Darlington Farmers Auction Mart held their weekly sale of Cast Cattle, Store & Breeding Stock on Monday 8th November 2021. Forward were 290 Cattle and 1691 Sheep.
68 Cast Cows & OTM sold to 192ppk or £1532
6 Stock Bulls sold to 148ppk or £1356
76 Store Steers sold to £1580
115 Store Heifers sold to £1375
19 Young Bulls sold to £1105
1 Stirk sold for £460
1 In Calf Cow sold for £640
1586 Store Lambs sold to £142
105 Feeding Ewes sold to £107
Cast Cattle – Dearer on the week with a sale average of 127 pence per kilo; to be taken in to account is that of the 76 beast offered over the scale today, more than half were either milk or native breeds. As we have witnessed lately the younger and fitter cows are very easily sold however the weather is taking its toll on the somewhat more mature ladies and their price is naturally reflected. Top price per kilo today went to a smart Aberdeen Angus OTM from J V Hodgson & Son, Piercebridge Farm when she sold for 192 pence; sharing the top price for the older cows at 178 pence per kilo were a brilliant British Blonde from M Thuey, York and a bulky British Blue from T L Holmes & Son, Craghead with the latter also topping the gross values at an impressive £1532. Selling for 128 pence per kilo this week was our top Friesian cow from A R & C Booth, Bolton-on-Swale whilst top of the black and white’s gross values came in I Newton & Son, Howden-le-Wear at £967. Limousin’s led the way in the stock bulls as F M Suddes, Rowley sold a 7 year old for £1356 whilst a remarkable 12 year old from A & J Harrison, Ettersgill sold for 148 pence per kilo.
Cast Cows – Top prices ppk 192 JV Hodgson & Son. 178 M Thuey. 178 140 136 134 TL Holmes & Son. 172 K Sayer. 168 C Dawson. 164 T&DI Allen & Son. 164 GC&KJ White & Son. 162 DW Humphrey. 150 TN Callender. 146 144 140 FM Suddes. 146 JR Wesson. 144 TE Dobson. 144 RH Gray. 140 W Wearmouth & Son. 140 W&OM Jackson & Son. 138 J Dixon. 138 GT&M Tweddle. 132 130×2 JJ Kemp & Son.
Lead Grossing Cast Cows £1532 £1130 £1100 £919 TL Holmes & Son. £1426 JV Hodgson & Son. £1333 M Thuey. £1331 K Sayer. £1278 DW Humphrey. £1223 JJ Kemp & Son. £1180 GC&KJ White & Son. £1172 J Jimminson. £1141 TE Dobson. £1119 TN Callender. £1107 W&OM Jackson & Son. £1089 £1088 FM Suddes. £1072 LR Welsh & Co. £1071 RH Gray. £1056 C Dawson. £1033 T&DI Allen & Son. £1026 J Dixon.
Cast Bulls – Top prices ppk 148 A&J Harrison. 142 FM Suddes. 140 GT&M Tweddle. 114 JR Wesson. 112 KM Boanas. 110 R&W Todd.
Lead Grossing Cast Bulls £1356 FM Suddes. £1297 GT&M Tweddle. £1211 KM Boanas. £1206 A&J Harrison. £1055 JR Wesson.
Store Cattle – The wind in the sails of the store cattle trade continues to propel it along at a remarkable speed of knots. Leading the sale today was a strong 25 month old Limousin steer from J D & M S Mortimer, Mayland Farm, Woodland when he sold for a mouth-watering £1580, sitting in silver medal position was again a Limousin, this one 18 months old from G S Bainbridge, Ketton Lodge selling for £1450. The heifers this week were a flyer, almost a quarter sold over £1100 with the top two both 2 year old Limousin’s from M & E Walton, Coxhoe selling for £1370 and £1375. Charollais led the charge in the young bulls, the best of them a solid 12 month old Charollais from H N & R Tweddle, Cornsay sold for £1105.
In Calf Cows – £640 HG Lynas & Son.
Stirks – £460 TM Davies.
Store Bulls – £1105 £1000 HN&R Tweddle. £900 £730 £700 AP Taylor. £800×2 £675×2 £620 £510×4 JT Forster & Son.
Store Steers – £1580 £1380 JD&MS Mortimer. £1450 GS Bainbridge. £1390 JR&L Harding. £1290 G&EM Nixon. £1270 M&E Walton. £1240×4 £1220 £1180×2 B&B Kitching. £1190×2 £1130 £1100×2 MH Hodgson. £1160 £1060 GH&RG Stobbs. £1160 £1150 £1100 WB Rutter & Sons. £1120 K Sayer. £1120 £1100 D&HM Hodgson. £1095×2 GW&M Singleton & Sons. £1050 HW&M Alderson & Son. £1050 x2 JF Harland. £1050 A Wilson. £1050 A Walton.
Store Heifers – £1375 £1370 M&E Walton. £1290 RA Patterson & Son. £1215 WB Rutter & Sons. £1215 £1150 T&R Quinn & Son. £1215 DG&PD Ayre. £1200 AC Walton. £1200×2 £1185×2 RL Walker. £1190×2 GE Raw. £1165×5 B&B Kitching & Son. £1150 TW Brown. £1140×2 £1135 J&EM Lawson. £1130 BJS Farms. £1120 GH&RG Stobbs. £1100 LW Martin.
Store Lambs – None of the firework displays in the region over the weekend could live up to the explosion witnessed in the sheep ring today, off like a rocket and on to another planet, some vendors claiming they are £10 better off, some buyers claiming a £20 increase, no clarity on the missing £10 for now. More Mule’s and hill lambs by some margin yet a sublime sale average of over £91, some of the statistics are unreal, over 100 lambs sold beyond £110 with a further 400 lambs reaching at least £100. The very best of the day came from J Atkinson of Fir Tree with a heavy Texel selling for £142, behind that outstanding lambs from M T & J Burney, Staindrop and M & R J Hall, Hutton Rudby both skirted around £140. Very nearly 200 Mule lambs today averaged over £80 whilst 73 Cheviot’s impressed levelling up at £89, the sought after Beltex breed again hoovered up many of the top prices with the 97 of them averaging a phenomenal £111.
Store Lambs – Texel – £142 £126 J Atkinson. £127 £109 B G Dale. £126 J Davis. £122 £118 K O Stones. £120 A Mason. £119 S Fenwick. £109 £106.50 G H Lister. £108 T Nesbitt & Son. £108 I R Appleton. £107 G A & J Allison. £106 C Newton.
Beltex – £141 £115 £107.50 M T & J Burney. £139 £118 £105.50 M & R J Hall.
Other Continental – £129 £120 T T Hall & Son. £124 D & G Spry. £117.50 £115 D Smith. £113 £106 G Parsons. £112 J M & M & C Wise. £106.50 G W Dobson & Son. £106 B G Dale. £106 D & G Spry.
Suffolk – £119 T T Hall & Son.
Feeding Ewes – £107 £91 G W Dobson & Son. £98 J Atkinson. £98 £44 D & G Spry. £91 M & W Maddison. £86 C Morris. £74 A Mason. £64 £57 £47 K Sayer. £63 L Kidd. £60 £48 C G Barraclough. £40 G A & J Allison.