Cast Cows, Store & Breeding Stock

21st November 2022

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Darlington Farmers Auction Mart held their weekly sale of cast cattle, store and breeding stock on Monday 21st November 2022. Forward were 412 Cattle and 1561 Sheep.

135 Cast Cows & OTM sold to 250ppk or £1761
10 Stock Bulls sold to 218ppk or £1772
3 Cows & Calves sold to £2100
7 Stirks sold to £540
36 Young Bulls sold to £1170
95 Store Steers sold to £1455
123 Store Heifers sold to £1370
1412 Store Lambs sold to £136
149 Feeding Ewes/Rams sold to £120

Cast Cattle – A bumper entry, perhaps a wintery morning encouraged vendors to move any passengers out of the way; trade remains in fine form with a below par show of quality averaging a very healthy 153ppk and over £1000. A wonderful British Blue OTM from Northfield Farms, Bowes led the way when she sold for 250 pence per kilo; other OTM heifers also sold well with a smart Limousin from K B & S Roche, Fylingdales at 232ppk and a well fleshed Aberdeen Angus from P R E Marwood 216ppk. Top of the older cows per kilo came from N Swinbank, Neasham at 214ppk on a day which the leading 13 prices were all in the 200’s. Three classy cows sold over £1700 today as the aforementioned Swinbank offering found herself sandwiched between two remarkable old Limousin’s from J B & J A Fenwick, Marwood, top grossing native came from regular sellers W & R Kemp, St Helens Auckland with a thick meat Hereford reaching £1557. Friesian cows dominated the dairy breed prices as A R & C Booth, Bolton-on-Swale sold to 180ppk and £1244. Best of the bulls proved to be a British Blonde from S E Harrison & Son, Beamish at £1772 whilst the long trip from Aberdeenshire paid dividends for A M & G Mackay when their young Aberdeen Angus bull led the pence per kilo at 218.

Cast Cows & OTM Leading PPK – 250 Northfield Farms. 232 K B & S Roche. 216 208 P R E Marwood. 214 190 188 N Swinbank. 208 202 J B & J A Fenwick. 204 180 Forster Hall & Sons. 202 192 W & R Kemp & Son. 200 176 D E Stones. 200 T Walton. 198 F Ward. 196 R Bradley & Son. 192 D S Bezuidenhout. 188 W A Wardman Ltd. 184 Joseph Dixon. 184 W M Reed & Sons. 182 F E Pinkney. 180 A R & C Booth. 178 R & A Chapman. 176 W Ramsay & Sons.
Stock Bulls Leading PPK – 218 A M & G Mackay. 214 E A Martin & Son. 188 S Medley. 184 W E Muir & Son. 182 S E Harrison & Son. 144 Tom Bell. 140 A P & E Procter.

Cast Cows & OTM Leading Gross – £1761 £1737 J B & J A Fenwick. £1737 N Swinbank. £1557 £1416 £1369 W & R Kemp & Son. £1510 Mayfield Beef Shorthorns. £1497 £1490 Forster Hall & Sons. £1494 £1422 P R E Marwood. £1484 £1453 £1322 R E Dickson. £1482 D S Bezuidenhout. £1473 F Ward. £1460 W A Wardman Ltd. £1445 Northfield Farms. £1428 J N Lynas. £1426 M Gallon. £1395 F E Pinkney. £1351 W Ramsay & Sons. £1350 K B & S Roche. £1346 £1331 R Bradley & Son. £1319 K Mitchelson. £1302 Joseph Dixon.

Stock Bulls Leading Gross – £1772 S E Harrison & Son. £1626 A P & E Procter. £1591 W E Muir & Son. £1467 Tom Bell. £1445 S Medley. £1444 E A Martin & Son. £1164 A M & G Mackay.

Store & Breeding Cattle – The Autumn beef trade continues in good form, trade looked very similar as an average although perhaps more peaks and troughs within than seen in the previous months trading. Setting the tone early in the sale was a lovely 6-year-old Charolais cow with heifer calf at foot from Ouston Farms, Ravensworth Park when she sold for £2100, a scattering of stirks followed and they too sold very well indeed. Super Simmentals travelled down from Banffshire led the young bulls as first-time vendors D & R Durno & Sons great run topped at £1170 for a 12-month-old. For the second week running some powerful Aberdeen Angus shown by B & B Kitching & Son, Great Stainton impressed and they duly provided our top pair of steers which sold for £1455. Top of the heifers today was an exceptional 17-month-old Charolais from John Norman, Aysdale Gate Farm, Charltons when she sold for £1370 just nudging a fiver ahead of an excellent Limousin the same age from J Thompson & Sons, Springwell Cottage Farm, Tow Law.

Cows & Calves – £2100 £1780 Ouston Farms Ltd. £1100 K & R E Robson.

Stirks – £540 £510 A W Sanderson. £500(x2) £430 £410(x2) D Smith.

Young Bulls – £1170 £1145 £1090(x2) £945 £860(x2) £775(x2) £730 D & R Durno & Sons. £1000 G Scott. £935 £890 £730 D E Stones. £900 £840 £760(x2) J Bennison. £855 Tom Bell. £750(x2) A P Taylor. £745 J W Richardson.

Store Steers- £1445 £1455 £1315 B&B Kitching & Son. £1415 £1285 £1240 DA Gill. £1365 x3 £1295 x3 £1280 x4 £1255 £1225 x2 £1195 x2 JH Johnson. £1350 £1340 £1295 GT&MA Wearmouth. £1295 GE Raw. £1265 x2 David Harris. £1240 x2 WH Brown. £1195 £1190 £1170 GH&RG Stobbs. £1190 JS Foster & Son. £1170 WB Rutter & Sons. £1170 R&W Todd.

Store Heifers- £1370 £1265 £1210 J Norman. £1365 £1290 £1285 £1250 £1185 £1180 £1165 J Thompson & Sons. £1305 x3 £1150 B&B Kitching & Son. £1300 x2 JD&MS Mortimer. £1275 £1260 DA Gill. £1245 GE Raw. £1190 £1155 WB Rutter & Sons. £1190 £1090 WH Brown. £1185 FM Suddes. £1175 £1120 Northfield Farms. £1165 £1080 AC Walton. £1130 K Cator. £1115 G Scott. £1115 £1080 LW Martin. £1110 I&RA Watson. £1070 WT Hall. £1070 G Beadle.

Store Lambs – Dearer again as the store lamb trade remains ahead of last year at this time, this statistic is all the more remarkable as the prime lamb national average has fallen behind 2021 in recent weeks. Stacks of the strongest and the better bred again sold over £100, nothing however really ever looked like challenging the humdinger of a Charollais lamb shown by G Hodgson of Rose Hill, Eastgate; the superstar sold for a wonderful £136.

Leading Prices

Charollais- £136 £116 £110 £108 G Hodgson. £75 S&D Ferrie.

Continental- £110 £80 P Foster. £99 M Wood. £98 £86 GW Dobson & Son. £89 £79 £74 G Bolton. £88 A Wilson. £84 £79 £74 Petch Farms. £83 Adam Mason. £79 W Wearmouth & Son. £79 £78 AW Sanderson.

Blue Faced Leicester- £80 A Wilson. £77 C Hodgson.

Mule- £102 A Wilson. £92 £80 C Hodgson. £82 £66 W Wearmouth & Son. £77.50 £64 S Straughan. £75 T&D Allen & Son. £75 K Buckle. £68 P Dent. £68 £61 S Harrison.

Cheviots- £76 S&D Ferrie.

Suffolk – £104 JR&J Crowe. £97 Northfield Farms. £88 IW Cairns. £86 A Wilson. £85.50 £76 £75 CA&JG Skidmore. £84.50 GW Dobson & Son. £84 £83 T Lawson & Son. £79 JH Johnson.

Texel- £110 A Wilson. £106 JR&J Crowe. £105.50 £98 D&HM Hodgson. £105 £99 M Wood. £105 £91 £86 Northfield Farms. £105 £98 LJ Daley. £102 W Wearmouth. £100 W Love LTD. £97 S Straughan. £94 £93 T Lawson & Son. £89 PJ Anderson & Son. £88 A&R Thompson. £87 T&DI Allen & Son. £86 RRC Andrew.

Beltex- £110 LJ Daley. £108 JR&J Crowe. £101 £93 £86 £57 Northfield Farms. £97 PJ Anderson.

Feeding Ewes- £120 £95 £80 £64 A&R Thompson. £115 £95 £80 £77 £41 £27 D Rutter. £90 £81 £61 C Harle & Sons. £89 £84 £78 x2 £52 £24 IW Cairns. £78 £71 PJ Anderson. £69 P Foster. £68 S&D Ferrie. £60 £37 F&A Gilchrist. £55 £41 Godschalk Partners.