Darlington Farmers Auction Mart held their weekly sale of Prime Stock on Thursday 16th September 2021. Forward were 190 Cattle, 2468 Sheep and 12 Pigs.
68 Prime Bulls sold to 265ppk or £2407
47 Prime Steers sold to 295ppk or £1830
72 Prime Heifers sold to 319ppk or £1920
3 Cast Cows sold to 150ppk or £1107
1987 Prime Lambs sold to 308ppk or £136.50
481 Cast Ewes & Rams sold to £140
12 Pigs sold to 110ppk or £84.70
Prime Bulls (68) – A staggering average of 239 pence per kilo this week, many, many more could have sold to the advantage of the vendor as the buyers fought hard to source bull beef. Top of the pence per kilo race were the extraordinary high quality bulls from Renton Highlaws of Morpeth as they turned out the top three with the best weighing either side of 700kg and reaching 265 pence per kilo. Six bulls today sold 260ppk and above with a further 15 realising 250-259ppk. The £2k plus club was again well and truly open with 5 bulls gaining entry, a pair of Limousin’s from regular leader A C Simpson & Son had to play second fiddle this week as the top two places went to Cumbrian raiders T N & J Hall of Ainstable Hall, their best a stunning 995kg British Blue amassing a value of £2407. Top of the dairy bulls this week were J A & A Herbert, Tees Farm at 197ppk and £1102 from J K & C E Farming, Blue House Farm. Below are some of the impressive sale leaders this week.
Renton Highlaws, Morpeth sold 5 Bulls to average 259ppk and £1741
S & J Dent & Son, Great Burdon sold 5 Bulls to average 252ppk and £1529
J J Horn, Richmond sold 2 Bulls to average 251ppk and £1853
N White, Marrick sold 3 Bulls to average 249ppk and £1791
W J & A S Bowes & Sons, Great Stainton sold 3 Bulls to average 249ppk and £1755
J H & M & N W Brown, Middleton-St-George sold 4 Bulls to average 248ppk and £1703
A C Simpson & Son, Witton-le-Wear sold 3 Bulls to average 247ppk and £2094
T N & J Hall, Carlisle sold 3 Bulls to average 238ppk and £2288
Continental Bulls – Top prices ppk 265×2 263 255 248 Renton Highlaws Ltd. 261 258 256 S&J Dent & Son. 260 LS Staley. 259 249 239 WJ&AS Bowes & Sons. 258 257 JH&M&NW Brown. 258 248 245 AG Watson & Sons. 258 247 242 TW Clark & Son. 255 247 JA&M Boyes Ltd. 253 249 JJ Horn. 251×2 247 N White. 250×2 244 AC Simpson & Son. 250 249 J&JH Musgrave. 243 LW Martin. 242 239 TN&J Hall. 242 JK Gregory.
Lead Grossing Continental Bulls £2407 £2282 £2176 TN&J Hall. £2215 £2087 £1980 AC Simpson & Son. £1991 £1822 £1746 D Richardson & Co Ltd. £1958 £1942 £1941 £1928 AG Watson & Sons. £1939 £1822 WJ&AS Bowes & Sons. £1902 £1805 JJ Horn. £1887 N White. £1879 £1791 LS Staley. £1878 £1817 £1775 £1746 Renton Highlaws Ltd. £1842 J&JH Musgrave. £1787 £1733 M&J Hayhurst. £1747JH&M&NW Brown.
Friesian Bulls – Top prices ppk 197 181 179 JA&A Herbert. 190 JK&CE Farming. 175 J Richmond.
Lead Grossing Friesian Bulls £1102 JK&CE Farming. £1099 J Richmond. £986 £921 £868 JA&A Herbert.
Clean Cattle (119) – The whirlwind beef trade continues in top gear with the foot flat to the floor, no less than 19 heifers today sold at 300 pence or more helping their average to 276 pence per kilo whilst the steers followed suit and levelled at 240ppk. After a good day in the bull ring it was again the exceptional beast from the Carlisle yard of T N & J Hall which led the way, the sweetest of the run a marvellous 550kg British Blue heifer sold for 319ppk whilst a powerful Limousin at 651kg from the same home led the gross values at £1920. Tremendous heifers from P J & M P Gilhespy, Ponteland; R Hirst, Neasham and M & G Chantrell Ltd, Leicestershire all pushed hard and came within tuppence of our sale leader. The steer race this week was a photo finish as some fabulous bullocks were offered, a three way tie for top spot in the end as a pair from the Renton’s, Morpeth were matched by a peach from M & G Chantrell Ltd, Flash Farm, Leicestershire; credit to the Leicestershire firm as they showed 9 of the top 13 steer prices per kilo. Top gross valued steer went to C Orton of Rushyford as a thick meated 704kg Limousin sold for £1830. The leader board makes good reading again this week below.
R Hirst, Neasham sold 12 Heifers to average 299ppk and £1677
P J & M P Gilhespy, Ponteland sold 6 Heifers to average 297ppk and £1622
M & G Chantrell, Leicestershire sold 9 Steers & 8 Heifers to average 294ppk and £1667
J L Marks, Bishopton sold 1 Steer & 2 Heifers to average 289ppk and £1626
J V & J A Hodgson, Summerhouse sold 10 Heifers to average 288ppk and £1702
T N & J Hall, Carlisle sold 12 Heifers to average 279ppk and £1556
Steers – Top prices ppk 295×2 294 Renton Highlaws Ltd. 295 292 290 288 286×4 284 M&G Chantrell Ltd. 287 JL Marks. 276 260 244 222 C Orton. 275 DK Barker. 266 260 A Crowder. 245 K&A Harker. 244 242 Askwiths. 237 234 223 218 P&JH Davison. 234 219 JR&B Anderson & Son. 234 AG Watson & Sons. 232 220 R Simpson. 230 RD Musgrave. 223 G Beadle. 219 M Ord & Sons.
Lead Grossing Steers £1830 £1575 £1539 £1460 C Orton. £1805 £1804 £1794 £1693 £1669 £1667 £1661 £1658 £1630 M&G Chantrell Ltd. £1786 £1667 A Crowder. £1752 A&CA Stanwix. £1720 £1633 Askwiths. £1731 £1584 £1566 Renton Highlaws Ltd. £1685 DK Barker. £1645 AG Watson & Sons. £1624 JL Marks. £1593 £1559 JR&B Anderson. £1568 RD Musgrave. £1523 KA& Harker. £1505 £1439 P&JH Davison. £1496 £1487 R Simpson.
Heifers – Top prices ppk 319 310×2 298 295 275×2 273 TN&J Hall. 318 310 301 298 284 273 PJ&MP Gilhespy 318 316 308 306 300 295 294 287 M&G Chantrell Ltd. 317 313 310 302 300 299 298 295 294×2 293 286 R Hirst. 306 302 296 290 288 287 286 281 280 273 JV&JA Hodgson. 304 284 275 K&A Harker. 292 290 JL Marks. 292 RD Musgrave.
Lead Grossing Heifers £1920 £1771 £1754 £1735 £1670 £1650 TN&J Hall. £1832 £1749 £1743 £1721 £1713 £1696 £1658 £1656 £1614 £1611 R Hirst. £1788 £1755 £1615 £1613 M&G Chantrell Ltd. £1784 £1766 £1753 £1743 £1728 £1695 £1687 £1640 £1618 £1610 JV&JA Hodgson. £1743 DK Barker. £1707 £1686 £1672 £1634 PJ&MP Gilhespy. £1681 £1576 K&A Harker. £1649 £1606 JL Marks. £1584 £1572 FW Hodgson & Son.
Cast Cows – Top prices ppk 150 D&HM Hodgson. 150 P&PJ Sayer. 130 TB Hunter.
Lead Grossing Cast Cows £1107 D&HM Hodgson. £994 P&PJ Sayer. £891 TB Hunter.
Prime Lambs (1987) – Nice numbers forward again and the sale average of 221ppk is certainly competitive, once more we witnessed that the coin is placed firmly in the loin as lean lambs are by far the hardest to place. Top price per kilo were a stunning quartet of 44kg Beltex lambs from J & D Gibson, Penny Hill Farm when they sold for £135.50 and 308 pence, the Penny Hill fours gross value was bettered only once by a heavyweight pair from M & A Gaskin, Holdsworth Farm who continued their good form of late at £136.50. This week last year we were packing our bags as our last sale in the old mart took place, the flying trade that day saw lambs average 218ppk and £95.56 so today at 221ppk and £96.42 keeps us ahead of what was at the time a very pleasing send off.
Lambs – Top prices ppk 308 289 272 J&D Gibson. 290 287 262 MW&M Skidmore. 267 251 Ritchie Bland Estate. 264 261 248 JA&A Herbert. 263 243 AS&G Donaldson. 258 244×2 243 M&A Gaskin. 256 250 CH Tindale. 256 GF Whitfield. 255 K Hall. 255 JG Hall. 254 M Smith. 253 252 247 243 AWSM Farms. 251 JJ Horn. 246 W.K M.M Lamb. 246 JD Brannen. 244 RO Gilson. 244 A&EJ Dobinson. 242 JG Atkinson. 242 P Bisby. 242 T Duckitt. 242 TH Richardson & Son.
Lead Grossing Lambs £136.50 £121.50 £120×2 M&A Gaskin. £135.50 £127.50 £125.50 J&D Gibson. £133.50 £126.50 £118 £113.50 Ritchie Bland Estates. £132 £122 £115 MW&M Skidmore. £125 D Barron. £119.50 £113.50 W.K M.M Lamb. £118 £115 Starfitts Farm. £116.50 AWSM Farms. £116 Georgia Willis. £115 RO Gilson. £114.50 JA&A Herbert. £114 JG Atkinson. £114 T&DI Allen & Son. £113.50 G Thompson & Sons.
Cast Ewes & Rams (481) – The ewe bus keeps the wheels turning nicely, top price of £140 went to J J Horn of Marske, Richmond with a terrific Texel ram whilst a classy Beltex ewe from T H Richardson & Son, Low Moor Hill led the ewes at £134. Best of the Mules today were £90-£100 and big thick fleshed Swaledale’s as high as £60 or £70 regularly.
Lead Grossing Cast Sheep £140 JJ Horn. £134 £120 TH Richardson & Son. £130 J Hird. £130 £119 £116 JD Brannen. £126 RA Patterson & Son. £119 £114 JA&UM Fawcett. £115 N&MJ Parkin. £112 £100 G&JH Tomlinson. £110 R&RE Everitt. £109 W.K M.M Lamb. £107 £102 JA&A Herbert. £106D&PH Brown. £104 TT Hall & Son. £101 J Hird. £100 J Matthews. £99 RM Guy. £98 Raby Home Farm.
Pigs – Much the same trade as they have been for weeks, most difficult to write anything inspiring or amusing regarding the swine values at this late hour.
Pigs – Top prices ppk 110×2 J Mitchell & son.
Lead Grossing Pigs £84 £83 J Mitchell & Son.