Prime Stock

6th July 2023

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Darlington Farmers Auction Mart held their weekly sale of prime stock on Thursday 6th July 2023. Forward were 159 Cattle and 2257 Sheep.

70 Prime Bulls sold to 303ppk or £2772
27 Prime Steers sold to 308ppk or £2288
62 Prime Heifers sold to 339ppk or £2059
1944 New Season Lambs sold to 377ppk or £186
313 Cast Ewes & Rams sold to £200

Prime Bulls (70) – Bull trade following the national trend and easier on the week, not all doom and gloom however as we still saw a sale average of 265ppk and £1800 with nineteen beyond £2000; sadly 300 pence this week was noticeably more difficult to achieve with only three vendors (four bulls) venturing in to that price bracket. Top per kilo was a wonderful handy weight Simmental from Dalchirla Farms Ltd, Perthshire when he sold for 303 pence wheras the top gross value was anything but handy weighted as a brut of a 943kg Limousin from A C Simpson & Son, Witton-le-Wear reached a marvellous £2772. Top of the Friesian trade today were local producers J K & C E Farming, Piercebridge when they peaked at 234ppk and £1511. Below are some of the days leading pen averages.

S & J Dent & Son, Darlington sold 3 to average 297ppk and £1821
A C Simpson & Son, Witton-le-Wear sold 4 to average 295ppk and £2456
J J Horn, Richmond sold 2 to average 294ppk and £2230
Dalchirla Farms Ltd, Perthshire sold 5 to average 291ppk and £1743

Continental Bulls – Top prices ppk 303 300 290 286 281 Dalchirla Farms Ltd. 301 296×2 S&J Dent & Son. 300 299 294 291 AC Simpson & Son. 299 290 JJ Horn. 298 295 JM Ramsay & Son. 298 286 285 283 AG Watson & Sons. 294 280 JE Jordon & Son. 291×2 285 JH&M&NW Brown. 289 JK&CE Farming. 288 FW Hodgson. 287 A&D Proctor. 287 286 GH Farms Ltd. 285 JF Gibson & Son. 284 275 TF Bothroyd & Son. 282 272 R Hall & Son.

Lead Grossing Continental Bulls £2772 32436 £2376 £2240 AC Simpson & Son. £2368 Rigel Pedigree. £2230×2 JJ Horn. £2223 £2122 £2093 £2066 £1927 AG Watson & Sons. £2212 £1981 JM Ramsay & Son. £2191 £1938 £1852 JH&M&NW Brown. £2121 JK&CE Farming. £2096 £2031 FW Hodgson & Son. £2092 £1952 £1781 DH Lawson. £2066 A&D Proctor. £2007 £1844 R Hall & Son. £1953 £1897 £1856 £1806 GH Farms Ltd. £1882 TF Bothroyd & Son.

Friesian Bulls – Top prices ppk 234 JK&CE Farming. 225 218 AJ Walshaw. 224 213 202 East Newbiggen Farm. 208 R Hall & Son.

Lead Grossing Friesian Bulls £1511 JK&CE Farming. £1310 £1303 £1018 East Newbiggen Farm. £1250 R Hall & Son. £1120 £1096 AJ Walshaw.

Clean Cattle (89) – Clean beef an excellent trade, once again the best butchers’ cattle in high demand and a noticeable improvement for the middle of the road types provided they were well finished; heifers averaged 299ppk and steers 279ppk. Top per kilo was a super sweet Limousin heifer from J E Jordon & Son, Longhirst when she sold for 339 pence, another Longhirst lovely plus some super sorts from the consistent Hirst’s and Hodgson’s also sold in the 330’s. Top steer per kilo hailed from A F Hall, Redcar House Farm, Sedgefield when a super 636kg Limousin sold for 308 pence, regular sale leaders Messrs Scott and Marshall along with Redcar House shared the top seven steer slots per kilo between them. Top gross valued heifer today was a well fleshed 626kg Limousin from W Swinbank & Sons, Caldwell reaching £2059 with J V & J A Hodgson, The Grange the best of the rest breaking £2000 three times. Four of the top five highest grossing steers came from A G Watson & Sons, Nunstainton Grange with the marvellous run from this good home topping at £2288 with a fine 773kg Limousin. Below are as usual some of the top performing vendors.

A F Hall, Sedgefield sold 4 to average 299ppk and £1996
I Marshall & Sons, Bishop Middleham sold 4 to average 292ppk and £2010
W J Scott Ltd, West Woodburn sold 4 to average 288ppk and £1896
A G Watson & Sons, Rushyford sold 4 to average 286ppk and £2138

J E Jordon & Son, Morpeth sold 2 to average 337ppk and £1702
A & D Proctor, Morpeth sold 2 to average 324ppk and £1635
W Swinbank & Sons, Cadwell sold 4 to average 317ppk and £1833
R Hirst, Neasham sold 8 to average 316ppk and £1772
Dalchirla Farms Ltd, Perthshire sold 5 to average 313ppk and £1648
J V & J A Hodgson, Summerhouse sold 10 to average 311ppk and £1904

Steers – Top prices ppk 308 301 298 293 AF Hall. 305×2 289 256 WJ Scott Ltd. 304 298 292 278 I Marshall & Sons. 296 259 Askwiths. 296 290 288 273 AG Watson & Sons. 273 J&R Hutchinson & Sons. 267 264 255 241 AJ Marr & Son. 263 248 240 JM Ramsay & Son.

Lead Grossing Steers £2288 £2096 £2085 £2082 AG Watson & Sons. £2154 £2048 £1921 £1918 I Marshall & Sons. £2046 £2007 £1972 £1958 AF Hall. £1991 £1973 £1894 £1725 WJ Scott Ltd. £1918 £1766 Askwiths. £1678 J&R Hutchinson & Sons. £1632 £1585 £1528 £1450 AJ Marr & Son. £1622 £1574 £1468 JM Ramsay & Son.

Heifers – Top prices ppk 339 336 JE Jordon & Son. 336 330 324 319 318 308×2 R Hirst. 330 329 319 315 312 309 302 300×2 296 JV&JA Hodgson. 329 325 308 307 W Swinbank & Sons. 328 321 A&D Proctor. 325 324 319 312 Dalchirla Farms Ltd. 316 WJ Scott Ltd. 315 314 297 288 East Newbiggen Farms. 315 306 291 RW&R Henry. 314 290 Askwiths. 312 293 286 LR Welsh & Co. 310 300 295 J&R Hutchinson & Sons. 304 290 281 JJ Kemp & Son.

Lead Grossing Heifers £2059 £1854 £1745 £1673 W Swinbank & Sons. £2047 £2036 £2022 £1950 £1921 £1887 £1872 £1870 JV&JA Hodgson. £1963 £1898 £1818 £1755 £1734 £1728 R Hirst. £1952 WJ Scott Ltd. £1905 £1775 East Newbiggen Farms. £1881 £1742 £1702 JJ Kemp & Son. £1829 £1707 RW&R Henry. £1819 £1814 £1729 £1710 J&R Hutchinson & Sons. £1755 £1747 LR Welsh & Co. £1748 £1730 £1728 £1709 Dalchirla Farms Ltd. £1740 Askwiths. £1705 £1700 JE Jordon & Son. £1643 £1627 A&D Proctor.

Prime Lambs (1944) – Back bounce the lambs as trade lifts again, a tidy show forward averaged a very credible weighed straight 320 pence per kilo. Top price of 377 pence went to a brilliant 44kg Beltex from A & P A Jopling of High Dalton Hall which narrowly fought off two pens of ten from the ultra-consistent J C Simpson, Caldwell. The run of the day came from another regular seller I Burn & Sons of Grange House Farms, Stamfordham with the days leading four prices per head ranging between £179 and £186; an excellent day in the lamb ring saw over 150 lambs sell beyond £160 which is a truly remarkable statistic for July.

Lambs – Top prices ppk 377 A&PA Jopling. 372×2 357×3 351 JC Simpson. 360 359 356 352 346 344 I&A Holmes. 360 351×2 344×2 I Burn & Sons. 360 CJ&J Simpson. 360 356 354 350 WB Mitchell & Sons. 357 353 344 W.K M.M Lamb. 352×2 348 346 F&JS Gargett. 350 346×2 Cole Hill Farm Ltd. 350 JL Gill & Son. 350 347 342 AWSM Farms. 347 PR Weaver. 347×2 Whittington. 346 HM&JS Hutchinson. 344 MW&M Skidmore. 344 C Binks & Son. 344 341 Wytherstone Farm. 344 D&PH Brown. 343 R Valks. 342 W&M Knaggs & Son.

Lead Grossing Lambs £186 £185 £179×2 £173 £155 I Burn & Sons. £175 £161 Skelton Farming Ltd. £174 £170×2 £161 Cole Hill Farm Ltd. £173 J Norman. £171 £170 £169 x2 £166 £155 I&A Holmes. £169 £155 F&JS Gargett. £168 £158 R Valks. £166 A&PA Jopling. £166 £163 £155 D&PH Brown. £165 £160×2 JC Simpson. £163 £161 £159 W.K M.M Lamb. £162 J Milbank & Sons. £161 JL Gill & Son. £161 JA&A Herbert. £160 Anna Herbert. £160 A Swinbank & Son. £159 PR Weaver. £159 JW&DW Laing. £157 £156 C Dawson.

Cast Ewes & Rams (313) – A fabulous trade this week with averages soaring to £120 for ewes and a staggering £153 the rams. A sensational Beltex ewe from G P Addison shared top spot at £200 with a top pair of Texel tups from C M Rushby, Newark. Pick of the Mules today were a great pen of seventeen from B & S M Rutherford & Son, Old Cassop which sold for £137 apiece. Lleyn ewes from Skelton Farming topped at £140 for a pen of sixteen whilst Cheviots reached the £130’s and the best of the horned ewes in to the £90’s.

Lead Grossing Cast Sheep – £200 £122 £112 GP Addison. £200 £148 £122 CM Rushby. £170 £142 x2 £134 JA&A Herbert. £170 £140 x2 £134 Skelton Farming LTD. £164 £160 £130 J Norman. £153 £139 £126 JL Gill & Son. £150 £133 R Lawson & Son. £150 x2 £128 £122 C Moralee & Sons. £148 TW&PT Moss LTD. £145 MW&M Skidmore. £142 £140 £127 £122 SW Bowe. £140 x2 RA Patterson & Son. £140 £138 £134 P Tindale. £138 £130 C&V Harrison. £137 B&SM Rutherford & Son. £134 T Lawson & Son. £134 £120 J Davis. £133 AJ Addison. £132 HM&JS Hutchinson. £130 £128 W&M Knaggs & Son. £130 S Dodsworth. £130 F Myers & Sons. £124 £121 EG Bulman. £118 CJ&JM Simpson.