29th June 2023

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Thursday 29th June – Darlington Auction Mart sold:

45 Bulls sold to 319ppk & £2902.

17 Steers sold to 326ppk & £2190.

63 Heifers sold to 338ppk & £2010.

1147 Lambs sold to 330ppk & £154.

263 Cast Sheep Sold to £160.

Bulls – Fewer numbers forward, trade was sharper on the week. The overall average of 272ppk doesn’t really tell the whole story, with half the bulls sold being suckler bred and the other half dairy. Many more bulls required on a weekly basis. The top price ppk on the day went to the Limousins, at 319ppk & 316ppk, W&M Knaggs & Son, East Newbiggin Farm, Sadberge took 1st & 2nd place they realised £2386 & £2404 and were both purchased by Worsley Wholesale Ltd. The top grossing price belonged to the Blondes, P Weightman & Sons, Hallfield Farm’s 958k bull sold 303ppk & £2902 to Worsley Wholesale Ltd. The ever-consistent Halls of Kilton sold the top price Friesian for 240ppk & £1363 purchased by Bowland Foods Ltd, with the equally consistent GW Dobson & Son, Wood Close selling the lead grossing Friesian for £1538 to JA Jewitt Ltd, Spennymoor.

Some of Today’s top averages:
AC Simpson & Son, McNeil Farm 4 Bulls av 310ppk & £2677
W&M Knaggs & Son, East Newbiggin 2 Bulls av 317ppk & £2395
AG Watson & Sons, Nunstainton Grange 7 Bulls av 283ppk & £2142


Continental Bulls – Top prices ppk 319 316 W&M Knaggs & Son. 315×3 298 AC Simpson & Son. 311 R Hall & Son. 310 293 290 278 277 268 266 AG Watson & Sons. 306 273 270 TF Bothroyd & Son. 303 P Weightman & Sons. 302 288 285 263 LR Welsh & Co. 289 284 TW Clark & Son. 282 263 JK&CE Farming. 275 250 M&J Hayhurst. 263 JC&P Tallentire. 276 260 J Norman. 245 237 GS Dowson.

Lead Grossing Continental Bulls £2902 P Weightman & Sons. £2753 £2690 £2642 £2623 AC Simpson & Son. £2404 £2386 W&M Knaggs & Son. £2383 £2273 £2150 £2082 £2050 £2049 £2008 AG Watson & Sons. £2172 £2067 M&J Hayhurst. £2142 £2103 £2026 £2025 LR Welsh & Co. £2139 R Hall & Son. £1970 £1884 £1766 TF Bothroyd & Son. £1913 £1526 J Norman. £1913 £1638 TW Clark & Son. £1909 £1743 JK&CE Farming. £1570 JC&P Tallentire.


Friesian Bulls – Top prices ppk 240 223 R Hall & Son. 239 234 228 N White. 234 227 GS Dowson. 225 JC&P Tallentire. 220 217 JM&S Walton. 217 215 GW Dobson & Son.

Lead Grossing Friesian Bulls £1538 £1479 GW Dobson & Son. £1529 £1485 JM&S Walton. £1471 £1398 £1299 N White. £1442 JC&P Tallentire. £1363 £1349 R Hall & Son. £1352 £1309 £1244 GS Dowson.

Cattle – A much better, although much depleted show of cattle forward today, the trade right through would be a touch sharper on the week especially for the plainer cattle. Heifers saw an overall average of 295ppk & Steers 258ppk. As with the bulls many more could have been sold to vendor’s advantage. The top price was 338ppk & £1957 for a Limousin Heifer sold by the husband & wife team of Robin & Imi Hirst, Neasham Grange to Taylors – Butchers, Darlington. The lead grossing clean beast was a Limousin Steer sold by I Marshall & Sons, Hope House to Worsley Wholesale Ltd for £2190. Both of the top priced cattle were purchased from DFAM’S weekly store sale, the Heifer from the recently retired PRE Marwood, Huller Bush & the Steer from A&R Thompson, Dimmingdale, a testament to the quality on offer every Monday at Darlington Mart.

Some of today’s top averages:
I Marshall & Sons, Hope House 4 Steers av 314ppk & £2106.
JV&JA Hodgson, The Grange 10 Heifers av 314ppk & £1891.
R Hirst, Neasham Grange 9 Heifers av 320ppk & £1842.
B Walker, Birch Springs 3 Heifers av 313ppk & £1872.


Steers- Top prices ppk 326 319 315 299 I Marshall & Sons. 274 D Walker. 270 253 244 235 TN Hodgson & Son. 250 FJ Young & Partners. 244 242 M Ord & Sons. 235 230 T Watson.

Lead Grossing Steers- £2190 £2088 £2083 £2063 I Marshall & Sons. £1868 £1825 £1793 £1729 TN Hodgson & Sons. £1737 FJ Young & Partners. £1649 D Walker. £1483 £1376 M Ord & Sons. £1317 JJ Kemp.


Heifers- Top prices ppk 338 337 335 329 320 315 308 306 300 R Hirst. 335 328 324 323 316 316 309 x2 304 284 JV&JA Hodgson. 331 319 311 305 JH&M&NW Brown. 328 325 288 B Walker. 328 311 FJ Young & Partners. 318 311 309 300 282 280 279 WF Hustwit. 317 311 305 293 290 P&JH Davison. 310 JJ Kemp & Son. 309 293 274 SH Watson & Son. 286 284 EA Martin & Son. 284 AJ Marr & Son.

Lead Grossing Heifers- £2010 £1842 £1765 B Walker. £1993 £1986 £1974 £1932 £1924 £1850 £1835 £1810 £1808 £1801 JV&JA Hodgson. £1957 £1934 £1887 £1872 £1852 £1809 £1792 £1744 £1732 R Hirst. £1937 £1761 FJ Young & Partners. £1847 £1845 £1727 £1711 £1676 P&JH Davison. £1837 £1793 £1716 JH&M&NW Brown. £1807 £1690 SH Watson & Son. £1803 £1801 £1800 £1787 £1778 £1768 £1767 £1695 WF Hustwit. £1785 JJ Kemp & Son. £1762 £1675 EA Martin & Son. £1641 JB Bell & Son.

Lambs – Trade as expected much easier after last week’s flyer, with the quality end the easiest to sell. Top price ppk was HT Davies & Partners, Lough House whose pair of Texels sold for 330ppk & £132 Yorkshire Halal. The 2 vendors fighting it out for the lead grossing lambs top spot, going on to sell for £154 were I Burn & Sons, Grange House Farm whose single lamb was bought by Country Valley Foods & J Hird Thorney Close Farm who also had a single lamb, that sold to Andrew Atkinson Livestock.

Some of Today’s top averages:

M&A Gaskin, Holdsworth av 303ppk & £147
JK&CE Farming, Blue House av 315ppk & £143
J Hird Thorney House av 296ppk & £140
W.K M.M Lamb, Doe Park av 299ppk & £138
I Burn & Sons, Grange House av 290ppk & £139


Lambs – Top prices ppk 330 315 309 306 HT Davies & Partners. 325 300 DL&D Lovegreen. 321 310 308 J Hird. 320 W&M Knaggs & Son. 319 T Nesbitt & Son. 317 307 P&CM Graham. 316 306 T Grix. 315 314 JK&CE Farming. 315 307 G Thompson & Sons. 312 309 D&PH Brown. 312 310 ABP Wilsons. 312 MJ Blacklidge. 311 302 300 AWSM Farms. 311 306 M&A Gaskin. 311 C&V Harrison. 311 TW Brown. 309 W.K M.M Lamb. 307 300 JE Suddes & Son. 306 C Binks & Son. 306 F Shield. 304 K&PM Lough.


Lead Grossing Lambs £154 £143×2 £139 £134 I Burn & Sons. £154 £149 £148 £140 £136 J Hird. £151 RA Patterson & Son. £150×3 T Nesbitt & Son. £150 £138 MJ Blacklidge. £150 £136×2 F Shield. £149 £141 M&A Gaskin. £148 £139 JK&CE Farming. £145.50 £132 R Lawson & Son. £145 £139×2 W.K M.M Lamb. £144 HT Davies & Partners. £141 £133 T Grix. £140 DL&D Lovegreen. £140 C&V Harrison. £140 TW Brown. £138 £133 £131 AWSM Farms. £138 JR Mann. £138 J Pallister & Sons. £137 JA&A Herbert. £136 D&PH Brown. £135 C Binks & Son.

Cast Ewes & Rams (199)- A lesser show of ewes this week as things begin to settle down from the high demand last week for the current Qurbani festival. Never the less, good fleshed ewes still remained in high demand. Top price overall today came from GH Lister, with a good texel tup making £160, with JW&B Firby next in line with another texel tup reaching £147. Topping the ewes at £140 for an excellent trio of texels was M Pickering of Richmond with GH Lister of Wolsingham, again occupying the top spots with a smart texel at £139. Many mules today sold for over £100 with the top price from Petch Farms making £105.

Lead Grossing Cast Sheep- £140 £129 M Pickering. £139 £109 £103 GH Lister. £130 £123 £123 £110 Wendy Suddes. £129 £113 £93 JW&B Firby. £123 C&V Harrison. £120 £94 £80 JW Richardson. £120 £102 £100 £77 DL&D Lovegreen. £119 M Radford. £114 £72 SC Brown. £109 RA Patterson & Son. £109 £105 Petch Farms. £109 T Grix. £108 £99 £97 £79 £72 Ryan Olley. £100 £74 John Shadforth. £98 JR Mann. £98 £79 P&J Martin. £97 R Bell. £96 AW Sanderson. £93 £83 E Peacock. £91 £90 S Suddes. £90 W Kirk & Sons. £86 £78 G Sedgewick. £74 J&J Clark & Sons.