Weekly Prime Stock Sale

11th January 2022

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Darlington Farmers Auction Mart held their weekly sale of Prime Stock on Thursday 28th January 2021. Forward were 275 Cattle, 1106 Sheep and 18 Pigs.


106 Prime Bulls sold to 266ppk or £2261

50 Prime Steers sold to 259ppk or £1820

112 Prime Heifers sold to 280ppk or £1825

7 Cast Cows sold to 206ppk or £1635

892 Prime Hoggs sold to 312ppk or £153.50

214 Cast Sheep sold to £115

18 Prime Pigs sold to 75ppk or £59


Prime Bulls (106) – A sensational trade, three beyond 260ppk with a further dozen over 250ppk as the market average of 217ppk saw buyers keen on all weights, shapes and sizes. Top price per kilo today was a delightful 682kg British Blue from first time vendor G Coates of Rainscar Farm, Stainforth, Settle which sold for 266 pence per kilo, the 70 miles with the trailer this morning proved more than worthwhile as the 2 bulls on board averaged 257ppk and £1779. Close behind was another brilliant Blue, this one from regular supporters A G Watson & Sons, Nunstainton Grange weighing 709kg and reaching 265ppk. Top gross value today a mouth watering £2261 from A C Simpson & Son, McNeil Farm with a superb pure Limousin, two more vendors also topped £2000 as the Watson’s of Nunstainton Grange produced a fabulous 808kg Limousin and the only bull to beat both 260ppk and £2000 came from A S & S M Kemp, Whitwell Farm, Sherburn with a Limousin selling for 261ppk and £2004. The show contained 25 dairy breed bulls and a further 15 natives as all those in attendance enjoyed a truly magnificent trade. Top averages included –

A C Simpson & Son, Witton-le-Wear sold 2 bulls to average 246ppk and £2105

G Coates, Settle sold 2 bulls to average 257ppk and £1779

F & J S Gargett, Barnard Castle sold 3 bulls to average 245ppk and £1867

A G Watson & Sons, Rushyford sold 6 bulls to average 244ppk and £1830

D Richardson & Co, Melsonby sold 8 bulls to average 234ppk and £1840

M & J Cheesborough & Sons, Heddon-on-the-Wall sold 4 bulls to average 242ppk and £1724


Continental Bulls – Top prices ppk 266 250 G Coates. 265 258 252 248 240 AG Watson & Sons. 261 AS&SM Kemp. 258 257 248 JA&M Boyes Ltd. 258 238 AC Simpson. 256 243 237 234 231 D Richardson & Co Ltd. 254 248 240 228 M&J Cheesbrough. 252 242 235 231 TW Clark. 251 246 239 F&JS Gargett. 251 248 240 237 230 227 R Ormston. 251 250 234×2 J Layfield. 236 JH&M&NW Brown.

Lead Grossing Continental Bulls £2261 £1950 AC Simpson & son. £2036 £1978 £1878 £1812 £1749 AG Watson & Sons. £2004 £1916 £1772 AS&SM Kemp. £1981 £1965 £1898 £1893 £1824 £1810 D Richardson & Co Ltd. £1957 £1822 £1821 F&JS Gargett. £1935 £1917 JA&M Boyes Ltd. £1814 £1745 G Coates. £1811 £1755 £1710 £1620 M&J Cheesbrough & Sons. £1712 £1676 £1645 J Layfield. £1704 £1661 R Ormston.

Friesian Bulls – Top prices ppk 190×2 189 184 JE&B Morgan & Sons. 189 170 169 C&M Atkinson & Sons. 188 185 179 R Hall & Son. 185 178 172 JM&S Walton. 185 168 167 155 J&JH Musgrave. 183 178 R Carter & Son. 180 JA&M Boyes Ltd. 170 MA&PD Foster. 166 JA&A Herbert.

Lead Grossing Friesian Bulls £1417 MA&PD Foster. £1211 JA&M Boyes Ltd. £1191 £1124 R Carter & Son. £1168 £1161 £1144 R Hall & Son. £1128 £1116 £968 JM&S Walton. £1090 £1076 £968 C&M Atkinson & Sons. £1080 £968 £951 £949 J&JH Musgrave. £1052 £1003 £964 £931 JE&B Morgan & Sons.

Native Breed Bulls – Top prices ppk 230 D Richardson & Co Ltd. 217 JA&A Herbert. 213 208 203 202 199 Starfitts Farm. 212 JK&CE Farming. 190 GS Dowson. 180 168 AS&SM Kemp. 157 150 TN Hodgson & Sons.

Lead Grossing Native Breed Bulls £1713 D Richardson & Co Ltd. £1540 £1384 AS&SM Kemp. £1520 JK&CE Farming. £1458 £1326 £1256 £1195 £1183 Starfitts Farm. £1291 JA&A Herbert. £988 GS Dowson.


Clean Cattle (162) – After the whirlwind bull trade the clean cattle buyers took very few prisoners either, an absolutely electric trade this week. The battle for the top spot ended in a dead heat between 3 brilliant heifers at 280 pence per kilo; a very sweet 535kg Limousin heifer from regular Cumbrian raiders P J & E S Rogerson, Maison Gill was matched by two perfect homebred’s from the prolific W J Scott Ltd, Low Leam with a 589kg British Blue and a 609kg British Blonde. With no less than 12 cattle beyond 270ppk this week and endless selling 250ppk to 270ppk the butchers spec cattle were very hot property indeed, top priced steer per kilo (259) a very smart 592kg Limousin from Askwiths of Middle Mown Meadows, Crook whilst the gross value column makes incredible reading. Lead grossing beast today a wonderful 716kg Charolais heifer from M F Hall, Woodhill Farm, Ponteland realising a whopping £1825 whilst just £5 behind her were the super consistent team Low Leam with a terrific £1820, amazingly today 5 heifers topped £1700.

Top averages included –

W J Scott Ltd, West Woodburn sold 11 cattle (10h, 1s) to average 262ppk and £1643

B Walker, Dalton-on-Tees sold 3 heifers to average 271ppk and £1569

P J & E S Rogerson, Great Asby sold 3 heifers to average 269ppk and £1458

Askwiths, Crook sold 4 cattle (2h, 2s) to average 258ppk and £1500

A C Simpson & Son, Witton-le-Wear sold 2 heifers to average 254ppk and £1729

L R Welsh & Co, Spennymoor sold 4 heifers to average 254ppk and £1558


Continental Steers – Top prices ppk 259 256 Askwiths. 254 242 240 212 WA Armstrong. 250 WJ Scott Ltd. 246 240 P&JH Davison. 243 242 JR Spink. 240 MF Hall. 226 200 AJ Marr & Son. 220 198 K&MM Henderson. 202 Berryfield Farms.

Lead Grossing Continental Steers £1820 WJ Scott Ltd. £1623 £1502 P&JH Davison. £1621 £1562 K&MM Henderson. £1592 £1533 Askwiths. £1584 MF Hall. £1514 £1450 £1372 £1269 WA Armstrong. £1494 Berryfield Farms. £1422 £1397 JR Spink. £1392 £1312 AJ Marr.

Friesian Steers – Top prices ppk 186 183 181 180×3 179 178×2 177×2 176 174×2 173×3 168 166×2 Berryfield Farms.

Lead Grossing Friesian Steers £1131 £1119 £1103 £1075 ££1070 £1064 £1035 £1019 £1014 £1011 £1008 Berryfield Farms.


Heifers (892) –Top prices ppk 280×2 277 274 269 264 252 250 WJ Scott Ltd. 280 275 253 PJ&ES Rogerson. 275 259 255 MF Hall. 274 273 268 B Walker. 273 265 256 255 249 JV&JA Hodgson. 273 258 JE Suddes & Son. 272 264 263 258 255×2 R Hirst. 268 265 261 260 259 258×3 WA Armstrong. M268 266 260 LR Welsh & Co. 264 258 TW Clark & Son. 263 JM Ramsay & Son. 262 258 P&JH Davison. 262 249 248 JJ Kemp. 260 258 Askwiths. 255 253 AC Simpson & Son. 245 DH Lawson. 244 AJ Marr & Son.

Lead Grossing Heifers £1825 £1564 MF Hall. £1753 £1705 AC Simpson & Son. £1728 £1705 £1686 £1681 £1649 £1628 £1627 £1577 WJ Scott Ltd. £1694 £1633 £1630 £1616 £1564 £1544 £1526 JV&JA Hodgson. £1652 £1605 £1566 £1557 £1524 £1513 £1510 WA Armstrong. £1627 £1588 B Walker. £1617 £1568 £1540 £1506 LR Welsh & Co. £1549 JM Ramsay & Son. £1540 £1532 JJ Kemp & Son. £1532 TW Clark & Son. £1527 R Hirst. £1522 P&JH Davison. £1506 JE Suddes & Son. £1498 PJ&ES Rogerson.


Cast Cattle (7) – A scattering of cows again forward and a buoyant trade throughout, the superstar by far a beautiful 4 year old Limousin tipping the scales to 794kg and selling for 206ppk and £1635.


Cast Cows – Top prices ppk 206 WJ Scott Ltd. 148 140 Berryfield Farms. 139 128 110 JJ Horn.

Lead Grossing Cast Cows £1635 WJ Scott Ltd. £966 £932 Berryfield Farms. £854 £803 JJ Horn.


Hoggs (892) – Up goes the sheep trade balloon again, it seems to have a never ending helium supply, a blistering average today of 262ppk with an SQQ of 278ppk. Top of the tree for the second week running were C S & V Whitfield, High Castledene, it is quite a remarkable achievement to top the pounds per head and pence per kilo two weeks on the trot, this week they peaked at £153.50 and 312ppk with their 33 averaging 283ppk and £127.20. Chasing the Whitfields all the way were J & D Gibson of Penny Hill Farm who’s 13 averaged an unbelievable 298ppk and £138.42. Perhaps the best sold on the day were 22 Lleyn’s from Allison Devereux weighing 42kg reaching 308ppk and £129.50 as the export weights were an absolute flyer.

Leading averages –

J & D Gibson, Barnard Castle sold 13 hoggs to average 298ppk and £138.42

Allison Devereux Farms, Wolsingham sold 22 hoggs to average 308ppk and £129.50

C S & V Whitfield, Knitsley sold 33 hoggs to average 283ppk & £127.20

J & A Moralee, Hexham sold 39 hoggs to average 285ppk and £125

W Ramsay & Son, Wingate sold 18 hoggs to average 286ppk and £127.50

K & P M Lough, Wolsingham sold 44 hoggs to average 282ppk and £130.57

M & A Gaskin, Eggleston sold 21 hoggs to average 284ppk and £123.31


Hoggs – Top prices ppk 312×2 303×2 300 CS&V Whitfield. 310 305 286 J&D Gibson. 308 Allison Devereux. 306 303 296 293 287×2 J&A Moralee. 304 G Thompson & Sons. 300 298 293 K&PM Lough. 298 296 TH Richardson & Son. 298 RE&L Frank. 298 294 W Ramsay & Sons. 296 285 W Kirk & Sons. 296 281 GF Whitfield. 291 288 285 SH Gunn Ltd. 291 M&A Gaskin. 287 285 CM Rushby. 282×2 RG&G Rutter. 281×2 TK Smith. 280 JK&CE Farming.

Lead Grossing Hoggs £153.50 £136.50×2 £128.50 £125.50 CS&V Whitfield. £140.50 £137.50 £136.50 J&D Gibson. £140 £132.50 W Ramsay & Sons. £137.50 £132×2 K&PM Lough. £134.50 RE&L Frank. £133.50 £129.50×4 J&A Moralee. £131.50 £127.50 TH Richardson & Son. £130.50 £128.50 W Kirk & Sons. £129.50 Allison Devereux. £129.50 CM Rushby. £129 S Thompson & Son. £128.50 £125.50 A Crowder. £128 G Thompson & Son. £127.50 M&A Gaskin. £127.50 TW&PT Moss Ltd. £127×2 RO Gilson.


Cast Sheep (214) – The ewe trade rolls along nicely with a light show again today, the best ewes remain either side of £100 with the best today from J J Horn, Bushy Park at £115; Mule’s today peaked at £94 with perhaps most life in the trade for the very lean meat.


Lead Grossing Cast Sheep £115 £96 £94 £91 JJ Horn. £110 £105 W Ramsay & Sons. £108 £95 £90 BR&RI Routledge. £104 £88 JG Walton & Son. £104 Allison Devereux. £102×2 £90 £88 PJ&MP Gilhespy. £100 £88 G Thompson & Sons. £100 £90 JS Davison. £90 JR Walton. £90 J Gilson. £89 HS Petch & Sons