7th November 2022

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Monday 7th November – Darlington Auction mart had forward:

106 Cast Cows sold to 226ppk & £1714

6 Cast Bulls sold to 150ppk & £1723

44 Breeding Cattle sold to £1780

22 Store Bulls sold to £1310

98 Store Steers sold to £

118 Store Heifers sold to

1253 Store Lambs sold to £115

105 Feeding Ewes sold to £93

Cast Cows – In general a plainer show of cows forward – Trade just as dear as previous weeks returning an overall average of 158ppk & £1053. The top price for a continental was 226ppk & £1647 for a young Limousin sold by WI Suddes & Son, Cornsay Village, who also sold the Lead Grossing cow, a 13-year-old Limousin for £1714. Stainton Hill Farms hit the top spot ppk in the Dairy section with a Friesian Heifer while CN&P Penk, Pitfield Farm took the lead grossing spot with a Friesian at £1301. D&J Hunnam, Rise Slowly sold the top price Native Breed, an Angus Cow for 212ppk & £1526 but S Cambage, Linburn Head Farm and his Angus cow sold to a top price of £1585.

In the older gentleman’s section, a Hereford Bull sold by R Bradley & Son, North Crane Row just pipped JD Sanderson, White Hurworth’s Angus bull in the race for the  top spot selling for 150ppk & £1723 and 148ppk & £1688 respectively.

Cast Cows & OTM Leading PPK – 226 212 198 W.I Suddes & Son. 222 176 W Lodge. 214 198 196 194 186 JL Marks. 212 D & J Hunnam. 204 174 164 WF & DM Metcalf. 194 172 JD Bentley & Son. 194 168 166 TW Clark & Son. 192 GC & KJ White & Son. 190 176 WR Thompson. 190 HW & M Alderson. 188 GH Farms. 184 182 174Messrs Bell. 184 WM Bainbridge. 182 178 N Swinbank. 180 SJ Love. 180 Stainton Hill. 178 Tarn Bros. 176 N White. 174 S Cambage. 174 JF Southgate. 170 164 MJ Hutchinson. 168 166×2 164 Skelton Farming LTD. 164 Hughes Bros Farms LTD. 164 Deerness Valley Dairy.

Cast Cows & OTM Leading Gross – £1714 £1647 £1437 W.I Suddes & Son. £1691 £1224 £1137 WF & DM Metcalf. £1585 S Cambage. £1560 £1468 £1311 £1302 £1281 JL Marks. £1526 D & J Hunnam. £1506 £1221 N SWinbank. £1493 JD Bentley. £1416 £1095 MJ Hutchinson. £1414 £1144 TW Clark & Son. £1409 £1305 W Lodge. £1397 GC & KJ White. £1397 £1124 GH Farms LTD. £1356 WM Bainbridge. £1348 SJ Love. £1334 JD Bentley & Son. £1301 £1095 CN & P Penk. £1299 £1271 £1129 £1100 £1091 Skelton Farming LTD. £1260 £1113 Messrs Bell. £1244 £1212 WR Thompson. £1240 JT Forster. £1219 £1145 JF Southgate. £1213 Tarn Bros. £1198 IR Appleton. £1140 HW & M Alderson. £1138 N White. £1108 Deerness Valley Dairy. £1096 OM Wearmouth & Son. £1087 G Scott.


Stock Bulls Leading PPK – 150 R Bradley & Son. 148 JD Sanderson. 144 WT Hall. 138 AS Chapman. 130 Tennant. 112 B Watson.

Stock Bulls Leading Gross – £1723 R Bradley & Son. £1688 JD Sanderson. £1476 Tennant. £1176 WT Hall. £1087 B Watson


Store Cattle – With one or two new faces at the ringside along with the other 30 plus active buyers a buoyant trade was the result. A mixed show of store cattle forward, with a bit of something for everyone saw prices sharper on the week. A wonderful run of 8 Angus stores sold courtesy of B&B Kitching & Son, Elstob Cottage Farm sold to £1495 & £1401 average. The ever-consistent JH Johnson, White Lea’s consignment of 15 steers sold to £1465 & £1345. Top of the females was Hughes Bros Farms Ltd with a wonderful Limousin Heifer which sold for £1450, closely followed by RL Walker, East High Wood’s run of 5 Heifers which sold to £1385 & £1250 average. An entry of 5 Angus Cows with Calves at foot from S Medley, Commondale sold to a top price of £1780 average £1570 per outfit. WT Hall, Humber Hill continued his herd reduction, selling 13 Cows & Calves to £1650, average £1260. A good run of 7 Angus Bulls from S Jackson, The Bungalow sold to £1310 with an average of almost £1200. Staying with the Angus MF Hall, Woodhill Farm sold 2 with an almost identical average of £1200.

Cows & Calves £1780 £1720 £1520 £1480 £1350 S Medley. £1650 £1500 £1480 £1350 £1250 £1200 £1180 £1050 £1000 WT Hall. £1600 JW&J Collin. £1580 JG&EM Welford.

Store Bulls – £1310×3 £1210×3 £820 S Jackson. £1280 £1110 MF Hall. £1160 £750 GW Dobson & Son. £860×2 D.T & E Whitfield. £860×2 AP Taylor. £740 W Lodge. £700×3 S Waggott.

Store Steers – £1495 £1460×2 £1445 £1380 £1335 B&B Kitching. £1465 £1400 £1385×2 £1365×2 £1360×2 £1350 £1320×2 £1315 £1280 £1275 JH Johnson. £1445 GH&RG Stobbs. £1280 £1150 £1075 I Newton & Son. £1260 G Corner. £1250 A Thompson. £1235 £1120 £1100 WB Rutter & Sons. £1235 £1175 £1040 WA Richardson Ltd. £1230 S Cambage. £1220×2 £1040 TW&C Emerson.  £1130 SP Burke. £1120 TW&G Corner. £1085×2 D&HM Hodgson. £1065×2 R&W Todd. £1065 R Laws & Sons.

Store Heifers £1450 £1400 £1360 £1210 £1170 Hughes Bros Farms Ltd. £1385 £1240 £1190 £1075 RL Walker. £1345 £1290 B&B Kitching. £1270 £1190 £1140 £1120 L Claughan. £1235 TW&G Corner. £1190 C&N Watser. £1170 WA Richardson Ltd. £1160 £1095×3 LW Martin. £1150 £1090 £1065 MH Hodgson. £1145 WB Rutter & Sons. £1140 £1060 R Laws & Sons. £1140 £1080 £1070 DR Smith. £1085×4 WC Barker & Son. £1070×2 GE Raw. £1065 W Love Ltd.

Store Sheep- A generous sale of store sheep today with prices seeming slightly higher. With Lambs £6-£8 dearer and trade being aided by a good show of buyers, we begin to see even more light at the end of the tunnel. Today we saw a tremendous run of Texel and Cheviot lambs by KO Stones of Nun Cote Nook Farm, topping our lamb filled leader board for this week with prices from £95 to £115. Following we had A&V Wade with 3 lovely Texel lambs at £106 and 11 Texel Lambs from JR&J Crowe who also had a smashing trade at £104.50.  We then go onto PG&J Bond with 2 continental lambs at £103 and JH Johnson with a run of Texel lambs with prices up to £97.

Store Lambs

Texel- £115 £114 £109 £106 £96 KO Stones. £106 £83.50 A&V Wade. £104.50 £100 JR&J Crowe. £97 £94 £93.50 £92.50 £89.50 JH Johnson, White Lea Farm. £94 B&L Robson. £94 S Fenwick. £93 £85.50 CE Smith. £88 £87 £86.50 TT Hall & Son. £86.50 £85.50 GM Storr. £85.50 WB Rutter & Sons. £84.50 £84 H&P Hutchinson. £84.50 K Raine. £84 £83.50 RRC Andrew. £83.50 JR Allan. £83 Adam Lowson. £83 GH&RG Stobbs. £81.50 JH Johnson, Marshall Green Farm. £81.50 R Watson. £81 M&RJ Hall.

Continental- £103 £90 PG&J Bond. £94 £85 £83.50 H&P Hutchinson. £93 £87 K Raine. £85 £81.50 TT Hall & Son.

Cheviots- £95 KO Stones.

Beltex- £94 £87 M&RJ Hall.

Suffolk- £92 B&L Robson. £86 JH Johnson, Marshall Green Farm.

Charollais- 86.50 AW Sanderson.

Feeding Ewes- £76 £68 £29 TE Dobson. £64 DW Robinson. £64 £60 £52 £46 £38 £35 £15 WH Brown. £18 x2 WA Dinsdale & Son.