Cast Cows, Store & Breeding Stock

28th November 2022

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Darlington Farmers Auction Mart held their weekly sale of cast cattle, store and breeding stock on Monday 28th November 2022. Forward were 362 Cattle and 1918 Sheep.

123 Cast Cows & OTM sold to 238ppk or £1632
6 Stock Bulls sold to 242ppk or £1923
4 Cows & Calves sold to £1700
17 Young Bulls sold to £1100
82 Store Steers sold to £1770
126 Store Heifers sold to £1450

Cast Cattle – Numbers remain high and the wonderful trade for processing beef continues, as is expected at this time of year many cows forward are now looking weathered but still this week’s sale averaged a fabulous 161ppk and £1059. Top three females per kilo all hailed from G A Rogerson & Son, Thistleton Farm, Thropton with a cracking pen of 40-42-month-old Beef Shorthorn heifers selling to a best of 238 pence. Smiling widest when it came to gross valued cows today was local producer Alan Binks of Walworth with a 6-year-old Limousin selling for £1632. Friesians failed to feature when we look for our top milk cow today as a fine 5-year-old Fleckveih from N & A D Brass & Son, Shadforth led the way at 170ppk and £1225. Last but not least the cull bull trade and our super six this week averaged 190ppk and £1683, best of all a lovely Limousin from Eileen Wilson, Scorton sold for 242ppk and £1923.

Cast Cows & OTM Leading PPK – 238 220(x2) G A Rogerson & Son. 214 194 D & M Lowes. 214(x2) 212(x2) 200 186 Raby Home Farm. 212 196 W F & D M Metcalf. 196 I R Appleton. 196 C Binks & Son. 196 194 R Simpson & Sons. 194 186 W R Thompson. 190 M & R K Mckenzie. 190 184 G & J H Tomlinson & Son. 188 A W Sanderson. 186(x2) 184 180 A & A G Moralee. 180 B & J D Beadle. 180 G C & K J White & Son.
Stock Bulls Leading PPK – 242 E Wilson. 240 G A Rogerson & Son. 188 J Dixon. 184 Angram Livestock Ltd. 176 W Love Ltd. 140 A W Sanderson.

Cast Cows & OTM Leading Gross – £1632 C Binks & Son. £1585 £1405 £1320 £1280 Raby Home Farm. £1554 £1377 G & J H Tomlinson & Son. £1511 £1460 W R Thompson. £1435 D & M Lowes. £1413 £1350 A & A G Moralee. £1394 £1282 £1278 G A Rogerson & Son. £1350 £1327 W F & D M Metcalf. £1340 R Simpson & Sons. £1308 R E Dickson. £1303 Tarn Bros. £1294 B & J D Beadle. £1287 C Dawson. £1280 J J Kemp & Son.
Stock Bulls Leading Gross – £1923 E Wilson. £1765 J Dixon. £1716 Angram Livestock Ltd. £1664 W Love Ltd. £1584 G A Rogerson & Son. £1444 A W Sanderson.

Store Cattle – Store cattle trade flying along, particularly the strong forward beast looked a monumental trade. Forty-seven times bidding passed £1200 as some sensational returns were achieved; grabbing the headlines today was, without doubt, a trio of incredible Limousin steers from C Dresser, Hall Farm, Hartlepool which twice sold to £1630, this in itself is impressive however the best bullock of the pen flew beyond when he made an almost ridiculous £1770. Best of the heifers was a wonderful British Blue from D & M Lowes, Wilson House, Barningham when she sold for £1450 whilst the pick of the young bulls was just 8-months-old from W Barron, Burnhope with a smart Limousin at £1100.

Cows & Calves – £1700 £1280 £1150 W T Hall.

Young bulls – £1100 W Barron. £1030 £800 S Waggott. £850 M Gallon. £840 £795(x2) £730(x2) £720 J Bennison. £740 £680 F J Forrest.

Store Steers – £1770 £1630(x2) C Dresser. £1380 £1280 D & M Lowes. £1365(x2) £1355(x2) £1350(x3) £1335(x3) £1325(x2) £1275(x2) £1260(x4) J H Johnson. £1340 £1275 J & E M Lawson. £1310 £1260 A & A G Moralee. £1300 I Newton & Son. £1300 D W Dresser. £1205 G & E M Nixon. £1160 H S Hutchinson.

Store Heifers – £1450 £1390 £1340 £1220 £1190 D & M Lowes. £1405 £1275 £1220(x2) £1190(x2) J & E M Lawson. £1395 £1350 D W Dresser. £1320 C Dresser. £1305(x2) E Parsons. £1270 £1190 A C Walton. £1250 W B Rutter & Sons. £1230 J G Wilkinson & Son. £1220 A & A G Moralee.

Store Sheep – Dearer again, the top 100 lambs all sold over £110 with new buyers appearing and keen to get forward and secure numbers. Best of all were a cracking pen of fourteen Beltex crosses from J & DF Gibson, Penny Hill Farm, Barnard Castle which sold for £120; a baker’s dozen from the same home reached £118 as did seven super sorts from C H Tindale, Sherburn Hill. See below some mind-blowing top prices.

Beltex – £120 £118 £116 J & D Gibson. £118 £116 £110 C H Tindale. £110 L D Laws. £110 £100(x2) C A & J G Skidmore.
Texel – £114 R R C Andrew. £113 £112 P Cockburn. £113 J R & J Crowe.  £106 £103 J D & M S Mortimer. £105 T Lawson & Son. £104 R W & R Henry. £103.50 D & M Lowes. £101 M Whorlton. £101 M Wood. £100 Gillian Ianson. £100 L D Laws.
Suffolk – £110 J R & J Crowe. £108 £104 T Lawson & Son. £107 W A Stephenson. £101 S Coote.
Continental – £111 G W Dobson & Son. £111 S Beeforth. £110 £106 T Lawson & Son. £108 D & M Lowes.
Mule £110 £84.50 M Whorlton. £102 P Cockburn. £78 P Dent.

Feeding Ewes – £105 £88 J W & K S Bainbridge. £95 £90 D & M Lowes. £92 P Armstrong. £90 £89 S Coote. £84 R G McNeal. £83 D & G Spry. £80 L D Laws. £79 T Lawson & Son. £77 T Walton. £74 P Kirk. £74 J D & M S Mortimer. £74 T Lawson & Son.