Anniversary Show & Sale of Store Cattle

18th September 2023

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Darlington Farmers Auction Mart held their ‘Anniversary Sale’ of store cattle in conjunction with their weekly sale of cast cattle and store stock on Monday 18th September 2023. Forward were 287 cattle and 2410 sheep.

51 Cast Cows & OTM sold to 278ppk or £2039
5 Stock Bulls sold to 220ppk or £2130
4 Cows & Calves sold to £2280
6 Stirks sold to £680
14 Young Bulls sold to £1200
81 Store Steers sold to £1700
122 Store Heifers sold to £1540
1977 Store Lambs sold to £118
433 Feeding Ewes sold to £125

Show Cattle – Thanks go to longstanding Darlington customer Keith ‘JK’ Metcalf of Bolam for ably judging the show this morning. A super run from H S Hutchinson, White House Farm, Eastgate dominated the rosettes including a clean sweep of the heifer class, the pick of the White House females a sweet Limousin went on to be crowned champion at our third anniversary sale. The Reserve Champion hailed all the way from Jedburgh when a fine run from J E & A J Pickford of Marchcleugh Farm made the 90-mile journey worthwhile picking up the ticket with a lovely Limousin steer.

Best Heifer
1st H S Hutchinson, White House sold for £1540 to M Robinson & Sons, Staindrop
2nd H S Hutchinson, White House sold for £1390 to J C White & Son, Barnsley
3rd H S Hutchinson, White House sold for £1460 to J C White & Son, Barnsley

Best Steer
1st J E & A J Pickford, Marchcleugh Farm sold for £1265 to I Armitage, York
2nd H S Hutchinson, White House sold for £1170 to E W Grieves, Stockton
3rd M Gallon, High Crows Farm sold for £1435 to I Armitage, York

H S Hutchinson’s Heifer
Reserve Champion
J E & A J Pickford’s Steer

Store Cattle – The blistering demand continues at full speed, some stunning returns again today as the fast finished beef prices filter effortlessly through to the store ring. Our aforementioned Champion from the Hutchinson’s of White House duly led the heifer prices at £1540 however she had to yield the top spot on the day to a pair of massive Montbelliarde steers from J E Holliday & Son, Woodland House Farm, Witton Park when they sold for £1700 apiece. Cracking Limousin steers from J Thompson & Son, Springwell Cottage Farm also checked in above £1500 as did a strong British Blue and an Aberdeen Angus from F Crawford, Park Farm, Gainford. A well grown Hereford from D Harris, Bales Farm led a light offering of young bulls when he sold for £1200 whilst a 2019 born Limousin cow with calf at foot from L Booton, Manor Farm topped the breeding cattle selling for £2280.

Store Bulls- £1200 David Harris. £1120 £790 D Walker. £900 £895 £880J Richardson. £825 £585 RH Frater. £785 Hetherick Grange Farming. £725 AW Sanderson. £680 £650 G Beadle.

Stirks- £680 £650 £580 x2 £420 x2 Allison Devereux Farms.

Cows & Calves- £2280 £2120 L Booton. £1200 £820 JH Johnson. £

Store Steers- £1700 x2 JE Holliday & Son. £1540 £1520 J Thompson & Sons. £1510 x2 F Crawford. £1475 JR&L Harding. £1435 £1360 £1100 M Gallon. £1430 £1300 £1090 W Wearmouth & Son. £1400 £1360 £1190 x2 A Gregg. £1380 £1290 £1285 £1270 x4 £1265 £1255 x3 £1130 JE AJ Pickford. £1350 PT Stephenson & Son. £1325 x3 £1260 A Wilson. £1320 £1285 DR Smith. £1275 £1190 x2 £1175 £1170 HS Hutchinson. £1205 £1205 C Bell. £1190 x2 TW&G Corner. £1190 £1160 £1145 £1140 BJS Farms. £1140 I Newton & Son.

Store Heifers- £1540 £1460 £1450 £1410 £1400 x2 £1390 x2 £1310 x2 HS Hutchinson. £1495 £1460 I Newton & Son. £1470 £1400 £1350 HM Dent. £1450 x2 £1405 x3 E Parsons. £1440 £1245 F Crawford. £1390 £1275 DG&PD Ayre. £1390 £1320 £1275 DR Smith. £1370 JE Holliday & Son. £1335 WKMM Lamb. £1320 £1295 £1250 £1240 £1215 £1205 JE AJ Pickford. £1290 JG Wilkinson & Son. £1280 £1200 x3 £1190 GS Bainbridge. £1275 £1260 x2 £1210 x2 Wilkinson & Son. £1230 £1210 Beckwith. £1225 JS Wiper.

Cast Cattle – Cow beef remains a popular menu choice it would seem as the firm trade continues, this week’s splendid sale average of 189ppk and £1284 looks every bit as good as anything witnessed of late. Stunning Limousin’s from A C Simpson & Son, McNeil Farm, Witton-le-Wear once again shone brightest as they topped at 278ppk for an OTM heifer and £2039 with a five-year-old cow. Stock bulls are also in demand, the best this week proved to be a five-year-old British Blue from W & C Iceton, Baldersdale at 220ppk and a thumping nine-year-old Limousin from W Lodge & Sons, Nags Fold Farm which added up to £2130.

Cast Cows- Top Prices PPK 278 236 208×2 AC Simpson & Son. 256 254 EA&N Thompson & Son. 240 204 198 190 184 Allison Devereux. 240 236 228 ER&GI Younger. 222 190 K&MM Henderson. 208 186 TW Clark & Son. 208 204 196 RD Anderson. 206 W Lodge & Sons. 198 186 J Thompson & Sons. 192 184 184 R&W Todd. 188 GW&M Singleton & Sons. 184 RA&SL Wearmouth. 184 AJ Marr & Son. 182 AW Sanderson.

Lead Grossing Cast Cows- £2039 £1876 £1680 £1651 AC Simpson & Son. 1829 £1432 K&MM Henderson. £1635 W Lodge & Sons. £1633 £1397 EA&N Thompson & Son. £1562 £1242 TW Clark & Son. £1545 £1484 £1263 ER&GI Younger. £1502 £1235 £1224 £1197 Allison Devereux Farms. £1497 £1250 £1191 RD Anderson. £1481 TH Mace & Sons. £1474 £1196 R&W Todd. £1422 RA&SL Wearmouth. £1406 WE&CA Anderson. £1376 £1301 £1296 J Thompson & Sons. £1339 AJ Marr. £1257 GW&M Singleton & Sons.

Cast Bulls- Top Prices PPK 220 W&C Iceton. 198 W Lodge & Sons. 170 I Newton & Son. 156 JW Richardson. 140 Leslie Brown.

Lead Grossing Cast Bulls- £2130 W Lodge & Sons. £1808 W&C Iceton. £1740 I Newton & Son. £1311 JW Richardson. £1243 Leslie Brown.

Store Sheep – An increased entry met with several new accounts operating at ringside today and resulted in a flying trade for all classes. Top of a very high pile was Andrew Newton of Tutta Beck Farm with a superb pair of Beltex lambs reaching £118. Excellent Beltex lambs from R E Coatsworth, Wearview followed tight behind the Tutta Beck toppers followed by some powerful Texel lambs from J R & J Crowe, Bishops Close Farm. Plenty of strong continental and Suffolk lambs sold above £100 whilst the best Mule lambs sold in the high £80’s and horned lambs topped at £62. Many more feeding ewes forward as the Monday sellers look way better off than Thursday’s leaner end, seldom has there been a better time to sell healthy lean ewes. Big ewes all £100 plus, healthy straight Mules £70-£90, lean Mules £50 to £70, healthy horned ewes £30-50 and even some fairly decrepit examples £20-£30, all in all the feeding ewes look phenomenal.

Store Lambs-

Beltex- £118 A Newton. £113 £110 £106 £102 £95 £91 £90 £89 RE Coatsworth. 109 T&R Dent. £109 M Radford. £108 £92 A Rooke & Sons.

Texel- £110 £95 £90 £88 R Worthy. £110 £109 £104 JR&J Crowe. £106.50 E Peacock. £106 £92 T Walton. £101 A Rooke & Sons. £100 RM Guy. £99 £89 A Newton. £96.50 £90 P Turnbull. £96 £87 x2 K Buckle. £96 £86 £85 C&M Burnett. £95.50 P&S Wood. £95 FM Armstrong. £93 £90.50 £89 RE Coatsworth. £92.50 £85 D&G Spry. £91 £86 S&D Ferrie. £89.50 Ryan Olley. £88 S Pybourne. £88 £86 D Alderson. £88 RA Patterson & Son. £87.50 K Sayer. £86.50 R Potts. £86.50 A&R Breeze. £85 WB Rutter & Sons.

Suffolk- £109 £93 £88 A&B Herworth. £105 £88 D Alderson. £102 £95 GW Dobson & Son. £96.50 £92 £85.50 T&C Smith. £90 K Buckle. £89 S Pybourne. £87.50 F Myers & Sons. £85 RA Patterson & Son.

Continental- £101 GW Dobson & Son. £95 T&C Smith. £88 RA Patterson & Son. £85 R Worthy.

Cheviot- £91 S&D Ferrie. £81 C L I’Anson. £75 £63 S Beeforth.

Mule- £89 S Beeforth. £88 £80 £71 Fletcher & Coates. £81 £70 R B Watson.

Blackface – £62 R M Guy.

Badger Faced Welsh Mountain – £57 A Rooke & Sons.

Swaledale – £38 H G Spensley & Son. £35 £28 K Sayer.

Feeding Ewes- £125 £101 £84 £61 DR Smith. £122 £69 M Radford. £110 JM Bainbridge. £106 £88 £84 £75 D&M Buck. £105 RA Patterson & Son. £105 £73 £54 R Simpson & Sons. £103 S Pybourne. £84 x2 £81 £71 £70 A&R Breeze. £75.50 £74 £71 £60 K Buckle. £72 M Whorlton. £65 £55 £53 A Rooke & Sons. £64.50 BR&S Fell. £62 D Alderson. £61 H Dent. £60 S Beeforth. £60 £55 James Burns.