10th November 2022

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Thursday 10th November – Darlington Auction Mart had forward:

77 Bulls sold to 288ppk & £2424

20 Steers sols to 302ppk & £2061

75 Heifers sold to 329ppk & £2065

3 Cast Cows sold to 157ppk & £1194

2202 Lambs sold to 325ppk & £151

611 Cast Sheep sold to £240

Bulls – A decent show of bulls forward, although not as much weight about – trade very similar on the week with an overall average of 256ppk and almost £1800 per head. A Triple top price of 288ppk by the same vendor TW Clark & Son, Frankland Park Farm saw his trio of homebred Limousins sell to £2062 £1952 & £1918 Worsley Wholesale Ltd purchased 2 of them and Bowland Foods the other one. LS Staley, Bluestone House took the lead grossing honours with a heavyweight Limousin selling to Worsley Wholesale for £2424. Not many dairy bred or native bulls on offer today, C&M Atkinson & Sons, The Bungalow got to just over the 200ppk mark with a Friesian, he was also top of the Natives with an Angus selling for 221ppk & £1625. Another Cleveland farmer, Halls of Kilton Hall were lead grossing in the dairy & native sections with a Friesian selling to £1397 and an Angus to £1690.

Continental Bulls – Top prices ppk 288×3 269 TW Clark. 287 278 271 265 AG Watson & Sons. 284 281 280 276 271 267×2 266×3 264 M&G Chantrell Ltd. 282 268 265×2 D Richardson & Co Ltd. 281 280 PI Harker. 280×2 274×2 Renton Highlaws Ltd. 280 272 269 268×2 265 J Layfield. 279 267 LS Staley. 278 272 PJ&ES Rogerson. 270 LR Welsh & Co.

Leda Grossing Continental Bulls £2424 £2117 LS Staley. £2188 £2153 £2089 £2011 LR Welsh & Co. £2144 £2101 PI Harker. £2133 £2103 £2093 £1976 D Richardson & Co Ltd. £2122 £1959 £1946 £1914 £1901 Renton Highlaws Ltd. £2081 £2055 £2049 £2043 £1915 AG Watson & Sons. £2071 £2036 £2010 £1924 J Layfield. £2062 £1952 £1918 TW Clark & Son.

Friesian Bulls – Top prices ppk 201 188 C&M Atkinson & Sons. 198 R Hall & Son.

Lead Grossing Friesian Bulls £1397 R Hall & Son. £1155 £1056 C&M Atkinson & Sons.

Native Breed Bulls – Top prices ppk 221 220 198 C&M Atkinson & Sons. 221 R Hall & Son.

Lead Grossing Native Breed Bulls £1690 R Hall & Son. £1625 £1586 £1348 C&M Atkinson & Sons.


Cast Cows – With a combined age of over 40 years all 3 cows were incredibly well sold on the day for Sanderson & Bell, Valance Lodge Farm.

Cast Cows – Top prices ppk 157 114 104 Sanderson & Bell.

Lead Grossing Cast Cows £1194 £707 £651 Sanderson & Bell.




Clean Cattle – Heifers dearer on the week – 37 of them smashing the 300ppk mark. Athough the average of 290ppk was the same as last week there was a slightly plainer show forward. Steers very similar. Topping the market at 329ppk & £1766 was a Limousin Heifer sold by JE Suddes & Son, Rowley Farm, purchased by H Taylor & Sons, Darlington. The lead Grossing clean beast was a Pure Limousin Heifer sold by AC Simpson & Son, McNeil Farm. With 13 active buyers at the ringside buying on 19 separate accounts many more cattle could have been sold to vendor’s advantage.

Some of today’s top averages:

AC Simpson & Son av 298ppk & £1972
JV Hodgson av 310ppk & £1809
I Hirst av 309ppk & £1694
W Armstrong av 305ppk & £1694

Steers – Top prices ppk 302 296×2 293 292 288 286 279×2 265 M&G Chantrell Ltd. 297 M Robinson & Sons. 278 270 WJ Smith & Partners. 277 A&AG Moralee. 262 250 JM Smith. 259 C&N Waters. 254 252 JR&B Anderson & Son. 250 AG Watson & Sons.

Lead Grossing Steers £2061 M Robinson & Sons. £1935 AG Watson & Sons. £1755 £1610 JM Smith. £1749 £1663 £1658 £1627 £1581 £1488 £1467 M&G Chantrell Ltd. £1696 £1663 JR&B Anderson. £1609 £1512 WJ Smith & Partners. £1600 C&N Waters. £1551 A&AG Moralee.

Heifers – Top prices ppk 329 308 298 296 JE Suddes & Son. 326 319 317×2 307 306 305 301 300 R Hirst. 322 320 319×2 318 316×2 311 300 JV&JA Hodgson. 318 317 315 310 309×2 304 301 299 297×2 WA Armstrong. 316 310 AC Simpson & Son. 314 WF&DM Metcalf. 313 299 TN Callender. 309 East Newbiggin Farm. 306×2 297 W Swinbank & Sons. 305 293 Renton Highlaws. 301 M Robinson & Sons. 296 WJ Smith & Partners.

Lead Grossing Heifers £2065 £1956 £1897 AC Simpson & Son. £1956 £1913 £1901 £1844 £1831 £1828 £1822 £1805 JV&JA Hodgson. £1950 M Robinson & Sons. £1937 £1842 £1817 Renton Highlaws Ltd. £1894 £1883 East Newbiggin Farm. £1861 £1827 £1791 £1762 R Hirst. £1850 £1841 WL Robinson & Partners. £1843 £1839 £1805 £1790 W Swinbank & Sons. £1842 £1804 £1800 £1782 WA Armstrong. £1790 TN Callender. £1766 £1698 JE Suddes & Son. £1724 RW&R Henry.

Lambs – A bigger show of lambs this week, with over 2200 forward – trade was slightly easier than last week, the overall average being 251ppk. Top price was 325ppk & £130 for a quartet of Beltex lambs sold by W Ramsay & Sons, Blakely Hill bought by Yorkshire Halal. The lead grossing price was £151 for a single Beltex lamb sold by Askwiths, Low Mown Meadows and was purchased by Yorkshire Halal.

Lambs – Top prices ppk 325 295 290 W ramsay & Sons. 313 302 291 Askwiths. 312 270 267 JL Gill & Son. 307 288×3 275 WA Wardman Ltd. 300 265 GF Whitfield. 290 266×2 JE Suddes & Son. 287 E scott & Sons. 286 268 264 RS Hall & Sons. 285 279×2 268 PJ&MP Gilhespy. 280 M Pickering. 275×2 267 265 AWSM Farms. 275×2 JH&D Wise. 273 266 MW Cook & Son. 270 268×2 A&PA Jopling. 269 M&A Gaskin. 269 C&E Gaskin. 268 I Burn & Sons. 268 267×2 AW Dixon. 267 W.K M.M Lamb. 266 D&PH Brown. 265 C Binks & Son. 264 K&PM Lough. 264 JG Hall.

Lead Grossing Lambs £151 £141 £140 T Lawson & Son. £138 £131 Askwiths. £145 £131 £130×2 W Ramsay & Sons. £145×2 £142 £140×2 £134×2 £131 £130 AC Simpson & Son. £144 M Pickering. £142 £140×2 MW Barker & Son. £142 D&PH Brown. £141.50 £140 £138.50 £135 £132 £130 WA Wardman Ltd. £141.50 £132.50 M&A Gaskin. £136 JA&A Herbert. £135 FW Hodgson & Son. £134 MW Cook & Son. £134 E Moorcock. £133.50 £130.50 S Crossland. £133 £130×2 £130 Forster Hall & Son. £132 LD Laws. £130 AG Laws. £130 A&PA Jopling. £130 WA Dinsdale & Son.

Cast Ewes & Rams (608) – A better number of sheep this week with Ewes proving slightly dearer, with bigger, fleshier ewes more in demand and leaner ewes much lesser. Today at the top of those demands, was PJ&MP Gilhespy with a super texel ewe, making a respectable £240. Following was W Ramsay & Sons with 2 good texel ewes at £165 and Askwiths of Low Mown Meadows, who made £160 with some sweet beltex’s. Top priced Mules of the day went to JA&A Herbert of Tees Farm with 13 mules at £99 and M Hutchinson with 5 at £97, closely followed by WR Thompson with mules at £96. Strong Texel Ewes ranged from £100 to £240, the stronger side of mules were making between £87 to £99.


Lead Grossing Cast Sheep £240 £128 PJ&MP Gilhespy. £165 W Ramsay. £160 £138 £108 Askwiths. £150 £114 JK&CE Farming. £140 £125 £112 x2 MW Barker & Son. £140 £90 T Duckitt. £134 R Lawson & Son. £126 £120 £96 WR Thompson. £122 M&A Gaskin. £120 £87 R Herbert. £115 Gerard te-lintelo. £114 £108 £100 £86 W.K.M.M Lamb. £112 £97 £89 M Hutchinson. £112 £88 DA Gill. £110 £99 JA&A Herbert. £105 D&G Spry. £100 Anthony Tindale. £100 J Davis. £100 £94 JC Johnson. £100 AW Dixon. £94 £91 GF Whitfield. £92 £88 Petch Farms. £92 E Scott & Sons. £89 CJM Hedley. £89 x2 MG&W Burton. £89 £88 DM McClurg. £87 D Chapman.