Cast Cattle, Store & Breeding Stock

5th September 2022

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Darlington Farmers Auction Mart held their weekly sale of Cast Cattle, Store & Breeding Stock on Monday 5th September 2022. Forward were 301 Cattle and 2892 Sheep.

73 Cast Cows & OTM sold to 268ppk or £1705
1 Stock Bull sold to 228ppk and £1985
6 Cows & Calves sold to £1480
28 Young Bulls sold to £1590
101 Store Steers sold to £1630
86 Store Heifers sold to £1290
357 Shearling Ewes sold to £350
130 Breeding Ewes sold to £128
24 Ewe Lambs sold to £112
1997 Store Lambs sold to £105
384 Feeding Ewes sold to £87

Cast Cattle – After a few weeks lacking quality todays show contained some super sorts, the good show and excellent trade lifted the average to a spellbinding 167.77ppk. Three magnificent OTM heifers sold beyond 250 pence per kilo, a cracker from Messrs Hird, Richmond found herself sandwiched between two stunners from D & M Lowes, Barningham; the best a 36-month-old British Blue sold for a wonderful 268ppk. Four hefty cows from three different vendors sold in the £1600’s today, each of them would ordinarily have a shot at the top gross price however a tremendous 797kg Charolais from Ouston Farms, Ravensworth Park at a massive £1705 proved unsurpassable. Friesians with flesh enjoyed a terrific trade, this week’s toppers came from R & A Chapman, Easby at £1192 and a wonderful 180ppk from J T Forster & Son, Killerby. Just a solitary stock bull joined the ranks this week however he is well worthy of mention, an excellent 5-year-old Limousin from local producers J H & M & N W Brown sold for 228ppk and £1985.

Cast Cows – Top prices ppk 268 256 248 D&M Lowes. 258 190 GK KN &GJ Hird. 236 178 SH Watson & Sons. 226 174 JR Addison & Son. 214 196 192 188 178 Ouston Farms Ltd. 208 WM Reed & Sons. 198 JD Bentley & Son. 194 JE Jordon & Son. 190 JB Luck. 188 182 JD&MS Mortimer. 188 FM Suddes. 184 GL&M Steel. 180 JT Forster & Son. 180 AS Chapman. 178 MJ Hutchinson. 176 I&RA Watson. 174 168 A Wilson. 172 RG Swinbank. 172 JR&G Walton & Sons.

Lead Grossing Cast Cows £1705 £1630 £1624 £1501 £1443 £1384 £1379 Ouston Farms Ltd. £1661 JD Bentley & Son. £1623 £1578 SH Watson & Sons. £1574 £1562 £1311 D&M Lowes. £1568 GK KN & GJ Hird. £1541 JR Addison & Son. £1449 AS Chapman. £1391 WM Reed & Sons. £1368 JB Luck. £1359 JE Jordon & Son. £1306 GL&M Steel. £1270 FM Suddes. £1195 JR&G Walton & Sons.


Cast Bulls – Top prices ppk 228 JH&M&NW Brown.
Lead Grossing Cast Bulls £1985 JH&M&NW Brown.

Store Cattle – No stopping the brilliant beef trade as the biggest and best beast continue in magical form. What better place to start than with sixteen superb two-year-old Charolais steers from J H Johnson, White Lea Farm, Roddymoor, top of the run a handsome pair at £1630, such was the consistency the superb sixteen averaged a huge £1533. The heifers remain hot, this week’s sale topper came from H S Hutchinson, White House Farm, Eastgate with a lovely 18-month-old Limousin selling to £1290. Last but by no means least come the young bulls, after success in the cow ring it was more joy for the classy Charolais of Ouston Farms Ltd; the three excellent 8 to 10-month-olds sold between £1440 and £1590.

Cows & Calves £1480 W Love Ltd. £1350 £1320 £980 £920 T Ripley & T Ramesar.


Store Bulls £1590 £1490 £1440 Ouston Farms Ltd. £1190 £1140×3 £1125×2 £1080×3 £1060×3 £1050×2 £1015×3 JA Birkbeck. £1120 £800 WT Hall. £980 £820×2 £800 Northfield Farms.

Store Steers £1630×2 £1565×2 £1545×3 £1525×2 £1495×5 £1490×2 JH Johnson. £1300 £1210 £1180 £1160 £1100×3 RC Wharton & Son. £1275×2 £1265 £1185 F Crawford. £1275 £1205 £1130×3 GS Bainbridge. £1200 £1130×2 HS Hutchinson. £1190 JR&L Harding. £1180 £1130 DR Smith. £1170 £1140 £1100×3 RN Foord. £1145 £1125×2 R Errington & Son. £1130×2 £1090×2 W&C Iceton.

Store Heifers £1290 £1200 £1155 HS Hutchinson. £1260 £1100 L Booton. £1250 £1120 £1090 £1030 F Crawford. £1195 £1190 C Bell. £1160 £1105 £1100 £1060×2 DR Smith. £1160 £1120 £1110 £1080×3 AR Marshall. £1145 R Errington & Son. £1120 £1110 I Newton & Son. £1085 GS Bainbridge. £1080×2 JR&L Harding. £1070 C&M Burnett. £1065×2 JG Wall & Sons.

Breeding Sheep – Best end shearlings an excellent trade, some value perhaps lower down the rankings. Keith Stones on this rare occasion was flying solo, the fact that he was so unusually abandoned by the two-legged females of Nun Cote Nook, Marrick mattered little as his six excellent Texel shearling ewes led the trade when they sold for £350 apiece to Barker & Gibson, Appleton-le-Moors. A fine run of Texel and Beltex bred shearlings from Peter Tindale, Paradise Farm, Shadforth challenged closest with a best of £300 and plenty of the other better-bred sheep sold well beyond £200 on the day. Best of the ewe lambs came from J D Brannen, Red Barns at £112 whilst older fully warranted ewes sold to £128 on three occasions.

Texel Shearlings £350 KO Stones. £245 £235 £230 £220 PJ Tindale. £190 £175 £150 R Arthur. £140 £135×2 £130×2 £125×3 Hagg Farm Ltd.

Continental Shearlings £300 £225 £210 £200×2 PJ Tindale. £160 £150 £130 Hagg Farm Ltd.

Beltex Shearlings £235 £210 CA&JG Skidmore.

Mule Shearlings £155×2 £145 MW Reed.


Gimmer Lambs – Continental £112 £88 JD Brannen. £90 £84 J Wigham.


Breeding Ewes – Mule £128 £112×2 TD Easterby. £128 £102 Highgreen Farm.

Continental £128 £125×3 TD Easterby. £120 £112 J Wigham. £110 A Wilson.

Store Sheep – The biggest show of the year with trade marginally easier as is the case everywhere, a magnificent 37 accounts operating ringside however certainly kept things lively enough to ensure a 100% clearance. The big lambs are indeed the easiest to move, six pens sold over £100 with plenty in the £90’s and anything strong or shapely £80 plus. Top price was a 3-way tie as a strong pair of Suffolks and also half a dozen Texels from L J Daley, Byers Green joined a quartet of Suffolks from I R Appleton, Elwick at £106. A host of lean feeding ewes look very well sold compared to the falling fat price.

Store Lambs – Suffolk £106 LJ Daley. £106 £80 IR Appleton. £98 £81 GW Dobson & Son.

Texel £106 £98 £90 LJ Daley. £103.50 T Bell. £102 £85 T James. £100.50 £92 JA&UM Fawcett. £96 £80.50 TE Dobson. £95 £82 WH Brown. £94 J&JA Wilkinson. £93 £79.50 P&S Wood. £90.50 G Bolton. £89 M Whorlton. £87 £81 JP Richardson. £85.50 £85 £82 Messrs Bell. £84 £80 K Buckle. £84 IR Appleton. £84 £81 £79 A Tunstall. £81.50 JH Johnson. £79.50 ID Watson. £79 JD Heavisides. £79×2 J Kelly.

Beltex £97 £90 £84 £83.50 £82 £80 Northfield Farms. £88 A Pennell. £80.50 S Beeforth.

Cheviot £95 WH Brown.

Continental £84 JL Alderson. £81.50 T Bell. £81 GW Dobson & Son. £80 G Bolton.


Feeding Ewes – Continental £87 £76 £71.50 £71 £67 K Buckle. £84 £50 £45 JP Richardson. £74 G Bolton. £50 A Richardson.

Cheviot £84 JP Richardson.

BFL £70 G&L Wood.

Mule £64 £61 £47.50 K Buckle. £54 CG Baraclough.