Prime Stock Report

22nd August 2024

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Darlington Farmers Auction Mart held their weekly sale of prime stock on Thursday 22ND August 2024. Forward were 153 cattle and 1830 sheep.

71 Prime Bulls sold to 330ppk or £2594
11 Prime Steers sold to 336ppk or £2420
66 Prime Heifers sold to 369ppk or £2301
5 Cast/OTM sold to 292ppk or £1778
1399 Prime Lambs sold to 393ppk or £187
431 Cast Ewes & Rams sold to £240

Prime Bulls (71) – A plainer show found a trade every bit as good as the previous week to average 275ppk and £1906 per head. Best beef bred bulls in short supply and a noticeable premium was available for those offered; top of the day per kilo was a superb 640kg British Blue from GK, KN & G J Hird, Meadow View which reached 330 pence. Very close behind at 329ppk followed the pick of an excellent pair of Limousin’s from J B Luck & Son, Milestone House whilst the four others in the 320’s contained one apiece for the Hird’s and Luck’s and also a pair from J Layfield, Nackshivan Farm. West was best when it came to gross values as an excellent Limousin from Messrs R Miller Ltd, Arkleby Hall, Cumbria topped proceedings at £2594; the next five came from the aforementioned Layfield and Luck pens on a day which saw the top ten all surpass £2300. More Friesian bulls forward and they also enjoyed a sharp trade, pick of the pack topping at a massive £1989 was M A & P D Foster, Smithy House Farm whilst top per kilo at 272 pence came T F Bothroyd & Son, Upton Farm, Loftus. See below some of the top pen averages as always.

J B Luck & Son, Bowes sold 2 to average 326ppk and £2448
GK, KN & GJ Hird, Richmond sold 3 to average 323ppk and £2089
J J Horn, Marske sold 2 to average 315ppk and £2192
Taylor Bros Ltd, Richmond sold 2 to average 309ppk and £1784
L W Martin, Commondale sold 3 to average 308ppk and £2256
J Norman, Guisbrough sold 3 to average 304ppk and £2029

Continental Bulls – Top prices ppk 330 322 319 GK KN & GJ Hird. 329 324 JB Luck. 320z2 310 294 285 274 J Layfield. 319 312 JJ Horn. 318 309 287 J Norman. 311 307×2 LW Martin. 306 Messrs R Miller Ltd. 307 Taylor Bros. 303 C Binks & Son. 299 280 TW Clark & Son. 298 281 265 F&JS Gargett. 270 260 252 JC&P Tallentire. 269 C Binks & Son. 267 260 TF Bothroyd & Son.

Lead Grossing Continental Bulls £2594 Messrs R Miller Ltd. £2551 £2380 £2358 £2303 £2043 £1949 J Layfield. £2457 £2439 JB Luck & Son. £2338 £2228 £2201 LW Martin & Son. £2315 £2267 £2130 F&JS Gargett. £2306 £2077 JJ Horn. £2218 £1957 TW Clark & Son. £2162 £2130 C Binks & Son. £2140 £1983 £1963 J Norman. £2112 £2180 £2076 GK KN & GJ Hird. £1919 £1846 TF Bothroyd.

Native Bulls – Top prices ppk 296 287 276 271 DA&MAM Brown. 289 281×2 275 260 W&R Kemp & Son. 273 269 265 259 250 JA&A Herbert. 258 253 SJ Savile & Sons. 259 G Te-Lintelo. 252 250 242 237 C&M Atkinson & Sons.

Lead Grossing Native Bulls £2160 £1775 G Te-Lintelo. £1886 £1854 £1761 £1468 DA&MAM Brown. £1861 £1775£1639 £1638 £1521 WR Kemp & Son. £1705 £1697 SJ Saville & Sons. £1693 £1668 £1600 £1592 £1577 JA&A Herbert. £1602 £1480 £1398 £1331 C&M Atkinson & Sons.

Friesian Bulls – Top prices ppk 272 TF Bothroyd. 260 252 226 MA&PD Foster. 251 233GW Dobson & Son. 238 230 216 210 JK Gregory. 232 225 220 C&M Atkinson & Sons. 230 JM&S Walton.

Lead Grossing Friesian Bulls £1989 £1869 £1575 MA&PD Foster. £1776 TF Bothroyd & Son. £1538 JM&S Walton. £1465 £1446 GW Dobson & Son. £1341 £1280 £1139 C&M Atkinson & Sons. £1285 £1232 JK Gregory.

Clean Cattle (77) – Absolutely electric, numbers way short of buyer requirement resulting in a blistering trade for all classes as the steers averaged 312ppk and the heifers a staggering 336ppk. The top twenty heifers sold at 350ppk and above, of these a mind blowing eleven made it to 360ppk with four vendors selling at 365ppk and above. Top of the very high heap was a fabulous 544kg Limousin from W Millar, High Aketon, Wigton which sold for 369ppk; J V & J A Hodgson, The Grange followed at 368ppk with R Hirst, Neasham Grange next at 366ppk just a penny in front of W J & A S Bowes & Sons, Stainton Hill House. Top steer per kilo at 336ppk belonged to P & N Tattersall, Town Farm, Ellerton with Taylor Bros, Belle Isle in close attendance at 333 and 334ppk. On to the gross values and it was further success for Messrs R Miller, Arkleby Hall as their 747kg Limousin steer led the way at £2420. Highest price heifer went to a 30-month-old from W J & A S Bowes & Sons, Stainton Hill when she sold at £2301, she was followed by J V & J A Hodgson, The Grange at £2208 and W Bowe, Hunday Farm, Winscales at £2184. A truly top-class trade ticked all the boxes, the averages below are testament to just how sharp things were in the clean ring this week.

R Hirst, Neasham sold 12 to average 351ppk and £2008
W Miller, Wigton sold 8 to average 346ppk and £1902
W Bowe, Winscales sold 3 to average 344ppk and £2060
J V & J A Hodgson, Summerhouse sold 10 to average 344ppk and £1976
W J & A S Bowes & Sons, Stockton sold 3 to average 342ppk and £2101

Taylor Bros, Richmond sold 2 to average 333ppk and £1900
Messrs R Miller Ltd, Wigton sold 2 to average 321ppk and £2235

Steers- Top Prices PPK 336 P&N Tattersall. 334 333 Taylor Bros LTD. 324 318 Messrs R Miller LTD. 318 WA Wardman LTD. 304 301 JR Spink. 300 WA Armstrong.

Lead Grossing Steers- £2420 £2051 Messrs R Miller LTD. £1961 £1906 JK&CE Farming. £1921 £1880 Taylor Bros LTD. £1869 £1769 JR Spink. £1866 WA Armstrong. £1628 WA Wardman LTD.

Heifers- Top Prices PPK 369 363 347 346 x3 336 317 W Miller. 368 362 360 354 348 x2 347 336 325 JV&JA Hodgson. 366 362 360 357 356 355 351 350 346 x2 342 328 R Hirst. 365 337 329 WJ&AS Bowes & Sons. 361 339 336 W Bowe. 361 359 x2 340 x2 321 WA Armstrong. 353 339 334 326 P&N Tattersall. 339 328 319 317 WA Wardman LTD. 338 326 TN Callender. 329 JR Spink. 327 320 x2 PJ&ES Rogerson.

Lead Grossing Heifers- £2301 £2044 £1957 WJ&AS Bowes & Sons. £2208 £2136 £2103 £2008 £1992 £1991 £1943 £1893 £1787 JV&JA Hodgson. £2184 £2003 £1993 W Bowe. £2164 £1973 £1969 £1925 P&N Tattersall. £2155 £2095 £2081 £2049 £2017 £2010 £1998 x2 £1986 £1961 £1937 £1804 R Hirst. £2114 £2089 £1993 £1931 £1912 £1888 £1839 WA Armstrong. £2064 J Richmond. £2007 £1972 TN Callender. £2007 £1982 £1953 £1905 £1902 £1896 £1826 W Miller. £1944 JR Spink. £1893 £1843 £1840 £1836 PJ&ES Rogerson. £1803 Little Newsham Farms. £1765 D Walker.

Prime Lambs (1399) – Stand on says the lamb trade as it refuses to falter, once again those with heaviest weights had the fullest plates at the checkout, all classes away nicely from the grass fed thirty somethings to the super heavies all were in demand to see a weighed straight sale average of 308ppk and £136.91 per head. Top price per kilo at 393 pence was a tremendous 43kg Beltex from Bridge House Farm, Lincolnshire; a quality quartet weighing 41kg from J C Hope & Son, Cornhow Farm, Cockermouth followed at 390ppk with J R Knox & Son, Bracks Farm next in line at 383ppk. Plenty of the heavies sold top side of £170, bidding reached the £180’s on nine occasions, top of them all were a thumping pair of 59kg lambs from A & E J Dobinson, Stone View, Winston at £187, the same good feeding followed at £186 alonside R Valks, Field House Farm, Howden-le-Wear.
Some stand out averages on the day certainly included the aforementioned Dobinson’s of Winston (7 av £176.57) and the Hope’s of Cockermouth (38 av 350ppk) plus some super sorts from J Atkinson, Fir Tree (7 av £171.14); mention must also go to another marvellous run of 111 lambs from AWSM Farms, Hutton Magna levelling at 45kg and £149.63.

Lambs – Top prices ppk 393 375 363 O Chapman. 390 377 350 347 341 JC Hope & Son. 383 354 JR Knox & Son. 379 Anna Herbert. 372 340 M&A Gaskin. 372 J Hird. 372 A&EJ Dobinson. 368 T&A Walton. 367 J Atkinson. 363 345 340 338 AWSM Farms. 363 W Wearmouth & Son. 358 346 336 MJ Blacklidge. 354 JE Suddes & Son. 352 D&PH Brown. 346 333 JA&A Herbert. 345 J Pallister & Sons. 343 T&R Quinn & Son. 342 P Hutchinson. 341 BR&R Routledge. 341 334 JCW Taylor. 340×2 C Moralee & Sons. 337 DM Tiplady. 336 334 F Shield. 334 WB Mitchell & Sons.

Lead Grossing Lambs £187 £186 £177 £161 A&EJ Dobinson. £186 £166 R Valks. £182 £160 Anna Herbert. £182 £180 J Atkinson. £182 G Bolton. £180 £177 JR Knox & Son. £180 £171 £169 £161 O Chapman. £178 £164 W Wearmouth & Son. £177 JE Suddes & Son. £177 £166 £160 £159×2 AWSM Farms. £177 CJM Hedley. £175 £170 M&A Gaskin. £175 £162 J Hird. £174 £167 JCW Taylor. £173 JA&A Herbert. £172 £170 £168 MJ Blacklidge. £172 DM Tiplady. £171 £172×2 C Moralee & Sons. £170 £164 DR Smith. £169 D&PH Brown. £165 S Bolton. £162 T Necbitt & Son. £160×2 JC Hope & Son.

Cast Ewes & Rams (431) – A remarkable ewe average for the end of August of £117.54; the mutton trade remains tip top. The tables turned for the top two per kilo in the lambs as in the ewe ring leading the way at £240 was a superb continental ewe from J C Hope & Son, Cornhow Farm, Cockermouth followed by a terrific trio from Bridge House Farm, Lincs at £210. Suffolk ewes sold to £160 from P M Hill, Ugthorpe whilst Mules topped at £143 from J E Suddes & Son, Rowley. Other breeds saw Blue Faced Leicester ewes reach a high of £184, Cheviot’s to £131, Swaledale’s to £82 and Wensleydales to £150; tups topped at £160 from J & A Layfield, Hamsterley as the ewe ring flourishes with plenty of buyers bidding freely for all classes.

Lead Grossing Cast Sheep- £240 £164 JC Hope & Son. £210 O Chapman. £192 £175 DM Tiplady. £184 J&MJ Walton. £180 £166 £161 £154 £150 x2 £144 £140 x2 J&A Layfield. £180 £158 J Hird. £180 J&RA Speed. £179 £169 £162 £158 £156 £150 £144 £141 JA&A Herbert. £179 G Thompson & Sons. £175 x2 £161 £158 £143 AWSM Farms. £175 £145 JR&J Crowe. £166 £160 £150 £142 PM Hill. £162 T&A Walton. £162 £141 JR Mann. £154 £140 Rose A Farms LTD. £150 A Pennell. £150 J Pallister & Sons. £149 JM&S Walton. £145 F Shield. £143 JE Suddes & Son. £141 C Harle & Sons.