Thursday Prime Stock

23rd March 2023

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Thursday 23rd March – Darlington Auction Mart had forward:

72 Bulls sold to 338ppk & £2682

24 Steers sold to 329ppk & £2323

138 Heifers sold to 343 ppk & £2345

2 OTM sold to 214ppk & £2000

2028 Hoggs sold to 351ppk & £162

638 Cast Sheep sold to £250

16 Pigs sold to 125ppk & £97


Bulls (72 average 282ppk) Bull trade – dearer than ever!!! A much plainer show of bulls forward on the week, with well over half of the entry either Dairy or Native Bred. 37 Bulls sold for over £2000 with 10 going over £2500, a truly remarkable return. Our friends from over the border E Scott, Linross, G&A Taylor, Methlick & S Allardyce, Tarland, Aberdeenshire all found the trip South more than worth their while, as set out below. The top price ppk and lead grossing bull however was reserved for local farmer Stanley Gargett. His 2 Blonde D’Aquitaine’s sold for 338ppk & £2682, with both going to Worsley Wholesale Meats. The Black & Whites were once again dominated by R Hall & Sons, Kilton Hall whose trio of very well fleshed Friesians sold up to 261ppk & £1858, av 252ppk & £1647. In the Native section there was only 1 winner, E Scott of Linross, Glamiss’s Angus Bull sold to JA Jewitt, Spennymoor for 288ppk & £2142 while G&A Taylor, Methlick sold the lead grossing native, also an Angus for £2190, once again to JA Jewitt, Spennymoor.


Continental Bulls – Top prices ppk 338 329 298 F&JS Gargett. 331 328 315 294 C Harle & Sons. 331 327 C Binks & Son. 328 320 310 299 298×2 AG Watson & Sons. 320 290 284 JK&CE Farming. 315 283 G&A Taylor. 307 288 TW Clark & Son. 302 301 K&A Harker. 301 300 298 286 D Richardson & Co Ltd. 300 298 288 279 RW Welford & Sons. 300 274 S Allardyce. 295 M Robinson & Sons. 285 284 273 270 JM Ramsay & Son. 279 E Scott. 278 270 JK Gregory.


Lead Grossing Continental Bulls £2682 £2681 £2562 F&JS Gargett. £2639 £2592 £2458 £2314 £2173 D Richardson & Co Ltd. £2612 £2548 K&A Harker. £2606 £2307 E scott. £2535 £2409 £2253 C Harle & Sons. £2509 £2379 £2327 £2248 RW Welford & Sons. £2382 £2368 £2266 G&A Taylor. £2368 £2291 £2224 £2214 £2115 £2073 AG Watson & Sons. £2260 £2135 C Binks & Son. £2204 JK&CE Farming. £2188 £2010 TW Clark & Son. £2037 A Allardyce.


Friesian Bulls – Top prices ppk 261 260 235 R Hall & Son. 261 J&K Woodward. 257 255 254 250×3 245 237 JM&S Walton. 243 239 JK Gregory. 240 236 JR Knox & Son.

Lead Grossing Friesian Bulls £1858 £1697 £1386 R Hall & Son. £1727 £1712 £1675 £1662 £1578 £1567 £1490 £1485 JM&S Walton. £1667 J&K Woodward. £1559 £1480 JR Knox & Son. £1538 £1479 JK Gregory.


Native Breed Bulls – Top prices ppk 288 E Scott. 275 S Allardyce. 255 JV Hodgson & Son. 232 G&A Taylor.

Lead Grossing Native Breed Bulls £2190 G&A Taylor. £2152 JV Hodgson & Son. £2142 E Scott. £1980 S Allardyce.


Cast Bulls – Top prices ppk 214 JM&S Walton. 177 J Elliott.

Lead Grossing Cast Bulls £2000 JM&S Walton. £1378 J Elliott.








Clean Cattle (162)

The trade for the clean cattle through the live ring continues to sizzle, with today’s Heifers averaging a magnificent 300ppk a remarkable figure considering there was a lot of heavier cattle forward. The Steers were not far behind in 2nd place averaging a brilliant 294ppk. Today, unbelievably there were 30 cattle sold over the £2000 mark, with many of them Heifers, amongst them a consignment of 7 wonderful ladies that were a credit to their owners Messrs WA Fettes, Braes of Enzie, they made the 342-mile trip from Clochan, stepping off the wagon as fresh as daisies. Local producer Barker Farming Partnership, Tancred Grange, Scorton produced 10 wonderful Heifers to rival them and managed to achieve the top price ppk with a Lightweight Limousin Heifer that sold for 343ppk & £1804 to Taylors – Butchers, Darlington and Their Charolais Heifer topped the highest grossing leader board at £2345 selling to Worsley Wholesale Meats.


Some Fantastic returns once again on the list below:

Messrs WA Fettes, Braes of Enzie – 7 Hfrs av 312ppk & £2160

WJ Scott Ltd, Low Leam – 10 Cattle av 320ppk & £2071

Barker Farming Partnership – 10 Hfrs av 325ppk & £2029

W Armstrong, Coxhoe – 9 Hfrs av 315ppk & £1917

JB&N Harrison, Colepike – 3 Hfrs av 321ppk & £1907



Steers – Top prices ppk 329 325 298 289 WJ Scott Ltd. 325 LR Welsh & Co. 318 A Crowder. 316 314 300 M Robinson & Sons. 313 294 269 W Ramsay & Sons. 311×2 296 TN Callender. 309 277 PR&V Barlow & Son. 297 DL&D Lovegreen. 286 JV&JA Hodgson. 286 PR&V Barlow & Son. 269 260G&A Taylor. 245 230GW Dobson & Son.


Lead Grossing Steers £2323 LR Welsh & Co. £2255 £2150 £2050 £1957 WJ Scott Ltd. £2243 £1859 £1769 TN Callender. £2142 £1993 G&A Taylor. £2025 A Crowder. £1987 £1852 £1731 M Robinson & Sons. £1950 JV&JA Hodgson. £1878 £1844 PR&V Barlow & Son. £1731 £1554 W Ramsay & Sons. £1670 P&N Tattersall. £1668 £1575 GW Dobson & Son.


Heifers – Top prices ppk 343 339 333 329×2 320×2 317 Barker Farming Partnership. 338 W&M Knaggs & Son. 335 334×2 331 324 WJ Scott Ltd. 334 330 PJ&ES Rogerson. 334 328 324 320 314 WA Armstrong. 332×2 326 318×2 316×2 315 R Hirst. 330 A Crowder. 329 326 JV&JA Hodgson. 328 316 PR&V Barlow & Son. 327 323 316 JB&N Harrison & Sons. 327 326 317 PJ&MP Gilhespy. 325 W Ramsay & Sons. 322 WJ&AS Bowes & Sons. 321 319 318 315×2 Messrs WA Fettes. 314 310 WF Hustwit.


Lead Grossing Heifers £2345 £2230 £2095 £2088 £2079 £2012 £1915 Barker Farming Partnership. £2271 £2255 £2239 £2237 £2224 £2035 Messrs WA Fettes. £2154 £2057 £2043 £2020 £1965 £1907 WA Armstrong. £2107 32080 £2060 £2044×2 £1962 WJ Scott Ltd. £2035 WJ&AS Bowes & Sons. £2020 J Allison & Sons. £1968 PR&V Barlow & Son. £1958 R Hirst. £1954 £1923 £1917 £1900 £1897 JV&JA Hodgson. £1935 £1899 £1886 JB&N Harrison & Sons. £1917 £1887 A Crowder. £1894 P&JH Davison. £1871 PJ&ES Rogerson.









Hoggs – Trade continues to improve week on week. A larger show of Hoggs forward saw an SQQ of 261ppk and an overall average of 249ppk. The top price on the day was 351ppk & £130 for a Beltex x Hogg sold by JD Brannen, Red Barns Farm purchased by Yorkshire halal Meats. The lead grossing Hogg was a single Beltex sold by PN&VJ Noble, Skelton in Cleveland to Yorkshire Halal for £162. A nice run of 45 Black Faced Hoggs from Ian Martin, Commondale were the top price horned hoggs selling to an average of £117.


Hoggs – Top prices ppk 351 324 294 JD Brannen. 331 314 300×2 276TH Richardson & Son. 316 P Bisby. 315 271 CJ&J Simpson. 314 289 284 PN&VK Noble. 310 273 G Gall. 300 JR&M Richardson. 300 284 280 278 276 IE&A Teasdale. 300 272 RA&BA Ridley & Son Ltd. 297 273 N&LL Brown & Son. 293 270 PR&V Barlow & Son. 291 JR Knox & Son. 290 WA Wardman Ltd. 288 279 277 275 273 WB Mitchell & Son. 285 DL&D Lovegreen. 284 TN Callender. 281 276 JH&D Wise. 277 AC Simpson & Son. 277 R Errington & Son. 276 T Duckitt. 275 C Harle & Sons.


Lead Grossing hoggs £162 £148 £142 PN&VJ Noble. £158 £138 P Bisby. £155×2 £145 £144 G Gall. £155 £152 £150×3 £145×2 £144 £140×3 £139 £138 £137 AC Simpson & Son. £152 £139 £138 £137 Ian Kirk. £150 £140 RA&BA Ridley & Son Ltd. £150×2 £140 £139 R Morrell. £145 WA Wardman Ltd. £145×2 £140 £137 WA Richardson Ltd. £144 PR&V Barlow & Son. £143 £140 £137 Ian Kirk. £141 £140 IE&A Teasdale. £140 £137 JR Knox & Son. £139.50 JD Brannen. £139 TH Richardson & son. £137 DL&D Lovegreen.


Cast Sheep (638) With the arrival of Ramadam this week, there was more demand for ewes, especially the fitter types which were easy to place, the leaner ewes were not just as easy to sell.

Today’s top price was £250 for a pair of Texel Ewes sold by JP Floyd, The Green, Ugthorpe, Whitby


Lead Grossing Cast Sheep £250 JP Floyd. £245 £215 £200 TH Richardson & Son. £179 A swinbank & Son. £179 £146 W ramsay & Sons. £168 £126 CS Robinson. £164 £155 IE&A Teasdale. £160 £148 GW Dent. £155 S Fenwick. £154 W&M Knaggs & Son. £152 G Gall. £150×2 DJL Livestock. £150 £145 JG Hall. £150 F Kearton. £148 I Spedding. £148 £145 £140 AC Simpson & Son. £148 TE Dobson.  £144 £136 BR&R Routledge. £142 WR Thompson. £142 £140 £136 M Ward & Son. £140 K Hall. £140 M&CL Dale. £138 S Thompson & Son. £138 R Tookey & Son.


Pigs – Top prices ppk 125 120 J Mitchell & Son.

Lead Grossing Pigs £97 £96 J Mitchell & Son.