Darlington Farmers Auction Mart held their Special Back-End show and sale of Suckled Calves in conjunction with their weekly sale of Cast Cattle, Store and Breeding Stock on Monday 15th November 2021. Forward were 431 Cattle and 1855 Sheep.
110 Cast Cows & OTM sold to 224ppk or £1505
3 Stock Bulls sold to 174ppk or £1740
6 Breeding Cattle sold to £1520
74 Young Bulls sold to £1480
102 Store Steers sold to £1425
136 Store Heifers sold to £1380
1726 Store Lambs sold to £125
129 Feeding Ewes sold to £118
Show Cattle – More success in the DFAM show ring for the Stones Family of Nun Cote Nook Farm, Marrick as they produced our winner, unrivalled consistency from the team at Nun Cote Nook as they left DFAM with a tricoloured sash for the umpteenth time; a beautiful little British Blue bullock which was as usual from the Marrick firm as quiet as a mouse and turned out to absolute perfection. The reserve Champion came from B R Lawson of Buddle House, Whashton with a superb Limousin Heifer; between the Stones and Lawson consignments the clean cattle rosettes were completely cleaned up. Arguably this week one of the best shows of young bulls we have seen for some time, the prices below confirm the remarkable quality, taking the red rosette was a cracking Limousin cross from D Dixon, Middle Heads, Rowley. Mathew Maw of Bridge Grange, Bedale was the man issued with the judging duties and we thank him enormously for his time and expert opinion.
Show Results
Best Steer
1st KO Stones, Marrick sold for £1160 to JW&J Collin, Teesdale 2nd KO Stones sold for £1080 to TN Callender, Stockton 3rd BR Lawson, Whashton sold for £1190 to C Moralee & Sons, Durham
Best Heifer
1st BR Lawson sold for £1380 to PJ & MP Gilhespy, Pontelamd 2nd BR Lawson sold for £1090 to Askwith, Crook 3rd BR Lawson sold for £950 to I Swallow, Driffield
Best Young Bull
1st D Dixon, Rowley sold for £1480 to AS & SM Kemp, Sherburn 2nd D Dixon sold for £1470 to AS & SM Kemp 3rd A & D Proctor, Morpeth sold for £910 to ER Hyde & Sons, Wakefield
Store Cattle – With the prime ring gaining magnificent momentum towards Christmas there is little wonder that the store trade is also in sensational form, strong stores in high demand and in particular heifers of all breeds and creeds are selling very well and with undoubted ease. The aforementioned reserve champion heifer was the top-ranking female store this week closely followed by a beauty from AF Smith, Stocks Home House whilst the steers were dominated by a wonderful run of continentals from regular supporter J H Johnson, White Lea Farm twice reaching £1425. The bull trade belonged to the show winning pen from Messrs Dixon however with 10 the top side of £1300 and a hot trade for all it was a day to be bullish all round.
In Calf Heifers £1500×2 JH Craggs.
Cows & Calves £1520 £1100 JJM Lonsdale.
Store Bulls – £1480 £1470×3 D Dixon. £1430 ABP Wilsons. £1420 P Brannen. £1390 £1380×2 £1335 £1270 £1160 J&F Hartley & Sons. £1175 Northfield Farms. £1135 £1125 £880 £815 £790 £775×2 Lupton Bros. £1040×2 £950 £920 £910 £895 £875 £870 £840×2 SG Horn. £910 £900 A&D Proctor. £875×3 £815×2 R Valks. £875 £830 £740 £730×3 A Wilson. £700×5 BA&C Pearson.
Store Steers £1425×2 £1390×2 £1385×2 £1350×3 £1330 £1300 £1270 £1260×2 £1160 JH Johnson. £1320 AF Smith. £1195×2 £1100 GE Raw. £1190 BR Lawson. £1160 £1080 £100×2 KO Stones. £1125 £960 MR Souter. £1120 PT Stephenson & Son. £1110 £1090 W Love Ltd. £1080 £1010 TW Brown. £1040 G Cant. £1000×2 £990×4 £940 B Watson. £965 W&JM Clifford. £960×2 £940 J Brannen.
Store Heifers £1380 £1140 £1090 £950 £930 BR Lawson. £1350 £1135 £1090 £1040 AF Smith. £1290 £1250 £1240 £1120×2 R&W Todd. £1200 £1180 £1070 SJ Love. £1190 S Wilde. £1160×2 £1040×2 G&JH Tomlinson & Son. £1055 £940×2 JS Wiper. £1050×2 GW&M Singleton & Sons. £1015×5 BJS Farms. £1000 WE Massey. £960 £920×4 £910×4 BA&C Pearson Ltd. £960 KO Stones. £935 Beckwith. £930 B Bell. £930 GM Elstob.
Cast Cows – The beef trade rolls on very nicely through November, both the meaty and even now the meatless appeared very well sold as the sale averaged a wonderful 132ppk. A superb sort from A & P A Jopling of High Dalton Hall stole the show when she sold for 224 pence per kilo whilst the good day continued for BR Lawson of Buddle House with a super stock bull selling for 174ppk and a mighty £1740.
Cast Cows – Top prices ppk 224 A&PA Jopling. 206 AP Taylor. 188 174 152 F&JS Gargett. 184 S Wilde. 182 J&EM Lawson. 178 162 ABP Wilsons. 174 DC Smith. 174 L Claughan. 166 GT&M Tweddle. 156 A&D Proctor. 154 144 E Parsons. 150 J Dixon. 148 142 140 JR Anderson & Sons. 146×3 TL Holmes & Son. 144 B Bell. 144MJ Hutchinson. 142 GA Rogerson & Son. 142×2 W&R Kemp & Son. 140×2 JT Forster & Son. 140 Gerard Te-Lintelo. 140 M Hutchinson. 138 RD&ED Bainbridge. 136 R&RE Everitt. 136 SG Horn.
Lead Grossing Cast Cows £1505 £1366 £1215 £1102 JR Anderson & Sons. £1397 £1048 ABP Wilsons. £1385 S Wilde. £1377 J&EM Lawson. £1332 A&PA Jopling. £1266 L Claughan. £1255 Gerard Te-Lintelo. £1232 £1067 £1058 £1015 £1002 TL Holmes & Son. £1212 £1108 £1059 F&JS Gargett. £1193 A&D Proctor. £1182 E Parsons. £1163 £1160 £1145 W&R Kemp & Son. £1112 AP Taylor. £1070 DC Smith & Sons. £1060 £1045 JT Forster & Son. £1051 GT&M Tweddle. £1048 J Dixon. £1025 B Bell. £1015 RD&ED Bainbridge.
Cast Bulls – Top prices ppk 174 BR Lawson. 136 S Shaw & Sons. 122 G Cant.
Lead Grossing Cast Bulls £1740 BR Lawson. £1218 S Shaw & Sons. £1089 G Cant.
Store Sheep – The whirlwind sheep trade just keeps on giving, another magical trade was apparent for all classes. With little frost thus far to even slightly put the brakes on the winter forage of the hogg finishers and prime lambs at unprecedented levels for the time of year there is little wonder that the buyers are extremely keen. Beltex again won the day when JE Stobbs of Killerby Hall produced some shapely sorts selling to £125, the lambs for the 2nd week running averaged up beyond £90 with plenty of hill lambs included. Feeding ewes are following the rising trade and again sold at exceptional levels.
Store Lambs -Beltex £125 £112 JE Stobbs.
Continental £122 £117 K Raine. £121 S Carman. £120 DE Stones. £108 KO Stones. £107 M Wood. £105 S Sanderson.
Texel £122 £109.50 S Fenwick. £117 T&HA Barrass. £115 £109 £108 M Jopling & Son. £112.50 M Wood. £111 £103 P Armstrong. £111 GA&C Jopling. £111 IR Appleton. £110.50 £109.50 £108 GP Addison. £110 BG Dale. £110 £107 JD&MS Mortimer. £109 J Walshaw & Son. £108 JMW Brown & Son. £107.50 KO Stones. £106 TT Hall & Son. £102 BG Dale. £101 D Rutter. £100 £99.50 JH Johnson. £100 GH&RG Stobbs. £100 C Morris.
Suffolk £116 IR Appleton. £115.50 J Walshaw & Son. £110 GW Dobson & Son.
Mule £114 J&S Thompson. £105 J Walshaw & Son.
Feeding Ewes £118 LE Harrison. £100 £76 L Fowler. £98 JD&MS Mortimer. £85 £52 Petch Farms. £80 GP Addison. £78 £51 K Raine. £78 £74 IW Cairns. £75 £62 DR Easton. £70 £65 G Williamson. £70 J Jopling. £48 J&S Thompson. £45 P&S Wood.