Cast Cows, Store & Breeding Stock

10th October 2022

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Darlington Farmers Auction Mart held their weekly sale of Cast Cattle, Store and Breeding Stock on Monday 10th October 2022. Forward were 431 Cattle and 2375 Sheep.

95 Cast Cows & OTM sold to 264ppk or £1791
7 Stock Bulls sold to 194ppk or £2015
37 Breeding Cattle sold to £2650
15 Stirks sold to £685
33 Young Bulls sold to £1175
113 Store Steers sold to £1315
137 Store Heifers sold to £1315
1983 Store Lambs sold to £120
392 Feeding Ewes sold to £115

Cast Cattle – Again 100 plus cast cattle were in attendance as the winter approaches and undoubtedly this year with rising costs no one will suffer hangers on. The beef trade stays firm with a sale average of 154ppk, the fully fleshed or fit to feed remain an absolute flyer. A fabulous British Blonde OTM heifer from F & J S Gargett, Westwick Farm, Barnard Castle was way out ahead when she sold for a stunning 264 pence per kilo. Pick of the older cows was a wonderful 9-year-old Limousin from A & M J Henshaw, Mainsgill Farm, East Layton which sold for a massive 218ppk and £1791, plenty of other cows sold either side of 200 pence and those with most meat are often north of £1500. Twice dairy cows sold for 174 pence per kilo, a 6-year-old Montbeliarde from J E Holiday & Son, Witton Park and a 5-year-old Holstein Friesian from Deerness Valley Dairy, Tow Law; the delightful Deerness dairy girl realised an impressive £1280.

Cast Cows – Top prices ppk 264 178 166 F&JS Gargett. 222 168 WT Hall. 218 208 A&MJ Henshaw. 208 GC&KJ White & Son. 206 188 166 AJ Marr & Son. 196 190 RL Walker. 196 168 TW Thompson. 196 168W&OM Jackson & Son. 188xx2 186 166 BR Lawson. 184 S&J Dent & Son. 182 GW Dobson & Son. 182 172 164 A Wilson. 182 166 Northfield Farms. 178 166 K Cowens. 174 JE Holliday & Son. 174 166 Deerness Valley Dairy. 172 JJ Dowson & Son. 166 JR Addison & Son. 166 D Alderson. 164 PT Stephenson & Son.

Lead Grossing Cast Cows £1791 £1578 A&MJ Henshaw. £1669 £1174 W&OM Jackson & Son. £1638 £1280 TW Thompson. £1634 £1470 RL Walker. £1578 F&JS Gargett. £1495 S&J Dent & Son. £1468 AJ Marr & Son. £1435 GC&KJ White & Son. £1432 £1368 £1160 £1052 £1048 BR Lawson. £1296 JE Holiday & Son. £1286 SM Rigg. £1283 JJ Dowson & son. £1280 Deerness Valley Dairy. £1232 GW Dobson & Son. £1211 PT Stephenson & Son. £1202 A Wilson. £1174 WT Hall. £1162 Northfield Farms.

Cast Bulls – Top prices ppk 194 JC Thwaite & Son. 170 RO Gilson. 156 S Suddes. 146 Gray. 140 JW Richardson. 134 JN Watson.

Lead Grossing Cast Bulls £2015 JC Thwaite & Son. £1723 RO Gilson. £1516 Gray. £1496 S Suddes. £1393 JW Richardson. £1307 JN Watson.

Breeding Cattle – An eclectic mix of suckler cows enjoyed a handsome trade, the best two were undoubtedly the fabulous 5- and 6-year-old Limousin’s with calves at foot produced by L Booton, Manor Farm, Thornton Steward which sold for £2650 and £2500 respectively.


Breeding Cattle – In Calf Cows £1560 £1360 JN Watson. 900S Suddes.

Cows & Calves £2650 £2500 L Booton. £1880 £1180 I Newton. £1850 FM Suddes. £1600 WT Hall. £1420 £1400 £1380 £1280×2 £1150 £1100 S Blythman.

Stirks £685 £500 £440×2 M Radford. £670×2 JN Watson. £610×2 T Bell. £420 £400×3 £370 £340 £290×2 £260 BA&C Pearson Ltd.

Store Cattle – Trade still good however a little more unpredictable, relative value for money available for the eagle eyed however some beast appearing dearer than ever. Top price at £1315 were a pair of 19-month-old Aberdeen Angus bullocks from G L & M Steel, Bunker Hill Farm, Consett, behind these a fine run of Simmental’s from J H Johnson, Roddymoor and the excellent Limousin’s of R & P E Baker, Redmarshall all sailed over £1200. The days top heifers were also £1315, a terrific trio of Charolais from B & L Robson, Gawen House, Staindrop out in front, a dozen other heifers from six vendors all sold in the £1200’s. Best of the bulls came from F M Suddes, China Hall, Rowley with an excellent 17-month-old Limousin selling for £1175, behind these the pick of our under-year bulls on the day came from the long standing and eternally happy Darlington customer Alan Binks, Walworth with a tidy top price of £1160.

Store Steers £1315 x2 £1160 x2 GL&M Steel. £1290 x2 £1285 x2 £1270 x6 £1240 x2 £1190 £1120 x2 JH Johnson. £1270 £1220 £1215 £1150 x2 R&PE Baker. £1195 x2 PD Shepherd Farm. £1190 x4 ME&TD Tailford. £1180 £1145 R Errington & Son. £1170 £1145 £1090 x2 WH Brown. £1150 EW Holmes. £1145 x2 £1110 £1080 R&W Todd. £1090 £1040 M Gallon. £1080 £1050 Tarn Bros. £1070 x2 Northfield Farms. £1040 TH Richardson & Sons.

Store Heifers £1315 x3 £1095 x3 B&L Robson. £1265 R Simpson & Sons. £1250 £1120 JG Wilkinson & Son. £1245 x4 £1205 x2 £1170 £1170 x3 £1150 x4 £1100 £1090 x4 WO Grix & Ptnrs. £1240 x2 £1205 £1165 £1115 E Parsons. £1200 R Errington & Son. £1165 £1120 £1070 CO Dowie. £1130 MH Hodgson. £1120 R Simpson & Sons. £1105 £1075 £1070 D Alderson. £1085 x2 £1080 DR Smith. £1080 WH Brown. £1075 K Sayer. £1075 EW Holmes. £1070 WT Hall.

Store Bulls £1175 FM Suddes. £1160 £1115 £980 £920 C Binks & Son. £935 £895 £890 £850 x2 WSI Anderson. £865 x4 D Walker. £800 O Peacock. £800 JW Richardson. £775 £660 £650 R Valks. £770 x4 £690 x3 £565 x3 £415 JT Forster & Son. £570 £490 J Peacock. £400 WT Hall.

Store Sheep – More numbers were no issue with 37 accounts in operation today, trade excellent with a particular premium on the shapely continental lambs. Top of the tree in both the store lambs and feeding ewes were the last ever consignment from J N Watson, Sayerhill Farm, Forest-in-Teesdale. Leading the lamb trade at £120 were five fabulous Texel tup lambs with an excellent pen of nine Texel ewes realising £115 apiece. Strong lambs sold regularly over £100 with Mule’s to a top of £94. Small running lambs do look buyable but not every time does the gamble on March and April’s trade pay off. Feeding ewes in fine form, the leaner girls are certainly more suited to the store ring at this moment in time.

Store Lambs – Texel £120 £98 JN Watson. £107 £89 S Carmen. £97.50 £92 £87 A&R Thompson. £95 £88 £85 J Davies. £93.50 IR Appleton. £91 £85.50 CE Smith. £89 L Fowler. £88 Northfield Farms. £87 T Bell £86.50 B&J Bainbridge. £86 IW Cairns. £86 R Appleton. £85 JD&MS Mortimer. £84.50 E Anderson. £84 J&E Boocock. £84 BR&S Fell. £83.50 N Armstrong.

Continental – £114 £88.50 K Raine. £108 A Donkin. £104 £88 S Plews. £91.50 S Hobson. £87 D&G Spry. £83.50 F Shield.

Beltex – £106 WB Rutter & Sons. £101×2 £100 J Davies. £100 £96 £90 £85 Northfield Farms.

Mule – £94 JN Watson.

Suffolk – £94 E Anderson. £83.50 A&B Herworth.

Charolais – £89 C Wise.

Cheviot – £87 K Raine.

Gimmer Lambs – Texel £95 £89 £83 JN Watson.

Mule £48 JD Heavisides.

Ewes – Texel £115 £95 JN Watson. £76 T&DI Allen & Son. £75×2 £70 M Lindley. £68 K Buckle. £68 JD&MS Mortimer.

Continental £91 £82 WR Wilson & Partners. £90 £86 £77 £68 £60 JN Watson. £61 Bowes Bros. £60 K Buckle.

Beltex £79 JE Braithwaite.

Mule £71 Wolsingham Park Farms. £69 WR Wilson & Partners. £62 JD&MS Mortimer.