Cast Cattle, Store & Breeding Stock

17th June 2024

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Darlington Farmers Auction Mart held their weekly sale of cast cattle, store and breeding stock on Monday 17th June 2024. Forward were 227 cattle, 10 sheep and 2 pigs.

67 Cast Cows/OTM sold to 248ppk or £1635
2 Stock Bulls sold to 228ppk or £2523
5 Cows & Calves sold to £1750
39 Young Bulls sold to £1410
47 Store Steers sold to £1990
62 Store Heifers sold to £1470
10 Store Sheep sold to £250
2 Store Pigs sold to £115

Cast Cattle (69) – Cows dearer to average 184ppk and £1217, very few heavy cows through the sale this week but regardless of breed, weight or cover all classes looked very well rewarded. Top per kilo at 248 pence was an excellent British Blue OTM heifer from C N Whitaker, Low House Farm, High Etherley; also, with a British blue heifer D Walker of High Woodifield followed just tuppence adrift. Top of the older cows per kilo completed a hattrick for the British Blues when an excellent eight-year-old from W A Wardman Ltd, Thrushwood Farm sold for 228ppk, five other cattle sold in the 220’s. Top gross valued female was a well fleshed Limousin cow from M Shepherd, Fulthorpe Farm at £1635, nipping at her heels was our top native breed cow, a smart Hereford from R Bradley & Son, North Crane Row at £1623.  A depleted offering of dairy cows remained in demand, the pick this week was a ten-year-old Montbeliarde from J E Holliday & Son, Woodland House Farm reaching 184ppk and £1389. Just the two stock bulls in attendance, the pick of them was a wonderful seven-year-old Limousin from F W Hodgson & Son, Burton House Farm weighing 1107kg and selling for 228ppk and £2523.

Cast Cows/OTM Leading PPK – 248 C N Whitaker. 246 222 212 D Walker. 228 208 190(x2) W A Wardman. 224 218 216 206 198 196 194 192 M Shepherd. 224 222 196 J A & U M Fawcett. 224 W Emerson. 206 G S Dixon. 203 W & R Kemp & Son. 198 M Liddell. 198 192 P & J Martin. 198 194 R Bradley & Son. 196 W S Thompson & Partners. 196 Messrs Tallentire. 196 Leslie Brown. 194 J C Thwaite & Son. 190 M R Madrell.
Stock Bulls Leading PPK – 228 F W Hodgson & Son. 186 L W Martin.

Cast Cows/OTM Leading Gross – £1635 £1587 £1395 £1384 £1321 £1270 £1264 M Shepherd. £1623 £1480 R Bradley & Son. £1598 £1444 £1334 J A & U M Fawcett. £1579 £1423 W & R Kemp & Son. £1548 £1487 £1400 £1331 £1292 W A Wardman Ltd. £1480 J C Thwaite & Son. £1418 £1281 J R Wesson. £1404 £1354 D Walker. £1404 W Emerson. £1389 J E Holliday & Son. £1380 Rose A Farms. £1362 Messrs Tallentire. £1345 £1326 J F Gibson & Son. £1338 Leslie Brown. £1333 M R Madrell. £1330 M Liddell.
Stock Bulls Leading PPK – £2523 F W Hodgson & Son. £1512 L W Martin.

Breeding Cattle – A scattering of cows and calves were again in attendance and once more found plenty of enthusiasm ringside. Top price went to a five-year-old Limousin cow with a tidy heifer calf at foot from I Newton & Son, Gibbet Hill Farm when she sold for £1750.

Cows & Calves – £1750 £1450 I Newton & Son. £1420 £1400 C Everitt. £1200 C N Whitaker.

Store Cattle – The trade for all feeders remains brisk; beginning with the bulls and following last weeks sharp prime ring prices the store ring followed suit. Top of the day at £1410 was a shapely Limousin from M R Madrell, School Cottage, Whorlton; J C Thwaite & Son, Cragg Hill Farm followed at £1400 with a tremendous 11-month-old Limousin whilst a further eleven young bulls sold between £1200 and £1370 to see the thirty-nine offered average a wonderful £1065. A show of clean cattle containing everything but the kitchen sink all sold well again, two sensational Charolais steers from T N Hodgson & Sons, Bottom House Farm blew away all competition when they sold for £1990 apiece; eight unbelievable sorts from Bottom House averaged £1814 on the day. Regular sellers G W & M Singleton & Sons of Farlington Grange topped the heifer trade on the day with an Aberdeen Angus selling for £1470, other heifers from W Walker & Sons, High Copelaw and G W & L Marsay, Manor Farm also sold in the £1400’s.

Young Bulls – £1410 £1320(x4) £1280 £1200(x2) £1160(x2) £1140 £1110(x2) £1100 £1090 £1050(x2) £1010 M R Madrell. £1400 £1370 J C Thwaite & Son. £1370 J R & G Walton & Sons. £1280 £895 T Ducker. £1250 R Bradley & Son. £990 £980 E Scott & Sons. £975 Robert Arthur. £930 R W Dalton. £910 £890 M J Hutchinson.

Store Steers – £1990(x2) £1890 £1835(x2) £1700 £1640 £1635 T N Hodgson & Sons. £1540 £1250 G W & L Marsay. £1440 £1415 R Errington & Son. £1405(x3) G W & M Singleton & Sons. £1360 G A & C Jopling. £1350(x2) £1260 M Gallon. £1300 P & S Wood. £1195 I Spedding. £1160 John Lowrie. £1105 M & E Webster. £1100(x3) G Bolton.

Store Heifers – £1470 G W & M Singleton & Sons. £1430(x2) W Walker & Sons. £1400 G W & L Marsay. £1360 R Errington & Son. £1280 N Basey & Son. £1280 D & J A Teasdale. £1270(x2) A P Taylor. £1255 £1220 F Bainbridge. £1250 £1120(x2) W B Rutter & Sons. £1210 M R Madrell. £1185 G A & C Jopling. £1145 I Spedding. £1110(x4) John Lowrie. £1100 P & S Wood.

Ewes & Lambs – £250 £220 £130 K Liversedge
Feeding Tup – £110 Ainsty Farms Direct
Store Pigs – £115 £85 Catherine Johnson