Anniversary Show & Sale

23rd September 2024

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23rd September 2024. Darlington Farmers Auction Mart held their ‘Anniversary Show & Sale of Store Cattle’ alongside their weekly sale of cast cattle, store and breeding stock in conjunction with their fortnightly sale of rearing calves which included a special anniversary show. Forward were 310 cattle, 1857 sheep and 34 calves.

77 Cast Cows & OTM sold to 284ppk or £2003
3 Stock Bulls sold to 212ppk or £1675
18 Stirks sold to £760
4 Cows & Calves sold to £2520
14 Young Bulls sold to £1460
64 Store Steers sold to £1860
126 Store Heifers sold to £1780
1620 Store Lambs sold to £130.50
237 Ewes & Rams sold to £190
34 Rearing Calves sold to £690

Show Cattle
The cattle classes were kindly judged today by Mr Oliver Laws, Rots Farm, Northallerton whom we thank greatly along with our generous regular sponsors. The fourth annual champion at this sale came from Darlington stalwarts the Tindale family of Paradise Farm, Shadforth as they produced a superb 11-month-old Limousin heifer. Picking up the reserve championship was another Durham native, I Oliver, South Brandon Farm with a super smart Limousin steer whilst the red ticket in the bull class went to an expertly reared dairy crossed British Blue from J K Gregory, Porch House Farm.

P Tindale, Paradise Farm sold for £1550 to D Holgate, Wakefield

Reserve Champion
I Oliver, South Brandon sold for £1600 to A G Watson & Sons, Rushyford

Best Heifer
1st P Tindale, Paradise Farm sold for £1550 to D Holgate, Wakefield
2nd I Oliver, South Brandon sold for £1310 to W Swinbank & Sons, Caldwell
3rd P Tindale, Paradise Farm sold for £1200 to R Hirst, Neasham

Best Steer
1st I Oliver, South Brandon sold for £1600 to A G Watson & Sons, Rushyford
2nd I Oliver, South Brandon sold for £1640 to JV & JA Hodgson, Summerhouse
3rd I Oliver, South Brandon sold for £1480 to G G Stevenson, Redcar

Best Bull
1st J K Gregory, Porch House sold for £1220 to AS & SM Kemp & Son, Bowburn
2nd J K Gregory, Porch House sold for £1460 to A G Watson & Sons, Rushyford
3rd A C Spalding, Hedgeholme Farm sold for £900 to R S Hall & Sons, Driffield

Cast Cattle – Cow trade looks absolutely superb this week with furious bidding from the ringside of buyers fitting up the wholesale meat trade and also from those heading away for further finishing. Top per kilo at an impressive 284 pence was a wonderful 40-month-old British Blue heifer from D & M Lowes, Wilson House; following at 274ppk was a Simmental OTM from A Willey, Broomfield Farm and also a Limousin OTM from T W Clark & Son, Frankland Farm. Older cows topped at 244ppk for another excellent British Blue from D & M Lowes whilst an excellent 8-year-old Longhorn cow from the Willey’s of Broomfield Farm impressed most in the native breeds at 224ppk. Top of the gross values this week was a fabulous Limousin cow from Hughes Bros Farms, Sockburn Hall when she tallied up to £2003 in the lump, her nearest challenger proved to be a thumping 918kg Hereford cow from W & R Kemp & Son, Wigdon Walls Farm when she reached £1909. More wizardry from the Willey’s in the Friesian standings when they topped at 204ppk and £1566 with a 5-year-old cow whilst the stock bull trade was led at 212ppk by an Aberdeen Angus from Joe Campbell, Trimdon Village and £1675 by a Limousin from R D Anderson, Middleham.

Cast Cows – Top prices ppk 284 268 260 258 244 218 200 D&M Lowes. 274 204 A Willey. 274 228 TW Clark & Son. 238 208 192 Hughes Bros Farms Ltd. 228 RD Anderson. 224 GA Willey. 220 J Campbell. 220 218 216 208 W&R Kemp & Son. 218 LW Martin. 214 194 JN Swinbnk. 214 RA&M Thompson. 202 T&R Quinn. 196 194 182 178 176 C&AE Hodgson. 192 EA&N Thompson & Son. 192 190 G Beadle. 188 HS Hutchinson. 184 Stainton Hill Farms.

Lead Grossing Cast Cows £2003 £1807 £1455 Hughes Bros Farms Ltd. £1909 £1777 £1717 £1676 W&R Kemp & Son. £1800 £1566 A Willey. £1780 £1760 £1755 £1693 £1688 £1588 £1487 D&M Lowes. £1673 RD Anderson. £1645 J Campbell. £1547 GA Willey. £1490 £1484 TW Clark & Son. £1477 R&W Todd. £1435 £1299 JN Swinbank. £1432 £1328 £1291 £1281 £1260 £1110 C&AE Hodgson. £1417 LW Martin. £1288 T&R Quinn. £1251 RA&M Thompson. £1209 Deerness Valley Dairy.

OTM – Top prices ppk 266 250 TW Clark & Son. 234 230 228 222 GP&E Lillie.
Lead Grossing OTM £1867 £1600 TW Clark & Son. £1402 £1324 £1278 £1263 GP&E Lillie.

Cast Bulls – Top prices ppk 212 J Campbell. 210 RD Anderson. 194 Hughes Bros Farms Ltd.
Lead Grossing Cast Bulls £1675 RD Anderson. £1423 Hughes Bros Farms Ltd. £1316 J Campbell.

Store Cattle – Few would have thought four years ago when we moved to this site that the beef trade could be quite so fabulous, store cattle of all shapes, ages and sizes remain wonderful to sell. Setting off with some super stirks the high demand was obvious as the section sold to a top of £760 for a Shorthorn steer from C & AE Hodgson, Whitby. Cows and calves followed and a class act from L Booton, Manor Farm, Thirn waited in the wings; a superb 8-year-old Limousin cow with her heifer calf at foot led the field selling for £2520. On to the bulls and despite a light offering trade continues in great form to top at £1460 for a trio of bucket reared British Blues from J K Gregory, Porch House Farm, Hett Village. Store cattle next which were feverishly following last Thursday’s sale of the century in the prime ring; top of the day at a brilliant £1860 was an excellent British Blue steer from Hall Farming, Kirkley; the same good yard sold heifers to £1760 and £1700. S G Dent, The Bungalow, Gordon House Farm also returned a super days trading with heifers to £1730 and £1700 as did L Booton, Manor House Farm who sold a Limousin steer at £1700. Forward stores regularly trading £1400 to £1500 and beyond whilst the young continental suckled calves certainly look well set for some four figure returns as we head in to the back end.

Stirks £760 £730 £670 £650 £640 £530 C&AE Hodgson. £700×3 £580 £460 £455 £410 £330 £320 Durrant Agricultural Services. £690×2 £670 A wilson.

Cows & Calves £2520 L Booton. £1450 £1380 £1320 T Hodges.

Store Bulls £1460×3 £1220 £1180 JK Gregory. £1360 £1230 G Calvert & Sons. £1230 D&M Lowes. £1000 WT Hall. £1020×2 £950 £860 G Beadle. £900×3 ACM Spalding. £800×2 I&R Watson.

Store Steers £1860 Hall Farms. £1700 L Booton. £1640×2 £1600 £1480 I Oliver. £1560 DR Smith. £1560×2 £1500 £1480 £1430 £1380 HS Hutchinson. £1510 R&RE Everitt. £1370 £1300×2 G Bolton. £1365 31350 £1330 £1300×3 £1280 £1100 KM&S Sayer. £1260×2 Beckwith. £1250×3 J Campbell. £1250 HS Hutchinson. £1160 WSI Anderson. £1140×2 C Bell. £1140 £1090 AL Roche. £1100 TW&G Corner.

Store Heifers £1780 £1700 £1660 £1600 £1540×2 £1510×2 £1380 £1375 Hall Farms. £1730 £1700 SG Dent. £1550 P Tindale. £1490 £1470 £1440 £1395 £1330 £1300 £1270×2 HS Hutchinson. £1450×2 £1410×2 £1400×2 S Blythman. £1440 £1395 £1325 £1295 DR Smith. £1400 £1290×3 JW&GP Furness. £1395×2 J&S Thompson. £1380 G Bolton. £1360×2 WSI Anderson. £1340 £1310 £1300 I Oliver. £1270 RA&M Thompson.

Store Sheep – Don’t be afraid of the sheep trade as the sale averages close to £100 for the umpteenth week in a row, keep in mind that many have now had a draw and the averages remain the same. Top of the day at £130.50 were a strong pair of Texel lambs from C E Smith, High Faverdale Farm, stacks of other continental lambs sold in the £120’s including Texel’s from P J Anderson & Son, Wolsingham £128, R Worthy, Edmondsley £126, R E Coatsworth, Hamsterley £125 (twice) and Charollais from G Hodgson, Eastgate to £124. Plenty of life in the other breeds too as Mule lambs topped at £105 from J Burns, Ingleby Barwick and Cheviot Mules impressed from K O Stones, Marrick at £104.50.
Feeding ewes remain very easily sold with plenty of accounts in operation, Texel’s topped the sale as T & C Smith, Thorsgill sold to £148 with J D Brannen, Red Barns close behind at £142 with a Beltex and a great run from A & R Thompson, Dimmingdale Farm, Moorsholm selling to a high of £138. Tomorrow sees our main sale of breeding sheep however due to a prior engagement a run of Blue Texel’s attended today from M Lindley, Thorpe Thewles which saw tups to £150 and ewes top at £190 per head.

Store Lambs:

Continental – £130.50 CE Smith. £119.50 KO Stones. £110.50 F Hare & Sons. £110 D Wearmouth. £108 K Mowbray.

Texel £128 £120 PJ Anderson. £126 £118 £117.50 £115 £110 R Worthy. £125×2 £123 £120 £119 £118 £108 RE Coatsworth. £120 £116 T Bell. £120 £117 £113 T&A Walton. £119 P&S Wood. £114 SMA&J Swinbank. £112×2 £109 GH Lister. £111 Alderslade & Mulley. £110 £109 KO Stones. £110 E Peacock. £110 L&BM Kidd & Son. £109 A Newton. £109 N Back. £108 Castlewood Farm. £108 C&M Burnett.

Charollais – £124 £110 G Hodgson.

Suffolk – £120 £118 £114 A&B Herworth. £118 F&A Gilchrist. £111 K Mowbray. £107 K Cator.

Beltex – £120 T Bell. £115 £112 R&E Coatsworth.

Feeding Ewes:

Texel – £148 T&C Smith. £138 £114 £113 £108 £104 £96 £93 A&R Thompson. £130 P&S Wood. £130 PJ Anderson. £120 DR Smith. £97 GP&A Carter. £80 B Iceton.

Beltex – £142 JD Brannen.

Continental – £124 N Armstrong. £124 £90 £80 JD Brannen. £120 CE Smith. £108 DR Smith. £87 £83 £68 A&R Thompson. £86 S Beeforth.

Mule – £115 P&S Wood. £115 DR Smith. £104 PJ Anderson. £81 S Teasdale. £77 J Kelly. £76 WK Wilkinson & Sons. £61 P&S Wood.

Swale – £94 A&R Thompson.

Cheviot £80 S Beeforth.

Breeding Sheep:

Rams £150 £124 £114 M Lindley.

Ewes £190 £145 M Lindley.

Rearing Calves-

A mixed show of calves was presented in today’s sale, all put forwards to our judge, Mr John Gregory of Porch House Farm. The judge chose a tremendous British Blue Heifer from Baysleap Dairy Farm LTD as todays champion, whose style and frame caught his eye, she then sold through the ring to reach a price of £525. Reserve Champion today went to Wilkinson & Sons of Carrsides Farm, whose terrific British Blue Bull showed great scope and shape, which led Mr Gregory comment that it was indeed a very close decision.

Show Results:

Champion- Baysleap Dairy Farm LTD, with a British Blue Heifer which sold to £525

Reserve Champion- Wilkinson & Son, Carrsides, with a British Blue Bull which sold to £690

Class 1- Continental Bull Calf

1st prize – Wilkinson, Carrsides Farm, with a British Blue which sold to £690

2nd prize- Wilkinson, Carrsides Farm, with a British Blue which sold to £550

3rd prize- Wilkinson, Carrsides Farm, with a British Blue which sold to £600

Class 2- Continental Heifer Calf

1st prize- Baysleap Dairy Farm LTD, with a British Blue which sold to £525

2nd prize- Wilkinson, Carrsides Farm, with a British Blue which sold to £440

3rd prize- JE Grieves, Oakdene, with a Limousin which sold to £420

Class 3- Angus Bull Calf

1st prize- JT Forster & Son, Killerby Farm, which sold to £570

2nd prize- Baysleap Dairy Farm LTD, which sold to £535

3rd prize- JT Forster & Son, Killerby Farm, which sold to £430

Class 4- Angus Heifer Calf

1st prize- JE Grieves, Oakdene, which sold to £480

2nd prize- Baysleap Dairy Farm LTD, which sold to £525

3rd prize- Durrant, Inhams Cottage, which sold to £290

Class 5- Any Other Breed Bull Calf

1st prize- Baysleap Dairy Farm LTD, with a Friesian which sold to £360

2nd prize- SJ Kellett & Son, White House Farm, with a Friesian which sold to £195

3rd prize- SJ Kellett & Son, White House Farm, with a Friesian which sold to £200

Calf Prices:


British Blue- £690 £600 £550 Wilkinson & Son.

Angus- £570 £430 JT Forster & Son. £535 £505 Baysleap Dairy Farm LTD.

Friesian- £360 Baysleap Dairy Farm LTD. £285 x2 £205 x4 W Burton. £200 x2 £195 SJ Kellett & Son.


British Blue- £580 £495 £440 Wilkinson & Son. £525 Baysleap Dairy Farm LTD.

Angus- £525 Baysleap Dairy Farm LTD. £480 JE Grieves. £290 Durrant Agricultural Services.

Limousin- £420 JE Grieves.