Super Singles & Prime Stock

25th August 2022

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Darlington Farmers Auction Mart held their Super Singles show of Prime Lambs in conjunction with their weekly prime stock sale on Thursday 25th August 2022. Forward were 216 Cattle and 2696 Sheep.

2172 Prime Lambs sold to 653ppk or £320
111 Prime Bulls sold to 300ppk or £2356
26 Prime Steers sold to 304ppk or £2401
79 Prime Heifers sold to 321ppk or £2297
530 Cast Ewes & Rams sold to £160

Super Singles Junior Shepherds Show & Sale
Primarily we must thank our sponsors without whom such a fabulous prize fund could not be available for these exceptional youngsters within our industry. They are listed below, please, if you can, show them support.
Dots Café, Deerness Valley Meats, HH Smith & Son Livestock Haulage, R Gilson Agricultural & Groundwork, Carrs Billington, Peter Monkhouse Haulage, Castle Farm Vets, John Warren ABP, David Chapman Landscapes, Vickers & Barrass, Jamesons Feeds, NFU Mutual, Eden Farm Supplies.
Secondly, we wholeheartedly thank our judge Mr Jim Farrington of Roots Farm Shop, East Rounton who carried out the important duties this morning. Finally, we heartily applaud the 28 wonderful young people who produced 44 marvellous lambs split over 9 classes, each one of them proved to be an absolute credit not only to themselves and their parents, but to the whole sheep farming industry.
Runner up last year when she was just 5 years old Katie Walton returned with the bit between her teeth and duly went one better and took home the trophy she desired; the superb 49kg Texel lamb proved just too good for the stiff competition.
A beautiful little Beltex from 17 year old Harry Askwith took the reserve rosette, a good day for the Crook crusader as he took three 1st prizes with his 3 sheep and also the highly coveted best turned out award.
Thanks go to all buyers and bidders who as you will see below ensured a fine trade for our youngsters, special mention must go to Roots Farm Shop who splashed out to buy both the champion and the reserve.

Class 1 – Beltex Lamb (vendor age 13-18yrs)
1st Harry Askwith, Crook 36kg sold for £135 to Roots Farm Shop, East Rounton
2nd Francesca Stobbs, Killerby 40kg sold for £118 to Yorkshire Halal, Keighley
3rd Ruby Thompson, Softley Farm 49kg sold for £132 to Country Valley Foods, Billingham

Class 1a – Beltex Lamb (2-7yrs)
1st Oliver Walton, Hurworth 38kg sold for £140 to Yorkshire Halal, Keighley
2nd Katie Walton, Hurworth 42kg sold for £162 to Roots Farm Shop, East Rounton
3rd Lucinda Davies, Low Trough 37kg sold for £100 to Yorkshire Halal, Keighley

Class 2 – Texel Lamb (16-18yrs)
1st Harry Askwith, Crook 51kg sold for £155 to Roots Farm Shop, East Rounton
2nd Orlena Henderson, Crook 48kg sold for £185 to Roots Farm Shop, East Rounton
3rd Daniel Newman, Cordilleras Farm 51kg sold for £150 to Yorkshire Halal, Keighley

Class 2a – Texel Lamb (11-15yrs)
1st Jack Davis, Low Trough 45kg sold for £138 to Roots Farm Shop, East Rounton
2nd Hugh Dent, Newton Ketton 51kg sold for £140 to Yorkshire Halal, Keighley
3rd Olivia Dent, Newton Ketton 44kg sold for £120 to Yorkshire Halal, Keighley

Class 2b – Texel Lamb (2-7yrs)
1st Katie Walton, Hurworth 49kg sold for £320 to Roots Farm Shop, East Rounton
2nd Oliver Walton, Hurworth 45kg sold for £190 to West Scottish Lamb Ltd, Carlisle
3rd Harriet Gilson, Old Park Farm 52kg sold for £148 to Yorkshire Halal, Keighley

Class 3 – Suffolk Lamb
1st Ava Bolam, Heugh Farm 59kg sold for £158 to Country Valley Foods, Billingham
2nd Abi Hill, Knavesmire Farm 52kg sold for £128 to Andrew Atkinson, Harrogate
3rd Kady Sewell, Knavesmire Farm 51kg sold for £130 to Country Valley Foods, Billingham

Class 4 – Any Other Breed (14-17yrs)
1st Harry Askwith, Crook 42kg sold for £118 to Vivers Scotlamb, Annan
2nd Francesca Stobbs, Killerby 47kg sold for £145 to Country Valley Foods, Billingham
3rd Hugh Dent, Newton Ketton 51kg sold for £135 to Yorkshire Halal, Keighley

Class 4a – Any Other Breed (7-11yrs)
1st Adam Hall, Tutta Beck Farm 44kg sold for £130 to J A Jewitt, Spennymoor
2nd Jack Sewell, Knavesmire 43kg sold for £105 to Yorkshire Halal, Keighley
3rd Sophia Beeforth, High Crookleith 38kg sold for £105 to Yorkshire Halal, Keighley

Class 4b – Any Other Breed (2-6yrs)
1st Katie Walton, Hurworth 42kg sold for £160 to J A Jewitt, Spennymoor
2nd Oliver Walton, Hurworth 39kg sold for £120 to Yorkshire Halal, Keighley
3rd Georgina Davis, Low Trough 38kg sold for £100 to J A Jewitt, Spennymoor

Katie Walton, Hurworth 49kg sold for £320 to Roots Farm Shop, East Rounton

Reserve Champion
Harry Askwith, Crook 36kg sold for £135 to Roots Farm Shop, East Rounton

Best Turned-Out Award
Harry Askwith, Crook

Best Showmanship Award
Daniel Newman, Cordilleras Farm

Prime Bulls (111) – More forward and rich rewards awaited the vendors as another barnstorming trade ensued, all in the sale levelled at 245 pence per kilo and £1674. For the top price per kilo lately we may as well copy and paste the name Renton Highlaws into this space, the magical machines from Morpeth again reached 300 pence today, nine others sold in the 290’s from five other vendors however there was no catching the reliable Renton’s. An unbelievable 29 bulls sold over £2000, of these 8 were in the £2100’s and a quartet in the £2200’s however just the one this week over £2300; a brut of a Salers bull from Rigel Pedigree, Middleton-on-Leven led the day at £2356. More delights for the dairy bull feeders, top this week a Fleckveih from J K & C E Farming, Piercebridge at 230ppk and £1527 whilst the Friesian feeders were led at 217ppk by R Hall & Son, Brotton and Preston based J M Stuart & Son at £1460. As always listed below are some of the top averages.

Renton Highlaws, Morpeth sold 9 to average 286ppk and £2083
S & J Dent & Son, Darlington sold 2 to average 281ppk and £1819
L R Welsh & Co, Spennymoor sold 4 to average 280ppk and £1999
A S & S M Kemp, Sherburn sold 13 to average 275ppk and £1998
W J & A S Bowes & Sons, Stainton sold 3 to average 268ppk and £2128

Prime Bulls- top prices ppk 298 295×2 288 285 279 274 266 Renton Highlaws LTD. 298 Foxton Livestock. 294 283 280 J Layfield. 293 291 288×2285 283 280 274 272 256 AS&SM Kemp. 292 290 285 256 LR Welsh & Co. 285 JL Marks. 284 271 268 260 250 A G Watson. 283 280 S&J Dent & Son. 280 AC Bentham. 277 269 259 WJ&AS Bowes & Sons. 276 271 261×3 250 N White. 273 P Weightman & Sons. 260 LW Martin. 260 TC Walton. 250 W&M Knaggs & Son.

Lead Grossing Bulls- £2356 Rigel Pedigree. £2258 Foxton Livestock. £2235 £2178 £1970 WJ&AS Bowes & Sons. £2220 JL Marks. £2203 £2145 £2112 £2109 £2088 £2061 £2029 £2023 £1978 Renton Highlaws LTD. £2191 £2171 £2109 £2069 £2037×2 £2033 £2025 £1914 AS&SM Kemp. £2108 J Layfield. £2096 £2071 £1924 LR Welsh & Co. £2082 P Weightman & Sons. £2075 £2074 £1999 £1968 £1962 AG Watson & Sons. £2070 W&M Knaggs. £2012 TA&J Swinbank. £1918 TC Walton.

Friesian Bulls- top prices ppk 171 170×2 169 149 136 JM Stuart & Son.

Lead Grossing Friesian Bulls- £940 £938 £933 £883 £737 £644 JM Stuart & Son.

Clean Cattle (105) – The beef boom continues, lean meat harder to move perhaps but the cattle with thick loins remain blissfully in demand, heifers today averaged 275ppk with the steers 254ppk and the sale average once again beyond £1600. This week the battle for the top spot turned into a straight shootout between two regular sellers the Hirst’s and the Hodgson’s; all top ten prices went away with this consistent pairing, the glory however belongs to Robin and Imogen Hirst, Neasham with their 524kg Limousin heifer reaching top price of 321 pence per kilo and selling to Taylors Butchers, Darlington. The red-hot Renton’s almost topped the steers to follow their bull success however a little magic from the Marks of Bishopton led the way at 304ppk with a classy 577kg Limousin. The gross values were again impressive with 5 cattle beyond £2000, of these the four leading prices went to the extraordinary feeding prowess of Barker Farming Partnership, Scorton; hefty bullocks from the consistent firm sold to £2401 and £2368 whilst heifers sold to £2297 and £2247. Leading averages are listed below.

J V & J A Hodgson, Summerhouse sold 10 to average 306ppk and £1827
R Hirst, Neasham sold 15 to average 306ppk and £1645
K & J Heslop, Fishburn sold 5 to average 297ppk and £1646
F W Hodgson & Son, Staindrop sold 3 to average 292ppk and £1814
Barker Farming, Scorton sold 2 to average 276ppk and £2272
J L Marks, Bishopton sold 2 to average 298ppk and £1858
W J Smith & Partners, Richmond sold 4 to average 293ppk and £1623
Barker Farming, Scorton sold 2 to average 278ppk and £2385

Heifers- top prices ppk 321 318 316 315×2 311×2 309 305 304 303 298 297×2 274 R Hirst. 319 318 316 314×2 310 308 297 289 283 JV&JA Hodgson. £313 306 300 294 291 277 270 268 WF Hustwit. 312 A Crowder. 309 305 300 293 279 K&J Heslop. 289 265 Barker Farming Partnership. 305 287 285 FW Hodgson. 281 276 268 RA&BA Ridley & Son LTD. 280 K&A Harker. 275 TN Callender. 270 JM Ramsay & Son.

Lead Grossing Heifers- £2297 £2247 Barker Farming Partnership. £1958 £1910 £1905 £1898 £1881 £1849 £1764 £1761 £1699 £1643 JV&JA Hodgson. £1924 £1874 £1644 FW Hodgson. £1799 £1795 £1787 RA&BA Ridley & Son LTD. £1779 £1643 £1637 £1590 £1581 K&J Heslop. £1726 £1714 £1691 £1687 £1682×2 £1679 £1678 £1668 £1638 £1618 £1617 £1587 R Hirst. £1715 £1714 £1710 £1707 £1690 £1673 £1655 £1632 £1572 WF Hustwit. £1706 A Crowder. £1694 TN Callender. £1663 K&A Harker. £1617 JM Ramsay & Son. £1570 Renton Highlaws LTD.

Prime Lambs (2172) – The buyers are demanding meat; no loin leaves no coin. The two-tier trade continues as the heavy and fittest lambs remain a fine trade yet the light weights and lean lambs are much, much harder to move. This week’s sale averaged £101.44 or 237 pence per kilo, the over 45 kilo lambs averaged very nearly 250 pence per kilo, these numbers are almost an exact replica of the same week last year. Naturally the top prices quite rightly went to our incredible young handlers, lest we forget that today’s youth are tomorrow’s leaders.

Lambs- Top prices ppk 653 385 381 Katie Walton. 422 368 307 Oliver Walton. 385 308 Orlena Henderson. 375 303 281 Harry Askwith. 308 295 272 Francesca Stobbs. 306 Jack Davis. 303 272 Alex Wilson. 295 Adam Hall. 294 270 Daniel Newman. 289 WKMM Lamb. 284 272 271 JE Suddes & Son. 284 Harriet Gilson. 284 J Davis. 281 Patrick Dodsworth. 281 Freddie Dodsworth. 280 JH Craggs. 280 278 273 J&A Moralee. 279 IM Maughan. 277 Hamish Barker. 277 272 WR Thompson. 276 Emma Gilson. 276 Sophia Beeforth. 272 Lexie Beeforth. 275 CH Tindale. 275 JA & A Herbert. 274 Hugh Dent. 273 272 AWSM Farms. 273 JC Thwaite & Son. 272 Olivia Dent. 272 DR Smith. 271 G Thompson & Sons. 271 AW Sanderson. 270 Lucinda Davis.

Lead Grossing Lambs- £320 £162 £160 Katie Walton. £190 140 Oliver Walton. £640 Orlena Henderson. £158×2 Alex Wilson. £155 £135 Harry Askwith. £150 Jack Sewell. £150 £130 Daniel Newman. £148 Harriet Gilson. £147 DR Smith. £146 136 JC Thwaite & Son. £145 Francesca Stobbs. £142 J Davis. £141 £131×3 £130 £128 JE Suddes & Son. £140 William Gilson. £140 £135 Hugh Dent. £139 WR Barron. £138 Jack Davis. £137 £132 J&A Moralee. £136 Anna Herbert. £136 WKMM Lamb. £135 WA Stephenson. £134 IM Maughan. £133 WR Thompson. £132×2 Ruby Thompson. £132 JH Craggs. £131 J Milbank & Sons. £130.50 G Thompson & Sons. £130 Adam Hall. £130 Ethan Sewell. £130 Kady Sewell. £130 Emma Gilson. £130 K&M Elders & Son. £130 DR Smith. £130 William Tindale. £128.50 M Hutchinson.

Cast Ewes & Rams (530) – Ewe trade is on its seasonal slide, some of the biggest and the best still look reasonably well sold but the healthy leaner ewes are now definitely worth more through Mondays store ring. Top this week a big Texel tup from W & M Knaggs, Sadberge; for the 1st time in an age, we could not get Mule ewes in to three figures today and the Swaledale ewes needed to be extra fit to sell beyond £50.

Lead Grossing Cast Sheep- £160 £130 £100 W&M Knaggs. £140 W Emmerson. £138 £116 JE Suddes & Son. £138 C Wise. £135 £95 G Horner. £130 £105 JD Brannen. £120 £88 W Denham. £120 M Navazi. £112 M Hutchinson. £110 William Tindale. £104 £101 HT Davies & Partners. £104 GP Addison. £103 £97 £85 K Buckle. £100 RG&G Rutter. £100 £97 G Thompson & Sons. £100 JGM Brown & Co. £98×2 P Cockburn. £95 S Pybourne. £90 Charlotte Newton. £90 C Longstaff. £90 Olivia Dent. £90 RA Patterson. £88 DM Tiplady. £85 WH Smith & Sons. £84 D Bowles. £82 A Hughes. £80 JA&A Herbert. £80 AW Sanderson. £80 D Alderson.