Cast Cattle, Store & Breeding Stock

20th February 2023

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Darlington Farmers Auction Mart held their weekly sale of cast cattle, store and breeding stock on Monday 20th February 2023. Forward were 329 Cattle and 863 Sheep.

71 Cast Cows & OTM sold to 288ppk or £2370
9 Stock Bulls sold to 274ppk or £2824
1 Calf sold for £180
2 Cows & Calves sold to £2180
53 Young Bulls sold to £1470
81 Store Steers sold to £1560
110 Store Heifers sold to £1620
678 Store Hoggs sold to £130
185 Feeding Ewes & Rams sold to £155

Cast Cattle – Where do we start? Incredible! It would come as no surprise if the four horsemen of the apocalypse didn’t gallop full speed through the geld ring one Monday, they genuinely just keep on getting better. A truly blinding trade for all classes with an increased 42% dairy bred cattle through them still averaged a mind boggling 198 pence per kilo and £1325 per head. Top of the tree at 288 pence per kilo was a sharp Limousin OTM heifer from Hughes Brothers Farms, Sockburn Hall whilst the cow of the moment was a brilliant 5-year-old British Blue from A C Bentham, Fletcher Hill Farm which sold for 264ppk and an impressive £2370. Native breed honours belonged to a fantastic 7-year-old Longhorn cow from G A Willey, Broomfield Farm, Chopwell when she reached a staggering 224ppk and £1662 whilst the charging Chopwell family also lit up the dairy cow trade with a superb 6-year-old Montbeliarde cow reaching 214ppk, not including their beef bred cows a sublime seven genuine dairy cows left the parlour at Broomfield Farm this morning and averaged 193 pence per kilo. For the third week in a row our top gross valued dairy cow hailed from S H Watson & Son, Station Farm, Winston; twice the hefty Holstein’s from this good home sold over £1700 with the best a 913kg 7-year-old reaching £1752. Last but by no means least comes word on a brilliant bull trade, aside from a diddy Dexter at 192ppk and a remarkable 15-year-old Charolais at 190ppk all the bulls sold over 200ppk and the best bull just beggars belief. Congratulations today go to P Weightman & Sons, Hallfield Farm, Easington who produced a stunning 33-month-old British Blonde bull which sold for 274ppk and an amazing £2824.

Cast Cows – Top prices ppk 288 256 242 200 Hughes Bros. 264 AC Bentham. 228 202 184 AJ Marr & Son. 224 222 GA Willey. 224 206 N Swinbank. 220 202 JRP Vickers & Sons. 214 196 194 192 184 A Willey. 210 192 188 LW Martin. 210 186 TT Hall & Son. 208 OJ Kendall. 208 200×2 TW Clark & Son. 208 ME&TD Tailford. 204 202 G Beadle. 202 M Gallon. 200 MR Souter. 196 192 SH Watson & Son. 195 R Summerson. 196 TW Brown. 196 184 Little Newsham Farms. 195 R Hutchinson.

Lead Grossing Cast Cows £2370 AC Bentham. £1812 £1652 JRP Vickers & Sons. £1752 £1722 SH Watson & Sons. £1662 GA Willey. £1611 £1480 AJ Marr & Son. £1597 £1497 £1427 Little Newsham Farms. £1577 £1570 £1445 £1268 £1267 A Willey. £1531 M Gallon. £1464 MR Souter. £1458 OJ Kendall. £1433 ME&TD Tailford. £1425 £1296 Hughes Bros. £1384 £1297 N Swinbank. £1372 GM Blair & Partners. £1370 £1356 TW Clark & Son. £1370 TW Brown. £1369 R&W Todd. £1327 TH Mace & Sons. £1276 S Suddes.

Cast Bulls – Top prices ppk 274 P Weightman & Sons. 248 R Summerson. 228 214 RC Bainbridge. 224 TW Brown. 218 TN Callender. 212 B&R Dixon. 190 K Sayer.

Lead Grossing Cast Bulls £2824 P Weightman & Sons. £2165 R Summerson. £2145 TN Callender. £2089 TW Clark. £2081 B&R Dixon.

OTM Cattle 248 230 S Bolton. 228 214 RC Bainbridge. 206 192 G Bolton. Lead Grossing OTM Cattle £1488 £1285 S Bolton. £1194 £945 RC Bainbridge. £1089 £764 G Bolton.

Store & Breeding Cattle – The sale began with another genuine couple of cows and calves from the ongoing dispersal of P R E Marwood, Huller Bush Farm; this week’s best was a tidy Hereford second calver with a month-old Limousin heifer calf at foot. On to the young bulls and another roaring trade saw a top price of £1470 going to a strong Aberdeen Angus from F M Suddes, China Hall; impressing most in the bulls were perhaps a smart run of 6- to 9-month-olds from Hughes Bros Farms, Sockburn Hall which twice sold over £1300 with the 17 of them averaging £1107. The store beast trade continues in stunning form and up a good £100 per head on the same week last year, worth noting that by no means a fancy show forward today saw the steers average £1100 and the red-hot heifers a wonderful £1132. Top price of £1620 went to a wonderful 16-month-old Limousin heifer from Hughes Bros Farms, Sockburn Hall; just £5 adrift were our top native breeds as A B P Wilsons of West Highwood, Langleydale sold three excellent Aberdeen Angus heifers at £1615. Best of the steers belonged to K Sayer of Scotland Farm with a very smart 14-month-old Limousin cross selling for £1560, his closest rival in the steer race hailed from I W Cairns, Pespool Hall and sold for £1530.

Cows & Calves £2180 £1950 PRE Marwood.

Store Bulls £1470 £1275 FM Suddes. £1310×2 £1250 £1200×2 £1195 £1190×2 £1185 £1140 £1100 £1025×2 Hughes Bros. £1130 £1105 £1030 M Madrell. £895 B Lowson. £880×2 £875 £795×2 W Chrystal £710 JT Forster & Son. £635 R Tookey & Son.

Store Steers £1560 £1355 £1280 £1140 K Sayer. £1530 IW Cairns. £1460×2 L&BM Kidd & Son. £1445 GA Willey. £1440 ABP Wilsons. £1435×2 £1420×3 £1395 £1340 A Willey. £1355 £1300 WB Rutter & Sons. £1345 £1250 £1140 £1095 31080×2 A&AG Moralee. £1340 F Stobart & Sons. £1320×2 GW&M Singleton & Sons. £1220 £1130 £1095 HS Hutchinson. £1190 G Beadle. £1190 £1100 £1095 L Brown. £1170×2 W&JM Clifford. £1155 C&M Burnett.

Store Heifers £1620 £1590 £1480 Hughes Bros Farms Ltd. £1615×3 £1440×2 ABP Wilsons. £1430 F Stobart & Sons. £1420 £1330 L&BM Kidd & Son. £1410 £1190 TT Hall & Son. £1385 W Crowe. £1385×2 GW&M Singleton & Sons. £1380 £1345 IW Cairns. £1365×3 GE Raw. £1350 JR&J Crowe. £1325 £1190 JH Johnson. £1305 JS Crowe. £1290 G Calvert & Sons. £1255 ME&TD Tailford. £1245 £1200 £1190×2 K Sayer. £1220 £1180 HS Hutchinson. £1175 I Newton & Son.


Store Sheep – More forward and trade continuing its new found fast pace as the best 140 hoggs all sold in three figures, best of all a heavyweight Suffolk from A & B Herworth, Crake Scar Farm sold for £130 whilst Texels twice hit £117 from both C A & J Kipling, Scargill and Rosedale’s T & R Dent. Mule hoggs topped at £100 from H S Hutchinson, Eastgate with the horned hogg trade belonging to a pen of 27 Swaledale tups from R Watson, Bowes at £60. More feeding ewes and rams offered today with top tups from Raby Home Farm winning the day at £155 and the best pen of ewes proving to be 26 strong continental crosses from C Harle & Sons, Brandon at £113.

Store Hoggs –
Suffolk £130 £120 £117 A&B Herworth. £110 G&JH Tomlinson & Son. £93 £83 GH&RG Stobbs.

Texel £117 £104 £95 CA&J Kipling. £117 £116 £84 T&R Dent. £113 £103×2 W Love Ltd. £112.50 £105 G&JH Tomlinson & Son. £108.50 £108 £105 SJ Love. £106 £88 £86.50 T Walton. £100 £91 SA Smith & Sons. £99 RB Farming. £95 £89 D&HM Hodgson. £95 £90 £88 A Tunstall.

Beltex £115 BJS Farms. £104 £95 SA Smith & Sons. £86 W Wearmouth & Son. £85 GS Dixon.

Charollais £110 £102 G&JH Tomlinson & Son.

Mule £100 HS Hutchinson. £90 W Wearmouth & Son. £90 JD Bousfield. £87 D Alderson. £86 R Watson.

Continental £93 P Kirk. £92 W Wearmouth & Son.

Feeding Ewes £113 3110 C Harle & Sons. £110 £97 £90 £86 Ivanhoe Livestock. £106 £95 £91 £79 W Love Ltd. £101 £95 J Davis. £101 £89 £88 LJ Daly. £101 Raby Home Farm. £100 £96 SA Smith & Sons. £94 D&HM Hodgson. £91 D Alderson. £89 A Tunstall.

Store Tups £155 £150 £145 £94 Raby Home Farm. £82 C Morris.