Anniversary Show & Sale of Prime Stock

26th September 2024

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Darlington Farmers Auction Mart held their ‘Anniversary Show & Sale of Prime Stock’ on Thursday 26th September 2024. Forward were 193 cattle and 2389 sheep.

50 Bulls sold to 345ppk & £2596 (average 278ppk)

24 Steers sold to 351ppk & £2184 (average 331ppk)

118 Heifers sold to 388ppk & £2493 (average 344ppk)

1 Cast Cow sold to 264ppk & £1882

2144 Lambs sold to 428ppk & £220

245 Cast Sheep sold to £185

Anniversary week at DFAM continued today with the Show & Sale of Prime stock. A big thank you to the cattle judge Mr C Siswick, Northumberland for casting his expert eye over an exceptional show of Clean Cattle & bulls. DFAM would also like to express their gratitude to the exhibitors and vendors of all the cattle today, and also for their support throughout the year. The first class in the ring to be judged was for overall heifer, a well-supported entry of 18 first class ladies entered the ring in 2 separate groups, such was the quality of this collection of females it was a difficult decision for  the judge, but he finally settled on awarding 1st prize to a colossus of a  Limousin Heifer shown by Mr Alan Barnett, Brinns Farm Shap, she pipped the winner of the much smaller steer class, a Limousin from Barker Farming Partnership, Tancred Grange relegating him to Reserve Champion, to seal victory. Topping the scales at an impressive 729kg she finally went under the hammer for £2493 to birthday boy John Penny, Rawdon – Happy 60th John, whilst the reserve champion weighing in at 654kg was also bought by John Penny for 334ppk & £2184. A small but exceptional show of bulls were on offer to the Judge and once again his choice for the winner couldn’t be disputed, a machine of a Limousin from GK KN & GJ Hird, Meadow View, Whashton weighing in at 703kg was top price at 345ppk & £2425 selling to Worsley Wholesale Meats.

The Champion beast alongside The Judge Mr C Siswick and owner Mr Alan Barnett.

Show results as follows:

Champion: A Barnett, Brinns Farm, Shap sold to 342ppk & £2425 to J Penny & Sons, Rawdon.

Reserve Champion: Barker Farming Partnership, Tancred Grange, Scorton sold to 334ppk & £2184 to J Penny & Sons, Rawdon.

Class 1 – Heifer:

1st A Barnett, Brinns Farm, Shap – Limousin 729kg sold to 342ppk & £2493 purchased by J Penny & Sons, Rawdon.

2nd A Barnett, Brinns Farm, Shap – Limousin 524kg sold to 380ppk & £1991 purchased by Taylor’s Butchers, Darlington.

3rd J Layfield, Nackshivan, Willington – Limousin 527kg sold to 366ppk & £1928 purchased by Worsley Wholesale Meats.

Class 2 – Steer:

1st Barker Farming Partnership, Tancred Grange, Scorton – Limousin 654kg sold to 334ppk & £2184 purchased by John Penny & Sons, Rawdon.

2nd PJ&MP Gilhespy, Low House, Milbourne – British Blue 641kg sold to 334ppk & £2140 purchased by JA Jewitt Ltd, Spennymoor.

3rd Taylor Bros Ltd. Belle Isle, Richmond – Limousin 555kg sold to 327ppk & £1814 purchased by John Penny & Sons, Rawdon.

Class 3 – Bull

1st GK KN & GJ Hird, Meadow View, Whashton – Limousin 703kg sold to 345ppk & £2425 purchased by Worsley Wholesale Meats.

2nd A&D Proctor, Swarland Old Hall, Morpeth – Limousin 631kg sold to 335ppk & £2113 purchased by Worsley Wholesale Meats.

3rd J Norman, Aysdale Gate Farm, Guisborough – Charolais 626kg sold to 339ppk & £2028 purchased by Worsley Wholesale Meats.

Lead Grossing Continental Bulls £2596 £2592£2561 £2385 D Richardson & Co Ltd. £2456 £1975 LS Staley. £2425 £2079 GK KN & GJ Hird. £2419 F&JS Gargett. £2266 £2225 £1890 TW Clark & Son. £2195 £2119 £2096 £2087 £2020 £1942 CH&SE Armstrong. £2164 £2113 A&D Proctor. £2125 JJ Horn. £2033 JJ Kemp & Son. £2028 J Norman. £2003 £1869 PJ&ES Rogerson. £1907 £1812 £1801 TF Bothroyd.

Continental Bulls – Top prices ppk 345 315 GK KN & GJ Hird. 335 327 A&D Proctor. 323×2 309×2 D Richardson & Co Ltd. 315 F&JS Gargett. 315 310 PJ&ES Rogerson. 310 299 TW Clark & Son. 306 279 J Norman. 299 285 278 TF Bothroyd & Son. 298 LW Martin. 290 JJ Horn. 288 285 LS Staley. 286 JJ Kemp & Son. 274 265 262 260×2 CH&SE Armstrong. 268 R Hall & Son.

Friesian Bulls – Top prices ppk 244 R Hall & Son. 228 226 200 MA&PD Foster.
Lead Grossing Friesian Bulls £1643 £1591 £1286 MA&PD Foster. £1454 R Hall & Son.

Native Bulls – Top prices ppk 278 R Hall & Son. 275 A Wilson. 270×2 258 226 CH&SE Armstrong. 265 245 JA&A Herbert.
Lead Grossing Native Bulls £2173 £2124 £1946 £1782 CH&SE Armstrong. £2057 A Wilson. £1829 R Hall & Son. £1643 £1572 JA&A Herbert.

OTM – Top prices ppk 264 F&JS Gargett.
Lead Grossing OTM £1882 F&JS Gargett.

Steers – Top prices ppk 351 348 339 NL Dalton. 350 331×2 WA Armstrong. 346 327 Taylor Bros. 345 336 334 Barker Farming Partnership. 343 NE Dyson. 340×2 339×2 338 M&G Chantrell Ltd. 339 W Swinbank & Sons. 337 TN Callender. 334 PJ&MP Gilhespy. 314 309 DL&D Lovegreen. 300 LW Martin.

Lead Grossing Steers- £2184 £2094 £2076 Barker Farming Partnership. £2164 NE Dyson. £2160 TN Callender. £2142 £2053 NL Dalton. £2140 PJ&MP Gilhespy. £2050 W Swinbank & Sons. £2029 £1959 £1945 £1832 M&G Chantrell LTD. £2002 £1972 WA Armstrong. £1953 £1878 DL&D Lovegreen. £1909 £1814 Taylor Bros LTD.

Heifers – Top prices ppk 388 WA Armstrong. 380 A Barnett. 373 359 JB Luck & Son. 373×2 370 369 368 367 366 365 363 357×2 R Hirst. 371×2 370 369 365 363 360 JV&JA Hodgson. 371 AC Simpson & Son. 370×2 NE Dyson. 370 354 352 M&G Chantrell Ltd. 367 PJ&MP Gilhespy. 367 366 361 359 J Layfield. 366 365×2 Barker Farming Partnership. 366 W Swinbank & Sons. 363 360 359 PJ&MP Gilhespy. 361 357 JC Johnson. 360 TN Callender. 354 NL Dalton.

Lead Grossing Heifers- £2493 £1991 A Barnett. £2344 £2294 £2275 £2238 AC Simpson & Son. £2296 £2238 £2223 NE Dyson. £2238 £2136 JB Luck & Son. £2227 J Layfield. £2211 £2098 £1992 W Swinbank & Sons. £2204 £2184 £2170 £2157 £2109 £2086 £2081 £2080 £2070 £2069 £2051 £2032 £1973 R Hirst. £2203 WA Armstrong. £2192 £2158 £2131 £2095 £2044 £1997 Barker Farming Partnership. £2184 £2086 £2059 £2047 £2006 £1961 WF Hustwit. £2141 £2133 £2120 £2114 £2058 £2014 £1967 JV&JA Hodgson. £2122 £1981 JC Johnson. £2088 £2077 TN Callender. £2073 £2072 £2034 £2025 £2017 PJ&MP Gilhespy. £2048 JM Ramsay & Son. £2020 C Binks & Son. £2014 NL Dalton.

Prime Lambs (2144) – A woeful day outside brought forth a dreadfully sodden show of lambs which sold on the whole to a reduced trade, surprisingly however a handful of special sorts actually saw the top prices on the week go sky high. Weighed straight the sale average of 272ppk and £124 includes lambs from wet to wetter ranging anywhere from 30-70kg.

More accustomed to success in the cattle ring each week it was the sheep enterprise of J V & J A Hodgson, The Grange, Summerhouse that gained them a red rosette in the anniversary show with a smart pen of 45kg Beltex lambs; congratulations go to them as well as to the Lamb’s of Doe Park and to Graham Wood at AWSM Farms who claimed the other tickets.

Show results as follows:

Class 1 – Pen of 5 Lambs

1st JV&JA Hodgson, The Grange, Summerhouse – 5 Beltex 45kg sold to 357ppk & £150 purchased by Lancashire Direct.

2nd W.K M.M Lamb, Doe Park – 5 Beltex 44kg sold to 315ppk & £139 purchased by JA Jewitt Ltd, Spennymoor.

3rd AWSM Farms, Lane Head Farm – 5 Texel 46kg sold to 315ppk & £145 purchased by S.S Meats, West Auckland.

Top prices on the day belonged to three super sheep; a wonderful 49kg Texel lamb from J J Horn, Bushy Park sold for £210 (428ppk) a fantastic 50kg Beltex from S M Donaldson, Bridge Grange sold at £212 (424ppk) and a stunning 55kg Beltex from J Hird, Thornley Close followed at an outstanding £220 (400ppk).

Lambs – Top prices ppk 428 295 JJ Horn. 424 SM Donaldson. 400 J Hird. 368 342 315 300 W.K M.M Lamb. 357 333 310 302×2 300 297 295 JV&JA Hodgson. 346 MJ Blacklidge. 340 JS Brougham. 322 F Shield. 320 297 K&PM Lough. 317 314 306 300×2 K Raine. 315 311 304 302 300×3 298 291 AWSM Farms. 312 PR Weaver. 304 297 295 P Bisby. 304 W&M Knaggs & Son. 302 GF Whitfield. 300 295 T Duckitt. 300 GP&A Carter. 298 BR&RI Routledge. 295 M&A Gaskin. 295 291 JA&A Herbert. 293 I Kirk.

Lead Grossing Lambs £220 J Hird. £212 SM Donaldson. £210 JJ Horn. £180 £153 £146 £144 MJ Blacklidge. £171 £162 £141 W.K M.M Lamb. £170 JS Brougham. £170 £152 £150 £148×2 £145 £140×2 AWSM Farms. £155 F Shield. £152 3145 JH Johnson. £150 3143 JV&JA Johnson. £150 £141 K Raine. £150 £144 £141 J Gilson. £150 £146 £142 M&A Gaskin. £149 £140×3 D&PH Brown. £145 £140 JA&A Herbert. £144 GP&A Carter. £144 I Kirk. £143 IR Appleton. £142 £140 I Burn & Sons. £142 A layfield Farms ltd. £140 F Myers & Sons.

Cast Sheep (245) – The ewe trade in September can historically do just about anything, to average £78 is more than respectable with the best still well over £100. It was nice to see former DfAM employee Hannah Robinson, Whalton, Morpeth topping the day with her Texel tup at £185; second place went to John Horn of Bushy Park following his good day in the lamb ring selling Texel’s to a top of £132 which might even justify an extra hashbrown on next week’s breakfast. Mule ewes to £100, Goats to £82 and horned ewes to £60 are all, as mentioned, perfectly healthy for September.

Lead Grossing Cast Sheep £185 £120 £110 Hannah Robinson. £132 £108 £80 JJ Horn. £130 N&MJ Parkin. £127 £125 YL Simmons. £120 £99 JE Suddes & Son. £120 £100 PR&V Barlow. £120 £90 GF Whitfield. £120 £100 I Spedding. £120 D&HM Hodgson. £118 £114 D Chapman. £116 D&PH Brown. £114 £102 DWT Davies. £107 F Watson. £103×2 JM&S Walton. £100 IR Appleton. £100 JA&B Nappey. £100 A Layfield Farms.