Cast Cattle, Store & Breeding Stock

3rd October 2022

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Darlington Farmers Auction Mart held their weekly sale of cast cattle, store, and breeding stock on Monday 3rd October 2022. Forward were 357 Cattle and 2087 Sheep.

91 Cast Cows & OTM sold to 234ppk or £1923
10 Stock Bulls sold to 216ppk or £1857
38 Young Bulls sold to £1750
73 Store Steers sold to £1405
128 Store Heifers sold to £1440
17 Breeding Cattle sold to £2000
1915 Store Lambs sold to £150
169 Feeding Ewes sold to £115
3 Tups sold to £140

Cast Cattle – Another magnificent trade as the beef bubble shows no signs of bursting, todays sale averaged a wonderful 169ppk and more importantly £1115. Two terrific 5- and 6-year-old Limousin cows from A C Simpson & Son, McNeil Farm, Witton-le-Wear led the trade when selling for (234ppk) £1923 and (218ppk) £1918. Close behind them at 218ppk and £1857 followed another excellent Limousin, this one a 7-year-old from J C Johnson, Trimdon Village. A hefty Charolais from Ouston Farms, Ravensworth Park also broke £1800 on a super day on which a total of 10 cracking females sailed beyond 200 pence. Top of the Friesian trade was a wonderful 5-year-old from Reveley Farms, Lingdale at a massive £1546 with the top per kilo a smart OTM from D Walker, High Woddifield Farm East at 190ppk. The stock bulls remain in demand, the pick this week hailed from Hexham and the good home of T Common & Son, Low Ardley when they sold a 7-year-old Limousin for 216ppk and £1857.

Cast Cows – Top prices ppk 234 218 214 AC Simpson & Son. 218 JC Johnson. 216 JR Thompson. 208 M Barker Farms. 206 198 E Scott & Sons. 206 JE Hugill. 206 LD Laws. 200 198 Ouston Farms Ltd. 198 JD&G Hugill. 198 194 190 G Younger. 198 194 J Gibson. 198 Beckwith. 198 SW Brisby. 196 JA Wilson. 192 190×2 184 JL Marks. 190 D Walker. 188×2 186×2 LD Laws.

Lead Grossing Cast Cows £1923 £1918 £1724 AC Simpson & Son. £1857 JC Johnson. £1856 £1465 Ouston Farms Ltd. £1639 M Barker Farms. £1546 £1329 £1319 Reveley Farms. £1516 E Scott & Sons. £1485 JD&G Hugill. £1427 SW Brisby. £1413 £1345 JL Marks. £1406 RG Richardson. £1385 JD&G Hugill. £1347 JR Thompson. £1341 MW Cook & Son. £1327 £1318 £1303×2 LD Laws. £1322 G Younger. £1317 MW Coverdale & Son. £1314 J Gibson.

Cast Bulls – Top prices ppk 216 T Common & Son. 212 F Hare & sons. 2063 WJ&AS Bowes & sons. 200 TH Mace & Sons. 174 R Valks. 164 G Younger. 162 KT Anderson & Son. 156 M Gray. 142 A&MJ Henshaw.

Lead Grossing Cast Bulls £1857 T Common & son. £1718 G Younger. £1711 WJ&AS Bowes & Sons. £1648 TH Mace & Sons. £1608 M Gray. £1459 R Valks. £1341 KT Anderson & Son. £1259 F Hare & Sons.

Store & Breeding Cattle – A mixed offering, all classes again easily sold with a particularly fine day had by the vendors with strength, shape or a combination of the two. A nice 4-year-old British Blue cow with her 3-month-old Limousin crossed calf at foot from L D Laws, High Village Farm, Hauxwell led the breeders when selling for £2000. The young bulls followed and despite a strong challenge from the Hexham raiders Messrs Common with 13-month-old Limousin’s to £1370 it was a landslide victory for the pure Limousin’s of J & F Hartley and Sons, Low Shipley Farm, Hamsterley; the pick a massive 29-month-old sold for an incredible £1750. Best of the steers came from B & L Robson, Gawen House, Staindrop for the second week running when their 18-month-old Charolais sold to £1405 however ladies led the line when a super pair of 19-month-old Charolais from L W Richardson, Moorburn House, Houghton-le-Spring reached a magnificent £1440 apiece.

Cows & Calves £2000 LD Laws. £1880 £1600 I Newton & Son. £1780 R Peart. £1480 £1450 £1180 WT Hall. £950 D&JA Teasdale.

In calf Heifers £1070 AM Beadle.

Store Bulls £1750 £1670 £1440 £1400 J&F Hartley & Sons. £1370×2 T Common & Son. £1300 C&E Gaskin. £1245 £885 JR Thompson. £1205 JE Bullock. £1180 £950×2 £790 £745 WM Bainbridge. £900 £850 G Younger. £850 TT Hall & Son. £840 MW Cook & Son. £820 JW Richardson. £810 TD Goldie & Son.

Store Steers £1405×2 £1280 B&L Robson. £1360 £1105×2 EW Holmes. £1305 £1280 £1270 £1185×2 £1160 R&W Todd. 1290 £960×2 JD&G Hugill. £1200 £1175 Forster Hall & Sons. £1165 J&MJ Walton. £1150 WH Brown. £1140 £1130 £980 P Hutchinson. £1130 £1040 HW&M Alderson & Son. £1115 £1030 J Brannen. £1065 £1055 £1040 £1030 £1000 Tarn Bros. £1060 M Gallon. £1005 £980 £970×2 L Booton.

Heifers £1440×2 LW Richardson. £1390 £1380 £1355 £1305 £1295 £1240 J Thompson & Sons. £1360 £1165 JJ Horn. £1350 £1295 £1220 £1195 £1150 G Anderson. £1260×2 £1190×3 £1180×2 £1170×4 £1165×2 £1160×2 JH Johnson. £1240 £1235 WH Brown. £1210×3 B&L Robson. £1165 LD Laws. £1160 Tarn Bros. £1155×2 MH Hodgson. £1140 J Davis.

Store Lambs – The number of high gone hill bred lambs increases at this time of year, trade on paper very similar but in real terms up once again by a pound or two. Three tremendous Blue Texel lambs from N A Thompson, Willow Brooke, Whitby set the bar high when selling for £150 each, behind these nine strong Texel crossed lambs from S W Brisby, Rowley sold for £129. Half a dozen exceptional pens sold over £100 with the stronger and better end now all nicely in the nineties. Four separate vendors with well grown Mule lambs also sold over £90 as the 234 Mule lambs averaged close to £70 this week. .

Store Lambs Leading Prices
Blue Texel £150 N A Thompson
Texel £129 S W Brisby. £114 L W Richardson. £110 £97 R E Coatsworth. £106.50 £101 £99.50 J G & E M Welford. £103 M Hogg. £94.50 P J Anderson & Son.
Beltex £109 B Lowson.
Mule £99.50 £94 £80 Fletcher & Coates. £96 R Peart. £96 £76 T E Dobson. £90 £77 T Allanson & Son. £77 L W Richardson.
Charollais £96 B Lowson. £79.50 K Cator.
Blue Faced Leicester £94 £87 £70 M Suddes. £73 J C Close.
Continental £93 B Lowson. £86 £79 J H Johnson. £82 K & R E Robson. £79 Leanne Raine.
Cheviot £83.50 £82 £77.50 W H Brown. £77 W Burton.
Suffolk £82 £79 J H Johnson. £81 F Gilchrist. £79.50 G H & R G Stobbs. £79.50 £79 A & B Herworth. £78 R A Patterson & Son.
Horned £43 £42 I Sleightholme £35 H Dent.

Feeding Ewes £115 £66 T Walton. £107 £98 £92 M Hogg. £104 M Whorlton. £102 M Suddes. £91 L E Harrison. £89 S W Brisby. £86 J Butterfield & Son. £78 £69 C Harle & Sons. £71 P J Anderson & Son. £66 £60 T Allanson & Son.

Rams £140 £120 £110 M Lindley.