Weekly Sale of Prime Stock

11th January 2022

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Darlington Farmers Auction Mart held their weekly sale of Prime Stock on Thursday 2nd September 2021. Forward were 108 Cattle, 2699 Sheep and 5 Pigs.


56 Prime Bulls sold to 272ppk or £2347

8 Prime Steers sold to 272ppk or £1978

44 Prime Heifers sold to 307ppk or £1831

2056 Prime Lambs sold to 299ppk or £157.50

643 Cast Ewes & Rams sold to £160

5 Prime Pigs sold to 100ppk or £93


Prime Bulls (56) – A very light show, those with faith in the Darlington live ring were richly rewarded as the show (which contained 33% dairy breeds) averaged a magnificent 232 pence per kilo. Top price per kilo was a superb 597kg British Blue from R & W Todd, Toft Hill when he climbed all the way to 272 pence, an impressive 16 of the 56 bulls today sold at 250ppk and beyond. The £2k plus club was well and truly open with a super six joining in today, a hefty 42 month old Charolais from the shadows of Flamingo Land and the good home of M & J Hayhurst joined a quintet of Limousin’s as one apiece for J & M J Walton, Staindrop and American Squeeze Crush, Burneston joined a terrific trio from regular top slot contenders A C Simpson & Son, McNeil Farm; the pick this week of Simmo’s Limmo’s reached the dizzy heights of £2347. An unusual mention this week in the dairy bulls for the Flekvieh breed, seemingly the world now holds 41 million Flekvieh’s, today we had just the one from C Orton of Rushyford and he sold for a wonderful £1803 and 224ppk. The more familiar Friesians were very keenly bid for, unsurprisingly the super consistant R Hall & Son, Kilton Hall, Brotton were the ones to catch selling to a peak of 216ppk and £1492. Final mention goes to regular raiders from the West P J & E S Rogerson of Appleby who led the averages as they produced 3 of the top 6 prices per kilo.

P J & E S Rogerson, Appleby sold 3 Bulls to average 260ppk and £1731

R & W Todd, Toft Hill sold 4 Bulls to average 257ppk and £1705

A C Simpson & Son, Witton-le-Wear sold 4 Bulls to average 255ppk and £2198

W J & A S Bowes, Stainton sold 2 Bulls to average 247ppk and £1972

L W Martin, Commondale sold 3 Bulls to average 247ppk and £1693

J & J H Musgrave, Elwick sold 3 Bulls to average 245ppk and £1633

M & J Hayhurst, Kirkby Misperton sold 2 Bulls to average 219ppk and £2015


Continental Bulls – Top prices ppk 272 256 255 247 R&W Todd. 265 259 257 PJ&ES Rogerson. 260 259 253 251 AC Simpson & Son. 256 247 234 J&JH Musgrave. 255 253 235 LW Martin. 252 250 IR Appleton. 251 American Squeeze Crush. 249 246 WJ&AS Bowes & Sons. 247 238 226 C Parker. 246 M&J Hayhurst. 245 242 TF Bothroyd. 244 239 235 223 D Richardson & Co Ltd. 228 WE&CA Anderson. 225 P Prudom & Son Ltd. 224 C Orton. 222 J&MJ Walton.

Lead Grossing Continental Bulls £2347 £2281 £2178 £1985 AC Simpson & Son. £2181 American Squeeze Crush. £2166 J&MJ Walton. £2078 £1953 M&J Hayhurst. £1996 £1948 WJ & AS Bowes & Sons. £1956 £1955 £1830 £1747 D Richardson & Co Ltd. £1839 £1701 LW Martin. £1803 C Orton. £1797 £1721 £1680 £1623 R&W Todd. £1751 £1727 £1716 PJ&ES Rogerson. £1738 £1676 £1483 J&JH Musgrave. £1726 £1695 IR Appleton. £1709 JK&CE Farming. £1639 WE&CA Anderson.


Friesian Bulls – Top prices ppk 224 213 JK&CE Farming. 216 215 197 R Hall & Son. 200 197 WE&CA Anderson. 200 189 188 GW Dobson & Son. 200 197 176 C&M Atkinson & Sons.

Lead Grossing Friesian Bulls £1492 £1335 £1245 R Hall & Son. £1284 £1240 JK&CE Farming. £1264 £1237 £1191 GW Dobson & Son. £1109 £1060 £1029 C&M Atkinson & Sons. £958 WE&CA Anderson.


Clean Cattle (52) – Few it seems boxed clever this week as a very small show were presented, those who were smart and followed a bad trade will indeed be rejoicing today as the clean beef was an absolute flyer. The heifers averaged 264 pence per kilo with the steers 247 as half a dozen heifers sold for 300ppk or more. Top price of 307 pence went to a delightful homebred Limousin from the Marrick maestro himself Neil White, Barf House whilst a brace from J E Suddes & Son, Rowley Farm joined S Luck & Son, Nabb Farm; R Hirst, Neasham Grange and J V & J A Hodgson, The Grange in the 300 club. Rejoicing all the way back to Rowley Farm with the top gross valued heifer is Gerard ‘The Mighty’ Quinn of J E Suddes & Son as lucky lot number 13 a 621kg Limousin added up to £1831. The familiar brilliance of Barker Farming Partnership, Scorton once again led the steer section as on separate occasions they reached 272 pence per kilo and £1978 with their 700kg plus Limousin’s. Below are some of the successful sellers averages.

J E Suddes & Son, Cornsay sold 5 Heifers to average 295ppk and £1684

R Hirst, Neasham sold 4 Heifers to average 293ppk and £1573

J V & J A Hodgson, Summerhouse sold 8 Heifers to average 279ppk and £1635

G C & J C Pullan, Richmond sold 3 Heifers to average 277ppk and £1694

S Luck & Son, Bowes sold 4 Heifers to average 273ppk and £1535

Barker Farming Partnership, Scorton sold 4 Steers to average 259ppk and £1890


Steers – Top prices ppk 272 260 255 255 252 Barker Farming Partnership. 239×2 230 229 G Bird & Sons.

Lead Grossing Steers £1978 £1974 £1965 £1644 Barker Farming Partnership. £1584 £1493 £1490 £1467 G Bird & Sons.


Heifers – Top prices ppk 307 258 252 N White. 303 300 296 295 283 JE Suddes & Son. 300 269 263 259 S Luck & Son. 300 299 289 285 R Hirst. 300 290 282 280 274 273 270 267 JV&JA Hodgson. 286 280 268 GC&JC Pullan. 270 243 242 DH Lawson. 269 254 253 251 Lawson Farms. 244 K Ramsay.

Lead Grossing Heifers £1931 £1731 £1668 £1663 £1525 JE Suddes & Son. £1800 £1736 £1670 £1655 £1640 £1568 £1553 £1460 JV&JA Hodgson. £1770 £1476 £1468 £1425 S Luck & Son. £1716 £1691 £1675 GC&JC Pullan. £1709 DH Lawson. £1683 £1614 £1543 £1453 R Hirst. £1630 £1417 £1351 Lawson Farms. £1553 £1477 £1460 £1451 N White. £1347 £1335 JB Bell.


Prime Lambs (2056) – More variation than Noah’s Ark this week however a solid trade was achieved throughout, the heavy lambs and the stand out quality remain in huge demand with 240 to 290 pence per kilo readily achievable however lean meat is on none of the buyers wish lists at the moment. Top two prices per kilo went with regular sellers M & A Gaskin of Holdsworth Farm as they produced a fine run of Beltex crossed lambs, with tops of 299ppk and £138.50 the fabulous consignment of 41 averaged over 290ppk and £131. Topping the gross values and selling twice beyond £150 came another familiar DFAM face as W K M M Lamb of Doe Park, Cotherstone included a couple of super heavyweights this week at £157.50 and £154. Topping the averages per head were another impressive run of heavyweight lambs from L K Hewitt of Little Ketton Farm who sold 16 lambs to average over £132. Given the varied show it was a two tier trade to say the least however an all in average of 229ppk and £100.73 places us a marvellous £8 per head better than the corresponding week of 2020 and lest we forget that this week in 2019 the top priced pen came in at £92.50.


Lambs – Top prices ppk 298 288 283 M&A Gaskin. 285 E Smith. 276 254 251 248 W.K M.M Lamb. 275 274 267 252 HT Davies & Partners. 273 250 G Thompson & Sons. 270 WR Thompson. 269 264 257 C&E Gaskin. 263 254 M Hogg. 263 K Mowbray. 263 254 252 J&A Layfield. 261 SM Donaldson. 256 RG&G Rutter. 256 254 JJ Horn. 252 JA&A Herbert. 252 W Denham. 251 PRE Marwood. 250 JE Stobbs & Son. 250 PD Shepherd. 249 C Moralee & Sons.


Lead Grossing Lambs £157.50 £154 £136 £127 £124 W.K M.M Lamb. £140 RA Patterson & Son. £138.50 £134.50 £124.50 M&A Gaskin. £134 £133.50 £132 £131.50 LK Hewitt. £130.50 £129.50 £124.50 £123.50 C&E Gaskin. £130.50 W Denham. £130 J&A Herbert. £130 £123.50 J&A Layfield. £130 £120.50 WR Thompson. £125.50 DK Barker. £125 £124.50 £122 M Hogg. £124.50 £120.50 £119.50 JJ Horn. £124.50 D&PH Brown. £123.50 Bowes Bros. £123 £120 G Thompson & Sons. £119.50 C Moralee & Sons. £119.50 S & J Dent & Son. £119.50 CJM Hedley.


Cast Ewes & Rams (643) – A very similar script to the lambs, lean meat is nobody’s friend at the moment. The bigger and fitter ewes were easy to sell, the peak came at £160 for a super Texel ewe from J V Hodgson & Son, Piercebridge. Mule ewes sold to £98, Swaledale’s to £50 and rams peaked at £149 for a Beltex shown by J D Teasdale, Folly Farm.


Lead Grossing Cast Sheep £160 £110 £97 JV Hodgson & Son. £149 £99 JD Teasdale. £140 £119 £109×3 GW Dent. £123 £110 G Thompson & Sons. £120 S&J Dent. £115 JE Stobbs. £113 JL Gill & Son. £111 G Hodgson. £110×2 A&V Wade. £110 RA Patterson & Son. £108×2 Corner Bros. £108 JE Stobbs. £108 D Collingwood. £107 HT Davies & Partners. £106 HT Davies & Partners. £106 Pear Tree Projects. £105 R Lawson & Son.


Pigs (5) – Pig trade stays similar, hopefully with the Autumn fruit harvest fast approaching an influx of apple sauce may lift the trade.


Pigs – Top prices ppk 100 85×2 80 C Weightman.

Lead Grossing Pigs £93 £76 £63×2 C Weightman.