26th June 2023

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Monday 26th June – Darlington Auction Mart had forward:

48 Cast Cows sold to 266ppk & £1799

4 Cast Bulls sold to 186ppk & £1273

8 Store Bulls sold to £1530

48 Store Steers sold to £1460

53 Store Heifers sold to £1330

10 Store Hoggs sold to £110


Cast Cattle – Fewer forward but trade dearer on the week – In fact the average of 200ppk & £1233 doesn’t really tell the whole story as there was probably the most diverse collection of cows & bulls seen for quite some time. The Lead Grossing Cast Cow was a 50mth Limousin sold by AG Laws, High Village Farm, Hauxwell for £1799, and the top price for a continental was 266ppk this was for a young Limousin which was sold by Northfield Farms, Bowes realising £1425. The pick of the bunch today was a consignment of fed cows sold by R Mortimer, New House Farm Glaisdale whose 5 continentals sold to an average of 229ppk & £1565. E Scott Middridge Grange also struck it lucky with half a dozen Limousins averaging 220ppk & £1395.

The Dairy section was dominated by Friesians sold by IF&CM Herring & Son, Halnaby Grange with a top price of 228ppk & £1214, and AJ Gibson Farming, Cut Thorn Farm was the leader of the native ppk pack with a Short Horn selling for 228ppk & £1349 whilst F Hare & Sons, Trees Farm Brignall won the battle for top grossing native beast with an 11-year-old Angus Cow selling for £1555.

A much plainer show of 4 Cast Bulls which included 2 Jerseys, 1 Holstein and a Whitebred Shorthorrn saw RW Raper & Sons, High Mulberry top at 186ppk & £1125 for the Holstein and LJ Watson, Rogerscale sell the top grossing Bull for £1273.

Continental Cows – Top prices ppk 266 Northfield Farms. 256 AG Laws. 246 C Bell. 244 240 228 224 212 R Mortimer. 234×2 220×2 210 196 E Scott. 230 JB Luck & Son. 228 HS Hutchinson. 216 214 MW Reed. 198 E Wilson. 196 Dowson & Son. 188 JW Richardson. 186 182 172 168 P&J Martin.178 RA&SL Wearmouth. 170 Sanderson & Bell.

Lead Grossing Continental Cows £1799 AG Laws. £1723 £1590 £1571 £1522 £1418 R Mortimer. £1717 £1579 £1432 £1421 £1128 E Scott & Sons. £1638 C Bell. £1598 JB Luck & Son. £1589 £1356 MW Reed. £1473 E Wilson. £1425 £1131 Northfield Farms. £1336 RA&SL Wearmouth. £1229 JW Richardson. £1228 HS Hutchinson. £1170 JJ Dowson & Son. £1119 £997 £877 £876 P&J Martin.

Native Breed Cast Cows – Top prices ppk 228 190×2 AJ Gibson Farming. 228 182 G Hall. 208×2 192 F Hare & Sons. 172 JW Richardson. 172 170 142 J Curry.

Lead Grossing Native Bred Cast Cattle £1555 £1424 £1279 F Hare & Sons. £1349 £1303 £1075 AJ Gibson Farming. £1301 £1075 G Hall. £1038 £976 £744 J Curry. £952 JW Richardson.

Dairy Bred Cast Cows – Top prices ppk 218 198 168 IF&CM Herring & Son. 170 164 R&W Todd.
Lead Grossing Dairy Cast Cows £1214 £1203 £1048 IF&CM Herring & Son. £1035 £987 R&W Todd.



Cast Bulls – Top prices ppk 186 RW Raper & Sons. 174 L J Watson. 158 134 J Archer.
Lead Grossing Cast Bulls £1273 L J Watson. £1125 RW Raper & Sons. £709 £515 J Archer.

Store Cattle – Due to the good weather and where we are in the calendar a much-reduced show of cattle were presented to a ring full of enthusiastic buyers which resulted in trade being every bit as buoyant as recent weeks. Only a handful of bulls forward with the best of these being part of a trio sold by D Dixon, Middleheads Farm, selling to £1530 av £1496. A very eclectic mixture of store cattle saw L&BM Lidd & Son, Strathmore Arms selling 4 Limousin Steers to £1460 av £1350, with K Metcalfe, Lands Farm a close second at £1435, his consignment of 15 which included mostly Friesian & Native bred cattle sold to an average of £1177. The best of the Heifers were presented by Wilkinson & Son, Carrsides Farm selling to £1330 av £1260 for 5 British Blues. The best of the rest were 8 Angus Heifers from DR Smith, East Roughlea av £1191.

Store Bulls £1530 £1520 £1440 D Dixon. £1110 R Tiplady. £840 3770 £680 JW Richardson.

Store Steers- £1460 £1380 £1310 £1250 L&BM Kidd & Son. £1435 £1290 x2 £1285 x2 £1240 x2 £1220 £1165 £1135 £1095 x2 £1080 £900 x2 K Metcalfe. £1350 £1285 GH&RG Stobbs. £1260 £1250 £1050 DR Smith. £1215 £1130 £1075 £1045 Forster Hall & Sons. £1170 £870 Kelvin Thompson. £1070 £1005 HS Hutchinson. £965 x2 I Newton & Son. £930 N&A Hunter. £920 J Parker. £885 JS Foster & Son.

Store Heifers- £1330 £1285 x2 £1200 £1200 Wilkinson & Son. £1250 x2 £1190 £1140 x2 DR Smith. £1210 x2 £1180 £990 x3 HS Hutchinson. £1200 x2 £1130 £1060 GW&M Singleton & Sons. £1125 £1100 WJ Love. £1110 Forster Hall & Sons. £1100 x2 N&A Hunter. £1070 £960 I Newton & Son. £1060 x3 £1000 £890 x2 MJ Hutchinson. £1000 JS Foster & Son. £890 Kelvin Thompson.