Cast Cows, Store & Breeding Stock

22nd August 2022

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Darlington Farmers Auction Mart held their weekly sale of Cast Cattle, Store & Breeding Stock on Monday 22nd August 2022. Forward were 199 Cattle and 1501 Sheep.

59 Cast Cows & OTM sold to 208ppk or £1735
2 Stock Bulls sold to 186ppk or £1762
8 Breeding Cattle sold to £1620
6 Calves & Stirks sold to £460
14 Young Bulls sold to £1310
48 Store Steers sold to £1355
62 Store Heifers sold to £1285
1331 Store Lambs sold to £107
170 Feeding Ewes sold to £100

Cast Cattle – Last orders at the milk bar it would appear as well over half of those offered today were leaving a prosperous career in the parlour, amongst the others few carried much flesh as the dry summer looks to have taken its toll on the majority; with this in mind the average of 151ppk was indeed testament to another cracking trade. Top price per kilo went to an excellent 44-month-old Limousin heifer from J A & U M Fawcett, Richmond when she sold for 208 pence, in a stunning share of 2nd place was our top Holstein Friesian per kilo a youngster from A R & C Booth, Bolton-on-Swale which sold for 188 pence. The top three gross values in the cows this week proved to be native breeds, two huge Aberdeen Angus cows from W Crystal & Partners, Wingate sold over £1500 however the top spot belonged to a tremendous 9-year-old Beef Shorthorn from R G & H E Thompson, Sneaton when she sold for £1735. Top gross value from the army of dairy cows went to an excellent Friesian from C N & P Penk, Little Stainton at £1436 whilst the two stock bulls shared the honours with a British Blue from G M Blair & Partners, Upleatham topping the price per kilo at 186 pence and a Limousin from J Curry, Kingsway top gross value at £1762.

Cast Cows & OTM Leading PPK – 208 J A & U M Fawcett. 188 R N Armstrong. 188 A R & C Booth. 186 J & M J Walton. 186 184 J M Ramsay & Son. 184 R G & H E Thompson. 182 J J Horn. 182 C Bell. 178 Ivanhoe Livestock. 176 170 R & W Todd. 176 A & J E Smith. 170 168 C N & P Penk. 170 C & I Watson & Sons.
Stock Bulls Leading PPK – 186 G M Blair & Partners. 184 J Curry.

Cast Cows & OTM Leading Gross – £1735 R G & H E Thompson. £1590 £1531 W Chrystal & Partners. £1521 J & M J Walton. £1453 £1370 J M Ramsay & Son. £1436 C N & P Penk. £1367 Ivanhoe Livestock. £1360 J A & U M Fawcett. £1336 £1228 R N Armstrong. £1323 A R & C Booth. £1279 £1259 R & W Todd. £1255 C Bell. £1215 A & J E Smith. £1184 J J Horn.
Stock Bulls Leading Gross – £1762 J Curry. £1443 G M Blair & Partners.

Store Cattle – The booming beef price continues in a rich vein of form, a wonderful trade this week for all classes. No doubting the stars of the show as J Thompson & Son, Springwell Cottage Farm, Tow Law produced a superb quintet of 15–17-month-old Limousin crossed steers, all five sold beyond £1300 with the pick of the pen an impressive £1355. With the current high prime beef prices, it is clear that the heifers remain easy to sell, this week’s topper came from N A Roberts, Bedale who produced an excellent 22-month-old British Blue which sold for £1285. Following a winning performance in the cow ring it was more success for the Beef Shorthorns of R G & H E Thompson, Sneaton when they led the young bull prices with a 17-month-old selling for £1310.

Cows & Calves £1620 £1450 £1420 A Spence. £1180 C Moffett.

Calves & Stirks £460 £400 £370X2 £320 BA&C Pearson. £450 GW Chapman.

Store Bulls £1310 RG&HE Thompson. £1240 G Simpson. £1210×2 £785×3 W Chrystal & Partners. £870×2 CP Brown. £585 £520 SG Hall.

Store Steers £1355 £1350 £1335 £1330 £1315 J Thompson & Sons. £1270 WB Rutter & Sons. £1260×2 S&RT Lowson. £1250 £1185 £1180 £1165 £1085 G Beadle. £1250 £1180 £1165 £1150 GS Bainbridge. £1230×2 D&HM Hodgson. £1180 JS Foster. £1175 £1165 DR Smith. £1115 W Love Ltd. £1020 T Ducker. £1000 £950 TW&G Corner. £990 D&JA Teasdale. £985 I Newton & Son. £970 £930 BJS Farms.

Store Heifers £1285 NA Roberts. £1270 £1240 C Bell. £1260 £1155 £1135 WB Rutter & Sons. £1225 JS Foster. £1175 £1135 GP&E Lillie. £1160 GA Gibson & Son. £1150 £1135 £1085 £1035 DR Smith. £1095 £1070 D&HM Hodgson. £1015×2 W Love Ltd. £1000 I Newton & Son. £1000 JS Wiper. £990 £920 T Ducker. £985 TT Hall & Son. £960×3 BJS Farms. £950 K Thompson. £950 S&RT Lowson.

Store Lambs – Another fine trade as the vendors again produced a nice show of store lambs; once again a handful of the very biggest and very best scaled beyond £100, this week’s topper was a hefty Texel cross from C & M Burnett, St Helens at £107. A marvellous 275 of the strongest lambs today sold for at least £90 which included the pick of the Mule lambs, an excellent pen of 33 from T E Dobson, Stanhope at a straight £90. Long term lambs can be bought typically £70 to £80, anything a touch sweeter is more likely to sell between £80 and £90.

Leading Prices
Store lambs – £107 £95 C & M Burnett. £105 £92 £88 C Orton. £101 A Newton. £99.50 £91.50 W B Rutter & Sons. £99.50 Tom Bell. £99 £94 £90.50 K James. £97.50 £90 W O Grix & Partners. £97.50 £89.50 C & I Watson & Sons. £94 P J Anderson. £91.50 W M Bainbridge. £91 E Peacock. £90 £87 T & C Smith. £90 Allison Devereux Farms. £90 T E Dobson. £89 D & G Spry. £87 Ivanhoe Livestock. £87 J H Johnson.
Feeding Ewes – £100 £78 D Johnson. £90 £87 £67 £62 £61 C Harle & Sons. £90 P J Anderson & Son. £84 £73 J A & U M Fawcett. £82 S Straughan. £76 C & I Watson & Sons. £76 T & C Smith. £70 J J M Lonsdale.