Fodder, Cast Cows, Store & Breeding Stock

2nd September 2024

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Darlington Farmers Auction Mart held a sale of fodder in conjunction with their weekly sale of cast cattle, store and breeding stock. Forward were…..

38 Cast Cows/OTM sold to 318ppk or £1972
4 Stock Bulls sold to 230ppk or £1863
4 Cows & Calves sold to £1720
13 Young Bulls sold to £1655
51 Store Steers sold to £1585
80 Store Heifers sold to £1545
1822 Store Lambs sold to £170
28 Breeding Ewes sold to £180
167 Feeding Ewes sold to £150
12 Pigs sold to £160
257 Bales of Fodder & Straw sold to £40

Forage Sale-

A large crowd gathered for the very first forage sale at DfAM. With much success and positive feedback, this sale will therefore be held fortnightly. Trade for straw was very good and more entries of all forage are wanted for the next sale on Monday 16th September.

Square Straw Bales to £40 per bale.

Round Straw Bales to £25 per bale.

Round Hay seasoned bales to £10 per bale.

Cast Cows – A light show of numbers, those forward enjoyed a flying trade to see them average all in 195ppk and £1294 per head. It was a marvellous day for GK, KN & GJ Hird of Meadow View, Richmond when they led both the prices per kilo and the gross values for cows; top per kilo a sweet 30-month-old Limousin heifer reached a whopping 318 pence whilst another smart sort two years her senior led the gross values at £1952. Native breed cows topped at 248ppk for the Aberdeen Angus of G & J H Tomlinson & Son, Sunniside Farm or £1641 for a South Devon from A P Greenshields, The Byre. Holstein Friesian cow trade peaked at 186ppk and £1432 from R W Raper & Sons, High Mulberry Farm and stock bull trade topped at 230ppk and £1863 for a 40-month-old Aberdeen Angus from F Hare & Sons, Trees Farm, Brignall.

Cast Cows – Top prices ppk 318 294 256 GK KN & GJ Hird. 248 216 G&JH Tomlinson & Son. 244 238 M Shaw. 228 186 E Wilson. 228 224 216 194 W&M Knaggs & Son. 224 JA&UM Fawcett. 216 AP Greenshields. 214 N Edmondson. 204 R Valks. 200 198 LR Welsh & Co. 196 184 RG Richardson. 196 188 BA&C Pearson. 196 172 168 G Beadle. 190 M Dowson. 186 RW Raper & Sons. 184 180 FW Hodgson & Son.

Lead Grossing Cast Cows £1972 £1722 £1720 GK KN & GJ Hird. £1697 £1580 £1475 £1239 W&M Knaggs & Son. £1641 AP Greenshields. £1624 £1421 G&JH Tomlinson & Son. £1565 £1458 RG Richardson. £1542 £1296 LR Welsh & Co. £1525 £1429 M Shaw. £1487 N Edmondson. £1432 RW Raper & Sons. £1416 £1233 FW Hodgson & Son. £1344 JA&UM Fawcett. £1342 £1308 E Wilson. £1296 JW Richardson. £1193 BA&C Pearson. £1185 M Dowson. £1162 G Beadle.

Cast Bulls – Top prices ppk 230 F Hare & Sons. 178 C Everitt. 174 P Foster.
Lead Grossing Cast Bulls £1863 F Hare & Sons. £1830 P Foster. £1559 C Everitt.

Store & Breeding Cattle – The feeding firms continue at full throttle with the summer store trade remaining as good as we have ever witnessed. A scattering of young bulls was again in wonderful form topping at £1655 for a 13-month-old Simmental from E Parsons, Newstead Farm, Little Stainton. Leading the store steers at £1585 were two vendors, a smart 17-month-old British Blue from D & H M Hodgson, Dyke Nook Farm joined a tremendous 22-month-old Beef Shorthorn from D R Smith, East Roughlea; a fine quartet of British Blue’s from K Metcalfe, Lands Lane Farm followed just £10 adrift, this good home also sold Simmental’s to £1555 and Fleckvieh to £1545. Heifers were hot property again, top this week were local producers E Scott & Sons, Middridge Grange Farm with a smart Limousin at just 11-months-old selling for £1545, plenty of others followed in the £1400’s.

Cows & Calves £1720 £1700 £1480×2 I Newton & Son.

Store Bulls £1655 £1495×2 £1325×2 AQG Watson & Sons. £1575 JC Thwaite. £1305 £1295 JA&UM Fawcett. £915 £895 £735 JW Richardson. £785 TT Hall & Son.

Store Steers £1585 £1515 £1495 D&HM Hodgson. £1585 £1355 DR Smith. £1575×4 £1555 £1545 £1535×5 £1505 £1415 £1395 £1375 £1355 K Metcalfe. £1375×2 RG Swinbank. £1325 £1305×2 £1285 M Gallon. £1285 £1045 J Nicholson. £1255×3 £1145×3 BJS Farms. £1235 £1175 G Beadle. £1165 TT Hall & Son. £1155 £1145 £1085 W&C Iceton.

Store Heifers £1545 £1415 E Scott & Sons. £1485 £1445 £1425 £1365 S Love. £1475 £1435 £1355 £1195 JS Wiper. £1455 £1395 £1315 DR Smith. £1445 £1365 £1275 IW Cairns. £1395×2 £1300 £1195 £1185×2 G Beadle. £1395 D&HM Hodgson. £1385 Rachel Valks. £1225×3 £1215 £1105×2 BJS Farms. £1225 TT Hall & Son. £1185 £1135 W Love Ltd. £1185 W&C Iceton. £1135×3 WSI Anderson.

Store Lambs – As the numbers appear in force the trade remains way out in front of last year, this week’s sale average of £98 is back a touch on paper from last week however some vendors reported an increase on seven days ago with others reporting that trade was definitely ‘no less’. Something special at the top as three tremendous black continental lambs from J G Atkinson, Staindale Grange, Hornby sold for a huge £170 apiece, the same good home checked in again at £148 with the first of the season from A & R Thompson, Dimmingdale Farm next up at £142 along with a thumping single from J & J A Wilkinson, Walesmoor. Mule lambs remain in demand, a fabulous pen full from T & E Dobson, Unthank Farm set the bar high at 117.50 with pens from three other vendors also reaching three figures. Feeding ewes getting away very well and the healthy lean sorts are bid for from all corners to go on and graze; this week’s top was a Blue Faced Leicester from JWR & M Suddes, Towdypotts at £150.

Store Lambs-

Continental- £170 £140 £135 JG Atkinson. £115 £113 £112.50 RA Patterson & Son. £106 x2 £102.50 £89 Allison Devereux Farms. £104 £99 £97 Christopher Readshaw. £101 £98 £94 £93 J Davis. £100 P Martin. £88 £87 SM Rigg.

Texel- £148 £130 JG Atkinson. £142 £125 £118 £117.50 £116.50 A&R Thompson. £142 £103.50 J&JA Wilkinson. £135 £116 WB Rutter & Sons. £125 £116 LC&D Wearmouth. £119 £117 £110 MG&WD Burton. £119 £116 £97 I&A Holmes. £118 RW Dalton. £118 £117 FM Armstrong. £117.50 TE Dobson. £117 £109 £106 JR&J Crowe. £117 F&A Gilchrist. £115 £111 £106 A Newton. £112 £107 T&C Smith. £112 £108 £101 P Turnbull. £112 W Coatsworth. £110 £104 JM Sayer. £108 £106 JS Wiper. £108 £106 J Curry. £107 SM Rigg. £106 x2 £101 CE Smith. £106 S&A Lawton. £104 £102 £99 A Spence.

Beltex- £137 £126 RW Dalton. £133 LC&D Wearmouth. £110 S&D Ferrie.

Suffolk- £118 F&A Gilchrist. £115 £96 £85 MG&WD Burton. £108 JJM Lonsdale. £106 D Alderson.

Mule- £117.50 TE Dobson. £113 CE Smith. £105 £97 £86 £70 P Turnbull. £100 JJM Lonsdale. £95 W Coatsworth. £86 RB Watson. £72 W Burton.

Romney- £100 £86×2 £85 L Smith.

Cheviot- £103 S&D Ferrie. £88 £74 W Burton. £74 DC Souter.

Charollais- £95 S&D Ferrie.

Blue Faced Leicester- £80 £68 JWR&M Suddes.

Black Faced- £86 £54 £40 P Turnbull.

Swale- £30 HG Spensley & Son. £20 P Martin. £20 A Toward.

Herdwick- £81 MG&WD Burton. £40 A Toward.

Breeding Sheep

Mule Shearlings – £180 £170×2 AF Smith.

Feeding Ewes:

Blue Face Leicester – £150 £146 £142 £126 £70 JWR&M Suddes. £106 £82 £76 T Allanson & Son.

Texel – £121 T Allanson & Son. £120 JA&UM Fawcett. £115C Readshaw. £110 £78 S Thompson & Son. £108 £84 JR Mann.

Mule – £104 £80 JA&UM Fawcett. £100 £74 JR Mann. £95 £76 T Allanson & Son. £86 WB Rutter & Sons. £70 D Alderson.

Continental – £85 T Allanson & Son.

Suffolk £76 S Beeforth.

Rough Fell £76 DC Souter.

Cheviot – £68 S Beeforth.

Swale – £57 S Beeforth. £37 P Turnbull.

Herdwick – £56 T Allanson & Son.

Pigs – Despite my overloaded desk a specific request from our most needy pig fan was made for a report on today’s swine, trade excellent, there we go. In other news, a remarkable historical fact for you; two of Henry the eighths wives (33.3%) were called Catherine and even with his obvious anger management issues he had neither of them beheaded, unbelievable.

Leading Prices – £160 £140 £85