29th August 2022

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Monday 29th August – Darlington Auction Mart had forward:

28 Cast Cows sold to 214ppk & £1883

3 Cast Bulls sold to 196ppk & £1834

19 Store Bulls sold to £1510

95 Store Steers sold to £1515

79 Store Heifers sold to £1485

8 Breeding Cattle sold to £1980

782 Store Lambs sold to £125

91 Feeding Ewes sold to £148

Bank Holiday Show & Sale: DFAM would like to extend its thanks to the Judge on the day Mr Ricky Alder, Woodhill Farm, Ponteland for casting his expert eye over a small but quality show of cattle, resulting in a clean sweep in both the Heifer & Steer classes for The White Family, Rigg Farm with The Judge awarding top honours and The Championship to the sweet black Heifer she eventually went on to sell to M Robinson for £1440, with the steer as Reserve Champion he sold for £1380 and was purchased by the judge himself. The bull class was yet another clean sweep this time for Paul Brown, Swale Hall who took all 3 honours selling his best bull for £1510 to AS&SM Kemp, Whitwell Farm.

With an entry of just over 200 store & breeding cattle forward this Bank Holiday is traditionally a good sale for buyers & sellers alike this years show & sale certainly didn’t disappoint. A quality show of cattle throughout the sale ensured a fantastic trade for all vendors with buyers also able to purchase quality cattle, which have been in short supply in recent weeks. RW Ridley, Tongue Hill was top of the steers with a Limousin that sold for £1515 with his consignment of 5 steers averaging £1438. F Ward, Rogerley Hall was number 1 in the Heifer stakes with a Limousin that went on sell for £1485 she was part of a consignment of 16 that sold to an average of just over £1200. Another notable entry was husband & wife team – Gordon & Julie Sedgewick, Ricknall Grange – just getting pipped at the post in both classes of the show but going on to sell 3 wonderful beast for an average of £1325.

Show results as follows:

Class 1 Heifer 1st GC&KJ White & Son, Rigg Farm sold to £1440. 2nd G Sedgewick, Ricknall Grange sold to £1450. 3rd F Ward, Rogerley Hall sold to £1300.

Class 2 Steer 1st GC&KJ White & Son, Rigg Farm sold to £1380. 2nd G Sedgewick, Ricknall Grange sold to £1310. 3rd GC&KJ White & Son, Rigg Farm sold to £1160.

Class 3 Young Bull 1st WH Brown, Swale Hall sold to £1510. 2nd WH Brown, Swale Hall sold to £1490. 3rd WH Brown, Swale Hall sold to £1290.


Champion Beast sold by GC&KJ White & Son. Rigg Farm






Breeding Cattle – Cows & Calves £1980 £1800 Ouston Farms Ltd. £1700 J&C Barker. £1620 £1580 £1550 £1220 A Spence. £1300 JV Hodgson & Son.

In Calf Cows £1000 A Spence.

Store Bulls £1510 £1490 £1290 £1240 WH Brown. £1340 £1220 £1195 £1190 £1170 £1160 £1150 £1130 £1110 £1095 £1040 K Metcalfe. £1310 £1210 £1190 £1180 ABP Wilsons.


Store Steers £1515 £1465 £1460 £1420 £1330 RW Ridley. £1480 £1200 £1185 L Kidd. £1460 £1445 £1420 £1395 £1320 PRE Marwood. £1380 £1160 GC&KJ White & Son. £1310 £1215 G Sedgewick. £1270 DR Smith. £1265 £1245×2 £1220×4 £1115×2 £1105 £1090 F Ward. £1245×2 £1240 £1190 £1180 £1135 £1115 K Metcalfe. £1235 N Wilson. £1230 F Fabi. £1220 BJS Farms. £1190 £1135 A Wilson. £1165 £1155 K Wilson. £1145 H Thompson.

Store Heifers £1485 £1300 £1165 £1155 F Ward. £1450 G Sedgewick. £1440 GC&KJ White & Son. £1310 PM Beveridge. £1265 £1155 JW Richardson. £1195 £1190 £1095 £1040 CS Robinson. £1180 £1070 N Wilson. £1180 K Wilson. £1160 L Kidd. £1150 PM Beveridge. £1125 £1120 £1085 £1065 £1045 £1030 DR Smith. £1085 £1060 JA Birkbeck. £1050 A Wilson. £1015 WC Barker & Son.



Cast Cows – A much depleted entry of cast cattle due to the Bank Holiday weekend – trade sharper on the week, with all the top honours belonging to Jim & Heather Marks, Gilly Flatts Farm, their 13-year-old 880kg Charolais cow topped the market at 214ppk realising £1883. There was a trio of cast bulls forward with the pick of them another golden oldie, a near 13-year-old Aberdeen Angus sold courtesy of WR Barron, The Deans for £1834. A couple of traditional Herefords presented for sale by W&R Kemp & Son, Wigdon Walls reached £1744 & £1703 respectively. The Dairy side was well represented by RG Swinbank, Breckon Hill whose 766kg Friesian added up nicely to £1286.

Cast Cows & OTM Top prices ppk – 214 JL Marks 198 FE Pinkney 194 I Spedding 192 162 142 AR & C Booth 188×2 W & R Kemp 186 JV Hodgson 170 N & A Hunter 168 146 RG Swinbank 164×2 Allison Devereux Farms 164 162 ST & JK Ball £150×2 130 Little Newsham Farms 148 TH Mace 142 Stainton Hill Farms 142 East Newbiggen Farm

Lead Grossing Cast Cows & OTM – £1883 JL Marks £1744 £1703 W & R Kemp £1488 FE Pinkney £1340 I Spedding £1290 £1103 Allison Devereux Farms £1286 £880 RG Swinbank £1276 £982 £906 AR & C Booth £1164 N & A Hunter £1093 JV Hodgson £994 £947 Manor Farm. £988 £841 Little Newsham Farms £938 Stainton hill Farms

Cast Bulls – Top prices ppk 196 JV Hodgson & Son. 166 WR Barron. 132 DW Ogle.
Lead Grossing Cast Bulls £1834 WR Barron. £1540 DW Ogle. £993 JV Hodgson & Son.


Store Lambs – trade very similar on the week, with a light show of numbers forward. Top price was a very stylish Texel ewe lamb from D Lynn, Northway realising £125. With the strongest end still realising £90 and beyond, Continental grazing lambs in the region of £75 to £90. Mule lambs selling away from £65 to £75 with more mules coming into the market each week. Leaner ewes are worth more on a Monday in the feeding ring rather than a Thursday fat sale,

Store Lambs – £125 £100 £95 £90 £81 D Lynn £109 £105 FM Suddes £108.50 £102 £96.50 £83 £82 GW Dobson £99 £86 83 LD Laws £97 £88 Josh Burton £95 £86.50 84.50 D & JA Teasdale £95 £91 £80 £77 Adam Lowson £90 £77 T Walton £90 T & A Walton £89 £79 D Alderson £89 £87 Mrs J & Miss E Boocock £87 £83 £78 A Wilson £85 Leticia Burton £84.50 £80 TE Dobson £83.50 JJM Lonsdale £82.50 RW Dalton £81 £79 £ 78.50 £78 K James £80.50 JD Mortimer J & J Clark £77.50 W Burton

Feeding Ewes – £148 £110 D Lynn £90 £75 T & A Walton £79 £69 JA & UM Fawcett £78 Adam Lowson £68 D & JA Teasdale £67 £55 D Alderson