Darlington Farmers Auction Mart held their weekly sale of Cast Cattle, Store and Breeding Stock on Monday 30th May 2022. Forward were 289 Cattle and 15 Sheep.
61 Cast Cows & OTM sold to 250ppk or £1786
5 Stock Bulls sold to 216ppk or £2457
18 Young Bulls sold to £1170
69 Store Steers sold to £1540
134 Store Heifers sold to £1550
15 Store Sheep sold to £113
Cast Cattle – We are fortunate that our vendors possess common sense and decency or they’d be climbing the roof and letting flares off on today’s trade, the short week is perhaps partly responsible as the cow trade was absolutely flying. The sale average of 179 pence per kilo only tells half the story as a relatively moderate show of quality assembled and sold stupendously well, on today’s evidence the good meat-eating public of the North East are certainly planning to barbeque real beef burgers this bank holiday. Topping the sale at a massive 250 pence per kilo was a stunning Limousin OTM from W A Wardman, Yearby; close behind came the top native bred beast per kilo a Beef Shorthorn OTM from G A Rogerson, Thropton at 228ppk whilst the top cow per kilo was a brilliant British Blonde at 13 years of age from I R Appleton, Elwick which reached 222 pence. Colchester based M Parratt with a fleshy pair of Lincoln Red cows proved to be man showing the top gross valued females today when they sold for £1759 and £1786. The finest of the Friesians both hailed from A R & C Booth of Bolton-on-Swale as they sold separate beast to 178ppk and £1205. Bull trade proved breath-taking, twice Limousin’s sold for 216ppk with M Gallon, Wheatley Hill and J M Shotton, Hartbushes at the top and both bulls selling over £2000; top gross value on the day for the second week running proved to be a humongous native breed bull, this week’s superstar a 1429kg Beef Shorthorn from M E & T D Tailford, Broomley sold for 172 pence per kilo thus adding up to an extraordinary £2457.
Cast Cows & OTM – Leading PPK – 250 214 196 190 188 184 W A Wardman Ltd. 228 208 206 G A Rogerson & Son. 222 I R Appleton. 214 K Mitchelson. 206(x2) 194 N White. 202 198(x2) 184 182 178 J & O Harrison & Sons. 200 J M Shotton. 198 A P Taylor. 194 W J Smith & Partners. 194 J & E M Lawson. 190(x2) M J Parratt. 188 M Gallon. 184 B & L Robson. 182 A Harland & Son. 180 R E Dickson. 180 D G & P D Ayre. 180 J B Luck. 178 A R & C Booth.
Stock Bulls Leading PPK – 216 M Gallon. 216 J M Shotton. 212 G A Rogerson & Son. 172 M E & T D Tailford. 170 B Lowson.
Cast Cows & OTM – Leading Gross – £1786 £1759 M J Parratt. £1677 K Mitchelson. £1594 J M Shotton. £1585 I R Appleton. £1510 A P Taylor. £1475 B & L Robson. £1466 £1437 £1412 £1349 £1315 £1291 W A Wardman Ltd. £1447 M Gallon. £1435 J & E M Lawson. £1426 £1425 £1322 £1258 £1133 £1101 J & O Harrison & Sons. £1422 £1326 G A Rogerson & Son. £1295 £1138 N White. £1292 W J Smith & Partners. £1216 R E Dickson. £1205 A R & C Booth. £1134 D G & P D Ayre.
Stock Bulls Leading Gross – £2547 M E & T D Tailford. £2190 J M Shotton. £2000 M Gallon. £1214 G A Rogerson & Son. £1176 B Lowson.
Store & Breeding Cattle – The store cattle trade stays strong, a lighter show than in recent weeks which is now naturally expected as the majority are turned out for the summer months, thus said our numbers remain high for the time of year. A small show of young bulls sold well, the top of this section came in the shape of a 12-month-old Aberdeen Angus from J C Thwaite & Son, Lartington which reached £1170. Top price through the store ring today went to an exceptional 22-month-old British Blonde heifer from Laing Brothers, Coxhoe which has earned herself a reprieve from the finishing yards as she heads away to get chance of the bull with the Tindale family of Shadforth. For the second week running in the steer section clear daylight was apparent between D W Dresser, Greatham and the pursuing pack, this week’s star turn a 19-month-old Limousin sold for £1540, strong sorts from the closest challenger I W Cairns, Haswell placed 2nd, 3rd and 4th on the steer chart today.
Cow & Calf – £1500 W T Hall
Young Bulls – £1170 £1070 £1040 J C Thwaite & Son. £990 £935 £900 £870 £850 W B Rutter & Sons. £880 £850 W S I Anderson. £880 T & R Quinn. £730 £680 G W & M Singleton & Sons. £700 M Metcalfe.
Store Steers – £1540 £1335 £1200 D W Dresser. £1420 £1360(x2) D W Dresser. £1350 £1290 £1280(x2) £1270 £1245 £1110 W A Wardman Ltd. £1340 £1275 £1245(x4) £1240 £1220 R J Bradshaw. £1320 £1300 J S Foster & Son. £1180 £1170 R F Gill & Sons. £1165 F Fabi. £1160 £1080 A Wilson. £1100 N Wilson. £1050 O & L Welford.
Store Heifers – £1550 £1355 Laing Bros. £1440 £1200 J S Foster & Son. £1305 D W Dresser. £1290 W Denham. £1280 M & S Parratt. £1270 £1250 £1220 I W Cairns. £1185(x4) J P Phelan. £1180 £1165 £1140 A Wilson. £1170(x2) £1160 £1145(x2) R F Gill & Sons. £1170 £1140 £1120 W A Wardman Ltd. £1140 Allison Devereux Farms. £1140 N Wilson. £1120 J D Bentley & Son. £1100 J G Wall & Sons.
Store Sheep – £113 £98 £90 P G & J Bond. £86 £78 G Smith.
Prime sheep and cast ewes will be sold this evening and appear on a separate report.