Monday Store Sale

10th January 2022

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Darlington Farmers Auction Mart held their weekly sale of Cast Cattle and Store Stock on Monday 3rd January 2022. Forward were 130 Cattle and 396 Sheep.


76 Cast Cows & OTM sold to 202ppk or £1439

1 Stock Bull sold for 168ppk and £1627

8 Young Bulls sold to £1160

21 Store Steers sold to £1120

24 Store Heifers sold to £1120

357 Store Hoggs sold to £125

39 Feeding Ewes sold to £74


Cast Cattle – The cow vendors can be credited with the most enthusiasm of all as a reasonable show attended an otherwise slow Bank Holiday start to 2022. Richly rewarded were those who shook off the turkey blues and presented cast cattle, a sale average of 133 pence per kilo included many impressive returns along the way. Leading the sale at 202 pence per kilo was an exceptional 6 year old Limousin cow from J Layfield of Nackshivan Farm, Willington, in hot pursuit of her came a smart Simmental at 200 pence all the way down from Chopwell, Newcastle and the good home of A Willey, Broomfield Farm. A good day for the Simmental’s in the cow ring concluded as the leading gross valued cow was also this way bred selling for £1439 from Thirn Farms. Best of the Native breeds this week were Hereford’s as H Thompson of Coatham Lane, Whiley Hill sold to 160 pence per kilo and the aforementioned Chopwell based firm sold a 5 year old for an impressive £1237. Holstein Friesian’s today were in demand as the boning plants look to hit the ground running tomorrow, the pick of them came from Stainton Hill Farms, Streatlam at 150 pence per kilo and R & W Todd of High Toft Hill Farm sold as high as £1106. With only one stock bull forward it is easy, thus far, to work out our average cast bull price in 2022, a fabulous 168ppk and £1627 was paid for a lovely 969kg 5 year old British Blue from J Dixon, Stainton Manor Farm, Richmond.


Cast Cows & OTM Leading PPK – 202 172 156 152 J Layfield. 200 146 144 140 138 136 A Willey. 190 162 G P Addison. 180 R Simpson & Sons. 166 H Thompson. 162 T Ducker. 154 142 Thirn Farms. 150 Stainton Hill Farms. 150 136 C Parker. 150 146 136(x4) Paul Glass. 148 J Dixon. 140 P M Beveridge. 138 R & W Todd. 138 G & E A Herdman. 138 C Binks & Son. 136 W & R Kemp & Son.

Cast Cows & OTM Leading Gross – £1439 £1086 Thirn Farms. £1423 £1016 G P Addison. £1327 £1218 £1105 J Layfield. £1304 £1237 £1188 £1159 £1088 £1065 £962 A Willey. £1236 C Parker. £1182 £1090 £1013 Paul Glass. £1130 R Simpson & Sons. £1109 T Ducker. £1106 R & W Todd. £1103 P M Beveridge. £1079 W & R Kemp & Son. £1056 A R & C Booth. £975 C Binks & Son. £949 E Peacock.


Store Cattle – A light show of stores to kick off the year, those presented enjoyed a good start to 2022 with the pre-Christmas demand still very apparent. Top price went to a smart 12 month old British Blonde bull from W M Bainbridge, Bogg House Farm, Egglestone when he sold for £1160; four store cattle sold for £1120, all between 20 and 21 months of age our successful consignments included a pair of Aberdeen Angus steers from J B & G E Hayward & Family, Coumes Farm; a British Blue steer from R Errington & Son, Lily Hill and a Charolais heifer from J G Wilkinson & Son, West Side Farm.


Leading Prices
Young Bulls – £1160 £1105 £985 £900(x2) W M Bainbridge. £620(x3) J N Watson.
Store Steers – £1120(x2) J B & G E Hayward & Family. £1120 R Errington & Son. £1070 £990(x3) £870(x2) Thirn Farms. £1060 W & J M Clifford. £1000(x2) G W & M Singleton & Sons. £920 W B Rutter & Sons. £870 G Bolton.

Store Heifers – £1120 £1090 £1075 £1060 £1040 J G Wilkinson & Son. £1075 £1010 £980 W B Rutter & Sons. £1015(x2) £970 R Errington & Son. £1005(x2) G W & M Singleton & Sons. £990(x4) M H Hodgson. £940 W & J M Clifford.


Store Hoggs – Smaller numbers for the opening sale of the year however that simply galvanised the buyers straight in to top gear, more extraordinary returns recorded all round. Top price this week came from N A Thompson, Willow Brooke, Hawsker when 8 Texel tup hoggs sold for £125 per head, close behind came 36 strong Texel’s out of Mule ewes from C W Cutler, Pilly Hall, Easby at an impressive £122. A sharp start to the year with an average of £92.50 across the board as the wonderful sheep trade looks well set to continue.


Leading Prices – Store Hoggs – £125 N A Thompson. £122 C W Cutler. £117 £110 £95 J R & J Crowe. £117 T Walton. £107.50 £99 F Kearton. £107 £90 D Alderson. £103 £99 £98 A W S M Farms. £102 I R Appleton. £100 £94 L Fowler. £96 B & L Robson. £96 R W Dalton. £90 D Lee.

Feeding Ewes – £74 £68 £58 £48 H G Spensley & Son. £68 £62 £56 £48 D Lee.