Sons.

Steers Calves

British Blue £605 £570 Baysleap Dairy Farm Ltd.

Angus £585 £510 Armstrong. £545 £535 £500 £495 £490 Baysleap Dairy Farm Ltd.

Limousin £490 R&M Scott.