Mid March Extravaganza
Monday 18th March – Darlington Auction Mart had forward:
65 Cast Cows sold to 260ppk & £1898
4 Cast Bulls sold to 254ppk & £1890
17 OTM Cattle sold to 282ppk & £1641
398 Store Hoggs sold to £169
44 Feeding Ewes sold to £147
4 Ewes & Lambs sold to £270
11 Breeding Cattle sold to £2050
74 Store Bulls sold to £1510
112 Store Steers sold to £1520
237 Store Heifers sold to £1750
Today DFAM held its ‘Mid-March Extravaganza’ show and sale of store cattle. Many thanks to the Judge Mr Neil Tattersall, Town Farm, Ellerton for his expertise while casting his eye over a quality selection of cattle, eventually awarding the overall Championship to a Limousin Heifer shown by the White Family, Rigg Farm which went on to sell for £1750. A very close 2nd and Reserve Champion was a Limousin Steer shown by Alan Wearmouth, Middletown Farm which went on to sell for £1460.The top bull on the day was a British Blue sold by Hughes Bros, Sockburn Hall for £1470. Many thanks to all the exhibitors for their contribution to the show.
Show results:
Class 1 – Heifer
1st GC&KJ White, Rigg Farm – Limousin sold to £1750.
2nd RA&SA Wearmouth, Middletown Farm – Limousin sold to £1580
3rd WA Wardman Ltd, Thrushwood Farm – Limousin sold to £1180
Class 2 – Steer
1st RA&SL Wearmouth, Middletown Farm – Limousin sold to £1460.
2nd WA Wardman Ltd, Thrushwood Farm – British Blue sold to £1270.
3rd RA&SL Wearmouth, Middletown Farm – Limousin sold to £1200.
Class 3 – Bull
1st Hughes Bros Farms, Sockburn Hall – British Blue sold to £1470.
2nd Hughes Bros Farms, Sockburn Hall – Limousin sold to £1470.
Champion Beast – Limousin Heifer sold by GC&KJ White, Rigg Farm.
Cast Cattle – The geld cow trade continues to increase week on week. With a rather mixed show forward the overall average was a very respectable 185ppk & £1236. There was also a run of 17 over-age clean cattle sold to an average of 282ppk & £1500. The top price continental cow at 260ppk & £1586 was a 36mth Limousin sold by L Booton, Manor Farm, while the lead grossing continental cow was a Blonde D’Aquitaine from the Scott’s of Low Leam selling for £1898. CN&P Penk, Pitfield Farm sold the top price Friesian ppk at 220ppk & £1181, with SH Watson & Son, Low Fields Farm at the top of the Friesian lead grossing values, realising £1755. The top price native bred ppk was an Angus sold by EA&N Thompson & Son, Bromley Green to 226ppk & £1195, whilst the top grossing native was also an Angus sold by WS Hewitson & Son, Hauxley Farm for £1646. Just a handful of stock bulls forward with the pick of the bunch being a 6-year-old Saler from Allison Devereux Farms, Low Harperley selling to £1890.
Cast Cows – Top prices ppk 260 236 182 L Booton. 230 184 LR Welsh & Co. 230 A Newton. 228 226 224 218/ 214 208×2 WJ Scott Ltd. 226 194 EA&N Thompson & Son. 220 CN&P Penk. 214 212 192 DW Humphrey. 198 GA Rogerson & Son. 196 WS Hewitson & Son. 194 Little Newsham Farms. 188 E Wilson. 186 Northfield Farms. 186 184×2 WA Wardman Ltd. 186 AF Smith. 186 K Hall. 186 SH Watson & Sons. 184 MS Foord. 184 E Scott & Sons. 180 R Nattrass & Sons.
Lead Grossing Cast Cows £1898 £1858 £1767 £1762 £1724 £1667 £1493 WJ Scott Ltd. £1755 £1486 £1318SH Watson & Son. £1685 £1424 £1371 DW Humphrey. £1586 £1555 £1226 L Booton. £1557 LR Welsh & Co. £1478 £1281 Little Newsham Farms. £1454 £1344 Reveley Farms. £1404 K Hall. £1382 CN&P Penk. £1359 E Wilson. £1350 MS Foord. £1346 £1231 Northfield Farms. £1300 £1264 £1216 WA Wardman Ltd. £1297 E Scott & Sons. £1294 GA Rogerson & Son. £1247 JN Swinbank. £1240 AF Smith.
Cast Bulls – Top prices ppk 254 TH Richardson & Sons. 206 G Hall. 168 J&M Pearson. 166 Allison Devereux.
Lead Grossing Cast Bulls £1890 Allison Devereux Farms. £1833 G Hall. £1543 J&M Pearson. £1536 TH Richardson & Sons.
OTM Clean Cattle – Top prices ppk 282×2 278 276×2 274 272 270×2 266 258 254×3 B Cave. 218 216 GA Rogerson & Son.
Lead Grossing OTM Clean Cattle £1990 £1957 £1882 £1790 £1719 £1649 £1641 £1625 £1542 £1366 £1297 £1204 B Cave. £1326 £1146 GA Rogerson & Son.
Breeding cattle – A wonderful entry of 4 In Calf Cows from Mrs Susan Dent, The Bungalow, Cockfield were the pick of the day – only for sale due to the sad loss of George, a good customer and friend to many – he took great pride in his cattle and his cows were a credit to him.
Store Cattle – Another ‘Mid-March Extravaganza’ sale of store cattle met with a grand show gracing the ring with something for everyone on offer today. The judging of this years sale, left in the very capable hands of Mr N Tattersall, York who found his champion in the form of a black Limousin sired heifer from GC & KJ White & Son, Middleton in Teasdale which later went on to sell for the days stop of £1750. Not to be out done and mixed amongst the top were C & N Waters with their pick of the run topping at £1650 with W A Richardson Ltd seeing a tremendous run of 34 yearling heifers to top at £1630. Heifers continuing to be pick of the day with D & M Lowes topping at £1600 and RA & S Wearmouth seeing highs of £1580. D & M Lowes took the honours in the steers with a Limousin bullock taking the days leading price at £1520. A super yarding of young bulls kicked the day off, with the honours been taken by C G Robinson with bulls away to £1510 and others at £1480. JJ Horn seeing Blondes away to £140 while Hughes Bros Farms Ltd seeing a top of £1470, and J Curry to the same high. Cattle can be sold to vendors advantage weekly with buying accounts active for all goods.
Breeding Cattle – Heifers & Calves £2050 J Dent.
In Calf Cows £2000 £1900×2 £1850 Mrs SG Dent.
Bulling Heifers £1850 £1800×2 £1730×2 L Booton.
Store Bulls £1510 £1490 £1480 £1460×2 £1400×2 £1380 £1320 CG Robinson. £1480 £1470 £1420 £1240 £1190 JJ Horn. £1470×3 £1430 £1300 £1270 Hughes Bros. £1470 £1190×2 £1140 £1075×2 J Curry. £1450 TH Richardson & Sons. £1260×4 £1150×2 JA&UM Fawcett. £1250 £1210 £1140×3 £1130 R Simpson & sons. £1240 E Wilson. £1030 £960 WSI Anderson. £900 Northfield Farms. £800 R wade & Son.
Store Steers £1520 £1260 D&M Lowes. £1460 £1370 £1325×2 RA&SL Wearmouth. £1460 JC Thwaite & Son. £1450 £1270 WA Dinsdale & Son. £1440 £1355 £1290 W Emerson. £1410×2 GW&M Singleton & Sons. £1400 £1390 N Basey. £1400 A Newton. £1305 £1280 31270×2 WA Wardman Ltd. £1300 C&N Waters. £1300 BJS Farms. £1300 JN Swinbank. £1280 L Claughan. £1280 WL Robinson & Partners. £1280 £1240 B Storey. £1265 £1250 B Watson. £1245×3 R&W Todd. £1240 B Lowson.
Store Heifers £1750 GC&KJ White & Son. £1650 C&N Waters. £1630 £1500 £1380 £1310 WA Richardson Ltd. £1600 £1540 £1360 £1350 D&M Lowes. £1580 £1380 £1310×2 RA&SL Wearmouth. £1450 WM Bainbridge. £1400×2 £1300×2 WA Dinsdale & Son. £1390 CG Robinson. £1390×2 GW&L Marsay. £1380×2 GW&M Singleton & Sons. £1370 WL Robinson & Partners. £1350 WA Wardman Ltd. £1310 Juaul Farms. £1300 BJS Farms. £1300 B Storey. £1300×2 JA&UM Fawcett.
Store Hoggs: The sheep trade express continues to romp through into mid march, when the only thing slowing down on the store sheep side is the numbers slightly. A sale this week with both ends of the scale with the short keep hoggs and also the long term, however trade seeing no lift and finding another gear to try and keep up with the climbing prime sections. Dead weight outlets still playing catch up as the stores continue to remain inline with the live ring. Ewes and lamb outfits kicked the day off seeing highs of £270 per outfit or £90 a life for aged ewes suckling pairs from A Dixon Towers. The same stable taking the top prices in the hoggs also with a pair of Beltex away to £169 with others to follow at £165. P & J Martin top at £166 while Ainsty Farms see highs of £163. F Hare & Sons top at £160, while again a super run of Swale hoggs from Northfield Farms found a top of £119. With plenty of demand still around, hoggs can be cashed to vendors advantage weekly.
Beltex £169 A Dixon Towers. £160 £120 F Hare & Sons. £125 N Gill.
Texel £166 £155 £116 P&J Martin. £165 £150 A Dixon Towers. £161 £157 Northfield Farms. £151 Raby Home Farm. £146 £121 £116 N Gill. £144 £141 K Mowbray. £139 £135 WH Brown. £127 W Wearmouth & Son. £122 Ainsty Farms Direct.
Suffolk £163 £113 Ainsty Farms Direct. £156 £130 K Mowbray. £150 A Dixon Towers.
Dutch Spotted Texel £155 A Dixon Towers.
Charollais £152 £148 W Wearmouth & Son.
Continental £152 A Dixon Towers. £140 Raby Home Farm. £139 £128 £117 £113 P Wilks.
Mule £150 £124 S Sharpe. £135 W Wearmouth & Son.
Blue Face Leicester £148 £115 D Rutter.
Cheviot £145 WH Brown.
Swale £119 Northfield farms. Feeding Ewes £147 £121 A Dixon Towers. £146 £120 M Radford. Blue Face Leicester £139 £118 £92 S Straughan. £139 N Back. £138 £128 £116 £112 £110 £90 JP&R Ward. £118 P&J Martin. £99 Raby Home Farm.
Ewes & Lambs £270 A Dixon Towers.