Prime Stock Report

10th August 2023

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Thursday 10th August – Darlington Auction Mart had forward:
52 Bulls sold to 320ppk & £2529 Av 260ppk.
20 Steers sold to 326ppk & £2194 Av 277ppk.
60 Heifers sold to 347ppk & £2148 Av 288ppk
1714 Lambs sold to 368ppk & £170 Av 283ppk
438 Cast Sheep sold to £166

Bulls (52) Due to the better weather finally arriving in the last couple of days, a lighter show of bulls forward, trade once again better on the week, returning an average of 260ppk. JC Johnson, Beanley Carr hit the top spot ppk with an outstanding Limousin selling for 320ppk & £2428 to Worsley Wholesale Ltd. LS Staley, Bluestone House Farm was top of the leaderboard for the highest grossing bull with a superbly finished 808kg Limousin also selling to Worsley Wholesale Ltd for £2529. Not many Native or Black & White Bulls forward SH Watson & Son, Stainton Farm went unchallenged for top spot with his 715kg Friesian selling for 236ppk & £1687 to JA Jewitt Ltd, Spennymoor, while a 2-way battle between AS&SM Kemp, Whitwell Farm & JK Gregory, Porch House Farm saw Kemp’s 717kg Angus Bull gain top slot at 269ppk & £1928 selling to Worsley Wholesale Ltd.
Continental Bulls – Top prices ppk 320 310 JC Johnson. 318 299 297 267 254 AS&SM Kemp. 313 258 LS Staley. 306 270 PJ&ES Rogerson. 300 264×2 250×2 249 AG Watson & Sons. 297 267 253 GK KN&GJ Hird. 289 SW Bowe. 278 275 268 JE&B Morgan & Sons. 260×2 LW Martin. 260 256 WJ&AS Bowes & Sons. 255 244 JA&A Herbert. 254 248 DH Lawson. 249 JK Gregory. 248 239 SH Watson & Son. 248 246 D Richardson & Co Ltd.
Lead Grossing Continental Bulls £2529 £2293 LS Staley. £2428 £2142 JC Johnson. £2410 £2293 £2224 £1899 £1719 AS&SM Kemp. £2226 £1995 £1992 £1966 £1927 £1863 AG Watson & Sons. £2210 £2191 WJ&AS Bowes & Sons. £2099 £1760 PJ&ES Rogerson. £2090 £1824 £1740 GK KN&GJ Hird. £1998 £1689 DH Lawson. £1986 £1857 SH Watson & Sons. £1929 £1901 D Richardson & Co Ltd. £1885 Rigel Pedigree. £1877 £1809 LW Martin. £1840 SW Bowe. £1830 £1666 £1591 JA&A Herbert. £1680 £1585 GH Farms Ltd.

Friesian Bulls – Top prices ppk 236 SH Watson & Son.
Lead Grossing Friesian Bulls £1687 SH Watson & Son.
Native Breed Bulls – Top prices ppk 269 242 AS&SM Kemp. 226 JK Gregory.
Lead Grossing Native Breed Bulls £1928 £1488 AS&SM Kemp. £1525 JK Gregory.

Clean Cattle (80) The show of clean cattle was very much 2 separate tiers, so although on paper Heifers appear less money than last week – it is in fact the complete opposite with the better cattle seeing an increase of 5-10ppk. Double Top honours this week once again went to Husband & Wife team Robin & Imi Hirst, Neasham Grange with 2 perfectly produced Limousin Heifers selling for 347ppk & £2068 & £1887, to Worsley Wholesale Ltd while Barker Farming Partnerships Limousin Steer was the lead grossing champion at £2194 also purchased by Worsley Wholesale Ltd.
A few of today’s top averages:
P Weightman & Sons 332ppk & £1959
R Hirst 331ppk & £1910
Barker Farming Partnership 306ppk & £1939
JV&JA Hodgson 303ppk & £1927
Steers – Top prices ppk 326 287 280 277 262 WA Wardman Ltd. 319 310 308 305 256 Barker Farming Partnership. 319 SW Bowe. 306 231 Jack Henshaw. 267 264 GW&L Marsay. 263 231 A&MJ Henshaw. 255 LW Martin. 254 JM Smith.
Lead Grossing Steers £2194 £2061 £1991 £1918 £1617 Barker Farming Partnership. £1907 £1722 £1695 WA Wardman Ltd. £1827 SW Bowe. £1817 £1399 Jack Henshaw. £1678 JM Smith. £1619 LW Martin. £1567 GW&L Marsay. £1541 A&MJ Henshaw.
Heifers – Top prices ppk 347×2 344 338 337 335×2 332 314 310 309 R Hirst. 346 339 319 312 310 288 Barker Farming Partnership. 344 321 P Weightman & Sons. 339×2 338 336 328 305 283 279 JV&JA Hodgson. 339 313 292 TN Callender. 311 SW Bowe. 304 277 A Swinbank & Son. 2303 WA Wardman Ltd. 299 A&MJ Henshaw. 270 261 JB Bell & Son. 266 GH Farms.
Lead Grossing Heifers £2148 £2132 £2115 £2028 £1958 £1943 Barker Farming Partnership. £2133 £2099 £2074 £2071 £2013 £1743 £1725 JV&JA Hodgson. £2115 £2068 £2008 £1900 £1899 £1887 £1879 £1874 £1845 £1805 R Hirst. £1974 £1945 P Weightman & Sons. £1940 A&MJ Henshaw. £1908 £1849 TN Callender. £1847 £1827 A Swinbank & Son. £1810 SW Bowe.

Prime Lambs (1714) – First of all, todays thank you goes to MW&M Skidmore of Low Swainston for the very generous donation of two Texel lambs for the Cancer Research UK Charity in memory of Brian Fell, which raised an amazing £660. We must extend our thankyou also to Worsley Wholesale meat, Yorkshire Halal Meat Suppliers and JA Jewitt LTD, for kindly donating towards the cause.
Heavy lambs sold exceptionally well today with top grossing coming from DR Smith, East Roughlea with a pen of 50kg Charollais making £170. Next in line was a pen of quality 47kg Beltex from WKMM Lamb, grossing £168. Lighter lambs also sold very well today, with a superb run of 38-41kg Beltex lambs from JV&JA Hodgson, the grange, regularly selling between 360-370ppk.

Lambs – Top prices PPK 368 365 336 334 323 312 303 300 JV&JA Hodgson. 357 323 315 WKMM Lamb. 352 343 340 309 PJ Tindale. 352 P&CM Graham. 344 W Simpson. 340 304 DR Smith. 335 BR&RI Routledge. 334 331 314 JC Simpson. 334 D&HM Hodgson. 327 326 325 304 301 297 JA&A Herbert. 326 JA Walton. 325 323 RG Richardson. 325 300 P Tindale. 322 300 D&PH Brown. 320 316 304 302 297 M&A Gaskin. 314 W Kirk & Sons. 313 C&R Metcalf. 312 304 AS&G Donaldson. 312 308 Melissa Donaldson. 310 304 S&D Ferrie. 309 297 CA&JG Skidmore. 308 P Cockburn. 306 300 JR&M Richardson. 306 J Pallister & Sons. 306 298 PR Weaver. 304 J Hird. 300 C Binks & Son. 300 F Shield. 298 M Hutchinson. 297 J&RA Speed.

Lead Grossing Lambs – £170 DR Smith. £168 £142 £139 £135 WKMM Lamb. £158 £147 £137 x3 £135 D&PH Brown. £157 £140 Kelvin Thompson. £156 P Tindale. £155 W Simpson. £155 £145 £139 £138 £137 £134 M&A Gaskin. £154 P Cockburn. £152 £140 RG Richardson. £150 £141 x2 PJ Tindale. £150 £140 £139 £138 £137 JV&JA Hodgson. £148 P&CM Graham. £148 £140 J Hird. £147 JA Walton. £147 £139 JC Simpson. £147 D&HM Hodgson. £146 x2 £137.50 M Hutchinson. £146 £138 PR Weaver. £146 JR&AR Wall. £143 £140 S&D Ferrie. £142 Melissa Donaldson. £141 £140 £137 JA&A Herbert. £138 J Pallister & Sons. £138 x2 C&R Metcalf. £138 F Shield. £137 £135 x3 JR&M Richardson. £136 £134 CA&JG Skidmore. £135 C Binks & Son. £135 W Kirk & Sons. £134 BR&RI Routledge.

Cast Ewes & Rams (438) – A better trade for ewes this week, with numbers similar. More ewes could be placed as demand was higher. Top of the leaderboard today was C Moffett, backandsides farm, with a Hampshire tup coming to £166, followed by AJ Gibson Farming with two tups coming to £156 and £150 respectively. Topping the ewes was AWSM Farms with another excellent run of sheep, with their best pen achieving £156. AJ Gibson Farming again find themselves near the top of the leaderboard, with a run of strong Suffolks grossing £142. Also on the rostrum of the ewe leaderboard was our very own S&D Ferrie with a continental ewe which made £142. Best of the Mules today regularly sold from £125-£130, with KT Anderson & Son achieving £133. Swales topped at £83 from GA&J Allison who also sold a Blue Faced Leicester for £134.

Leading Gross Cast Sheep – £166 £131 x2 C Moffett. £156 £140 £137 £114 £111 AWSM Farms. £156 £150 £142 £123 AJ Gibson Farming. £142 £105 £100 £88 S&D Ferrie. £141 A&EJ Dobinson. £141 £130 £100 £94 GF Whitfield. £140 £131 x2 £120 £119 x2 AS&G Donaldson. £140 £110 £88 J&HM Jenkins. £139 £128 £120 x2 £102 £100 C Harle & Sons. £135 C Taylor. £135 JM Taylor. £135 Melissa Donaldson. £134 £100 GA&J Allison. £134 JH Johnson. £133 x3 £100 KT Anderson & Son. £133 W Burton. £132 Ferry & Sons. £131 £120 D&HM Hodgson. £131 MD Doherty. £130 PJ&AJ Browell. £130 £100 P Tindale. £130 G Hodgson. £120 IM Maughan. £106 WKMM Lamb. £106 RA Patterson & Son. £105 K Hall. £101 £100 William Tindale. £99 BR&RI Routledge. £91 C&R Metcalf.

Pigs- No little piggies went to market, all little piggies stayed at home.