Darlington Farmers Auction Mart held their weekly sale of Prime Stock on Thursday 10th June 2021. Forward were 233 Cattle, 1576 Sheep and 10 Pigs.
81 Prime Bulls sold to 258ppk or £2136
39 Prime Steers sold to 266ppk or £2097
104 Prime Heifers sold to 298ppk or £1733
9 Cast Cows sold to 180ppk or £1395
1022 Prime Lambs sold to 385ppk or £179
202 Prime Hoggs sold to 279ppk or £187
352 Cast Sheep sold to £150
10 Prime Pigs sold to 110ppk and £102.30
Prime Bulls (81) – Another blistering bull trade with the sale average of 226 pence per kilo bettering any other outlets, be that live or dead. First mention goes to a beautiful British Blonde from P Weightman & Sons, Hallfield Farm, Easington which at 883kg and 242ppk comfortably joins the £2k plus club at a whopping £2136. Twice the chasing pack beat £1900 and an incredible 15 more sold between £1800 and £1900, the whole show averaged today an absolutely staggering £1563. Top priced bull per kilo this week went to a 710kg Limousin from regular visitor J W Holmes & Son, Chestnut Farm, Nottingham; three more superstars from the masterful Midlands feeder sold beyond 250ppk as did one apiece for A S & S M Kemp, Sherburn and J & A & D A Horn, Cowpen Bewley. An amazing 23 bulls today squeezed in to the 240-250ppk bracket and remarkably of the top 29 mentioned so far two were British Blondes, two British Blues, one Aberdeen Angus and the rest were all Limousin bred. King of the native breeds this week were regular supporters A S & S M Kemp of Whitwell Farm, Sherburn as they produced a perfectly finished Aberdeen Angus to sell for 219ppk and £1808, Holstein Friesians were again keenly bid for, top today 196ppk for J E & B Morgan & Sons, Bishop Middleham and £1352 from J M & S Walton, Barton. Some of the top finishers of the week are listed below.
C Harle & Sons sold 2 Bulls to average 249ppk and £1899
J W Holmes & Son sold 7 Bulls to average 249ppk and £1784
J & A & D A Horn sold 2 Bulls to average 246ppk and £1738
S & J Dent & Son sold 3 Bulls to average 243ppk and £1621
A S & S M Kemp sold 7 Bulls to average 239ppk and £1784
J K & C E Farming sold 2 Bulls to average 237ppk and £1799
R W & R Henry sold 4 Bulls to average 233ppk and £1731
D Richardson & Co sold 4 Bulls to average 226ppk and £1779
Continental Bulls – Top prices ppk 258 252 251 250 248×2 242 JW Holmes & Son. 252 248 246 240×2 236 AS&SM Kemp. 251 241 J&A&DA Horn. 249×2 C Harle & Sons. 248 247 246 AG Watson & Sons. 248 246 238 S&J Dent & Son. 247 244 RW& R Henry. 246 238 J&JH Musgrave. 245 JK&CE Farming. 244 234 LR Welsh & Co. 244 239 237 PJ&ES Rogerson. 244 D Richardson & Co Ltd. 242 P Weightman. 238 234 JJ Kemp & Son. 237 W Jackson & Son. 235 TW Clark & Son. 234 JM Ramsay & Son.
Lead Grossing Continental Bulls £2136 P Weightman & Sons. £1909 £1889 C Harle & Sons. £1909 £1736 £1690 RW&R Henry. £1897 Dromonby Bridge Farm Ltd. £1882 £1836 £1768 £1753 £1747 £1694 AS&SM Kemp. £1870 J&JH Musgrave. £1865 £1845 £1831 £1822 £1748 £1733 JW Holmes & Son. £1847 £1779 £1756 £1737 D Richardson & Co Ltd. £1846 JM Ramsay & Son. £1825 £1773 JK&CE Farming. £1822 J&A&DA Horn. £1813 £1746 JJ Kemp. £1773 £1718 £1711 AG Watson & Sons.
Friesian Bulls – Top prices ppk 196 JE&B Morgan & Sons. 174 166 164 162 D Walker. 186 184 174 R Hall & Son. 182 JM&S Walton.
Lead Grossing Friesian Bulls £1352 JM&S Walton. £1205 £1203 £1179 R Hall & Son. £997 JE&B Morgan & Sons. £946 £937 £929 £924 D Walker.
Native Breed Bulls – Top prices ppk 219 AS&SM Kemp.
Lead Grossing Native Breed Bulls £1808 AS&SM Kemp.
Clean Cattle (143) – If the home nations in the upcoming European Championships show the determination the Great British beef buyers are displaying at the moment then we can expect a terrific time ahead. Another wonderful trade today with seven heifers in the 290’s and more than a score others selling 280 to 290ppk, a heifer average for the second week running closer to 260ppk than 250ppk; not to be out done steers again peaked beyond £2000. Top price today of 298ppk was shared by two regular vendors as R Hirst of Neasham Grange and G & J Y Marshall, Message Farm both produced Limousin’s of the highest order, narrowly behind at 296ppk were the Askwiths of Crook and B Walker, Dalton-on-Tees; the Dalton-on-Tees feeder enjoyed a good day as his Limousin steer proved to be the one they were all chasing when he sold for 266 pence per kilo. No doubting the leading gross valued steer again this week as the healthy habit of selling beyond £2000 continued for Barker Farming Partnership, Scorton; four fine steers from this home averaging 844kg, one with another returned at £1967 apiece, once again we roll a 6 and climb the ladder whilst the dastardly deadweight slide down another snake. Two heifers today the top side of £1700, both came from W Swinbank & Sons of Caldwell who’s perfect and patient finishing elevated them to the top of the pile this week. Pleasingly today four of the seven heifers above 290ppk were a product of our store ring as was the top priced steer per kilo, some wonderful stats for the top players today are listed below.
W Swinbank & Sons sold 4 Heifers to average 280ppk and £1674
B Walker sold 1 Steer, 2 Heifers to average 280ppk and £1560
R Hirst sold 10 Heifers to average 280ppk and £1497
J V & J A Hodgson sold 10 Heifers to average 275ppk and £1562
J J Kemp & Son sold 4 Heifers to average 275ppk and £1509
Askwiths sold 1 Steer, 4 Heifers to average 274ppk and £1615
P J & M P Gilhespy sold 2 Steers, 4 Heifers to average 273ppk and £1562
J W Holmes & Son sold 7 Heifers to average 273ppk and £1449
Barker Farming Partnership sold 4 Steers to average 233ppk and £1967
Steers – Top prices ppk 266 B Walker. 260 236 PJ&MP Gilhespy. 256 252 250 249 248 240 238 234 232 231 RS Hall & Sons. 252 234 228 IM Maughan. 249 233 232 228 W Jackson & Son. 245 237 229 223Barker Farming Partnership. 244 228 LR Welsh & Co. 240 Askwiths. 236 232 M&J Cheesbrough & Sons. 216 200 DA Gill. 211 204 TN Hodgson & Sons. 210 205 G&JY Marshall.
Lead Grossing steers £2097 £1942 £1918 £1912 Barker Farming Partnership. £1704 £1532 £1495 £1435 £1398 £1370 £1369 £1354 £1353 RS Hall & Sons. £1678 High Harbour Farms. £1630 £1573 £1567 IM Maughan. £1629 Askwiths. £1609 B Walker. £1567 £1477 PJ&MP Gilhespy. £1494 £1477 £1456 £1365 W Jackson & Son. £1488 £1410 LR Welsh & Co. £1446 £1371 M&J Cheesbrough & Sons.
Heifers – Top prices ppk 298 290 288 285×2 284 276×2 R Hirst. 298 G&JY Marshall. 296 282 B Walker. 296 289 282 Askwiths. 294 290 288 280 PJ&MP Gilhespy. 290 288 286 284 283 278 JV&JA Hodgson. 289 C Binks & Son. 288 282 277 276 W Swinbank & Sons. 288×2 284 275 JW Holmes & Son. 287 J Layfield. 285 283 JJ Kemp & Son. 278 277 K&J Heslop. 272 GW Dobson & Son. 272 JR Tiplady.
Lead Grossing Heifers £1733 £1717 £1694 W Swinbank & Sons. £1695 £1640 Cheesbrough & Son Ltd. £1676 £1644 £1630 £1624 £1615 JV&JA Hodgson. £1660 £1642 £1629 Askwiths. £1652 £1608 £1598 £1573 £1516 J Layfield. £1627 £1625 £1566 £1512 PJ&MP Gilhespy. £1615 £1581 £1528 R Hirst. £1613 F&JS Gargett. £1612 C Binks & son. £1592 £1524 JJ Kemp & Son. £1581 K&J Heslop. £1578 M&J Cheesbrough & Sons. £1565 B Walker. £1557 J Norman. £1546 JW Holmes & Son.
Cast Cows (9) – A scattering of cows sold very well, the pick of the day a superb 6 year old Limousin from A & D Proctor of Swarland Old Hall reaching 180 pence per kilo and £1395.
Cast Cows – Top prices ppk 180 174 140 A&D Proctor. 149 145 134×2 128 127 High Harbour Farms.
Lead Grossing Cast Cows £1395 £1223 £936 A&D Proctor. £1174 £1161 £1127 £995 £955 £862 High Harbour Farms.
New Season Lambs (1022) – Absolutely remarkable scenes as the lamb vendors who remain faithful to DFAM continue to get a real kick of the ball, this weeks average of £131 per head just £6 down on the week and the 320 pence per kilo is unbelievably more than 100 pence better than the corresponding sale this week last year, even the serial complainers are finding it hard to grumble at the DFAM lamb ring. Unbelievably John Simpson’s superstars didn’t top the market this week, news on the class act from Caldwell in a moment however first mention goes to Peter Tindale of Paradise Farm, Shadforth who led the way at 385 pence per kilo with a perfect pair of 42kg Beltex, top gross value came from one of our raiders from the Midlands as a hefty pair of Suffolk’s from T W & P T Moss, Newark climbed as high as £179. News then on the regular showstoppers from J C Simpson, Caldwell as this week 71 peaches averaged £152.44, the tally this season for this exceptional home then reads 408 lambs sold so far to average comfortably over £150, tremendous achievement. Cole Hill Farm, Elwick again produced some lovely stretchy lambs and left with their 25 averaging £159.92 whilst the first draw from the Lamb family of Doe Park, Cotherstone levelled up at £151.59.
Lambs – Top prices ppk 385 342 P Tindale. 384 371×2 370 365×2 363 361 359 355 JC Simpson. 370 357 332 T Duckitt. 367 M&A Gaskin. 356 350 342×2 Cole Hill Farm Ltd. 353 335 D&PH Brown. 352 345 341 M&EM Dobinson. 351 337 GC&JC Pullan. 351 JR Knox & Son. 346 C Binks & Son. 345 343 W.K M.M Lamb. 340 C Binks & Son. 338 332 GF Whitfield. 338 336 333 AWSM Farms. 335 RA Patterson & Son. 334 Wytherstone Farm 331 330 329 TW&PT Moss.
Lead Grossing Lambs £179 £162 TW&PT Moss Ltd. £173 £163 £158 £156×2 £153 £152 £150 JC Simpson. £171×2 £168 £161 Cole Hill Farm Ltd. £167.50 RA Patterson & Son. £165 JR Knox & Son. £165 £162.50 W.K M.M Lamb. £158 M&A Gaskin. £155 £152 M&EM Dobinson. £154 P Tindale. £151 £148.50 £147.50 GC&JC Pullan. £151 JG Atkinson. £150.50 Wytherstone Farm. £150 WR Thompson. £150 J Hird. £150 N&A Hunter. £148 T Duckitt. £147.50 D&HM Hodgson.
Prime Hoggs (202) – Something for everyone now as many sweep up, the only run of numbers and quality this week came from R H Thompson & Son, Whins Farm as they produced another great run of 61 Suffolk and Charollais hoggs to average £162.85. The sale, warts and all, averaged a credible 248ppk and £125.16.
Hoggs – Top prices ppk 279 246 241 240 J Gilson Agriculture. 275×2 273 269 267 262 249 238 236 RH Thompson & Son. 271 264 JB Akers. 266 M&RJ Hall. 265 JW&J Collin. 262 247 P&PJ Sayer. 256 JV Hodgson & son. 254 CG Teasdale & Son. 253 252 250 PR&V Barlow. 250 Wytherstone Farm.
Lead Grossing Hoggs £187 £174×2 £173 £172×2 £169 £168 £167 £165 £155 £149 £145 RH Thompson & Son. £154 £146 JW&J Collin. £153 KO Stones. £153 £148 N&A Hunter. £140 Wytherstone Farm. £140 £130 J Gilson Agriculture. £140 Elliott Grieves. £137 £134 PR&V Barlow & Son. £131 JV Hodgson & Son.
Cast Ewes & Rams (352) – Trade stays very strong, another average well beyond £100 as the trade looks set to simmer nicely as we await the biggest Muslim festival next month. Top this week a three way share between P Tindale, Shadforth, K O Stones, Marrick and Wytherstone Farms, Skiplam who all reached £150. Pick of the Mule ewes this week £100-£110 with the better fleshed horned sheep £75-£90.
Lead Grossing Cast Sheep £150 P Tindale. £150 £136 £134 £127 £125 Wytherstone Farm. £150 £125 KO Stones. £142 CG Teasdale. £141 £130 E Wilson. £141 W Emerson. £137 JG Atkinson. £135 £130 £129 JC Simpson. £130 £125 JC Johnson. £130 Rebecca Appleton. £127 PR&V Barlow & Son. £123 Ian Kirk. £120×2 MH&J Walker & Son. £120 Elliott Grieves. £120 Anna Herbert. £120 DA Gill.
Pigs (10) – In the words of Winston Churchill. “I am fond of pigs, dogs look up to us, cats look down on us, pigs treat us as equals.” Trade very similar, perhaps slightly improved again.
Pigs – Top prices ppk 110×3 105 100 85 C Weightman.
Lead Grossing Pigs £102 £101 £91 £90 £84 £63 C Weightman.