Darlington Farmers Auction Mart held their weekly sale of prime stock on Thursday 5th August 2021. Forward were 178 Cattle, 2111 Sheep and 8 Pigs.
68 Prime Bulls sold to 264ppk or £2178
29 Prime Steers sold to 277ppk or £1930
73 Prime Heifers sold to 299ppk or £1719
8 Cast Cattle sold to 224ppk or £1822
1621 Prime Lambs sold to 301ppk or £134
590 Cast Ewes & Rams sold to £202
Prime Pigs sold to 115ppk or £94
Prime Bulls (68) – A light show of varying quality met with increased demand as the buyers pushed on with great enthusiasm, a sale average of 218ppk was achieved; leading the way at 264 pence per kilo was a superb 697kg Limousin bull from L R Welsh & Co, Spennymoor which was bought by Honeymans Butchers, Hutton Rudby. Three other vendors broke the 260ppk barrier as N White, Marrick; B J Haigh, Low Gate and R & W Todd, Toft Hill all made their impression on the leader board. The top grossing bull came from the Haigh pen as a magical 851kg Limousin climbed all the way to £2178; regular sellers D Richardson & Co, Melsonby were also in the £2000 plus club with half a dozen others the right side of £1900 on the day. A nice trade again for the native breeds as C & M Atkinson & Sons, Twizzlegill sold a dairy crossed Aberdeen Angus to £1420 and 214 pence per kilo. The Atkinson pen also turned out the top gross valued Friesian bull at £1107 beating the consistent R Hall & Son, Kilton Hall (£1104) by a whisker, the Kilton Hall firm however led the pence per kilo reaching 200 pence. Some of the magnificent returns are listed below.
B J Haigh, Low Gate sold 2 Bulls to average 257ppk and £2033
W J & A S Bowes & Sons, Stainton sold 2 Bulls to average 252ppk and £1897
L R Welsh & Co, Spennymoor sold 4 Bulls to average 249ppk and £1793
L S Staley, Marwood sold 2 Bulls to average 244ppk and £1892
R & W Todd, Toft Hill sold 2 Bulls to average 238ppk and 1785
D Richardson & Co, Melsonby sold 4 Bulls to average 237ppk and £1925
N White, Marrick sold 5 Bulls to average 237ppk and £1675
P J & E S Rogerson, Cumbria sold 3 Bulls to average 237ppk and £1624
Continental Bulls – Top prices ppk 264 250×2 234 LR Welsh & Co. 262 252 234 228 212 N White. 260 256 BJ Haigh. 260 224 R&W Todd. 258 247 WJ&AS Bowes & Sons. 254 237 231 229 D Richardson & Co Ltd. 253 230 228 PJ&ES Rogerson. 250 240 LS Staley. 243 W&M Knaggs & Son. 240 M&J Hayhurst. 235 229 221 212 J&JH Musgrave. 228 222 PM Bradley & Bros. 221 220 T Hill & R Wright. 218 JR Knox & Son. 214 JK&CE Farming. 212 LW Martin.
Lead Grossing Continental Bulls £2178 £1887 BJ Haigh. £2014 £1973 £1917 £1797 D Richardson & Co Ltd. £1966 £1604 R&W Todd. £1954 £1698 £1638 £1602 N White. £1929 £1864 WJ&AS Bowes & Sons. £1903 M&J Hayhurst. £1898 £1887 LS Staley. £1845 £1840 £1802 £1684 LR Welsh & Co. £1803 Skelton Farming Ltd. £1798 £1667 PJ&ES Rogerson. £1764 £1578 Allison Devereux Farms. £1734 £1675 £1646 £1613 J&JH Musgrave. £1621 JJ Horn. £1591 £1573 T Hill & R Wright. £1514 £1511 PM Bradley & Bros.
Friesian Bulls – Top prices ppk 200 R Hall & Son. 178 176 174 142 C&M Atkinson & Sons. 156 JK&CE Farming.
Lead Grossing Friesian Bulls £1107 £1077 £984 C&M Atkinson & Sons. £1104 R Hall & Son. £881 JK&CE Farming.
Native Breed Bulls – Top prices ppk 214 C&M Atkinson & Sons. 207 202 W&R Kemp & Son. 200 186×2 GS Dowson. 195 194 JT Layfield & Sons. 192 D&CA Henry.
Lead Grossing Native Breed Bulls £1420 C&M Atkinson & Sons. £1400 JT Layfield & Sons. £1377 £1308 W&R Kemp & Son. £1228 D&CA Henry. £1222 £1199 £1079 GS Dowson.
Clean Cattle (102) – Back comes the beef trade in scintillating form, the heifers today averaged a brilliant 264ppk with the steers also impressive at 239ppk. Some 9 heifers this week sold beyond 290 pence as four from the ever present and super consistent Robin and Imogen Hirst, Neasham were joined by single heifers from the Askwith Family of Crook and Neil Brown, Darlington; the other trio in the top bracket all came from M & G Chantrell Ltd, Leicestershire which included the topper at 299 pence, a lovely super sweet 533kg Limousin. A good day for the Leicestershire based outfit was confirmed when they also led the steer trade with a 621kg Limousin selling for 277ppk, pushing them hard were a great run from D & P A Bowe & Son, Gatenby whos expert feeding saw them take away the leading gross values for both heifers and steers; a 644kg Charolais heifer reached £1719 and a 734kg Limousin Steer a massive £1930. As usual the top performers are listed below.
R Hirst, Neasham sold 14 Heifers to average 284ppk and £1524
M & G Chantrell Ltd, Leicestershire sold 4 Steers & 5 Heifers to average 277ppk and £1621
J V & J A Hodgson, Summerhouse sold 10 Heifers to average 274ppk and £1512
B Walker, Dalton sold 1 Steer & 1 Heifer to average 270ppk and £1587
Askwiths, Crook sold 2 Steers & 2 Heifers to average 267ppk and £1585
D & P A Bowe & Son, Gatenby sold 6 Steers & 5 Heifers to average 265ppk and £1680
Continental Steers – Top prices ppk 277 265 261 256 M&G Chantrell Ltd. 267 265 264 263260 252 D&PA Bowe & Son. 262 242 Askwiths. 260 B Walker. 258 G&JY Marshall. 252 220 RD Musgrave. 238 K&A Harker. 222 214 NP JR & PN Fulford.
Lead Grossing Continental Steers £1930 £1831 £1680 £1669 £1642 £1600 D&PA Bowe & Son. £1720 £1719 £1625 £1602 M&G Chantrell Ltd. £1655 £1551 Askwiths. £1645 B Walker. £1625 £1518 NP JR & PN Fulford. £1469 £1458 RD Musgrave. £1349 G&JY Marshall.
Native Breed Steers – Top prices ppk 250 LW Martin. 222 215 212 M Ord & Sons. 219 218 216 G&JH Tomlinson & Son.
Lead Grossing Native Breed Steers £1643 £1478 £1464 G&JH Tomlinson & Son. £1374 £1337 £1270 M Ord & Sons. £1355 LW Martin.
Continental Heifers – Top prices ppk 299 293×2 286 275 M&G Chantrell Ltd. 298×2 291 290 287×2 282 281 278×2 277 274×2 R Hirst. 294 285 JH&M&NW Brown. 293 280 Askwiths. 289 288 287 279×2 272 271 270 JV&JA Hodgson. 287 279 276 267 D&PA Bowe & Son. 285 275 272 271 261 258 G&JY Marshall. 282 B Walker. 280 E Wilson. 280 RD Anderson. 277 265 264 K&J Heslop. 275×2 K&A Harker.
Lead Grossing Continental Heifers £1719 £1672 £1664 £1642 D&PA Bowe & Son. £1691 £1673 £1629 £1598 £1593 £1588 £1582 £1561 R Hirst. £1679 £1653 £1586 £1566 £1537 JV&JA Hodgson. £1652 £1595 £1593 £1561 M&G Chantrell Ltd. £1610 E Wilson. £1596 £1587 JH&M&NW Brown. £1579 £1555 Askwiths. £1575 G&JY Marshall. £1570 RD Anderson. £1570 K&A Harker. £1528 B Walker.
Native Breed Heifers – Top prices ppk 240 G&JY Marshall. 222 D&CA Henry. 220 208 T Watson.
Lead Grossing Native Breed Heifers £1398 D&CA Henry. £1324 £919 T Watson. £1293 G&JY Marshall.
Cast Cows & Bulls (8) – A scattering of older beast were a sensational trade averaging an unprecedented 193ppk, the pick of them hailed from the aforementioned Chantrell’s, Leicestershire as a shapely 8 year old Limousin reached 224ppk and her stable mate 2 years her junior sold for a most impressive £1822.
OTM Cattle – Top prices ppk 224 214 205 204 200 188 M&G Chantrell Ltd. 164 Skelton Farming Ltd. 150 C&M Atkinson & Sons.
Lead Grossing OTM Cattle £1822 £1812 £1615 £1593 £1494 £1366 M&G Chantrell Ltd. £1818 Skelton Farming Ltd. £1024 C&M Atkinson & Sons.
Prime Lambs (1621) – Again the lambs sell well as the sale levelled up at a brilliant 229ppk and £96, the reality of things however are that those who have spent the past weeks filling the creep feeders are now reaping the benefits as the lambs lacking loin were much more difficult to move. The biggest and best today were a joy to sell, of the top 35 prices per head only one pen of 5 weighed below 43kg as the butchers and wholesalers are all chasing flesh. Top price per kilo went to young Scarlett Davies of Houghton Grange at 301 pence per kilo with her superb 39kg Beltex lamb, last weeks winners finished 2nd today however H T Davies & Partners (also of Houghton Grange) are unlikely to complain at Scarlett’s success. Leading the gross values at a tremendous £140.50 were Kirklington Farms all the way from Newark with a heavyweight Charollais lamb.
Lambs – Top prices ppk 301 261 Scarlett Davies. 293 283 263 262 £99.50 HT Davies & Partners. 288 273 258 257 246 PJ&MP Gilhespy. 273 C&E Gaskin. 273 252 251 D&PH Brown. 269 256 252 G Thompson & Sons. 265 S&D Ferrie. 236 W.K M.M Lamb. 261 PRE Marwood. 257 252 M&A Gaskin. 257 247 Cole Hill Farm Ltd. 255 DG&PD Ayre. 254 RG Richardson. 254 248 JJ Horn. 252 JG Atkinson. 252 Ian Kirk. 250 247 Kirklington Farms. 250 S Coote. 248×2 MW&M Skidmore. 248 W Denham. 246 RO Gilson.
Lead Grossing Lambs £140.50 £119.50 Kirklington Farms. £134.50 A Swinbank & Son. £134 £117.50 C&E Gaskin. £133.50 £126 Cole Hill Farm Ltd. £130 £118.50 £117.50 PJ&MP Gilhespy. £125.50 £117.50 D&PH Brown. £124.50 £115.50 £114.50 JJ Horn. £120 £117.50 Scarlett Davies. £118.50 £115.50 G Thompson & Sons. £118.50 W.K M.M Lamb. £118.50 M&A Gaskin. £117.50 HT Davies & Partners. £117.50 PRE Marwood. £117.50 DG&PD Ayre. £117 Stephenson. £117 MW&M Skidmore. £114.50 J Hird £114.50 PF&IM Jefferson.
Cast Sheep (590) – The ewe trade stays hot, a host of hill ewes offered today joined some superstars plus as always the downtrodden and decrepit, still the old ladies averaged £87, as for the rams, good gracious the 23 of them averaged a blistering £133. Top of the sale were a perfect pair of continental tups from Petch Farms, Little Ayton which sold for £202 apiece, leading the ewes were some superb pure Texels from P Dawson, Nunstainton at £156 whilst we saw Mule’s and Cheviots peak over £100 and the heavy Swaledale’s trading £60 t0 £80 with a top of £83.
Lead Grossing Cast Sheep £202 £150 Petch Farms. £156 £132×2 £128×2 £118 £116 P Dawson. £143×2 £124 JH Johnson. £140 T&AE Miller. £130 £111 EJ Spensley. £127 B Kennedy. £126 JJ Horn. £119 JM&M&C Wise. £116 £111 JE Stobbs. £115×2 S Ayre. £115 M Stobbs. £114 GF Whitfield. £114 JM&M&C Wise. £113 RA Patterson & Son. £112 Kirklington Farms. £111 JJ Horn. £110 D&PH Brown. £110 FP&IM Jefferson. £108 E Scott & Sons. £108 SM Donaldson.
Pigs (8) – Trade remains similar, the warm weather ham salad revolution is yet to strike fear in to the pockets of the DFAM pig buyers.
Pigs – Top prices ppk 115 105 100 90 C Weightman.
Lead Grossing Pigs £94 £81×2 £70 C Weightman.