Prime Lambs & Cast Ewes

22nd December 2022

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Darlington Farmers Auction Mart held their weekly sale on Thursday 22nd December 2022. Forward were 2197 head.

From all the staff and directors here at DfAM we would like to sincerely wish everyone a very Merry Christmas. We thank you all, both buyers and sellers for your continued support over the year. We have one more sale in 2022 as next Thursday 29th December we return with a full prime stock offering of cattle and sheep.

1687 Prime Lambs sold to 378ppk or £250
510 Cast Ewes & Rams sold to £400

Charitable Donation
The season of goodwill was typified by a very generous donation of a prime lamb and also a geld ram by the Smith Family of West Shields Farm, Satley, Tow Law. As always, our resident buyers dug deep and between them paid £950 for the 66kg lamb. The Texel ram also did the Smith family proud when he sold for a whopping £400 to terrific DfAM supporter Saj Shan of Yorkshire Halal, Keighley.

Prime Lambs – The recent revival continues, the weighed straight sale average this week returned at 262 pence per kilo and £115. Needless to say, the charitable donation led the way, close behind in the pence per kilo race came a perfect pair of Texel lambs from T H Richardson & Son, Hamsterley, followed by excellent Beltex from Little Langton based A S & G Donaldson. Fine runs from the North also impressed as the boys from Bardon Mill, J & A Moralee and also Ponteland’s P J & M P Gilhespy both sold over 300 pence per kilo. Gross values now, and a win this week for William Tomlinson of Sunniside Farm, Knitsley with a superstar reaching £166; other shepherds who have clearly watched their flocks by night and whom are well worthy of mention today; Richard Bailes, Cole Hill Farm, Elwick; J & A Layfield, Hamsterley and also F B Davison & Son who made the 60-mile journey down from Otterburn very worthwhile.

Lambs – Top prices ppk 378(x3) 303 Cancer Research UK. 314 295 283 TH Richardson & Son. 312 291 274 270 AS&G Donaldson. 304 300 284 281 278 PJ&MP Gilhespy. 300 292 280 J&A Moralee. 292 291 287×2 WA Wardman Ltd. 282 W Denham. 282 278 275 FB Davison & Son. 282 W Tomlinson. 280 LW Martin. 277 D&PH Brown. 276 W Wearmouth & Son. 276 William Tindale. 276 W.K M.M Lamb. 275 Ritchie Bland Estates. 275×2 M Barley. 274 273 Cole Hill Farm Ltd. 274 I Marshall & Sons. 273 G Thompson & Sons.

Lead grossing lambs- £250(x3) £200 Cancer Research UK. £166 £141 £130 £128 W Tomlinson. £150 £147 £137 £129 Cole Hill Farm LTD. £145 £133 £130 FB Davison & Son. £144 £135 £135 £129 x2 J&A Layfield. £141.50 £140 £136 £135 £131 TH Richardson & Sons. £141 G&JH Tomlinson & Son. £140 £130.50 x2 £130 D&PH Brown. £140 £131 M&A Gaskin. £140 J Milbank & Sons. £136 JA&A Herbert. £135 M Barley. £134 £129 PJ&MP Gilhespy. £131 £128 AS&G Donaldson. £130 £130 W Denham. £130 MJ Hutchinson. £130 £128 JR&J Crowe. £130 DW&A Appleton. £130 WA Wardman. £130 F Johnson. £129 £128 LW Martin. £129 I Marshall & Sons.

Cast Ewes & Rams – Dearer again as the mutton market continues to shine. Aside from the charity tup it was joyous news for the pub landlords of the North East this Christmas as William Tindale, Shadforth helped fund his lavish festive lifestyle by selling Texel ewes to £225 and £200, aided by some 145 sheep selling beyond £100 the ewes this week averaged a brilliant £92. Over seventy Mule ewes sold beyond £90 today with the best end again reaching three figures. Superb Blackface ewes from D & B Harding, Commondale enjoyed the best of a vibrant horned ewe trade and sold for £76.

Lead Grossing Cast Sheep £400 Cancer Research UK. £225 £200 £126 £118 £114 £110×2 £105 £100×3 William Tindale. £190 £178 £165 £150 W Denham. £160 £120 JK&CE Farming. £155 £112 £104 G Sedgewick. £150 £140 £138 £128 £122 £114 £108 £104 P tindale. £140 £130 £124 £120 WM Allison & Son Ltd. £140 WH Smith & Sons. £140 £130×2 Ivanhoe Livestock. £130 £122 £112 IM Maughan. £130 F Johnson. £126×2 W.K M.M Lamb. £120×2 PJ&MP Gilhespy. £114 C Wearmouth. £100×2 D&B Harding.