10th July 2023

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Monday 10th July – Darlington Auction Mart had forward:

46 Cast Cows sold to 240ppk & £1611

5 Cast Bulls sold to 510ppk & £5773

23 Store Bulls sold to £2000

59 Store Steers sold to £1495

78 Store Heifers sold to £1560

DFAM’S record for a beast sold through the geld ring was absolutely smashed today. MJ Marley, Holywell Farm sold his 6-year-old Limousin bull. After attracting a lot of attention from far and wide prior to the sale he was eventually sold to a local farmer to be used with their herd of suckler cows. Reaching a staggering 510ppk & weighing in at 1132k he returned at a very handsome £5773. Cows in general easier on the week, especially the leaner types. JN Swinbank, Cold Comfort & C&R Metcalf, Park House would each be joint 2nd best at 240ppk realising £1545 & £1526. The overall top dairy cow was a Friesian sold by Wilkinson’s Carrsides selling for an impressive £1560 & F Hare & Sons were duly top of the natives with an Angus cow selling for 190ppk & £1419.

Continental Cast Cows – Top prices ppk 240 JN Swinbank. 240 C&R Metcalf. 224 RI Jones. 208 JR Clayton. 196×2 176 MW Reed. 196 JT&M Atkinson. 194 164 T&DI Allen & Son. 194 188 WJ&AS Bowes & Sons. 194 M Shepherd. 186 HS Hutchinson. 174 R Peart. 170 168 GA Rogerson & Son. 164 148 TT Hall & Son.

Lead Grossing Continental Cast Cows £1611 £1462 WJ&AS Bowes & Sons. £1545 JN Swinbank. £1532 RI Jones. £1526 C&R Metcalf. £1489 JR Clayton. £1370 JT&M Atkinson. £1307 M Shepherd. £1206 T&DI Allen & Son. £1186 R Peart. £1108 HS Hutchinson. £1093 TT Hall & Son. £1076×2 MW Reed.

Native Breed Cast Cows – Top prices ppk 190×2 F Hare & Sons. 182 WR Barron. 182×2 PT Stephenson & Son. 174 M Shepherd. 160 GA Rogerson & Son.

Lead Grossing Native Breed Cast Cows £1419 £1254 F Hare & Sons. £1376 M Shepherd. £1321 £1239 PT Stephenson & Son. £1142 WR Barron. £825 GA Rogerson & Son.

Friesian Cast Cows – Top prices ppk 210 200 A Harland & Son. 196 Wilkinson & Son. 186 164 152 144 WE&CA Anderson. 170 142 136 Stainton Hill Farms. 158 136 R&W Todd. 150 146 144 AR&C Booth.

Cast Bulls – Top prices ppk 510 MJ Marley. 174 J Norman. 154 TA&J Swinbank.
Lead Grossing Cast Bulls £5773 MJ Marley. £1750 TA&J Swinbank. £1289 J Norman.

Store Cattle – A mixed show of cattle forward, with once again the largest part being younger stock, there is a definite shortage of older cattle at the moment, however all store stock is still attracting premium prices, with trade being just as strong if not stronger than previous weeks. J Davies, Low Trough sold a pair superb Limousin Heifers for £1560 & £1370, while the top of the steers was D&HM Hodgson, Dyke Nook who sold 2 British Blue Steers for £1495 & £1355. A small but quality show of store bulls saw BR Lawson, Buddle House sell a 17month Pure Limousin for £2000 and a British Blue for £1300. The best of the rest was DW Humphrey, Capon Hall with a lovely run of 9 moth old Limousins selling to an average just short of £1200 per head.

Store Bulls £2000 £1300 BR Lawson. £1290 £1000 £940 C Dawson. £1260 £1220 £1190 £1170 £1155 DW Humphrey. £775 £770 G Beadle. £765×3 G Beadle.

Store Steers £1495 £1355 D&HM Hodgson. £1390 £1350 RW Ridley. £1380 R Hall. £1335 £1300 £1270 £1120 GH&RG Stobbs. £1255 £1165 DR Smith. £1180 £1165 WB Rutter & Sons. £1095 £920 £900 GA&C Jopling. £1055 £990 £985×2 £935 I Newton & Son. £1020 LW Coates. £930 TT Hall & Son. £915 £850 I Spedding. £910 S Collinson. £890×3 £865×3 £850X4 Y Robinson Farming. £880×5 £855X3 Northfield Farms.

Store Heifers £1560 £1370 J Davis. £1395 £1300 £1290×2 £1050 J&EM Lawson. £1265 D&HM Hodgson. £1240 £1170 £1150 DW Humphrey. £1215 £1185 £1150 £1040×2 DR Smith. £1160 £965 Northfield Farms. £1125 £1065 WB Rutter & Sons. £1120 £1100 £1045 £985×2 MJ Hutchinson. £1100 £1010 £950 £920 JJ Horn. £1080 £970 £960 £950 WSI Anderson. £980×2 I Spedding. £950×2 RG Swinbank.