Cast Cattle, Store & Breeding Stock

29th May 2023

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Darlington Farmers Auction Mart held their weekly sale of cast cattle, store and breeding stock on Monday 29th May 2023. Forward were 162 Cattle and 284 Sheep.

71 Cast Cows & OTM sold to 286ppk or £2176
7 Stock Bulls sold to 298ppk or £2267
1 Stirk sold for £860
2 Cows & Calves sold to £1420
22 Young Bulls sold to £1690
12 Store Steers sold to £1240
45 Store Heifers sold to £1320
24 Hoggs & Lambs sold to £225
42 Ewes Ewes & Lambs sold to £310
88 Store Hoggs sold to £94
35 Feeding Ewes sold to £104

Cast Cattle – A good offering for the Whit Bank Holiday as two Dexter’s and twenty-nine dairy breeds teamed up with a tidy show of beef cows to average a pleasing 199ppk and £1297. Setting the pace today were welcome raiders from the North as the best run in the place by some margin hailed from J T Gilchrist, West Meikle, Dunbar; the rampant Scottish reivers sold Limousin cows to 286ppk and 276ppk or £2176 and £2118 plus bulls to 298ppk and 204ppk or £2267 and £2231. A sweet Limousin OTM heifer from J R Dalton, Lanehead impressed selling for 280ppk as did a powerful Simmental bull from R E Shield, Willington which reached £2150. A fleshy Aberdeen Angus cow from Wolsingham Park Farms led the native charge when she sold for 210ppk and £1602 whilst the pick of the parlour princesses were both Holstein Friesians as Cowclose Farm, Stapleton sold to 210ppk and Messrs Sayer & Tallentire, Gayles topped at £1538.

Cast Cows & OTM Leading PPK – 286 276 246 242 236 224 JT Gilchrist. 280 JR Dalton. 262 230 Foxton Livestock. 260 JS Foster & Son. 254 R Hall & Son. 244 206 RO Gilson. 244 GK KN & GJ Hird. 240 216 SE Harrison & Son. 236 210 x2 206 N White. 236 J Walshaw. 288 F&HL Jackson & Son. 216 206 T&R Quinn & Son. 210 Wolsingham Park Farms. 210 202 196 G Bolton. 208 Cowclose Farm LTD. 202 SJ Bainbridge. 200 FW Hodgson & Son. 200 198 JD&IW Sayer & Tallentire. 198 J Norman. 198 JB Fletcher. 198 196 RA Chapman. 196 E Scott & Sons.

Cast Cows & OTM Leading Gross – £2176 £2118 £1998 £1774 £1664 £1659 JT Gilchrist. £1887 F&HL Jackson & Son. £1856 £1563 RO Gilson. £1852 £1541 Foxton Livestock. £1790 FW Hodgson & Son. £1680 £1656 SE Harrison & Son. £1602 Wolsingham Park Farms. £1538 £1410 JD&IW Sayer & Tallentire. £1534 JR Dalton. £1523 JS Foster & Son. £1518 £1363 T&R Quinn & Son. £1508 Wilkinson & Son. £1486 £1459 £1344 £1262 N White. £1462 £1433 R&A Chapman. £1383 GK KN & GJ Hird. 1364 E Scott & Sons. £1343 FW Hodgson & Son. £1293 J Walshaw & Son. £1292 R Hall & Son. £1261 J Norman. £1244 IF&CM Herring & Son.

Cast Bulls Leading PPK – 298 204 JT Gilchrist. 216 EA&N Thompson & Son. 210 LW Martin. 192 JV Hodgson & Son. 190 RE Shield. 160 M Metcalfe.

Cast Bulls Leading Gross – £2267 £2231 JT Gilchrist. £2150 RE Shield. £1864 LW Martin. £1753 M Metcalfe. £1563 EA&N Thompson & Son. £1142 JV Hodgson & Son.

Store & Breeding Cattle – A light offering for the Bank Holiday, the vendors who chose the mart against a trip to the seaside were well rewarded as trade remained excellent. The superstar of the day was undoubtedly a lovely Limousin feeding bull from S Wilde, Spite Winter House, Sheffield when he sold for £1690. Top steer at just 9-months-old and £1240 was a beautiful British Blue from regular seller K O Stones, Nun Cote Nook Farm, Marrick whilst the hottest heifers belonged to Messrs Wilkinson & Son, Carrsides Farm when they produced a trio of 16-month-old Friesian cross British Blue’s which sold for £1320 apiece.

Stirks £860 SJ Bainbridge.

Cows & Calves £1420 A Dixon. £1300 F&A Gilchrist.

Store Bulls £1690 S Wilde. £1300 £850 B Watson. £1170 Ainsty Farms Direct. £1125 £1055 £960 F Watson. £1055 £900 T&R Quinn & Son. £1050×2 JV Hodgson & Son. £1030 £900 £860 P Foster. £970 Wilkinson & Son.

Store Steers £1240 £1200 KO Stones. £1235 £900 J Walshaw & Son. £1110 £1090 I Newton. £1085 GT&MA Wearmouth. £1035 £810 N&A Hunter. £835 £785 MW Bainbridge & Sons.

Store Heifers £1320×3 £1220 £1190 Wilkinson & Son. £1290 £1240 £1110×2 £1055 GT&MA Wearmouth. £1250×4 JC Thwaite & Son. £1230 £1200 £1155 £1075 MVN&D Cutler. £1170 £1120 £1075 Ainsty Farms Direct. £1130 £1055×4 MJ Hutchinson. £1130×2 £1040 I Newton. £1050×2 £980 £895 JJ Horn. £1000 £825 £820 P Foster. £930 R Hall & Son. £920 J Walshaw & Son.

Store & Breeding Sheep – With odd exceptions the ewe and lamb trade looked easier as perhaps the sudden dry spell is slightly scratching the surface of the barely healed scars left by last year’s drought. The exception today were Zwartbles ewes with twin lambs from Christine Slee, Coverham when they twice sold for £310; best of the rest were Texel hoggs with single lambs from Frank Johnson, West Shipley topping at £225 with a huge Texel ewe and twin lambs from J C Thwaite & Son, Lartington not far adrift at £222.
Feeding hoggs and ewes remain easy to sell as the fast finished prices follow through nicely in to the store ring, this week’s toppers from R G McNeal, Ramshaw saw hoggs to £94 and ewes to £104.

Store Hoggs- £94 RG McNeal. £87.50 £85 £78 R Worthy. £58 £56 R Dixon.

Store Ewes- £104 £102 £91 RG McNeal. £89 £72 £56 £28 GH&RG Stobbs.

Ewes & Lambs- £310 x2 £132 C Slee. £222 £215 JC Thwaite & Son. £205 £192 T&R Dent. £180 £150(x2) £138 D&M Buck. £175 £155 BR&S Fell. £138 C Slee. £120 J Wigham.

Hoggs & Lambs- £225 £210 £200 F Johnson.