Ewetopia Sale of Ewes

9th August 2023

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Darlington Farmers Auction Mart held their inaugural Ewetopia evening sale of pedigree and pure-bred ewes, shearlings and ewe lambs on Tuesday 8th August 2023. Forward were 242 sheep.

The first Ewetopia sale in DfAM proved to be a resounding success, terrific support from far and wide saw thirty-six vendors sell to fifty-eight buyers who jostled for position with a vast legion of onlookers and underbidders from all corners of the country. The sale cleared at 87% with an eclectic mix of breeds enjoying the nights success as the high-flying prices were by no means exclusive to just the main stream commercial breeds.

Pre-Sale Show
Sincere thanks go to regular Darlington sellers Gerald and John Horn of Marske, Richmond for acting as the men in charge, a great show was offered before them as they meticulously and professionally went about their business. Picked as Champion was an excellent Beltex shearling ewe from Harry Askwith of Low Mown Meadow, Crook with the reserve ticket heading to a super sweet Suffolk ewe lamb from Messrs Brannen, Scar Top, Penrith. Below are the results of the three classes.

Best Texel
1st A G Laws, High Village Farm (Shearling)
2nd M Navazi, Redmire Farm (Shearling)
3rd P Brannen, Scar Top (Lamb)

Best Suffolk
1st P Brannen, Scar Top (Lamb)
2nd R & P Kitson, Sheep Hills (Shearling)
3rd I Spedding, Harelaw Farm (Shearling)

Best Any Other Breed
1st H Askwith, Low Mown Meadow (Beltex Shearling)
2nd Ivanhoe Livestock, Wyvill Grange (Badger Faced Texel Lamb)
3rd D Whitcher, Foulrice Farm (Charollais Lamb)

Ewetopia Sale
An outstanding trade ensued with the best quality sheep in flying form. Trade of the day was enjoyed by a brilliant run from the Brannen’s of Scar Top who led proceedings with a stunning Texel Shearling ewe reaching 820 guineas and the same good pen also sold our top lamb their reserve champion Suffolk when she sold for 720 guineas. More Scar Top success followed with the top Texel lamb at 510 guineas, that price was duly matched by an excellent Charollais lamb from Deborah Whitcher’s pedigree Galtres Flock. The champion Beltex shearling from Harry Askwith followed at 500 guineas just ahead of a beautiful Badger Faced Texel lamb from James Bailey, Ivanhoe Livestock which sold for 490 guineas. An excellent two shear Dutch Spotted Texel ewe from the Metcalfe’s of Leighton Hall Farm impressed reaching 460 guineas just ahead of a flashy pair of Zwartbles shearling ewes showen by Messrs Addison, Hayberries Farm at 440 guineas. An excellent trio of coloured Ryeland lambs from our youngest vendor Jack Sewell, Knavesmire Farm ensured the young man went away delighted when they topped at 320 guineas whilst the dispersal of the Wingate Grange, Greyfaced Dartmoors saw their ewes peak at 150 guineas and the only rams in attendance from the same dispersal topped at 340 guineas.

Leading Prices (All in guineas)
Ewe Lambs
Suffolk – 720 P Brannen
Texel – 510 440 380(x2) P Brannen
Charollais – 510 420(x3) 360 300 D Whitcher
Badger Faced Texel – 490 420(x2) Ivanhoe Livestock
Coloured Ryeland – 320 300 240 Jack Sewell
Dutch Spotted – 300 M Radford
Cross Bred – 270(x2) Ivanhoe Livestock
Zwartbles – 210 180(x2) G P Addison
Beltex – 200 H Askwith
Blue Texel – 190 Winsbury Farm Partners

Shearling Ewes
Texel – 820 480(x2) P Brannen. 360 340 330 310(x2) 260(x2) 240 230(x2) C & E Mandale Ltd. 290 270 A G Laws. 250(x2) 240(x2) 230(x2) I Spedding.
Beltex – 500 370(x2) H Askwith. 300(x2) 300 260 L Van Geffen. 280(x3) 260 C A & J G Skidmore.
Zwartbles – 440(x2) G P Addison
Suffolk – 380(x2) 330(x2) I Spedding. 310 300 250(x4) D G Wise. 280(x2) 230(x2) R & P Kitson.
Charollais – 330 240(x2) 230 C Dougherty.
Blue Texel 310(x2) A B P Wilsons. 300 M Collin. 240(x2) Winsbury Farm Partners.
Valais Blacknose X – 270 K Borrowdale & A Wearmouth.
Dutch Spotted – 270 Winsbury Farm Partners.
NC Cheviot – 250 J Brittain.
Kerry Hill – 240(x2) K O Stones.

Aged Warranted Ewes
Dutch Spotted – 460 C J & D M Metcalfe. 400 M Radford.
Charollais – 310 300(x4) 240 230 C Dougherty.
Valais Blacknose X – 250 K Borrowdale & A Wearmouth.
Suffolk – 230(x3) C Taylor.
BF Leicester – 220 Mollie Fosgate.