17th October 2022

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Monday 17th October – Darlington Auction Mart had forward:

91 Cast Cows sold to 230ppk & £1902

6 Cast Bulls sold to 198ppk & £1881

23 Breeding Cattle sold to £2300

49 Store Bulls sold to £1475

78 Store Steers sold to £1680

118 Store Heifers sold to £1540

1928 Store Lambs sold to £108

394 Feeding Ewes & Breeding Sheep sold to £240

Cast Cows – Once again an outstanding trade was seen at DFAM for all types of cast cattle, resulting in a top price of 230ppk for a Pure Limousin Cow sold by AC Simpson & Son, McNeil Farm she realised £1860. The lead grossing cow was also sold by AC Simpson & Son and realised £1902. Top price Cast Bull was a Ten-Year-Old Limousin sold by A&R Thompson, Dimmingdale for 198ppk & £1881. JT Forster & Son were top of the Dairy section reaching 170ppk & £1298. More cows required on a weekly basis to fulfil demands from the packed ringside of buyers.

Cast Cows – Top prices ppk 230 216 214 210 AC Simpson & Son. 228 196 188 WM Reed & Sons. 224 A Crowder. 218 200 DA Gill. 206 188 SA&KW Dowson. 204 182 176 F Ward. 204 172 170 Allison Devereux Farms. 200 W Ramsay & Sons. 198 186 182 180 178×3 174 170 L&S Barker. 190 184 170 MS Foord. 190 TN Callender. 188 J&C Barker. 186 J Brown. 186 RE Dickson. 184 F&JS Gargett. 172 I Newton & Son. 170 N&A Hunter.

Lead Grossing Cast Cows £1902 31893 £1860 £1794 AC Simpson & Son. £1715 A Crowder. £1691 TN Callender. £1608 £1397 SA&KW Dowson. £1598 W Ramsay & Sons. £1581 N&A Hunter. £1542 £1530 £1432 £1374 £1331 £1322 L&S Barker. £1523 £1426 £1286 J Brown. £1512 RE Dickson. £1493 £1223 F Ward. £1411 £1265 MS Foord. £1386 £1340 WM Reed & Sons. £1356 C Dawson. £1298 £1292 £1275 JT Forster & Son. £1267 £1264 Allison Devereux Farms.

Cast Bulls – Top prices ppk 198 176 A&R Thompson. 190 F&JS Gargett. 170 JW Richardson. 136 J Featherstone. 132 Raby Home Farm.

Lead Grossing Cast Bulls £1881 £1545 A&R Thompson. £1588 F&JS Gargett. £1494 Raby Home Farm. £1475 J Featherstone.


Store Cattle – Trade absolutely flying!!!! All cattle dearer on the week. There was good show of store cattle forward, with a bit of ‘something for everyone’ from the best of steers from FE Pinkney The Holt selling to £1680, to Shorthorn Heifers from J Brown, Larberry Pastures which sold for £1580. A good run of 15 continental steers from Crook Based, Howard Johnson returned a £1346 per head average. Robson’s Gawen House continued their recent run of good Charolais Heifers – 6 in total to average £1306. The store bull trade was just as electrifying including 3 tremendous Limousins from D Dixon, Middle Heads Farm which sold to a top price of £1475 and an average of £1448, close behind was J&F Hartley & Sons, Low Shipley whose quartet of Limousins sold to £1440, av £1377. The pick of the breeding cattle were 2 Hereford Cows with Limousin Stirks at foot from PRE Marwood, Huller Bush selling to at top price of £2300 and a consignment of Cows & Calves and In Calf Cows – from WM&DH Bussey selling to £1580.

Breeding Cattle – Cows & Calves £2300 £2100 PRE Marwood. £1580 £1250 £1050 £1020 WM&DH Bussey.

In Calf Cows £1060×2 £1040×2 WM&DH Bussey.

Bulling Heifers £1340×2 S Blythman. £1020 £955×2 £870 TH Mace & Sons.

Store Bulls £1475 £1450 £1420 D Dixon. £1440 £1430 £1350 £1290 J&F Hartley & Sons. £1310 £1300 £1270 T&DI Allen. £1285×5 £1250×2 S Jackson. £1225×2 £960 GA Willey. £1160 A Crowder. £1090 £1085 £955 A Willey. £870 J Brown. £860×2 £800×4 JA Birkbeck. £800 £780 £775 AW Sanderson.

Store Steers £1680 £1550 £1370 £1290 FE Pinkney. £1450 £1390×2 £1385×2 £1370×2 £1335×3 £1295×3 £1280×2 JH Johnson. £1290 £1095 R Tookey & Son. £1255 £1215 £1050 £1030 R Valks. £1230 £1095 £1090 D&M Lowes. £1095 £1035GS Bainbridge. £1050 A Wilson. £1035 W Denham. £1035 Northfield Farms. £1010 SB Hooper.

Store Heifers £1540 £1480 J Brown. £1400 £1260 £1115 £1100 £1070 HS Hutchinson. £1375 £1270 £1265 £1160 £1095 Hughes Bros Farms Ltd. £1370×2 £1290 £1270×3 B&L Robson. £1300 £1060 SB Hooper. £1260 £1070 Northfield Farms. £1225×2 E Parsons. £1220 £1070 D&M Lowes. £1165 Humbleton Farm. £1165 £1130 £1060×2 R Tookey & Son. £1100 £1050 GS Bainbridge. £1055×2 A&AG Moralee.


Store Lambs – A show of almost 2000 lambs saw an increase of £7-£8 per head, returning a market average of over £80 per head confirming once more that all leaner types are worth pounds more through the store ring. JA Scott, Elfhills sold a good run of 224 continental lambs to an average of £92.17. Whilst a run of 114 Texel Lambs from Whitehall Farms returned an average of £91.58.

Store Lambs – Suffolk £108 M Radford. £88 £87 JG&EM Welford. £88 £86 JA Scott. £85.50 WM Bainbridge. £85.50 £84 K Mowbray. £85 D Bowles. £84 JJM Lonsdale. £83.50 A&B Herworth.

Texel £107.50 £105.50 £89 £88 £84.50 £84 D Blake. £103 £92 £91 £89 £88 JA Scott. £97.50 D&HM Hodgson. £95 T Bell. £94 £86 GP Addison. £94 £93.50×2 A&R Thompson. £90 M Radford. £87.50 £86.50 J Burns. £87 £84 JH Johnson. £87 £86.50 K Mowbray. £87 JG&EM Welford. £86 D Rutter. £85 J Jopling. £84.50 WB Rutter & Sons. £84.50 L fowler. £84 S Bolton. £84 BRS Fell.

Beltex £103 S Bolton. £100 WB Rutter & Sons. £94.50 £85 GP Addison.

Mule £96 TE Dobson.

Continental £85 K James. £84 FA Gilchrist.

Ewes £131 £119 £99 £98 £96 £91 £85 JA Scott. £105 £84 KA&V Armstrong. £97 £85 £79 DR Smith. £90 £84 £74 £65 GW Dobson & Son. £79 JP&R Ward. £75 Bowes Bros. £71 WM Bainbridge. £70 M Suddes. £70 J Butterfield & Son.