Cast Cattle, Store & Breeding Stock

19th February 2024

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Darlington Farmers Auction Mart held their weekly sale of cast cattle, store and breeding stock on Monday 19th February 2024. Forward were 416 cattle and 858 sheep.

71 Cast Cows/OTM sold to 258ppk or £1785
4 Stock Bulls sold to 228ppk or £1772
51 Young Bulls sold to £1950
106 Store Steers sold to £1900
184 Store Heifers sold to £1880
755 Store Hoggs sold to £158
84 Feeding Ewes sold to £156
7 Ewes with Lambs sold to £280

Cast Cattle – Another excellent cow trade as the feeders and wholesalers again went strong from the outset, this week’s average of 180ppk and £2184 although back on paper due to a plain bottom end would in reality see them equal if not even better on the week. OTM heifers travelled all the way from Essex led the prices per kilo when J P Phelan of Mill Pond Farm sold Aberdeen Angus to 258 pence and Charolais to 254 pence. Top cow of the day was altogether more local as Weardale based W M Reed & Sons, Lands Farm produced an excellent Limousin to sell at 240ppk and £1785. Top of the Friesian cows was a remarkable 12-year-old from B & B Kitching & Son, Elstob Cottage Farm when she sold for 180ppk and £1238. Of the four stock bulls offered it was a young Galloway from I & S Beeforth, Eden House Farm which topped the prices per kilo at 228 pence whilst the highest gross value went to a Limousin from R Nattrass & Sons, Sunrise House Farm at £1772.

Cast Cows & OTM Leading PPK – 258 254 J P Phelan. 240 W M Reed & Sons. 238 188 A & R Thompson. 230 L Booton. 224 216 Patricia Sobota. 216 Northfield Farms. 212 200 198 GK, KN & GJ Hird. 210 B & B Kitching & Sons. 210 200 192 D W Humphrey. 200 J J Horn. 196 K Hall. 196 G Cant. 194 190 R Nattrass & Sons. 194 A W Sanderson. 192 J Richmond. 190 Stevens & Son. 188 Leslie Brown. 188 G M Blair & Partners.

Stock Bulls Leading PPK – 228 I & S Beeforth. 210 T Metcalfe & Son. 195 J J M Lonsdale. 178 R Nattrass & Sons.

Cast Cows & OTM Leading Gross – £1785 W M Reed & Sons. £1732 £1601 £1344 GK, KN & GJ Hird. £1722 £1463 J Richmond. £1685 A & R Thompson. £1570 £1468 £1288 D W Humphrey. £1555 £1475 J P Phelan. £1554 L Booton. £1539 B & B Kitching & Son. £1480 £1359 Stevens & Son. £1455 Northfield Farms. £1424 J J Horn. £1391 Patricia Sobota. £1384 Broom Hill Farms. £1377 £1335 W Denham. £1350 M R Souter. £1350 R Nattrass & Sons. £1310 Leslie Brown. £1306 G M Blair & Partners. £1300 W & R Kemp & Son. £1293 G Cant. £1288 R A & S Wearmouth.

Stock Bulls Leading Gross – £1772 R Natrass & Sons. £1724 JJM Lonsdale. £1652 T Metcalfe & Son. £1048 I & S Beeforth.

Store Cattle – A good show of numbers this week and the high-speed store cattle juggernaut just keeps on rolling through February as another very fine trade occurred; bidding reached at least £1500 on no less than fifty-five occasions with steers averaging £1312, heifers £1150 and young bulls £1075. An increased show of bulls was in high demand, top of the day proved to be a strong Limousin from A & A G Moralee, Lowfield Farm which sold for £1950, next in line was the best from the annual consignment from W Lodge & Sons, Nags Fold Farm with a super Limousin at £1620; another from Nags fold followed at £1590 ahead of some brilliant 8-10-month-old Aberdeen Angus bulls from C Dawson, Nunstainton whose run topped at £1570. The clean store cattle were in excellent form with some terrific sorts at the top end, best of all at £1900 was a superb Limousin steer from the regular selling D W Dresser, Hall Farm, Greatham. A & R Thompson of Dimmingdale Farm, Moorsholm led the heifer trade with a picture-perfect pair selling at £1880, a second Dimmingdale duo sold for £1810 with the Dresser’s of Hall Farm not to be outdone selling their heifers to a top of £1860.

Young Bulls – £1950 A & A G Moralee. £1620 £1590 £1490 £1350(x3) £1260 £1130 £1100(x2) £1070 £980(x2) £965 £940 W Lodge & Sons. £1570 £1390(x2) £1380(x2) £970 C Dawson. £1385 I Newton & Son. £1380 £1360 £1290(x2) £1190 E Parsons. £1250 J W Richardson. £950 R Hutchinson. £940 Raby Home Farm.

Store Steers – £1900 D W Dresser. £1760 £1650 £1640 A & A G Moralee. £1670 R Nattrass & Sons. £1630 £1600 £1560 G W & L Marsay. £1590(x3) £1585(x2) £1580(x3) £1545(x3) £1480(x2) £1470(x2) J H Johnson. £1590(x2) £1540(x2) D Walker. £1580 £1500 £1490 F Ward. £1530 J P Phelan. £1510 G L & M Steel. £1500 £1470 G W & M Singleton & Sons. £1470 J C Thwaite & Son.

Store Heifers – £1880(x2) £1810(x2) £1710(x2) £1560(x2) £1540(x2) £1500(x2) £1410(x2) A & R Thompson. £1860 £1790 D W Dresser. £1650 £1525(x3) £1450 R L Walker. £1590 £1540 F Ward. £1560 R Errington & Son. £1505 J C Thwaite & Son. £1500 W & J Herbert. £1490 G L & M Steel. £1490 J R & J Crowe. £1460 J S Crowe. £1420 £1405 William Crowe. £1420(x2) W B Rutter & Sons. £1410 M & R K McKenzie. £1400 P Fawcett.

Store Sheep – Take a deep breath, the store hogg trade is absolutely astronomical; a pretty ordinary show as many vendors come to the end of the line still miraculously averaged over £100. Top of the day at £158 went to a thumping Suffolk lamb from A & B Herworth, Crake Scar Farm, the same good home followed with Texels to £151. A very eclectic mix of breeds all sold to stunning levels, twelve Mule lambs from D R Smith, East Roughlea sold to £127, the same home sold Blackface to £116 whilst we also on the day saw Zwartbles to £120, Cheviot’s and Rough Fell’s to £102 and Swaledale’s to £95. Feeding ewes also enjoyed a sharp trade, top price of £155 went to the Texel’s of A & R Thompson, Dimmingdale Farm; Suffolks sold to £134, Blue Faced Leicester’s to £130, Mules to £115 and horned ewes to £44. A small number of ewes and lambs appeared this week, Texel crossed shearlings from L J Thompson, Willington sold with twin lambs for £280 per family and the singles reached £230.

Leading Prices
Ewes & Lambs – £280 £230 L J Thompson
Store Hoggs
Suffolk – £158 £136 £127 A & B Herworth. £139 D R Smith. £137 Northfield Farms. £112 £105 P Armstrong. £109 C Longstaff.
Texel – £151 £142 A & B Herworth. £140 £139 £135 Northfield Farms. £138 £130 D R Smith. £125 £120 C E Smith. £124 A Kelly. £122(x2) D A Gill. £120 £109 D Clarke. £115 £111 D E Stones. £113 £112 W H Brown. £113 C H & M C Phalp. £110 C Longstaff.
Beltex – £136 C Longstaff. £135 Northfield Farms.
Continental – £137 A W Sanderson. £125(x2) £111 D A Gill. £124 P Kirk. £120 £105 D R Smith. £119 S Fenwick. £116 £100 W H Brown. £106 A P & E Procter. £105 £104 Northfioeld Farms. £105 S Richardson. £102 P Armstrong. £100 D Rutter.
Mule £127 D R Smith. £110 A Forrest. £110 A Kelly. £108 W H Brown. £105 A P & E Procter. £100 R & R E Everitt. £92 S M Rigg.
Zwartbles – £120 G P Addison.
Blackface – £116 D R Smith.
Cheviot – £102 A P & E Procter. £98 C H & M C Phalp.
Swaledale – £95 Northfield Farms. £93 £89 A P & E Procter. £86 R & R E Everitt. £60 JJM Lonsdale. £54 J D Teasdale. £45 S M Rigg.
Jacob – £83 £76 A Forrest.
Herdwick – £57 S M Rigg.

Feeding Ewes – £156 £152 £127(x2) £92 A & R Thompson. £132 £125 £94 £88 G P Addison. £134 £130 D Rutter. £130 £104 J P & R Ward. £115 £101 £98 £95 L Fowler. £100 £88 £80 D E Stones. £98 £92 £80 I Peadon. £97 A W Sanderson. £90 D A Gill. £84 S Richardson.