Cast Cattle & Store Stock

7th August 2023

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Darlington Farmers Auction Mart held their weekly sale of cast cattle, store and breeding stock on Monday 7th August 2023. Forward were 186 cattle and 1250 sheep.

36 Cast Cows & OTM sold to 230ppk or £1685
9 Stock Bulls sold to 236ppk or £2208
5 Stirks sold to £580
17 Young Bulls sold to £1285
63 Store Steers sold to £1600
56 Store Heifers sold to £1230
1117 Store Lambs sold to £115
133 Store Ewes sold to £96

Cast Cattle – A seasonally light show of mixed quality, trade very similar if not perhaps a penny or two dearer on the week. Beef Shorthorns and Charolais dominated the top of the cow price columns with a superb Shorthorn OTM from R G & H E Thompson, Bennison House, Sneaton taking top honours at 230ppk and £1685 ahead of a couple of cracking Charolais cows from P D & J A Adamski, Finkle House Farm, Fryup. Holstein cows peaked today at 158ppk from A Harland & Son, Village Farm, Newton Mulgrave and £1128 from R & A Chapman, Easby Grange, Great Ayton. Best of the bulls and top of the sale was a brilliant 38-month-old British Blue bull from A & M J Henshaw, Mainsgill Farm when selling for 236ppk and £2208, also impressing in the bulls was a hefty Stabiliser from P Prudom & Son Ltd, Mickleby at £2040 as a notable six of the nine sold over 200 pence per kilo.

Cast Cows & OTM Leading PPK- 230 202 150 126 RG&HE Thompson. 184 172 166 132 PD&JA Adamski. 178 JR&G Walton & Sons. 166 152 150 RE&BJ Potter. 162 FP&IM Jefferson. 162 MG&WD Burton. 158 128 A Harland & Son. 158 N Basey & Son. 158 DW Humphrey. 158 116 W Wearmouth & Son. 154 Tarn Bros. 150 DR Smith. 150 128 RW&NV Chamley. 150 148 RE Shield. 144 RW&H Atkinson. 142 132 116 R&A Chapman.

Cast Cows & OTM Leading Gross- £1685 £1374 £1252 £1135 RG&HE Thompson. £1569 £1530 £1220 £788 PD&JA Adamski. £1252 FP&IM Jefferson. £1185 N Basey & Son. £1174 MG&WD Burton. £1128 £851 R&A Chapman. £1082 JR&G Walton & Sons. £1005 £741 RW&NV Chamley. £1004 £973 £913 RE&BJ Potter. £996 £711 W Wearmouth & Son. £957 £941 RE Shield. £913 DW Humphrey. £906 DR Smith. £903 £763 £750 A Harland & Son. £902 Tarn Bros. £713 Cowclose Farm.

Cast Bulls Leading PPK- 236 A&MJ Henshaw. 224 218 RG&HE Thompson. 220 GS Bainbridge. 214 A Harland & Son. 212 RW&H Atkinson. 196 160 P Prudom & Son LTD.

Cast Bulls Leading Gross- £2208 A&MJ Henshaw. £2040 £1468 P Prudom & Son LTD. £1697 A Harland & Son. £1693 £1426 RG&HE Thompson. £1515 RW&H Atkinson. £1335 GS Bainbridge.

Store Cattle – A good show for the time of year enjoyed a sharp trade, with the prime beef resurgence last week the short keep stores duly lifted, longer term projects no dearer on the week. The run of the day undoubtedly came from George Bainbridge, Ketton Lodge, Coatham Munderville who remarkably sold seven of the top eight prices steers, the pick of the run a terrific 19-month-old Limousin cross sold for £1600. Topping the heifers today was a well grown 20-month-old Limousin from W Walker & Sons, High Copelaw Farm, Newton Aycliffe selling for £1230, a fine pair from W H Brown, Swale Hall, Grinton just the bridesmaids in the heifer race by a single bid. A quartet of superb sorts from D Dixon, Middle Heads Farm, Rowley proved unbeatable in the young bulls when a couple of 14/15-month-old Limousin’s sold for £1285 apiece.

Stirks – £580 £480 £430 R W Raper & Sons. £400 £240 R E Shield.
Young Bulls – £1285(x2) £1280 £1240 D Dixon. £975 £790 D W Humphrey. £950 £870 H S Hutchinson. £910 T T Hall & Son. £720 £670 F P & I M Jefferson. £605 R W & N V Chamley.
Store Steers – £1600 £1540 £1525 £1420 £1400 £1350 £1340 G S Bainbridge. £1400 C Bell. £1320(x2) £1190(x2) P D Shepherd. £1320 £1210 £1205 £1200 £1180 £1165(x2) £1140(x2) F Ward. £1240 S Linsley. £1230 £1210 G L & M Steel. ££1195 W B Rutter & Sons. £1190(x2) £1160 £1115(x2) A Wilson.
Store Heifers – £1230 £1190 £1160 £1040 W Walker & Sons. £1220(x2) W H Brown. £1200 £1100 £1080(x2) £1070 F Ward. £1165 £1090 J Davis. £1110 £1100 £1040 W B Rutter & Sons. £1020 W & J Herbert. £975 £935(x2) A Wilson. £970(x2) R & W Todd. £970 £965 H Chamley. £965 W & C Iceton. ££945 I Newton & Son.

Store Sheep – More forward as is expected with weaning ongoing across the region, trade for the bigger lambs not quite matching last week’s barnstormer however running lambs remain good to move and still a sale average of over £80 is ahead of the levels set in 2022. The top five pens sold over £100, of these a pen of eighteen strong Texel’s (£110.50) from P J Anderson & Son, Wolsingham had to play second fiddle to seven brilliant Beltex from S & D Ferrie, Carthagena Farm, Hornby which sold for the top price of £115. Feeding ewes enjoyed the trade of the week with both Highlander and Suffolk’s to £96, Cheviots to £80 and Swaledale’s to £50.

Store Lambs:

Continental- £115 £90 £87 S&D Ferrie. £97.50 T&C Smith. £92 GW Dobson & Son. £91 M Radford.

Texel- £110.50 PJ Anderson & Son. £101 x2 £94 LD Laws. £101 £82 KM Sayer. £98 £82 JW&B Firby. £98 £96 £94 S&D Ferrie. £98 £96 £91 £87 GH Lister. £94 £82 W Burton. £93 W Wearmouth & Son. £92 £80.50 G Williamson. £91.50 C&M Burnett. £89.50 £87 £83 AWSM Farms. £87.50 T&C Smith. £85 ID Watson. £85 IR Appleton. £83.50 T&HA Barrass. £81 J Curry.

Suffolk- £94.50 £90.50 £86 JH Johnson. £89.50 S Beeforth. £88 T&C Smith.

Ewes- £96 £80 £58 PN Dodsworth. £96 £87 £64 JV Hodgson & Son. £80 S Dodsworth. £74 M Radford. £70 £60 £44 £37 KM Sayer. £50 £46 £36 £32 JJM Lonsdale.