Cast Cattle, Store & Breeding Stock

6th March 2023

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Darlington Farmers Auction Mart held their weekly sale of cast cattle, store and breeding stock on Monday 6th March 2023. Forward were 329 cattle and 882 sheep.

76 Cast Cows & OTM sold to 290ppk or £2188
8 Stock Bulls sold to 260ppk or £2304
6 Stirks sold to £770
6 In Calf Cows sold to £2080
1 Cow & Calf sold for £1920
42 Young Bulls sold to £1640
69 Store Steers sold to £1530
121 Store Heifers sold to £1700
760 Store Hoggs sold to £104
111 Feeding Ewes sold to £114
4 Ewes & Lambs sold to £160

Cast Cattle – The colossal cow trade steamroller’s its way in to March, this week’s joyous proceedings averaged 196ppk and £1348 with 31 cattle the right side of 200 pence per kilo. Top of this weeks towering tree sat a superb Limousin OTM heifer from E Scott & Sons, Middridge Grange when she sold for 290ppk, just adrift at 282ppk came a well fed Limousin OTM heifer from D K Barker, Little Ketton which also claimed the accolade of top gross valued female when she added up to £2188. Older continental cows also enjoyed a fast trade; a smart Limousin from J B Luck & Son, Milestone House sold for 238ppk whilst a British Blue from L R Welsh & Co, Green Lane Farm reached £1813. Friesian trade was absolutely frantic again as the 30 of them averaged beyond 170ppk, the best this week from G Thompson & Sons, Softley Farm sold for 196ppk whilst a remarkable (and heavy) old girl from Little Newsham Farms sold for a sensational £1932. Nicest of the native breeds proved to be a 31-month-old Aberdeen Angus bull from G & J H Tomlinson & Son, Sunniside Farm which sold for 260ppk and £2007; ahead of him in the bull race came two older chaps as T N Callender, Ox Eye Farm sold a Limousin for £2234 and an absolute tank of a Charolais from Allison Devereux Farms, Low Harperley beat them all when he reached £2304.

Cast Cows & OTM Leading PPK – 290 E Scott & Sons. 282 258 230 D K Barker. 262 256 I M Maughan. 258 208(x2) R E & B J Potter. 252 228 226 W Walker & Sons. 242 238 218 J B Luck & Son. 228 222 220 C Parker. 228 214 G & J H Tomlinson & Son. 222 W Denham. 222 218 W A Dinsdale & Son. 222 200 L R Welsh & Co. 210 T T Hall & Son. 202 J H Emerson. 198 196 A Hollings. 196 W Wearmouth & Son. 196 G Thompson & Sons. 194(x3) Beckwith. 194 J E & S Ward.
Stock Bulls Leading PPK – 260 G & J H Tomlinson & Son. 222 A P Taylor. 202 T N Callender. 202 174 Allison Devereux Farms. 194 J Brannen. 190 D A & M E Welford. 154 A & J E Smith.

Cast Cows & OTM Leading Gross – £2188 £1968 £1692 D K Barker. £1932 £1810 £1633 £1416 Little Newsham Farms. £1876 E Scott & Sons. £1813 £1436 L R Welsh & Co. £1718 £1431 £1368 R E & B J Potter. £1687 W Denham. £1663 W Walker & Sons. £1645 £1635 £1587 J B Luck & Son. £1589 G & J H Tomlinson & Son. £1576 £1324 J T Forster & Son. £1546 £1433 I M Maughan. £1516 £1456 £1343 A Hollings. £1469 W A Dinsdale & Son. £1404 £1392 Beckwith. £1383 T T Hall & Son. £1361 W Wearmouth & Son. £1337 J H Emerson.
Stock Bulls Leading Gross – £2304 £1814 Allison Devereux Farms. £2234 T N Callender. £2007 G & J H Tomlinson & Son. £1976 D A & M E Welford. £1820 A P Taylor. £1583 J Brannen. £1484 A & J E Smith.

Store & Breeding Cattle – Another terrific trade for the store and breeding cattle today, no question the current beef boom is creating the best feeding beast trade ever seen. Mention again for the umpteenth week running goes to the ongoing dispersal of P R E Marwood, Huller Bush Farm who this week showed half a dozen excellent in calf cows, the pick of them a 4-year-old Aberdeen Angus sold for £2080. With a shortage of finished bull beef there is little wonder that the replacements are a superb trade, this weeks winner at just 10-months-old proved to be a cracking Limousin from Hughes Bros Farms Ltd, Sockburn Hall which sold for £1640; some fantastic yearlings from W A Richardson Ltd, Hutton Fields were also impressive on the day selling for £1510 and £1480. An eclectic mix of clean store cattle all found new homes with ease, a quite brilliant 2-year-old British Blue heifer from Northfield Farms, South Thornberry despite having never seen a feed bag managed to dominate proceedings when she sold for £1700. An excellent 22-month-old Aberdeen Angus steer from W & J Herbert, Woodwell House Farm led the steer trade when he sold for £1530 whilst final mention goes to a superb run of forward stores from D & M Lowes, Wilson House who found themselves sitting in second place on both lists as they topped with steers at £1490 and heifers a brilliant £1660.

Stirks – £770(x4) £700 Northfield Farms. £390 J H Emerson.
In Calf Cows – £2080 £1980 £1900 £1880 £1780 £1500 P R E Marwood.
Cow & Calf – £1920 P Marley.
Young Bulls – £1640 £1270 £1150 £1100 £1090 £1040 Hughes Bros Farms Ltd. £1510 £1480 £1330 W A Richardson Ltd. £1440 £1330 £1300 £1200 £1040 J J Horn. £1430 B O Cockburn. £1070(x6) C Dawson. £1030 R L Dent. £1030(x2) S Wagget.
Store Steers – £1530 £1170 W & J Herbert. £1490 £1280 £1260 £1225 £1180 D & M Lowes. £1440 D G & P D Ayre. £1410 G E Raw. £1340 J R & L Harding. £1340 £1270 £1265 R L Dent. £1340 £1230 A P & E Procter. £1335 E Taylor & Son. £1325 G W & M Singleton & Sons. £1315 D R Smith. £1290 £1265 £1200 £1170 £1135 A & A G Moralee. £1280 £1255 £1220 £1170 J & E M Lawson. £1190 B J S Farms. £1170 D L Brown. £1160(x2) G Beadle. £1130 W Wearmouth & Son. £1130 J H Johnson. £1120 W Emerson.
Store Heifers – £1700 £1610 Northfield Farms. £1660 £1490 £1460 £1300 £1250 D & M Lowes. £1580 J & E M Lawson. £1465 £1355 D G & P D Ayre. £1375(x3) G W & M Singleton & Sons. £1370(x2) Hughes Bros Farms Ltd. £1370 £1315 £1280 £1260 J G Wilkinson & Son. £1360(x2) £1345 £1295 £1285 D R Smith. £1345 W Emerson. £1320 A P & E Procter. £1300(x3) C Dawson. £1295 W B Rutter & Sons. £1280 W Wearmouth & Son. £1280 R L Dent. £1270 £1255 J S Wiper. £1245 A P & E Procter. £1245 J R & L Harding. ££1240(x2) W & J Herbert. £1235(x2) G E Raw.

Store Sheep – A much larger show than anticipated found a ringside full of keen buyers, trade looks very sharp. Pick of the bunch today at £104 was shared between two vendors as a huge Suffolk hogg from M J Hutchinson, Red Gap Farm was matched by 11 excellent Texel’s from R G & G Rutter, High House Hamsterley. Mule hoggs look the dearest we have seen them, with their continentals taken out of the equation a run of 146 Mule’s from N B & R Hird, Gillfield averaged over £83 with the biggest pen of 27 making a whopping £96 apiece.

Store Hoggs
Suffolk – £104 £93 £87.50 M J Hutchinson. £102 £86 K Liversidge. £101 £96 £85 W R Wilson & Partners. £100 £96 D Alderson. £94 W Love Ltd. £86 G H & R G Stobbs.
Texel – £104 £97 £89 R G & G Rutter. £99 £93 W Love Ltd. £97 £86 F Hickson & Sons. £96 W Wearmouth & Son. £94 £92 J Butterfield & Son. £94 D & H M Hodgson. £84.50 C H & M C Phalp. £83 C Dawson.
Continental – £101 £85 J Wigham. £97 £84 N B & R Hird. £89 £81 D Smith. £88 E Walsh. £82 W Wearmouth & Son.
Mule – £96 £88 N B & R Hird. £85 W Love Ltd. £82 D Alderson.
Cheviot – £79 C H & M C Phalp.

Feeding Ewes – £114 £88 £85 D Rutter. £98 F Hickson & Sons. £92 £86 T B Walton. £90 P Kirk. £82 £78 K & R E Robson. £61 D Alderson. £56 G Pickering. £53 G H & R G Stobbs.

Ewes & Lambs – £160 £148 £138 £116 C Parker.