Cast Cattle & Store Stock

9th January 2023

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Darlington Farmers Auction Mart held their weekly sale of cast cattle and store stock on Monday 9th January 2023. Forward were 355 cattle and 1313 sheep.

108 Cast Cows & OTM sold to 260ppk or £2347
12 Cast Bulls sold to 224ppk or £2272
1 Stirk sold for £250
50 Store Bulls sold to £1295
96 Store Steers sold to £1440
88 Store Heifers sold to £1365
1212 Store Hoggs sold to £127.50
101 Feeding Ewes sold to £132

Cast Cows & OTM – The colossal cow trade continues at a phenomenal level, this week’s offering averaged 183ppk and over £1200. A thrilling thirty cattle sold beyond 200 pence, best of all per kilo at 260 was a wonderful 6-year-old Limousin cow from W I Suddes & Son, Cornsay, with a gross value of £1955 she staggeringly sat only 5th highest as some renowned Limousin breeders congregated around her. Super cows from J E Jordon & Son, Longhirst twice sold in the high £1900’s however the star turn without doubt hailed from the familiar feeding of A C Simpson & Son, McNeil Farm, Witton-le-Wear. The best of three corkers from this good home was an incredible 6-year-old, she tipped the scales to 910kg sold for 258ppk and a gross value of £2347, her stablemates both over £1900 left the magical McNeil trio averaging an impressive £2078. To the native breeds now and 32 head in attendance, once again some great results, non-more so than the Aberdeen Angus breed which topped at £1574 from D & D L Lovegreen, Catterick and 214ppk from J V Hodgson & Son, Piercebridge. A smaller proportion of milking cows this week with only 13 offered, best returns of £1193 from R & W Todd, Toft Hill and a wonderful 202ppk from Glaisdale’s P Foster, Thorn Hill Farm. Last but by no means least come the stock bulls, this week’s best performers were a fine Limousin from I Newton & Son, Howden-le-Wear at £2272 and a young Hereford from Whitehall Farm, Rowley at 224ppk.

Cast Cows & OTM Leading PPK – 260 238 228 W I Suddes & Son. 258 H S Hutchinson. 258 236 234 A C Simpson & Son. 240 238 230 J E Jordon & Son. 240 228 194 W R Thompson. 238 210 J Dixon. 220 214 200 D A & M A M Brown. 216 J L & J A Sunter. 214 P M & F M Hill. 214 J V Hodgson & Son. 212 206 194 J Layfield. 210 198 E Scott & Sons. 208 194 P D & J A Adamski. 208 Skelton Farming. 202 P Foster. 200 196 C Harle & Sons. 198 G Thompson & Sons. 194 F Hare & Sons. 194 Leslie Brown.
Stock Bulls Leading PPK – 224 Whitehall Farm. 218 D A & M E Welford. 216 I Newton & Son. 194 190 154 150 144 E Green & Sons. 192 D Walker.

Cast Cows & OTM Leading Gross – £2347 £1979 £1906 A C Simpson & Son. £1999 £1989 £1912 J E Jordon & Son. £1955 £1806 £1518 W I Suddes & Son. £1849 £1696 W R Thompson. £1658 Forster Hall & Sons. £1650 £1596 £1522 £1455 £1441 D A & M A M Brown. £1617 H S Hutchinson. £1574 D & D L Lovegreen. £1560 M W Reed. £1558 J Dixon. £1522 £1492 £1479 J Layfield. £1520 M Allinson. £1519 £1505 F Hare & Sons. £1499 P & S Wood. £1486 Whitehall Farm. £1448 C Harle & Sons.
Stock Bulls Leading Gross – £2272 I Newton & Son. £2018 D A & M E Welford. £1726 W R Barron. £1491 Whitehall Farm. £1379 P J Glass. £1096 E Green & Sons.

Store Cattle – No January blues for the brilliant beef trade as a healthy show of numbers forward continued in the excellent form we witnessed late last year. Beginning with the bulls and a top price of £1295 went to Wolsingham based T & D I Allen & Son with a strong Limousin, the same good home also sold a Fleckvieh at £1290, meanwhile Friesian feeding bulls impressed from R G Swinbank, Sedgefield when a pair of 13-month-olds sold to £1010. Some strength in the clean stores, D W Dresser of Greatham have certainly proved hard to catch lately with their homebred Limousin crosses and they again today set the bar high when selling 17- and 21-month-old steers for £1440, super sorts of similar description and age from J H Johnson, Roddymoor also sold beyond £1400. In the females even the on-song Dresser’s couldn’t catch a stunning 22-month-old Limousin heifer from R L Walker, Langleydale when she sold for £1365. Noticeable today that of the top dozen heifers three indigenous types included themselves as did as a trio of steers inside their top ten as our native beef breeds remain very much in demand.

Young Bulls – £1295 £1290 T & D I Allen & Son. £1050 S Jackson. £1010(x2) £940(x2) R G Swinbank. £935 £815 £780(x2) I Spedding. £920 J D Heavisides. £840 £800 £780 £765(x3) I & R A Watson. £785 R Valks. £750 J Fletcher.
Store Steers – £1440(x2) D W Dresser. £1410(x2) £1330 £1300 £1290(x2) £1280 £1260(x3) £1250(x4) £1240(x2) J H Johnson. £1385 £1360 G L & M Steel. £1370 £1250 £1130£1165(x2) £1155 A Gregg.  D G & P D Ayre. £1350 S Bolton. £1295 £1120(x2) £1100(x2) Northfield Farms. £1290 D R Smith. £1255(x2) G W & M Singleton & Sons. £1115 £1100(x2) R Laws & Sons. £1110 J & S Thompson. £1105 Ivanhoe Livestock Partnership.
Store Heifers – £1365 £1215(x2) £1175(x2) R L Walker. £1305 D W Dresser. £1280 £1270 £1195 J R & J Crowe. £1275 G L & M Steel. £1270 G Calvert & Sons. £1205(x2) G W & M Singleton & Sons. £1200(x2) £1150 £1140 J G Wilkinson & Son. £1190 £1155 A Gregg. £1190 D R Smith. £1185(x4) £1150(x2) £1100 E Parsons. £1180 D G & P D Ayre. £1170 £1150 £1145 £1100 W B Rutter & Sons. £1115(x2) D R Smith.

Store Sheep – A very mixed offering, for the best end trade was truly fantastic and way out ahead in comparison to the current prime prices. A terrific trio of Beltex hoggs from Northfield Farms, Bowes led the day when they sold for a mind boggling £127.50, ten more from the same home followed at £120 behind which came plenty either shapely or strong hoggs from various vendors selling £90 to £110. Smart long keep running hoggs sold all day £75 to £85 as the feeding men show great faith in what currently seems to be a pretty ordinary outlook at the fat sheep sales up and down the country. Feeding ewes dearer, non-more so than a smart pair of Texel’s from T & C Smith, Startforth reaching £132.

Store Hoggs Leading Prices
Beltex- £127.50 Northfield Farms. £110 DR Smith. £94 F Johnson. £80.50 D Alderson. £76 £73 Adam Lowson.
Texel- £120 £109 £104 £86 Northfield Farms. £109 £93 £90 £86 R Errington & Son. £98.50 DR Smith. £97 £91 D&M Lowes. £89.50 K Buckle. £87 B&J Bainbridge. £84 W Wearmouth & Son. £82 Ivanhoe Livestock Partnership.
Charollais- £109 £108 SJ Love.
Suffolk- £105 £104 £94 DR Smith. £79.50 £72 T&C Smith. £79.50 F Johnson. £76 £75.50 D Alderson. £64 P Kirk. £61 GW Dobson & Son.
Continental- £85.50 T&C Smith. £74 PA Stacey. £73.50 £54.50 T&AE Miller. £66.50 G Pickering. £61 DH Craig. £61 C&I Watson & Sons.
Mule- £73 OD Cornforth. £70 £61.50 P Dent. £68 W Wearmouth & Son. £64 D Alderson. £60 F Johnson. £60 SW&TA Miller.
Swaledale- £44.50 CG Barraclough. £39 £29.50 P Dent.
Feeding Ewes- £132 x2 £100 £82 £80 T&C Smith. £116 £94 £91 £87 £69 D&M Lowes. £109 £80 C Harle & Sons. £97 £93 £79 £64 Adam Lowson. £85 PA Stacey. £80 £64 £28 A Swinbank. £79 £55 M Metcalfe. £71 £64 G Pickering. £58 B&J Bainbridge. £57 DH Craig. £49 JM Sayer. £46 K Buckle.