Cast Cattle, Store & Breeding Stock

20th March 2023

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Monday 20th March – Darlington Auction Mart had forward:

89 Cast Cows sold to 274ppk & £2080

5 Cast Bulls sold to 266ppk & £2479

1 OTM Steer sold to 256ppk & £1676

2 Cows & Calves sold to £1580

71 Store Bulls sold to £1570

72 Store Steers sold to £1545

128 Store Heifers sold to £1505

575 Store Hoggs sold to £138

22 Lambs sold to £108

54 Cast Sheep sold to £90

The Cast Cow trade seems to have levelled out a touch this week, returning a market average of 199ppk & £1311 per head. Of the 89 cows forward almost a third were either Native or Dairy bred. Neil Brown, West Hartburn Farm was top with a 47mth Limousin which sold for 274ppk & £1797. The lead grossing cow was also a Limousin sold by RA&SL Wearmouth, Middletown Farm which realised £2080. The same vendor also had a 40mth Limousin Bull which sold for 266ppk &£2479. JF Harland, Old Lodge Farm was top of the Natives with an Angus Cow selling for 238ppk & £1539. Top grossing Native Breed was a Hereford sold by GL&M Steel, Bunker Hill which realise £1618.Tallentire, Low Lands was in the No1 spot in the Dairy section with a Friesian Heifer selling for 226ppk & £1274, with the lead Grossing Dairy Cow, sold by JT Forster & Son, Killerby Farm returning at £1877. Beckwiths, Brough Castle sold the only OTM clean beast, a Shorthorn Steer for 256ppk & £1676.

Continental Cows – Top prices ppk 274 210 200 JH&M&NW Brown. 272 226 JB Fletcher. 256×2 JW Smith. 248 GK KN & GJ Hird. 242×2 220 218 206 196 Skelton Farming Ltd. 242 234 228 Northfield Farms. 242 J Murray. 236 GL&M Steel. 230 216 JN Swinbank. 230 214 TW Thompson. 228 206 200 NB&R Hird. 224 194 RA&SL Wearmouth. 220 DW Humphrey. 216 198 188 TL Holmes & Son. 216 JC&P Harrison. 210 Rigel Pedigree. 200 A Crowder. 194 GS Bainbridge. 190 G Beadle.

Lead Grossing Continental Cows £2080 RA&SL Wearmouth. £1916 £1842 £1417 TL Holmes & Son. £1850 £1614 £1444 Northfield Farms. £1806 JB Fletcher. £1797 £1472 £1410 JH&M&NW Brown. £1773 £1709 £1568 £1565 £1371 Skelton Farming Ltd. £1761 £1369 JN Swinbank. £1680 £1592 £1354 NB&R Hird. £1671 £1553 JW Smith. £1631 Rigel Pedigree. £1626 TW Thompson. £1623 J Murray. £1551 DW Humphrey. £1474 A Crowder. £1455 GK KN & GJ Hird. £1369 JC&P Harrison

Native Breed Cows – Top prices ppk 238 JF Harland. 218 208 R Stainthorpe. 206 202 GW&M Singleton & Sons. 204 W Emerson. 196 RN Armstrong. 194 F Fabi. 190 Anderson. 180 RE Dickson. 180 154 K&T Wilson. 178 T Hodgse. 176 S Shaw & Sons. 168 R Wilson. 160 L Fowler.

Lead Grossing Native Breed Cows £1618 GL&M Steel. £1615 £1406 R Stainthorpe. £1539 JF Harland. £1481 RE Dickson. £1470 RN Armstrong. £1438 Anderson. £1325 F Fabi. £1298 £1168 GW&M Singleton & Sons. £1108 S Shaw & Sons. £1044 T Hodges. £928 £828 K&T Wilson.

Friesian Cows – Top prices ppk 226 Tallentire. 214 JM Ramsay & Son. 212 182 172 AR&C Booth. 198 182 Wilkinson & Son. 198 170 FS Sturrock & Sons. 198 186 G Thompson & Sons. 194 182×2 JT Forster & Son. 170 N&AD Brass & Son. 170 162 FR&AL Lyth. 162 154 GM Blair & Partners. 160 Healey Farm Partnership.

Lead Grossing Friesian Cows £1877 £1484 £1435 £1374 JT Forster & Son. £1502 £1280 FS Sturrock. £1483 JM Ramsay & Son. £1386 £1218 G Thompson & Sons. £1293 £1248 £1212 AR&C Booth. £1284 £1170 Wilkinson & Son. £1274 Tallentire. £1227 N&AD Brass & Son. £1188 £1101 FR&AL Lyth.

Cast Bulls – Top prices ppk 266 RA&SL Wearmouth. 200 P Dent. 144 Rigel Pedigree. 138 JT Wilson. 130 W Emerson.
Lead Grossing Cast Bulls £2479 RA&SL Wearmouth. £1628 P Dent. £1411 Rigel Pedigree. £1344 W Emmerson. £1250 JT Wilson.

OTM Cattle – Topp prices ppk 256 Beckwith.
Lead Grossing OTM Cattle £1676 Beckwith.

Store Cattle – Each week we seem to use the same adjectives to describe the current trade of all store cattle, repetitive though it may sound, in a nutshell – Cattle have never been as dear! Considering the ‘Something for Everyone’ show of cattle – from Dexters through to Holsteins, Dairy Bred Cattle & some of the best Continental Cattle on sale anywhere the £1200 average for steers with Heifers just marginally behind was truly outstanding. The top price store beast was £1545 for a pair of Angus Steers, part of a good run of 6 sold by R&W Todd, High Toft Hill which averaged a tasty £1480. Hirds, Gillfield came a very close 2nd with a Limousin steer selling for £1535, their run of 8 continentals selling to an average of £1375. In the Heifer department it was down to C Harle & Sons, Brandon Hall to take top honours with a Limousin selling for £1505, their run of 11 Limousin and Stabiliser Heifers continued to sell for an average of £1240. WA Wardman Thrushwood Farm was also a contender for the top slot with 2 Heifers selling for £1480 and a steer for £1475 helping his run of 20 sell for an average of £1298.
Not to be outdone the store bull trade also continues to go from strength to strength. Dixons of Middle Heads Farm, Rowley sold 5 wonderful bulls up to £1570 av £1508. Local producer Eric Parson’s 5 Continentals totting up an average of £1443, and Peter Humphreys, Capon Hall had an unbelievable run of 15 quality young bulls selling to £1540 average £1317.

Cows & Calves £1580 £1160 WT Hall.

Store Bulls £1570 £1560×2 £1480 £1370 D Dixon. £1540 £1475×2 £1440 £1430 £1420£1410 £1335 £1300 £1290 £1270 £1240 £1135 £1020 DW Humphrey. £1495×2 £1465 £1380×2 E Parsons. £1485 £1380 TT Hall & Son. £1380 T&DI Allen & Son. £1360×2 £1220 £1200 £1180×2 JJ Horn. £1190 £1075 £935 £895 JR Allan. £1150 JH&C Ltd Oulton. £1120 £1040 £885 Allison Devereux.

Store Steers £1545×2 £1470 £1465×2 £1390 R&W Todd. £1535 £1240×2 NB&R Hird. £1480 £1335 JH&C Ltd Oulton. £1475 £1435 £1390 £1325 £1265 WA Wardman Ltd. £1435 £1295×3 £1225 A&AG Moralee. £1380 £1225 A Newton. £1325 £1300 £1230 DG&PD Ayre. £1320 £1270 R Errington & Son. £1315×2 JS Foster & Son. £1295×2 £1265 WH Brown. £1285 AJ Lawson. £1225 £1220 I Newton & Son.

Store Heifers £1505 £1420×2 £1370×2 £1325 £1200 C Harle & Sons. £1480×2£1395×2 £1370×2 £1325 WA Wardman Ltd. £1440 £1280 JC Thwaite & Son. £1430 £1365 WH Brown. £1425 A Wilson. £1415×3 £1370×2 NB&R Hird. £1415 R Errington & Son. £1385×2 GW&M Singleton & sons. £1365 £1345 £1295 £1285 LW Martin. £1330 £1280 £1245 Beckwith. £1265×2 £1235 AJ Lawson. £1240 J Norman. £1240 JR Allan. £1230 T&DI Allen & Son.

Store Hoggs – An increase in price for Fat Hoggs last Thursday saw all store sheep a sharper trade today. Fletcher & Coates, Short Thorns Farm sold a pair of Beltex for £138, closely followed by Hutchinson, Red Gap who’s single Suffolk Hogg realised £130. The Stones Family, Nuncote Nook brought up 3rd place with 14 Cheviot’s selling for £123.

Lambs – Dorset £108×2 £97 JT Wilson.

Store Hoggs – Beltex £138 Fletcher & Coates. £112 £91 JE Braithwaite & Sons. £91 S Fenwick.

Suffolk £130 £101 £95 £90 MJ Hutchinson. £102 MG&WD Burton. £100 JR&LJ Chapman. £99 IR Appleton. £99×2 D Alderson.

Cheviot £123 £103.50 KO Stones. £105.50 S Hallam. £105 CH&MC Phalp. £100 IR Appleton.

Texel £122 £114 £98 £94 Fletcher & Coates. £119 £108 KO Stones. £113 £107 A Mason. £108 £104 £103 C Harle & Sons. £107.50 £105 £93 CH&MC Phalp. £107 £100 JR&LJ Chapman. £104 JJM Lonsdale. £104 W Wearmouth & Son. £102 £96 £88 J Musgrave. £101 £100×2 D Alderson. £99 MJ Hutchinson. £98 A Mason. £91 IR Appleton.

Mule £98 MG&WD Burton. £95 Wolsingham Park Farms. £90 JJM Lonsdale. £90 D Alderson.

Continental £89 MJ Hutchinson.

Feeding Ewes £90 £86 £44 Wolsingham Park Farms. £71 TB Walton.