Monday Cast Cattle and Store Stock

26th September 2022

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Darlington Farmers Auction Mart held their weekly sale of cast cattle, store and breeding stock on Monday 26th September 2022. Forward were 379 Cattle and 1907 Sheep.

115 Cast Cows & OTM sold to 260ppk or £1864
9 Stock Bulls sold to 222ppk or £2207
14 Cows & Calves sold to £2800
2 Stirks sold to £565
8 Young Bulls sold to £1460
113 Store Steers sold to £1445
104 Store Heifers sold to £1265
1701 Store Lambs sold to £117
206 Feeding Ewes sold to £102

Cast Cattle – Numbers higher but quality lower, another good trade throughout. Top price per kilo at a colossal 260 pence was a brilliant 32-month-old Limousin heifer from S & J Dent & Son, Great Burdon Farm, Darlington; a quality quartet of other young cattle followed selling between 208ppk and 232ppk. Top of the older cows was a sensational 10-year-old Limousin from the Bradford bull himself John Clayton of Bentley Farm, she impressed when selling for 206ppk and a mighty £1864. Some fine Friesians this week kept the other dairy breeds at bay, tops came fromDeerness Valley Dairy, Tow Law at 182ppk and C N & P Penk, Pitfield Farm at £1249. More stock bulls offered and a fast trade indeed, twice Limousin’s sold for 222ppk from Hughes Bros Farms, Sockburn and Northfield Farms, Bowes respectively. Top grossing bull was a wonderful 1174kg British Blue from R Liddell, Cleveland House Farm, Moorsholm when he sold for an almighty £2207.

Cast Cows & OTM Leading PPK – 260 194 S & J Dent & Son. 232 208 A C Simpson & Son. 224 196 186 S N Bird & Sons. 208 196 D & B Harding. 206 J R Clayton. 198 J Atkinson. 198 194 G & J H Tomlinson & Son. 196 188 R Valks. 192 D & P H Brown. 190 184 D G & P D Ayre. 188 Baysleap Dairy Farm. 182 F Grieves. 182 T & R Dent. 182 Deerness Valley Dairy. 180 A Wilson. 178 J V Hodgson & Son.
Stock Bulls Leading PPK – 222 Hughes Bros Farms. 222 Northfield Farms. 208 R Valks. 188 R Liddell. 164 M R Souter. 160 W R Barron. 148 R Stainthorpe. 146 J Elliot. 144 J W Richardson.

Cast Cows & OTM Leading Gross – £1864 £1214 J R Clayton. £1603 A C Simpson & Son. £1588 £1267 Baysleap Dairy Farm. £1513 £1266 S & J Dent & Son. £1478 £1411 £1387 S N Bird & Sons. £1471 J Atkinson. £1352 Wilkinson & Son. £1324 £1309 G & J H Tomlinson & Son. £1322 £1242 D G & P D Ayre. £1297 D & P H Brown. £1281 F Grieves. £1270 £1267 A Wilson. £1268 M R Souter. £1249 £1238 C N & P Penk. £1208 R Stainthorpe. £1205 J V Hodgson & Son.
Stock Bulls Leading Gross – £2207 R Liddell. £1844 Northfield Farms. £1772 R Valks. £1752 W R Barron. £1602 Hughes Bros Farms. £1600 M R Souter. £1570 R Stainthorpe. £1460 J Elliot.

Breeding Cattle – Another tidy show of cows and calves with trade the fastest seen in a while; top of the shop came an excellent 8-year-old Limousin cow with a strong Limousin heifer calf at foot from M & P Stead, Greencroft, Whitton Village when she sold for £2800.

Cows & Calves £2800 £2700 £2250(x2) £1850 M & P Stead. £2000 £1450 Ouston Farms Ltd. £1620 £1520 £1200 J N Watson. £1180 J G Wall & Sons. £1120 S Suddes.

Store Cattle – The beef trade continues to fire on all cylinders, further excellent returns for all shapes and sizes as demand continues to outstrip supply across the sector. Top this week were six strong Charolais steers from B & L Robson, Gawen House, Staindrop when they sold for £1445 apiece, close behind at £1390 were two excellent Aberdeen Angus from J H Johnson, White Lea Farm. Top price in the heifers was a fantastic 18-month-old Limousin from J S Foster & Son, West End Farm, Bowes which sold for £1265, close behind a 30-month-old from D & M Lowes, Wilson House sold for £1235. Young bulls were thin on the ground, after success in the cow ring it was yet more joy for S & J Dent & Son, Great Burdon Farm with excellent Limousin’s 15 and 11 months of age selling for £1460 and £1410; fantastic returns like these certainly help the ball gown budget to expand.

Store Steers – £1445(x6) B & L Robson. £1390(x2) £1380 £1370(x2) £1360(x2) £1350 £1270(x5) J H Johnson. £1350 £1290 £1260 D & M Lowes. £1345 £1265 M E & T D Tailford. £1320(x4) ENB Farms. £1270 D G & P D Ayre. £1265 D & H M Hodgson. £1235(x5) P D Shepherd.
Store Heifers – £1265 £1090 J S Foster & Son. £1235 D & M Lowes. £1185(x2) £1100 D R Smith. £1180 £1130(x2) F Crawford. £1145(x2) £1095 T H Richardson & Son. £1120 J R & L Harding. £1105(x2) R Errington & Son. £1070 D & H M Hodgson. £1070 £1050 £1045(x2) J Forster. £1055 £1050 J A Birkbeck. £1050 F Grieves.
Young Bulls – £1460 £1410 S & J Dent & Son. £1000 T T Hall & Son. £805 £775 Northfield Farms. £800 H S Hutchinson. £745 J R Clayton.

Store Sheep – Dearer again as the winter-feeding firms are now in full flight and keen to stretch their wings, a very eclectic was certainly in high demand, from the best to the worst and all classes in between. Twice the sale topped at £117 as brilliant Beltex from two homes shared the limelight, a pen of five from G W Dent, Cockfield were matched shortly afterwards by half a dozen from R E Coatsworth, Hamsterley. Bidding reached three figures on 19 occasions and the top 300 lambs broke the £90 barrier. Feeding ewes were another super trade with the leaner girls from the Monday vendors appearing to come out ahead of the prime sales lean meat at the moment.

Store Lambs
Beltex £117 £114 £108 £103 £100 £95 £94 £92 £91.50 £90 R E Coatsworth. £117 £112 £102(x2) £100 G W Dent. £104.50 W B Rutter & Sons. £101 E K Sanderson. £98 £88 £87.50 Northfield Farms.
Texel £110(x2) £100(x2) £92(x2) £89 D Wearmouth. £101 C Longstaff. £100 £88 £87 F M Armstrong. £98 A F Smith. £95 £93 R G McNeal. £94 Wolsingham Park Farms. £93.50 B Coulson. £92 £88 W B Rutter & Sons. £91.50 P J Anderson & Son. £90 M F Hall. £89.50 J Butterfield & Son. £89.50 £89 E K Sanderson. £87 T & C Smith.
Suffolk £109 G W Dent. £90 L J Daley.
Cheviot £90(x2) A Wilson.
Mule £89 T E Dobson.
Charollais £87 C Wise.

Feeding Ewes
£102 £80 C Dawson. £90 £80 £79 T & H A Barrass. £80 G Bolton. £79 T & C Smith. £79 J H Emerson. £77 I Peadon. £77 F M Armstrong. £68 M Whorlton. £67 J Kelly. £66 Gray Broom House. £65 Wolsingham Park Farms.