Cast Cows and Store Stock

8th August 2022

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Darlington Farmers Auction Mart held their weekly sale of Cast Cattle, Breeding and Store Stock on Monday 8th August 2022. Forward were 181 Cattle and 749 Sheep.

67 Cast Cows & OTM sold to 226ppk or £1816
3 Stock Bulls sold to 160ppk or £1905
2 Stirks sold to £520
7 Breeding Cattle sold to £1700
5 Young Bulls sold to £1300
36 Store Steers sold to £1300
61 Store Heifers sold to £1200
642 Store Lambs sold to £109
107 Feeding Ewes sold to £109

Cast Cattle – Dearer again as the remarkable cow beef trade continues full speed ahead, an increased number of native’s and dairy cows did nothing to deter the free bidding ringside buyers. Top price per kilo went to an excellent Limousin OTM heifer from W Ramsay & Sons, Station Town when she sold for 226 pence, behind her our top native per kilo a tidy Aberdeen Angus OTM from D & J Hunnam & Son, Burnt Houses sold for 222 pence; top of the older cows per kilo was deservedly a beautiful British Blue from Forest-in-Teesdale based C Bell at 216 pence.  Leading the gross values was another from Messrs Ramsay & Sons, a fantastic 5-year-old British Blue sold for a whopping £1816, two further cows sold over £1700 which included another from the reliable Ramsay’s and a tank of a Limousin cow from Whitby based K R & A J Worley. Top gross valued native bred cow followed as a heavyweight Aberdeen Angus from J & M J Walton, West Shotton Farm, Staindrop excelled at £1656 whilst Holstein Friesians peaked at £1249 from R G Swinbank, Sedgefield whilst the best milk cow per kilo was a 10-year-old Montbeliarde from J E Holliday & Son, Witton Park. Just a trio of stock bulls this week all selling well, the best proved to be another East Coast arrival as 9-year-old Charolais from M S Foord, Whitby sold for 160ppk and £1905.

Cast Cows & OTM Leading PPK – 226 210 196 W Ramsay & Sons. 222 D & J Hunnam & Son. 216 174 C Bell. 208 194 188 180 178 174 172 168(x3) 166 Skelton Farming. 200 192 K A & A J Worley. 192 Copeland Farms. 190 W & R Kemp & Son. 182 J M & S Walton. 176 L R Welsh & Co. 170 R N Armstrong. 168 J R Addison & Son. 168 F E Pinkney.
Stock Bulls Leading PPK – 160 M S Foord. 144 R Tookey & Son. 142 W & C Iceton.

Cast Cows & OTM Leading Gross – £1816 £1742 £1583 W Ramsay & Sons. £1778 £1422 K R & A J Worley. £1656 J & M J Walton. £1615 L R Welsh & Co. £1462 D & J Hunnam & Son. £1456 £1439 £1346 £1303 £1254 £1239 £1206 £1200 Skelton Farming Ltd. £1410 F E Pinkney. £1339 £1320 W & R Kemp & Son. £1296 Copeland Farms. £1293 £1186 C Bell. £1249 R G Swinbank. £1222 R N Armstrong. £1219 J R Addison & Son.
Stock Bulls Leading Gross – £1905 M S Foord. £1640 W & C Iceton. £1260 R Tookey & Son.

Breeding & Store Cattle – August is, as we often see a slow month for numbers, trade is extremely good and those selling are enjoying their returns at the moment. Just a very light offering of young bulls, by far the pick were a pair of Charolais from P Foster, Guisborough with the better of the two a 10-month-old selling for £1300. Short keep stores are in immense demand, this weeks leader was a strong 27-month-old Longhorn steer from G A Willey, Broomfield Farm, Chopwell at £1300, three other steers sold over £1200 and all carried native breed names on their passports with a hot Hereford from D R Smith, Ferryhill and a pair of admirable Angus from Cumbrian’s E A & N Thompson & Son. A super seven heifers sold over £1100 this week, the very top on our list at £1200 came from W Love Ltd, Tow Law with an excellent 17-month-old Limousin.

Leading Prices
Stirks – £520(x2) Dowson Bros.
Cows & Calves – £1550 £1080 Copeland Farms. £700 A Stevenson.
In Calf Cow – £1000 W Love Ltd.
Young bulls – £1300 £1230 P Foster. £740 Copeland Farms. £600 P & S Wood. £500 A Stevenson.
Store Steers – £1300 G A Willey. £1285 £1115 £1080 £1055 D R Smith. £1260(x2) E A & N Thompson & Son. £1155 £1140 G S Bainbridge. £1115(x2) £1095(x2) £920(x4) R & W Todd. £1000 W Denham. £985 Tarn Bros. £950 I Newton & Son. £930 Humbleton Farm.
Store Heifers – £1200 £1180 £985 W Love Ltd. £1165(x3) £1160 £1155 G S Bainbridge. £1070 M J Hutchinson. £1055 £1035 £995 D R Smith. £985(x2) £955(x3) £945 £940(x2) High Mains Partnership. £955 Tarn, East Park Farms. £950 T T Hall & Son. £945(x2) Kelvin Thompson.

Store Sheep – Following last Thursday’s flying fat trade the stores followed suit and sold extremely well, smaller running lambs are £75 to £85 whilst the short keepers remain £90 plus with some this week beyond £100. Top price was a pen of 26 well grown Texel crossed lambs from Wolsingham based S Pyebourne which sold for an impressive £109 each, the others in the £100 club today were a pen of flashy Texel lambs out of Cheviot Mule ewes from W Burton, Ettersgill at £101. Feeding ewes this week proved a sinful trade as the mutton market moves through the gears.

Leading Prices
Store Lambs – £109 £94.50 S Pyebourne. £101 £90 £89.50 £89 W Burton. £98 £93.50 B G & T A Turnbull. £97.50 £94 £92.50 £92 £89 S & D Ferrie. £97 £92 G H & R G Stobbs. £96 I D Watson. £95.50 £94.50 £93 £91.50 £89 J W & B Firby. £93 L D Laws. £92 £90 W J Readshaw. £91 £89.50 C & M Burnett. £89.50 T & A Walton.
Feeding Ewes – £109 £105 B G & T A Turnbull. £108 M & G Hodgson. £106 £93 £80 £57 J V Hodgson & Son. £90 £88 £79 Gray Broom House. £84 W Burton.