Cast Cows & Store Stock

19th December 2022

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Darlington Farmers Auction Mart held their weekly sale of cast cattle, store and breeding stock on Monday 19th December 2022. Forward were 114 Cattle and 926 Sheep.

65 Cast Cows & OTM sold to 244ppk or £1736
2 Stock Bulls sold to 202ppk or £1538
5 Young Bulls sold to £1280
17 Store Steers sold to £1340
15 Store Heifers sold to £1700
889 Store Lambs sold to £109
37 Feeding Ewes sold to £99

Cast Cattle – The super cows signed off 2022 in magical fashion, a great trade saw them level at 175ppk and £1159. Just shy of her 4th birthday it was a fantastic Limousin cow from B Watson, Baal Hill Farm, Wolsingham which led the trade when she sold for an impressive 244 pence per kilo, close behind came a smart OTM Aberdeen Angus heifer from J F Harland, Staindrop at 240ppk with the best older cow a shapely Limousin from G C & K J White & Son, Lunedale at 220ppk was one of a further dozen in the 200 pence plus club this week. Top gross value also went to the Limousin breed, on this occasion an excellent sort from C & R Metcalf, Barningham at £1736; next in line were a terrific trio of Beef Shorthorn cows from Langleydale’s W Denham selling between £1588 and £1688.  The finest Friesian in town was undoubtedly the remarkable 11-year-old from M Ord & Sons, Brafferton when she sold for 172ppk and £1338.

Cast Cows & OTM Leading PPK – 244 B Watson. 240 214 J F Harland. 220 208 200 G C & K J White & Son. 218 180 R Simpson & Sons. 210 188(x2) C & R Metcalf. 206 198 182 176 G A Rogerson & Son. 200 W & C Iceton. 200 188 J R & G Walton & Sons. 200 186 M E & T D Tailford. 200 186(x2) 184 182 176 D & M Lowes. 194 J R Dalton. 194 W Tindale. 188 186 184 W Denham. 188 I Newton & Son. 182 S J Bainbridge. 182 C & J C Stephenson. 178 S Suddes. 178 W B Rutter & Sons.
Stock Bulls Leading PPK – 202 S Suddes. 166 D L Brown.

Cast Cows & OTM Leading Gross – £1736 £1462 £1331 C & R Metcalf. £1688 £1621 £1588 W Denham. £1554 R Simpson & Sons. £1542 £1408 J F Harland. £1517 J R Dalton. £1476 £1458 £1441 G C & K J White & Son. £1472 £1282 J R & G Walton & Sons. £1467 £1410 M E & T D Tailford. £1456 BV Watson. £1390 W & C Iceton. £1369 G A Rogerson & Son. £1361 W Tindale. £1352 £1261 £1252 £1198 £1166 D & M Lowes. £1338 M Ord & Sons. £1243 H M Dent. £1235 S Suddes. £1224 W B Rutter & Sons.
Stock Bulls Leading Gross – £1538 D L Brown. £1531 S Suddes.

Store Cattle – No sign of Scrooge amongst the store cattle buyers as they all appeared full of Christmas cheer and willing to bid freely, a small show ensured that the final offering this year changed hands in excellent form. The Dresser’s of Hall Farm, Greatham have regularly topped our recent sales and they continued in mesmerising style today, a superb 17-month-old Limousin heifer sold for £1700 with her stablemates £1680 and £1530. An Aberdeen Angus led the steer trade at £1340 from G L & M Steel, Consett whilst the bull of the day came from regular sellers T T Hall & Son, Evenwood when their 12-month-old Limousin reached £1280.

Store Bulls £1280 £870 TT Hall & Son. £955 J Bennison. £915 JC Smith. £580 FJ Forrest.

Store Steers £1340 £1290 £1070 GL&M Steel. £1200×2 £1195×2 £860 AP&E Procter. £1170 £1110 JC Thwaite & Son. £1000 £930 K Cator. £995 £800 E Peacock. £945 £890 £870 AE Newton.

Store Heifers £1700 £1680 £1530 £1200 DW Dresser. £1160 £1150 JC Thwaite. £1090 AE Newton. £1035 £965 £950 £900×2 MJ Hutchinson. £810 £760 K Cator. £800 E Peacock.

Store Lambs – Not to be outdone by the flying beef the lambs did not disappoint either with prices improved for all classes. Forget twelve lords leaping it was twelve brilliant Beltex from D & M Lowes, Barningham which set the pace when they sold for £109 apiece. Texel’s topped at £106 from D Alderson, Brignall and the same good home led the Suffolk’s with a fine pen of 32 reaching £92 per head. Best Mule lambs this week hailed from S M A & J Swinbank, Brafferton and sold for £87.

Store Lambs – Beltex £109 389 D&M Lowes. £96 £86 M Dawson.

Texel – £106 £97.50 £88 D Alderson. £100 £80 SMA&J Swinbank. £98 J Walshaw & Son. £97 £82.50 K&RE Robson. £90 £83.50 A Newton. £89 JH Johnson. £88.50 £79 GH&RG Stobbs. £88 D&M Lowes. £88 £80 £79 £78 £77×2 K Buckle. £85 RW&C Spry. £80.50 M Metcalfe. £80 JM Sayer. £79 E Boocock.

Suffolk £92 £86 D Alderson. £90 £88.50 WR Wilson & Partners. £85 JH Johnson. £84.50 £81.50 J Walshaw & Son. £82 FD Hall. £80 GH&RG Stobbs.

Continental £90 D Alderson. £88 £76 FD Hall. £76 JH Johnson.

Mule – £87 SMA&J Swinbank.

Feeding Ewes £99 £73 T Richardson. £91 £82 £62 SMA&J Swinbank. £86 E Boocock. £81 £73 £42 M Metcalfe. £72 £64 £44 D Alderson. £70 £48 J Walshaw & Son. £69 K&RE Robson.