13th September 2022

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Darlington Farmers Auction Mart held their weekly sale of cast cattle, store, and breeding stock on Monday 12th September 2022. Forward were 264 Cattle and 1613 Sheep.

69 Cast Cows & OTM sold to 236ppk or £1767
2 Stock Bulls sold to 152ppk or £1453
2 Stirks sold to £655
11 Cows & Calves sold to £2180
12 Young Bulls sold to £1175
73 Store Steers sold to £1625
84 Store Heifers sold to £1265
1499 Store Lambs sold to £127
114 Store Ewes/Tups sold to £109

Cast Cows & OTM – Another super trade as the cow beef remains hot property, this week’s sale averaged a pleasing 159ppk. Top of the class today was an excellent Limousin OTM from F & J S Gargett, Westwick Farm, Barnard Castle when she sold for 236ppk and £1767; closest challenger proved to be another Limousin as an excellent 10-year-old from J C Thwaite & Son, Lartington sold for 224ppk and £1641. Some powerhouses amongst the native breeds this week as G & J H Tomlinson & Son, Knitsley sold Aberdeen Angus to 210ppk and twice well beyond £1500 and a hefty Hereford’s from W & R Kemp & Sons also impressed reaching 186ppk and beyond £1500. Another fine trade for the milkers as Deerness Valley Dairy, Tow Law sold a Fleckveih to 182ppk and £1357 with Friesians from the same home topping at 176ppk and £1325.

Cast Cows & OTM Leading PPK – 236 194(x2) 180 F & J S Gargett. 224 J C Thwaite & Son. 210 192 170 G & J H Tomlinson & Son. 200 190 K & M M Henderson. 200 J J Dowson & Son. 196 T N Callender. 190 R A & S Darling Farms. 186 172 170(x2) W & R Kemp & Son. 184 166 Rigel Pedigree Livestock. 182 176 174 172(x2) Deerness Valley Dairy. 182 170 N Swinbank. 182 O & L Welford. 178 C Wilson. 166(x3) J J Dowson & Son. 164 N A Thompson.
Cast Bulls Leading PPK – 152 H M Dent. 126 T T Hall & Son.

Cast Cows & OTM Leading Gross – £1767 £1427 £1410 £1123 F & J S Gargett. £1641 J C Thwaite & Son. £1585 £1579 G & J H Tomlinson & Son. £1542 £1493 £1388 £1320 W & R Kemp & Son. £1520 £1489 K & M M Henderson. £1503 Rigel Pedigree. £1436 T N Callender. £1357 £1325 £1303 £1138 £1091 £1087 Deerness Valley Dairy. £1297 £1179 N Swinbank. £1248 Messrs Heathcote. £1199 J N Watson. £1148 £1095 J J Dowson & Son. £1096 H S Hutchinson.
Cast Bulls Leading Gross – £1453 H M Dent. £1316 T T Hall & Son.

Store & Breeding Cattle – A nice offering of genuine cows and calves began proceedings, a reduction from J N Watson, Forest-in-Teesdale topped the sale when a 4-year-old Limousin with a Charolais heifer calf at foot sold for £2180. Following the cows and calves came just a scattering of young bulls this week which were deservedly topped by a shapely 11-month-old Limousin from R A Patterson & Son, Capheaton at £1175. The tremendous 2-year-old Charolais steers of J H Johnson, White Lea Farm, Roddymoor set the pace last week and did so again today, the pick of them a brilliant pair at £1625 with the 14 up £15 on last week averaging a massive £1548. A pair of beautiful British Blue’s from D & C A Henry, Deighton led the heifer trade when they sold for £1265 apiece, behind them by just a fiver followed an excellent Aberdeen Angus from T & D I Allen, Wolsingham.

Stirks £655 J N Watson. £360 R A & S Darling Farms.
Cows & Calves – £2180 £2000 £1900 £1700 £1620 £1600 £1520 £1500 J N Watson. £2000 L Booton.
Young Bulls – £1175 £990 £815 £805 £790 R A Patterson & Son. £1070 H S Hutchinson. £1070 £980 £850 Ouston Farms Ltd.
Store Steers – £1625(x2) £1595(x3) £1575(x2) £1515(x2) £1505(x2) £1490 £1485(x2) J H Johnson. £1415 £1400 M H Hodgson. £1405 £1385 £1150 T W & G Corner. £1280(x2) £1170 £1140 £1085 R N Foord & Son. £1250 £1105 H S Hutchinson. £1240 K Mitchelson. £1220 D Forrest. £1100 W B Rutter & Sons. £1095 B Kenny. £1075 £1030 G Beadle. £1010 B Williamson. £1010 D Clemitson.
Store Heifers – £1265(x2) £1200 (x2) £1165 D & C A Henry. £1260 T & D I Allen & Son. £1250 £1100 £1080 £1045 £1035 W B Rutter & Sons. £1220 £1180(x2) £1140 £1130(x2) G S Bainbridge. £1195(x2) £1180 £1160 £1110 H S Hutchinson. £1090 £1045 L Claughan. £1050(x2) B Kenny. £1040 G Beadle.

Store Sheep – Recent rain has galvanised the store lamb trade, all classes up a good £5-£10 per head as the drought seems to have ended. This week’s top price went to the first draw from A & B Herworth, Crake Scar Farm, Hamsterley with 50 superb Suffolk gimmer lambs out of Mule ewes selling for a massive £127 per head. Plenty of other strong and shapely lambs sold £90 to £100 and the previously £65-£70 running lambs sold more often than not £70-£80; all things considered the lambs look a flying trade again.

Store Lambs
Suffolk – £127 £96.50 A & B Herworth. £90 J & S Ford. £84(x2) K T Anderson.
Texel – £100 High Green Farm. £98 £93 Tom Bell. £96 R Peart. £95 T & C Smith. £94 B Lowson. £93.50 W B Rutter & Sons. £91 A F Smith. £91 R G Richardson. £88 J Curry.
Beltex – £99 B Lowson. £96 A Newton.
Charollais – £91 C Morris.
Mule £81 – A P & E Procter.

Ewes/Tups – £109 Tom Bell. £90 £76 £65.50 R Peart. £89 J & J A Wilkinson. £83 R G Richardson. £74 A F Smith. £74 £67 £64.50 £59 T Allanson & Son. £59 C & I Watson & Sons. £56 K Buckle.