Weekly Prime Stock Sale

11th January 2022

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Darlington Farmers Auction Mart held their weekly sale of Prime Stock on Thursday 21st January 2021. Forward were 273 Cattle, 1286 Sheep and 8 Pigs.


113 Prime Bulls sold to 240ppk or £1954

42 Prime Steers sold to 269ppk or £1644

110 Prime Heifers sold to 276ppk or £1610

8 Cast Cows sold to 188ppk or £1488

980 Prime Hoggs sold to 306ppk or £136.50

306 Cast Sheep sold to £118

8 Prime Pigs sold to 110ppk or £88


Prime Bulls (113) – A show this week which included a large number of dairy bred bulls sold to a slightly reduced trade, some of the better fed and better bred bulls came close to last weeks levels however the R grade bulls were certainly a touch less. Top gross value was a tremendous 865kg British Blonde from P Weightman & Sons of Hallfield Farm which sold for 226ppk amassing a terrific £1954. Top price per kilo this week a double muscled 596kg Limousin from regular supporters A G Watson & Sons, Nunstainton Grange which sold for 240 pence per kilo. The trade remains as good as anywhere in the land here at DFAM with 6 bulls today beyond £1800 and a further 6 over £1700; 7 bulls sold at 230ppk and over whilst a further 11 checked in the top side of 220ppk. Perhaps the run of the day came from the super consistent D Richardson & Co, Bracken House as they produced 14 expertly fed sorts, like the Richardson’s a mention in the bull report is not unusual for A C Simpson & Son, McNeil Farm who once again were in the top bracket this week.


Continental Bulls – Top prices ppk 240 230 222×2 220 217 207 201 200 AG Watson & Sons. 237 230 228 223 218 217 210 207 D Richardson & Co Ltd. 231 225 AC Simpson & Son. 230 T Greetham. 230 221 218 M Eagle. 228 WE Swales & Sons Ltd. 226 P Weightman. 224 218 212 Oakwood Farms. 220 216 214 JK&CE Farming. 219 212 JM&S Walton. 219 204 JT Layfield & Sons. 219 218 208 RW&R Henry. 216 Lester Knight. 216 JK Gregory. 214 200×2 EW Grieves. 211 JA Trobe & Son. 204 JC&P Tallentire.

Lead Grossing Continental Bulls £1954 P Weightman & Sons. £1878 £1815 AC Simpson & Son. £1839 £1812 ££1761 £1725 £1721 £1717 £1695 D Richardson & Co Ltd. £1798 £1725 RW Sowerby & Sons. £1691 £1651 £1636 £1609 £1544 £1521 £1516 AG Watson & Sons. £1689 WE Swales & Sons Ltd. £1686 Lester Knight. £1685 £1619 £1559 JK&CE Farming. £1679 M Eagle. £1640 JM&S Walton. £1635 £1491×2 RW&R Henry. £1513 £1472 JT Layfield & Son. £1524 M Eagle. £1488 EW Grieves. £1480 JM&S Walton.

Friesian Bulls – Top prices ppk 176 173 161 JA&A Herbert. 174 169 162 R Hall & Son. 171 168 167 164 162 161 JM&S Walton. 170 165 157 156 JE&B Morgan & Sons. 169 TN Hodgson & Sons. 168 M Ord & Sons. 168 162 158 154 J&JH Musgrave. 166 163 161 159 WE&CA Anderson. 165 JR Knox & Son. 164×2 D Walker. 163 159 R Carter. 159 158 D Walker.

Lead Grossing Friesian Bulls £1191 TN Hodgson & Sons. £1105 JR Knox. £1092 £1076 £1038 R Hall & Son. £1080 £1045 £1027 £1019 £996 £984 JM&S Walton. £1061 £1011 £955 J&JH Musgrave. £1056 £1027 £1006 JA&A Herbert. £1034 M Ord & Sons. £988 £917 R Carter & Son. £984 £922 D Walker. £927 WE&CA Anderson. £938 £922 JE&B Morgan & Sons.

Native Breed Bulls – Top prices ppk 208 JA Trobe & Son. 194 M Eagle. 180 JK Gregory. 180 JM&S Walton. 180 TN Hodgson & Sons. 178 D Richardson & Co Ltd. 172 AR&PK Gurney.

Lead Grossing Native Bulls £1545 D Richardson & Co Ltd.£1271 JA Trobe & Son. £1198 M Eagle. £1173 JK Gregory. £1180 JM&S Walton. £1111 JR Spink. £997 AR&PK Gurney. £921 TN Hodgson & Sons.


Clean Cattle (152) – In contrast to the bulls the clean beef was considerably dearer on the week, particularly the best butcher’s beast, some lift in these E and U grade cattle which were up possibly 10ppk on last week. Top pence per kilo today went to a fabulous 551kg Limousin heifer from J B Luck of Milestone House which sold for 276 pence per kilo, the same pen remarkably produced the top gross valued heifer also with a 622kg Limousin reaching £1610. Alan Barnett of Brinns Farm, Shap is no stranger to our leader board and he was at it again today, leading the steer trade per kilo at a fabulous 269 pence and selling his 3 (2 steers, 1 heifer) to avaerge 264ppk; after topping the bulls per kilo today it was the leading gross values in the clean beast as A G Watson & Son, Nunstainton Grange produced a beautiful 706kg British Blue steer which totalled £1644. Mention must go to P J & E S Rogerson of Maison Gill who produced a stunning heifer which sold for the second top price of £274ppk whilst five other vendors all joined the 260 pence plus club today. Averages beyond 250 pence today were achieved by:

J B Luck, Milestone House (3 Heifers average 264ppk & £1540)

P J & E S Rogerson, Maison Gill (2 Heifers average 256ppk & £1407)

B Walker, Birch Springs (3 Heifers average 253ppk & £1510)

J V & J A Hodgson, The Grange (10 Heifers average 252ppk & £1473

J E Suddes & Son, Rowley Farm (6 Heifers average 250ppk & £1453)


Continental Steers – Top prices ppk 269 258 A Barnett. 244 JW Holmes & Son. 242 PJ&MP Gilhespy. 238 230 P&JH Davison. 233 AG Watson & Sons. 225 T Greetham. 223 216 214 210 207 206 202 Berryfield Farms Ltd. 220 DL&D Lovegreen. 214 211 MF Hall. 214 JM&M&C Wise. 204 M Eagle. 194 SE Chapman.

Lead Grossing Continental Steers £1644 AG Watson & Sons. £1558 £1323 A Barnett. £1553 SE Chapman. £1548 £1320 MF Hall. £1525 £1428 JM&M&C Wise. £1511 DL&D Lovegreen. £1487 £1423 P&JH Davison. £1485 JW Holmes & Son. £1408 RW&R Henry. £1350 PJ&MP Gilhespy. £1350 £1213 Berryfield Farms Ltd. £1309 £1278 P&CM Graham.

Friesian Steers – Top prices ppk 174 166 156 155 147 142 140 Berryfield Farms Ltd.
Lead Grossing Friesian Steers £993 £871 £859 £838 £811 £796×2 Berryfield Farms Ltd.

Native Breed Steers – Top prices ppk 180 172 170 168 Berryfield Farms Ltd. 176 I Newton & Son.
Lead Grossing Native Steers £1107 I Newton & son. £1012 RW Perowne. £984 £949 £912 £888 Berryfield Farms.

Heifers – Top prices ppk 276 259×2 JB Luck. 274 239 PJ&ES Rogerson. 268 246 245 T Greetham. 268 257 254×2 252 250 243 242 JW Holmes & Son. 268 246 242 R Hirst. 267 A Barnett. 266 264 235 B Walker. 266 265×2 259 258 254 253 239 JV&JA Hodgson. 261 257 253 245 238 JE Suddes & Son. 258 236 235 W Grix. 257 248 240 MF Hall. 256 246×2 240×2 232 WF Hustwit. 248 Berryfield Farms Ltd. 248 232 P&JH Davison. 246×2 PJ&MP Gilhespy. 246 237 AC Simpson & Son. 236 D Collins. 236 G Beadle.

Lead Grossing Heifers £1610 £1520 £1489 JB Luck. £1607 A Barnett. £1602 £1589 AC Simpson & Son. £1586 £1491 £1452 B Walker. £1578 £1408 R Hirst. £1562 £1559 £1539 £1443 £1440 £1439 JW Holmes & Son. £1560 £1535 £1527 JE Suddes & Son. £1534 £1505 x2 £1487 £1486 £1484 £1472 £1452 JV&JA Hodgson. £1527 £1394 W Grix. £1522 £1431 MF Hall. £1509 PJ&ES Rogerson. £1440 £1394 P&JH Davison.

Cast Cows – Top prices ppk 188 RW Sowerby & Sons. 186 152 112 Lester Knight. 152 PJ&ES Rogerson. 131 Oakwood Farms. 113 Sutton & Son. 100 LG Harrison & Son.

Lead Grossing Cast Cows £1488 £1108 £844 Lester Knight. £1406 RW Sowerby & Sons. £1295 PJ&ES Rogerson. £857 LG Harrison. £837 Oakwood Farms. £796 Sutton & Son.

Prime Hoggs (980) – The hogg trade bounds along merrily through January, granted the insane levels seen a couple of weeks back are for now at least behind us, lest we forget the same week last year all appeared well at some 25 pence per kilo behind todays average of 236ppk (£107.91) and SQQ 251ppk. The lighter lambs are certainly easiest to move with perhaps most susceptible to a price drop the over heavy and over fat, fair runs of sheep today presented from several consignors however one run in particular stood out and certainly grabbed the attention of the buyers. C S & V Whitfield of High Castledene, Knitsley presented a wondeful run of 34 Beltex and Texel hoggs which achieved both the top gross price (£136.50) and the top price per kilo (306p) in the process averaging 263ppk and £118.43.


Hoggs – Top prices ppk 306 296 291 270 262 CS&V Whitfield. 283 277 275 268 JD Brannen. 279 WR Thompson. 278 TM Darling & Son. 277 258 W Ramsay & sons. 277 260 TH Richardson & Son. 273 269 K&MM Henderson. 272 259 IM Maughan. 270 TW Brown. 268 258 S Thompson & Son. 268 259 Tallentire. 267 J Curry. 267 RE&L Frank. 266 DL&D Lovegreen. 264 W Robson. 263 258 A&EJ Dobinson. 261 SC Brown. 260 R Errington & Son. 260 G Thompson & Sons. 257 Windlestone School.

Lead Grossing Hoggs £136.50 £123.50 £122 £119.50 £118.50 £116.50×2 CS&V Whitfield. £133.50 £123.50 £121.50 £116.50 AC Simpson & Son. £129.50 £119.50 £117.50 £115.50 Cole Hill Farm Ltd. £125 £124.50 £118.50 £115.50 JD Brannen. £124.50 G Thompson & Sons. £124.50 £123.50 JK&CE Farming. £123.50 £121.50 £119.50×2 W Ramsay & Sons. £121.50 £118.50 RO Gilson. £119.50 C Dinsdale. £118.50 £117.50 RE&L Frank. £118.50×2 £116.50 TH Richardson & son. £118.50 J Curry.

Cast Ewes & Rams (306) – Trade easier although very few of the best ewes on offer today, top price £118 for a Texel from W J Smith & Partners, Belle Isle whilst Mule’s peaked at £87 and Horned ewes to a top of £66. Interestingly, the hogg trade as mentioned is way ahead of last year at this time, the ewes however are lagging behind what was a flying in late January 2020.


Lead Grossing Cast Sheep £118 WJ Smith & Partners. £110 W Denham. £110 T Smith. £106 £97 TW Brown. £106×2 DL&D Lovegreen. £100 £97 J Curry. £100 £97 D Rutter. £99 £92 W Ramsay & Sons. £99 WR Thompson. £96 £89 JE Cruddas. £95 J Bolton. £95 £94 £89 ABP Wilsons. £94 £87 RO Gilson. £91 T&AE Miller. £88 R Atkinson. £86 F Myers & Sons.

Pigs – Top prices ppk 110 105×2 J Mitchell & Son.
Lead Grossing Pigs £88 £84 £82 J Mitchell & Son.